Summer is just about over for us. We have exactly two weeks until school is back in session and if you would have asked me three weeks ago if I was ready for the school year to begin, I would have said "YES" in a New York minute.
For the most part, Nick and Sarah get along very well, but boy can they can bicker.....and a couple of weeks ago, the bickering was at an all time high!! I was more than ready to hang up my referee uniform and was kind of excited to think that new school year was just a few short weeks away. It would give the kids the space that they obviously needed from one another......
But all that changed the minute we hit the beach!!
They played so well together......no bickering, no referee needed. It was so nice to sit back in my beach chair and watch them dig in the sand, collect shells at the waters edge, and jump through the waves together. Even though they have their moments......there was no denying how much they love and even enjoy each other.
Our little trip could not have come at a more perfect time. Pat and I really needed a break from work and everyday life and it seems as though the kids really needed a change of scenery too!! I guess we all really needed some R&R.....or at the very least, some ocean air!
Here are just a few more pics I took of the kids on the beach.....

Throwing rocks into the water.

Cuddling up to his sister......love this one:)

Nick looks so mature in this photo.......gosh, he is growing up so fast.

Checking out the waves......love her sandy feet:)

Best Buddies....and COUSINS!!! Eddie came along with us, so I had to get one of the two of them together. He is just the sweetest little guy.......we were so glad that he could make the trip. Going to the beach just wouldn't be the same without him:)
Now that I am back to work and realize we had our last hoorah, I am a little sad to see the summer come to an end. Before we know it, Christmas will be here....I don't even want to think about it....
Beautiful post and pictures to follow.
As always, your pictures are beautiful. I am so glad that you were able to get away to the beach...we won't go until October and I really missed out annual trip this summer.
I will be around here all day baby sitting Friday if you want to call. I will e mail you my cell number.
What beautiful pictures! Nick is certainly a handsome young man. And Sarah is just adorable.
Our kids started back to school a couple of weeks ago. I was excited then, but it is awfully quiet here now.
Oh, I am having a raffle on my blog with some really great prizes. Also the owner of an Etsy shop has offered to donate a percentage of her China sales to us over the next couple of months (speaking of Christmas)
I just love the pics of Nick on the steps...wow...
My kids did their share of bickering as well. I think they are ready to go back to school but I will miss having them home.
Hi Lisa! It seems like forever since we last talk! I know you must be very busy...as we are too (Francesca is starting PK in Sept and I am a mess...)
The photos as always are just beautiful! Call me when you get a chance...
Love You & Miss You....
Wow Lisa-- you got such beautiful photos of the kids! I think the beach and ocean air make all the difference in the world and make everyone feel better! Glad you were able to get a little break! Nick, Eddie and Sarah are so adorable! Have a great week! Get your school shopping done! :)
Don't you just love it when they get along? Just recently my kiddo's have been really having fun together and it just melts my heart to see them being so sweet to each other.
Beautiful photo's!!!!
I thought I was the only one with a referee uniform! LOL!! The beach looks awesome and so peaceful! We are going in October and I just can't wait. Beautiful Beautiful photos as always!!
I know what you mean that Chistmas will be here soon and so you referral next year and that's something very very exciting to look forward to. Great pics!
gorgeous images lisa, as always, i'm blown away by your talent
Lisa, these photos are absolutely OUTSTANDING!!!! That photo of the 2 of them together...the one you love...GORGEOUS!!
So glad you enjoyed such a great family vacation!
We're a little sad here too to see summer end...why is it things always work out beautifully at the end of summer???
So stunning! Yes, we all need a change of scenery every now and then!! Enjoy the rest of your summer! Mine started school 2 weeks ago and I am still trying to catch my breath!
Looks like it was a wonderful trip! The pictures are gorgeous!!
Enjoy the rest of your week!
I am so glad you enjoyed every second of your getaway! We are long overdue for one too!
The beach pictures are just dreamy! I love all of them!
Awesome pics. I always love beach pictures. I agree the summer is almost gone....sorry but-a I'm wishing it away! I need fall here so we can get on that plane! So would ya settle for an Indian Summer? If time passes and the weather is nice it would be the same difference right ;O)
Ack! I'm so not ready to even think about Christmas!! LOL! I am ready for the end of the summer heat of Georgia though.
Beautiful pics!!!
Great post.. love the photos..
Sounds like things are going well..
have a great week..
Looks like you had another beautiful relaxing trip! Love your beautiful photos!
Those are perfect pics and dont you love it when they actually get along. I swear, when my boys are being nice to eachother it is another wonderful world but when they are bickering, they literally drive me insane and I want to kill them. I just wish there was a way to prolong the times when they get along-- when it is like that, the world is a good place. By the way, both my boys also fight with mia as well-- that is just pitiful to me but I think it is relativly normal-- ugggg!
Lisa I love the pictures..don't feel bad about the bickering...Chris (26) told Ken the other day (when Ken told Chris to leave Livi alone) that Livi started it...huh!!!!!
I will miss you this weekend : ( I will be checking in on you soon...
Jeez, Lisa, those shots! I just keep saying, amazing while I look at them. Your kiddos are beautiful too. And the setting. I wish I could hire you to take us!!
How fun to see Tonggu momma's face!.
Missed you over the summer.
Gorgeous pictures Lisa. Perfect tones for a beach setting. (So it's not just me who thinks Nick seems so grown-up. Wow, it's like overnite.)
Your photos are so calming, your kids are gorgeous and I am so glad you got some well deserved R&R!
Oh how I can COMPLETELY relate to this post!! Liam and Em do love each other and play fairly well together... especially considering the age difference, but boy can they fight too... sometimes ALL DAY LONG.
Liam started back to school a few days ago and while we miss him a great deal, it is nice to have those quiet moments with Em back... It also means they tend to get along better when he does come home.
And the beach had the same effect on my children... so calm and peaceful there. Even with each other!!
Glad you are having a blast!
The beach had a wonderful calm over our bickering girls(and Mommy too) too, LOL.
As always Lisa, wonderful shots!
Your son is just so handsome!!! The girls will be after him!
sandy toe
Lisa...I think these are some of the best pictures I have seen yet! Bravo girl...wish you were here with us this weekend....oh my...I have "heard" it all......I am floored!
Your pictures are STUNNING!!
You do an Awesome job Girl!!!!
Thanks for sharing!
They are only this little once but because of your keen eye and incredible talent, your babies will live forever as the perfection they are today.
Stunning images....just stunning...and look at Eddie, what a doll!
I can relate to this! Wait until they are teenagers, you can grab your car keys and head to the nearest quiet area ~ yes, I have done this and they were shocked!
Love the photos ~ they grow up so fast.
Welcome to the "Entourage"....we'll be in touch soon! ;)
We have nominated you as Fearless Leader/Grand Gumba f the Entourage. Remember....what happens in the Entourage...stays in the Entourage!!!!!
Welcome to the Entourage!!!!!! We love you our fearless leader!!!!!! I'll just call you GG for short!!!!!
: )
That is what brothers and sisters are all about...
Hope life is treating you well... sorry about not dropping by as much... lots going on here... take care
It sounds like such a nice time away. I am sure you could have used some R & R!! All of these pictures are beautiful. I can't pick a favorite, but that Nick sure is a handsome model. So glad they got along so well and you could get just enjoy your family time together.
Lisa, Beautiful subjects, stunning talent! Missed you this summer.
Lovely!! I start back at work in 3 days!!! And school starts in 10. The kids can't wait!
So sweet. Being in nature in such a wide open space must be the trick. I remember that same feeling growing up in a family of 6 kids, sometimes we just needed more space. :) Beautiful photographs as always, a wonderful farewell to summer!
Such wonderful pictures!
We have been in school for two weeks already!!!
Glad to know someone else's children bicker!!!
It's so great that you have such a beautiful place to getaway to. Pictures are just beautiful! I'm feeling the "end of summer blues" myself, and it feels like we hardly even had one!
I was absolutely amazed at how young the bickering started with Caitie and Maddie!
Totally and completely in love with your beach pictures.
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