We are back from our Notre Dame Football weekend!! We had a great time, but it went way too fast. That is always the case.....isn't it? I love going away, but why do I hate coming home.......or should I say, what I come home to......
LAUNDRY.....I am still digging out from under a huge mountain of it.......we all wore lots of layers to keep warm all weekend, which means LOTS and LOTS of clothes to wash....UGH!!
In addition, I have tons of pictures to go through, and just have not had the time to spend organizing and fixing them. I took a couple shots on Game Day, but most of what I have to go through was from the day prior. We spent Friday on campus walking around. We visited the bookstore and the basilica, then attended the pep rally Friday night.
Nick was in heaven the entire time we were there and was in total awe of the university. How could he not....it is such a beautiful campus. Both Pat and I told him he better start hitting the books a little harder if he has his eye on ND.
I will be doing another post in a day or two when I have a chance to sort things out, but for now, here are a few of my favs......

Nick showing off his "Fighting Irish" tattoo, while Pat and Sarah are packing the cooler in the background. You know, the cooler is one of the most important items on game day:)

Attempted to get my three ND fans together for a photo. Someone was not cooperative and this was as good as it was going to get.......

Nick showing off his new shirt........he could have gone HOG WILD in that bookstore. I definitely got a couple great ideas for Christmas.....little does he know that I can order anything he saw there online:)

The house that Pat's family rented was only a few blocks from campus so we could all walk to the stadium on game day, but the problem was bringing food and drinks along to tailgate in the parking lot.
Pat and his brother were determined to find/buy a parking pass from someone so that we could at least take one car stocked with all the goodies and then the rest of us could walk over.
My BIL worked it like no other and ended up scoring us a parking pass. We ended up just outside the stadium in section one......which was extra lucky for us. As you can see, Pat was loving every minute of our time out there getting primed for the game:) Not the best photo, but I had to include it. It was really the highlight of the day....especially since they lost the game:(

Just as we were getting ready to head into the stadium, Sarah decided she needed a nap in the back of the car. She snuggled up with her ND blanket and of course her Nuk, which we have yet to get rid of at naptime and bedtime, but that is a story for another post. Supposedly she is giving it to Santa on Christmas Eve....FINGERS CROSSED. Anyway, when we all looked over, we saw that she was surrounded by adult beverages......had to capture this one!!

Sarah did sleep for a good portion of the game....but she popped up in the fourth quarter for all the action and decided to cheer on the team!!
That is all I have for now. As I said, I will post the rest of our trip in a few days. I still have a lot of catching up to do around here. I will be back to blogging again in a day or two.........today is actually my birthday and I plan to spend it with my family:) I won't tell you how old.......let's just say that I am inching closer to the big 40.
What a fun trip! Looks like a blast!!
Have a superfantastic bithday - yours are EXTRA special so enjoy your beautiful family.
Happy happy day!
What a fun weekend! You took sooo many great pictures! I can't wait to see more.
Happy, happy birthday! I hope you have a great day!
Welcome back~~So glad that you had an awesome trip, even though they lost :(
Beautiful pictures! Can't wait to see what you have in mind for your Christmas pictures!!!
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Happy Birthday!!!!!! (you can join my club of 42....oops, I meant to say 29~~)LOL
First of all, welcome back and happy birthday!
The pictures are great and I love the one of Sarah and the adult beverages ;-)
What a fun trip! I love all of the picture and the blue and green!
Thank you so much for your help with the blgo stuff. The only thing I couldn't get changed was the divider. Still trying.
Anyway, have a great birthday! Hope you have a great year ahead of you!
Happy Birthday Lisa! Enjoy your day!! (It's our son's b-day, too-he's 10 today).
Best wishes,
Happy birthday! I had mine last week and I did hit the big one....uggggg! Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Pics are beautiful as always. Looks like everyone had fun at the game!
Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope your day is fantastic!
Looks like you guys had a blast. We were watching the game and you guys would pop into my head every once and a while. I'm glad to see it was a good time! Captain Morgan and all! :)
Happy Birthday Sweetie!! Love your ND photos -- looks so beautiful there! Yep, think Nick is headed there, you better start saving your money! Great photos --love the one of Sarah with her binkie and the booze! :) Enjoy your day -- 40 is a piece of cake!
Happy Birthday Darlin! Glad you guys had a great time and I love the pictures of Nick and Sarah all dolled up in their sports gear.. The pic of Sarah in her little cozy spot was hilarious! Priceless
Happy Birthday Lisa!!!
Sarah cozying up with the booze is priceless....great shot to frame and hang in your bar :)
Looks like you had a fun trip. Did you see Regis? He was talking about being there on his show yesterday.
Happy, happy birthday!!!!!! It was Sloan's b-day yesterday. October is a great month for a birthday. The pictures at ND are just great! I am a huge football fan and I could almost taste and hear the smells and the sounds from the tailgate and the game. Your pictures really do come to life.
I hope you have a very special day today!
What fun family fun!! Happy Birthday! Age is only a number and you are # 1!
Keep smilin!
Sounds (& looks!) like you all had a blast!! Sorry ND lost. The photos are FABULOUS!!!! What a beautiful family you have!! Love the very last photo of Sarah & the photos of Nick are sooo handsome!!
ENJOY your day!!!
Looks like a lot fun. Great pictures. I especially like Sarah taking a nap next to Captain Morgan.. my favorite :)
Hope all is going well.
Happy, happy birthday!!!
Can't wait for more gorgeous pics from your week-end. Have a great day!
Looks like you had a blast!! Great pictures and what a story to tell and you captured it perfectly with the pictures. I love the one of Sarah taking her nap...my girls would never just lay down like that...consider yourself lucky:) I also live the attire..so much fun.
Take care!
AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME is all I can say. The pictures are great, love the tailgating and Sarah sleeping!! Can't wait to see more pictures and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
So glad you had such a great time, Lisa! The pics are so cute! My FAV is of Sarah and her binky. It makes her look so baby-like and I LOVE it :) Glad you guys had a great time! Hope you have a fab Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday and welcome home Lisa! It's looks like you had an awesome trip! Love the photos, of course. Nick looks like he was in his glory! Take care, hope to chat soon.
Happy birthday sweetie!!! Your pictures are beautiful, and it sounds like a wonderful time. I love that first picture (they could sell it as a poster in the bookstore) and the sparkle in Nick's eyes.
Great photos! We drove up for the UNC/ND game in Nov. '06 with one of our neighbors who was on the 1988 National Championship ND football team. Of course, we were pulling for Carolina, but we got killed! We also hosted ND in Chapel Hill last year so we all went back for that game as well.
Glad you had a great time! Love the Cap'n Morgan's in that photo! Your tailgate was complete!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Welcome back... super great pictures! Looks like you guys had a great time & the weather looked like it was O.K. What fun memories!!
Happy Birthday!! Call me when things slow down for you~
Happy birthday friend!!! I'm so glad y'all had such a great trip! I love the pictures. The funniest is Sarah snuggles up next to the whiskey bottle. I love the one of her during the game too! They are all amazing! You're such a great photographer :)
Oh man! It looks like you had the BEST time! Doug would have loved being a part of that. Go IRISH! The campus is soooo amazing. Doug's parents got married at the Basilica.
Can you believe they didn't win in the end? Doug about died. He was sweet and went to a birthday party that afternoon with me and Briana, but we made it back in time to see the finish.
Happy Birthday my friend!
SO glad you had a good time! Your pics are fabulous. Love Sarah in her ND sweater and hat! So cute too of her sleeping. :) As for the Nuk, thank goodness that's all it is. I cannot take away Mag's thumb and it's flat and she's starting to get an overbite! That bookstore is wonderful, isn't it?
What an ending to that game too, huh? Welcome home. Hope you're not doing laundry today.... Have a VERY Happy Birthday!!!
What a great weekend even if they lost!
Happy Birthday my friend, I hope you have a great one!
LOVE all the pics Lisa...you know my fav...the one with Sarah and her binky surrounded by beverages. so funny!!!
Welcome home, re-entry is always a bit hard...
And Happy Birthday!!!
Looks like a FUN weekend! And...Happy Birthday!!
Beautiful pictures and beautiful family! Looks like a great time...despite the loss! Hope you are having a kickin' dinner for your birthday!
love ya~
Totally fun!
Love your work!
You know someone is a good photographer when they can capture candids so beautifully...great work! :)
Beautiful pictures, so glad you had a wonderful time!
Happy Birthday ~ I hope you had a good one!
I love college games ~ tailgating is the best part :) The family did a fab job of dressing for their team.
WOW.. how fun..
Love the photos..
Happy Birthday.. I think we are all inching our way towards 40.. I will be 39 in March.. and don't want too..LOL
Now, you're singin' my tune...football! LOVE these pics...Can't wait to show them to my hubby, he'll love them! Looks like fun! My middle son loves Notre Dame!
Looks amazing!!! What a fun time.
OK, so mia and Sarah are the same age (mia will be 3 oct 29) and we are in the same position with the paci. She needs it still for nap and bedtime and it is the one thing she absolutly loves about going to nap or bed. I have no idea how I am going to get rid of it. We keep saying when mia turns 3 she is going to give her pacis to the babies in China and she is all for that until the time comes in a week or so. What are we going to do??? She is such a good napper and sleeper I just cant think about the taking that away. Ugggg!!! What are you going to do???
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day.
Sigh. It looks so fun. I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves.
We. ARE. ND! :)
(Those Penn Staters stole our battle cry, and think they're so original. Humph.)
Oh my word, what wonderful pictures of your weekend getaway!! ND is such a beautiful campus. It looks like you had a great weekend, win or lose. Pat looks in his element and lovin' that tailgate. Sweet parking pass. :)
Oh, what a great trip (love the pix!)
Are we still on for next week? email me soon!
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.
- Henry Ford
With that in mind, if your son just stays focused, I'm sure he'll have no problem to get into ND. It's an excellent school.
And, Happy Birthday! ! !
Happy Birthday, Dear Girl!
Your images are more amazing with every post. I don't know what you're doing but I want to do THAT!
The kids are so adorable and I just love seeing Pat here too. What a gorgeous family you have!
Looks like you had an awesome time. That picture with Sarah and the adult beverages cracked me up!
Love your family and its always lovely to see your photography!!!
And Happy, Happy Birthday, beautiful!!
Beautiful photos and beautiful family! I would love to visit ND in the fall. It looks incredible.
Knowing someone with a parking pass is the BEST! Our neighbors dad works/teaches Law at Georgia and has shared passes. Gameday is fun fun fun. You guys all looked so nice sporting your colors. But everytime I think of ND I think of Rudy....one of my fav movies!
I love tailgating! And all the adult beverages that go with it. LOL!
Your pics are beautiful as usual. Looks like you all had a fantastic time!
And happy belated birthday!
Your weekend sounds wonderful!!! and the pictures are just amazing! When you have some time would you please help me figure out how to take a better photo?
I hope you had a beautiful birthday.
Looks like an awesome time! The campus does look beautiful, I can't wait to see more pics. I love the attire and the captured moments!
Happy happy day! XOXO
Looks like you had a fabulous time and a beautiful day for the game!
Love the picture of Sarah napping with all the adult beverages around her :o)
Great pictures! I hope you had a very happy birthday!!!!
Where were YOU in the ND pictures?? I am sure you looked hot sporting your colors!!
Happy Birthday, Mama Bear!
Hello! We have a mutual friend in Debbie Layden and some others whom I attended a PFP Workshop with! You capture the great spirit of ND games well in your post and your photographs! My husband and I are ND grads and we just love the campus and of course ND football weekends! Love the nap photo and your son ready to cheer on the Irish! I'm sure you will be watching tomorrow! I have been inspired by your photography for awhile now and I thought it was time I tell you! :) Tanya
Well how does it feel to be inching towards 40 now? Ah you're just a babe! I've seen you do those aerobic moves trying to capture Sarah's sweet face. You're young dawling and here's to a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Oh these photos are splendid. Looks like you all had so much fun. Love the colors and that campus! Oh what a great place for a shoot huh?
Hope to hear from you soon.
It looks like you had such a great time! I am SO excited that you got to go and spend such wonderful time together as a family! I love the cheek tattoo! You are Such a COOL mommy! I need you to give me lessons Lisa!
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