Our Little VP

October 27, 2008


No matter what your political preference....you have to admit that this is pretty darn cute....she certainly looks the part and even has the right name....SARAH!


This little "press conference" went down on Saturday afternoon.....and it was orchestrated by Pat....I just assisted with hair, wardrobe, and bribery....a couple of M&M's go a long way when you need some cooperation from Sarah! If you look at the pictures close enough, you can see trace evidence of her favorite candy coated chocolate.

Pat is very into politics...honestly I think he missed his calling! Over the past couple of months he has taught Sarah to recognize John and Sarah P. Now each and every time she sees them in a newspaper, a magazine, or on TV, she screams their names....loud and clear. Sarah has made her Daddy very proud.

I swore that politics would not be a subject that I discussed here in the land of blog......but I couldn't help it....when I saw these pictures they had to make an appearance here.

So the cat is out of the bag......you all know who will be getting our vote!


Jodee said...

Seriously, those are the cutest political pictures I have ever seen! Those glasses are sooo adorable on your Sarah!

Robin said...

Sara certainly looks the part of VP. She has my vote!!!


Sherri said...

Too, too cute.

Cindi said...


Love Sarah's intense glare in the 2nd photo - does she have attitude, or what?! SO cute!

Kim said...

I don't do politics....
But Sarah is way cute..
Have a Great Evening..

Jennifer said...

She looks so cute!
BTW, good choice :)

Also I made your sauce tonight, and it was delicious! Thanks for sharing...


Briana's Mom said...

Oh my gosh! I am laughing out loud! She is too adorable!!!

Michelle R Photography said...

That is hilarious!!! She has my vote, too!!

Michelle R Photography said...

DUH! Sorry, long night. I meant Lisa, not Sarah. Please forgive me. I just got done painting 10 Ni Hao Kai-Lan pumpkins. I'm a bit brain dead.

Heather said...

If I wasn't already voting for JM and SP, Sarah would get my vote - you can tell Pat we are in his corner:) She is darling, in every way...someday, when Sarah is running for prez, she will love these photos!

Have a great week.

Marla said...

Oh my gosh, those are so cute!! She gets my vote too. :)

Angela Harris said...

That's so funny! She is gorgeous!

Deb said...

too adorable!! :)

Jboo said...

Very cute photos of your Sarah!


a Tonggu Momma said...

Now we just need video of her winking.

Football and Fried Rice said...

This is a great picture, especially 20 years from now when Sarah is trying to recollect her first election!!

Belinda said...


too cute! yea SP has my vote and your Sarah has my vote for the cutest little VP too!!

CC said...

darn it she's adorable!

Michelle said...

Hee! Love it!

Jennifer said...

Too funny!

She gets my vote anyday!


Kerry said...

Oh my goodness. Sarah is so very cute. Love the photos. And those glasses. She pulls it off.


Anonymous said...

Sarah has my vote! Both of them :). I, too, avoid politics.

day by day said...

Okay....those pictures are TOO cute!!!!

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

That is soooo cute! She totally looks the part, absolutely adorable! And she knows and calls their names when she sees them, hilarious!

Steffie B. said...

You are so funny.....

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

M&M's work for most things, though I'm more of a Skittles girl....LOL.

I for one can`t wait for the States to go to the polls. THe campaigning seems to last FOREVER.

fleur de lis cottage said...

How cute. She's the cutest little VP I've ever seen.

Alyson and Ford said...

Cute pictures! She's the best candidate to vote for!
Otherwise, we stay away from the subject on our blog....

I will be tagging you soon....Get your list ready (if you haven't already done it!).


Shell in your Pocket said...

Very cute...I love the glasses!

That is so cute and really not even political. I have two post ready to go for Friday and Monday and they are VERY political...I am torn but life is not all about decorating and kids...I don't know what to do b/c I will lose readers!
-sandy toes

Gail said...

She's the prettiest VP I've ever seen!

Denise said...

One word...hysterical!!!

Amy said...

Your Sarah has my vote! :)

And I think it is safe to mix politics and cuteness on your blog.;)

redmaryjanes said...

I'd vote for her!!

M,R,J1,J2 said...

I will (only) vote for your Sarah :-) I wish we could have more discussions about current events, including politics on the blogs. We're all adults and I'm always interested in healthy discussions. I also like to find out what other's think and why.
On another note: It's 47F in Orlando today. Can you believe it? I can't...I'm cold!

Becky said...

Too cute! I will be voting for this Sarah (and the other one too!) I haven't posted anything political on my blog either....

jenbusymom said...

OMG, that's hilarious!

Polar Bear said...

Those pictures are PRICELESS!!!

They will be so cool 20-30 years from now when she is running for office! :)

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

Lisa, that is hilarious! I love that photo! Definitely one for the fireplace mantle...in a nice big frame!

Cindy Swanson said...

Oh Lisa, that is just TOO cute! What a doll!

I really enjoyed what I'm pretty sure was my first visit to your blog. :)

Kam said...

Okay, so she's the cutest thing around today! And kudos to you~
People may not be very political and I can respect that...but as parents, part of our responsibility is to teach our children. Of course they will go their own way when they are older, but you are the single greatest influence on your children! Parent well, my friend!

3 Peanuts said...

Will and Harry are BIG McCain supporters too. They vote at school in a mock election and they even had to register!

Lucy said...

Adorable, love that glasses on her!

missy said...

I just love that sweetheart! These photos are simply priceless. I love that our girls love politics : )

Steve and Kailee said...

That cracks me up. She is tooo cute in those pictures. She has my vote too.

kerri said...


Anonymous said...

Too cute!

jennifer said...

Love it!! I wasn't going to put anything political on my blog either, but then I kept getting shocked by blogs that were supporting the other side. I decided I needed to speak up! I think you need to send that picture to the McCain campaign!

Shari said...


Bridget said...

Such cute pics! Love the glasses!

Laura said...

Look out Tina Fey


Our Complete Family said...

My hubby and I already voted (he's away w/ the AF so we voted early and missed the lines~ yea us!) for the big Sarah and if your little Sarah was on the ticket, why she'd get our vote, too! Such an adorable little cutie patootie! Who knows...maybe she'll follow in her Daddie's 'love of politics' footsteps and you can have your Cmas dinner in the White House with her hosting you one year ahead!!! Happy Terrific Tuesday hun! ~ Les

Our Complete Family said...

Boo! Gotcha if you haven't been gotten yet...you can see it in my post from today!

Jodee said...

Sorry I didn't get you e-mailed before we left. Cory had shut everything down and was hurrying me out of the house! I will work on a hotmail account today so I can e-mail you! Have a great day!

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh! That is hillarious! She looks so cute!!!

It looks like you and are on the same page on politic's too! Go McCain/Palin 2008!!!!

Denise C said...

OH how precious!!!! I LOVE IT! I love that she recognizes them on TV and tells her daddy! So very precious!!! and just for the record.... They got our votes too!!! *wink*...we voted early in our state!

I will send you pics after our Halloween Party on Friday evening....as I am going as Sarah P....and Chuck is going as Bara*K!! Yep! Oh my gosh....wait until you see him! I have great big plans...!!! hee-hee!
I found some reading glasses at walm*rt that look almost identical to Sarah's....and I am wearing a dress suit....my only issue is my hair....it is not dark! Hum.....I may try to find some rinse out mousse to make it darker.
Have a great Wednesday!!!

Genny said...

That is just too cute!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Oh my, this had me rolling! If the costume in today's post doesn't work out, I definitely think she should be Sarah. I hope she rocks the vote the RIGHT way.

Sherri said...

Do you always get 58 comments on your posts? This is so funny!

My 3 year old, Mia, asked me to make her hair "higher and higher" today. I was thinking she wanted Sarah hair.

She's a doll.


Anonymous said...

“Pat is very into politics...honestly I think he missed his calling!” I think SARAH has found her calling...and I think you should email a copy of this pic to the Governor!!!!

Monogramchick said...

That is the cutest thing ever! Way to go little Sarah and Sarah P. Love it!

Sylvia said...

Oh my!!! Too funny! Along with being creative, you have such a good sense of humor!