We are both very excited to get away for a couple of days just to relax and not have to keep up with any schedules. I am looking forward to some major spa pampering, laying by the pool with a cocktail in hand (and not having to worry about chasing a little one around the pool deck) dinner out every night, and sharing some quality time with my husband! Oh, I almost forgot.....a little shopping and gambling too!
I know the last time I wrote about this trip, lots of you left comments about how much you loved visiting Las Vegas......if you have a favorite restaurant or show in Vegas, leave me your suggestion.....we are always up for trying new places!!!
Of course after all the preparation for the big 4th of July celebration, I have nothing ready for this trip......still have some shopping to do, need to get my hair cut....this short hair is not all it is cracked up to be....it needs to be cut a lot more often, and I am in need of a fresh pedicure before these feet hit the pool!
We have a really busy week.....tomorrow, we are headed to The Franklin Institute in Philly with all of the kids. Pat and I thought it would be something fun to do while we have Eddie with us. The boys are having a blast together....it is such ashame that we live so far apart.....these two are truly like brothers! I think Sarah is also enjoying her cousin.....she follows him around and calls him by name.....it is so adorable!

We wish we were brothers........or at least lived a little closer!

Playing with our food at lunch time........always clowning around!

I want to play with Nick and Eddie..........I am bored Mommy!
Of course after all the preparation for the big 4th of July celebration, I have nothing ready for this trip......still have some shopping to do, need to get my hair cut....this short hair is not all it is cracked up to be....it needs to be cut a lot more often, and I am in need of a fresh pedicure before these feet hit the pool!
We have a really busy week.....tomorrow, we are headed to The Franklin Institute in Philly with all of the kids. Pat and I thought it would be something fun to do while we have Eddie with us. The boys are having a blast together....it is such ashame that we live so far apart.....these two are truly like brothers! I think Sarah is also enjoying her cousin.....she follows him around and calls him by name.....it is so adorable!

We wish we were brothers........or at least lived a little closer!

Playing with our food at lunch time........always clowning around!

I want to play with Nick and Eddie..........I am bored Mommy!
As I see the date of my post today, I am realizing that it has been exactly 3 months since my very first entry. Not only have I been able to keep our family up to date with the kids and their activities, I have connected with so many great people who have adopted children, who are waiting to adopt, who have fertility issues, who have had or have cancer.......the list goes on and on!
I am so appreciative of every comment and all of the continued support........you all brighten my day!
As always, thanks for visiting and have a great night......we hope to get some great photos during tomorrows trip!
You are going to have a blast in Las Vegas! I have been there several times and it is always so much fun! I wish we lived closer so we could go get pedicures!
Looks like you are having a great time with Eddie too! Cute pictures of the kids!
I am so glad I found you in Blogland. I enjoy our
e-friendship and keeping up with your family! We will meet
face-to-face some day though!
Wish I was going to Vegas - jealous over here!
Doug and I saw "O" in Vegas and it is my favorite - love it! We also saw "Beatles Love". It was fantastic - sort of like being on an acid trip, but great!
I love reading your blog!
This will sound funny, but there is a Chinese restaurant in the New York, New York casino that serves a GREAT western breakfast buffet. (And it's for a decent price, too.) I can't remember exactly where it is, but I thought you might want to investigate further. If you need more details, e-mail me and I'll ask the Husband. His memory is better than mine.
Enjoy your trip!
Enjoy Vegas and all the fun at home!
Keep smilin!
Hoping you guys have a wonderufl and safe trip to LV...and have drink for me (my drink of choice is the Skinny Girl Margarita which is...PATRON TEQUILA SILVER, lime juice and triple sec salted rim and a lime wedge...try it...it is to die for!) I am hoping when you came back, I'll be able to post "the" interesting news I received not too long ago to our blog...
As for places to eat in LV...I really enjoyed the CheeseCake Factory at Caesars in the shopping court behind the fountain.
Ok...that's PATRONE's (spelling error)
I am glad you started a blog three months ago. you are great at it.
Las Vegas sound fabulous. Have Fun dah-ling!
I loved the Blue Man Group at the Venetian. It's hard to describe. I read a review once that described it as first graders on LSD while the teacher is out of the room, and I thought that that was a good way to describe it. (This coming from a first grade teacher!)
Have a wonderful trip!
Love the photos of your two and Eddie...looks like they are all having a great time! Can't wait to see pictures from the Franklin!!!
Las Vegas sounds fabulous...I have never been...sounds like fun no matter how you slice it up!!
I'm excited about our "date" in September too!!!! :-) Glad you'll be able to make it!!
Wow, I had no idea that you have only been blogging for 3 months. You sure have the hang of it!
I love Las Vegas too! I got married at The Little Chapel of the West in Vegas! How nice that you and your husband can have some time together! Where are you guys staying? There are so many great restraunts. There is a really GREAT sushi restraunt and for the life of me I'm drawing a blank on the name. I'll ask my husband and let you know.
Where exactly do you live? I ask because you seem to live close to Philadelphia...I lived in Cherry Hill, NJ for a while back..a loooooong time ago...in the mid 80's. But we use to go into Philadelphia a lot. Just curious. : )
Okay...I remember...Nobu at the Hard Rock Hotel/Casino. You may run into a few celebrities there. You may also want to call ahead and make a reservation. It is DELICIOUS!!!!!
We were in Vegas in December, the weather was cold so that sucked but my husband's friend got married there and it was hillarious! The show was sold out when we were there but we had heard great reviews from many about the Cirque de Soleil show "O" at the Bellagio and really wanted to see it. There's an entry on my blog with some pics from our Vegas trip. Have a great time and you must try a Fat Tuesday dacquiri, yum, and holy alcohol!!
Your blog is amazing, I've seriously been neglecting mine lately, really behind in news and happenings!
I'm glad I found you to add to mine. Great pics again!
How fun!!! I need a vacation but will have to wait until October when we head to Disneyworld! Sounds like you have all the right stuff planned for Vegas, shopping and pampering!
Via Las Vegas! I haven't been there in many, many, many years (unless the airport counts). Unfortunately, I don't have tips to share - except have a great time and make sure your drink has one of those little umbrellas in it :-) But, if you ever need any tips on a vacation in Orlando/WDW, etc. I'm it.
Best wishes,
Those two boys and Sarah are so cute together!! Typical boys - playing with food, eh!! Vegas sounds fun although I have never been there so have no suggestions for you.
Visiting Phila sounds wonderful as it is my favorite big city! Have fun.
Girlfriend, I am so jealous! I am ready to be back in Vegas myself. Last time we were there we saw Ka' (at MGM) it was quite good. I don't have a good eats that I can recommend off the top of my head ( I will get back to you on this) but I would suggest you avoid the restaurant at the Stratosphere it was awful. With that in mind going to the top of the Stratosphere and standing on their roof watching the sunset and the lights come up on the strip was one of my favorite memories from our last trip.
We are headed back in Oct. so I hope that you get some good ideas about food and shows here
You are going to have such a fun time in Vegas!! I love it there. Where are you staying again?
LOVE the pictures!!! Did you use photoshop? The pictures are great!
Can I hide in your suitcase?
Wow! Your baby girl is breathtaking. The boys aren't too bad either ;-).
Have a fun trip to Vegas. I can't remember the name, but the steakhouse at the Mandalay Bay is fabulous.
Oh... you are talking about my town... we go there once a year... Mike has been going there at least twice a year before meeting me for about 20 years... RENT A CAR!!!! Unless you want to hang around on the Strip but don't drive down the Strip... you will spend to much time there... Caesers has a nice Buffet called Cafe Lago, Sam's Town (off the Strip) has a great Mexican restaurant Willie and Jose and at night Sam's has a Light/Water show (free), If you like Mexican there is a great Mexican restaurant that is where the locals go... delicious... Coke World has a delicious Coke Float... don't try the round the world Coke products... expensive and nasty... drink plenty of water and use alot of lotion (your skin will dry in seconds)... the list is SO endless... try my link out... there are tons of photos on there... Viva Las Vegas...
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