When you look at this photo, I am sure you see a rustic looking vase with a few Roses in it.........
When I look at this picture, I see so much more.......
To me, roses will always signify more than just a pretty flower.
They signify someone who was very special.........her name was "Rose"
Two weeks ago, after my tulips began to look lifeless, I decided to pick up a bunch of variegated roses to fill the empty vase that sat on my kitchen table.
They were so pretty....and everytime I walked through the kitchen, I couldn't help but smile. They brightened the room and my day and seemed to be a constant reminder of the most beautiful "Rose"...........
my grandmother
There are so many wonderful memories of her swirling around in my head and I never want to forget them.
I loved to spend time with her and being at her house was always such a treat......family dinners and holidays were the best. Her cooking couldn't be beat. I don't think she ever served a bad meal and you never left her house feeling anything less than full.
Most of the Italian recipes that I have shared here, were recipes that she had learned from her mother and they have been passed down generation to generation.
When I was in high school, I spent an afternoon with her in the kitchen, where she taught me the basics. It was the first time I was let in on the family secrets and it is a day I remember, as if it were yesterday. I would like to believe that she was a big part of the reason I have such a passion for food and cooking......but I think all of her children and grandchildren share that passion. It is the Sicilian way..........everything revoloves around family, fantastic food, and really great wine.
My grandma also loved to shop and was always dressed from head to toe....... In addition to introducing us to her love of food and how to cook, she also taught us how to shop. I am almost certain that the women in this family got their love of jewelry, designer shoes, and handbags from her.....
In October of 2000, my Grandma lost her battle with Cancer. It was tough to see her go. I had just received my new lease on life as I was told that my cancer was in remission only one month before she was diagnosed with her inoperable cancer. It seemed so unfair to me. I won my battle.......and yet, she did not have a fighting chance.
There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her at least once and wish that she were here to see her entire family.....and all the blessings we have received since she left us. I would even like to believe that she had a little hand in some of those blessings.........
As I look through old boxes of photos, I wish that I would have taken more pictures of her in her final years.....the way I knew and remembered her. I do have a few cherished photos...like her beautiful wedding picture, but I don't have many.
I looked at my vase full of roses on the kitchen table and decided to grab the three prettiest roses of the bunch and then I arranged them in a barilla pasta jar so that "Rose" could hold a place of honor on the wall of black and whites in our house.
At first I thought the "Barilla" jar was kind of clever.......but on second thought she probably wouldn't be thrilled to know that I actually brought a jarred sauce into the house. Sorry Grammy......when you work, you need to be prepared for those nights when you are running short on time:)
I took a different direction this week and chose to do a Black and White with a selective color.......my grandma was one of the most colorful people I knew..... so I thought you would let me slide with just a hint of "ROSE" in this picture!
It is week 4 and I think you know the drill.....
Leave me a link and/or comment so we can all stop by to check out the beautiful black and white you have chosen for this week:)
Have a Happy{Black and White}Wednesday!
You've got me a bit weepy here. What a beautiful testiment to a wonderful lady. The way you describe her - I'd say she shared a lot of her traits with you. She sounds like a treasure. (I only wish you would have posted the old wedding picture of her....I was hoping.)
The roses are breathtaking - my favorite shade of pale pink. I think on a wall of all black and white - this will be the perfect centerpiece. So lovely.
Happy Wednesday!
If you click the word "my grandmother" in bold print, it will take you back to an older post where I had shown her wedding photo. It is a picture of her picture......not the best quality, but you can see how beautiful she was.
Happy Wednesday to you too!!
Such a beautiful post. Your picture is so lovely... a lovely tribute.
Sorry I did not participate this week. I've been having iphoto / computer issues. Hopefully I'll be all better by next week!!
Your beautiful post made me teary. So lovely. Your picture is beautiful too - as always!
What a beautiful post and breathtaking photograph!
You inspire me to dig deeper on the keyboard and behind the lens.
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Beautiful photo AND story. Thanks for inspiring me to participate this week - I've been a silent reader for a while ago - I love your blog!
Beautiful post and picture, thanks for sharing.
So beautiful and such an emotional story of life and loss. Thank you for sharing a little of your Grandma's story with us. I'm sure she had a hand in all of the good things that have come your way.
What a beautiful tribute to your grandmother. I absolutely love the photo and love the hint of color.
Now I can truly understand why I feel like we've known each other for many years. I too had a similar relationship with my Sicilian grandmother. She was an integral part of my life. I am so thankful for the way she raised her family. She passed on such strong family values that I feel are missing from today's society. I too was blessed beyond belief to have had such a wonderful person in my life. Thank you for sharing such a touching story.
Sorry for the cheat on my blog... my hubby took the pictures I posted today. I couldn't resist. ;-)
Happy Wednesday!
what a beautiful post! brought back so many memories of my own grandmother. she died in 2004 from undiagnosed celiac disease. it's so wonderful to have such great memories with them, isn't it? the thing that i think about most is that i wish she could see my baby girl. (i'm sure you feel the same way about sarah and your china baby!) i guess one day, she will!
Oh Lisa ~ What a beautiful post about your Grandmother...I know exactly how you feel about her...because I feel the same way about my Grandma too...
Your memory of her is truly alive & well living within today. No one (not even cancer) can take that away from you. As I sit here this morning typing this (while tears are flowing), I so understand what you mean about your Grandmother never being able to meet sweet Sarah but I truly believe she has and that she is watching over her, Nick, Pat & YOU every single day...
I know this post was probably a little hard for you to do ~ but I must admit ~ I am happy that you did...for it has me taking a little time during this busy morning to remember some wonderful moments with my grandmother as well...
Love you.
Such a beautiful photo and a lovely story about your grandmother. She sounds like such a special lady, and one that has left her mark on your life in so many ways. I think you needed to add a splash of color for her. So beautiful, Lisa.
Beautiful photo and beautiful story.
A very beautiful post and tribute to your Grandma. She would be incredibly proud of you. I lost my special Gram in 04 and she holds a big piece of my heart too that's full of so much love and special memories.
Beautiful capture!
As my father use to whisper in the last weeks...
WOW... WOW... WOW... and we simply knew it was something.
I think the jar is perfect and I am sure she understands...but then again... Talk about working woman WE have it easy these days with dishwashers, washing machines and convince foods. Our Grandmother's were the working woman...Let's not tell her about the jar...maybe she won't notice.
I think the tint is amazing! It will be beautiful on your wall.
Also, I just reliazed I forgot to link my post to yours...Whoops! I must do that right away!
Yet again, another beautiful picture! Simply amazing roses!
My grandma would probably get mad about the Barilla jar too!
Oh too funny, it's early, sorry, I forgot to mention I linked up too!
What a sweet post and tribute to your Grandmother. As soon as I saw the roses and started to read, I knew it had to be about her! Sweet memories! I'm sure she's watching over all of you. Have a great B&W Wednesday!
Lisa, this is one of the most beautiful posts I have ever read! What a treasure your grandmother was...and I have to say that you take after her in many ways...happy Wednesday~
Oh, and the picture is also beautiful!
this post is so sweet. Very touching. And, the photo is just phenomenal. A lovely way to start my day. thank you, for sharing both.
What a sweet post for your Grandma. It sounds like she was an amazing woman! I am pretty sure you are a spittin' image of her! I think the rose picture will be the perfect addition to your B&W wall!
Happy Hump Day!
Love the hint of color. Just beautiful. And so is this tribute to your grandmother. Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful picture and a lovely tribute!
Such a sweet post...the picture looks different now.....more beautiful than at first glance.
What a beautiful tribute! Grandmothers (and grandfathers) are so special, they truly are. Your description of yours brought a lump to my throat! I like that bit about family, fantastic food, and really good wine ... I think my family must have some Sicilian in us, because that's pretty much our motto for all our family get-togethers!
(oh, and the picture is stunning, too!)
The complicated simplicity behind the photo is breathtaking...your words knocked that sucker out of the park.
Great photo and wonderful post!
I have linked up.
Very beautiful words about your grandmother. I love how you descried her legacy living on in the women in your family. She sounds like a lovely woman.
Great job on the roses...they're perfect!
Thanks again for B&W Wednesdays. They're oh so fun!
I love this post. You are an amazing blogger, and I love to read what you write. The photo of the roses is so beautiful! I love it!
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Your Grandma sound very speacial. I love the picture you will place on your black and white wall, beautiful!
I love your beautiful picture and your beautiful post!
Your relationship with your grandmother is a beautiful thing and I love how she lives on through you!
My blog is just getting started, so I am loving this focus every week! Thank you!
What a beautiful picture Lisa and what a sweet sweet post about your Grandmother : ) {{}}
Side note...I have to tell you something funny but I'll forget so remind me....
~Love your ADD friend : P
That was a beautiful post. I love the picture.
How coincidental is it that I posted a photo of my grandmother today before even looking at yours? Although her name was not Rose, roses do hold a special place in my heart regarding my grandma. She always had the most beautiful roses running up the trellis on her front porch. Thank your for sharing and hosting!
Oh, this touched me on many levels.
The photo, of course, is stunning and I'm intrigued with the selective color technique you applied...oh the many things I learn and yearn to try! :)
The rose has always been my favorite and was my Grammy's too....what a lovely tribute to such a beautiful and inspiring woman in your life.
I don't think she would mind the jar at all...I think she would be smiling indulgently, pleased that your thoughts turn from the urgency of cooking to remembrances ~ fond & loving ones at that!
I linked you up and hope lots of folks stop to see this post of yours!
That picture is breathtaking. I love the the significance that a rose brings to you.
What a beautiful post about your grandmother.
I linked you up on my blog...
I am really loving the Black and White Wednesdays!
What a beautiful tribute to your Grandmother, Lisa. She sounds like a true lady, and a special and wonderful person. She lives on in you and your children. I'm quite confident she smiling down from heaven and is very proud of you!!!
Gorgeous image and so befitting of your Rose!
Happy black and white Wednesday! I love that you started this my friend.
Beautiful your tribute to your "Rose."
Love the vintage look on your picture!
i'm so glad to play along.
what a lovely tribute to your grandmother.
i've linked back to you on my blog . . .
have a great wednesday.
Such a lovely post! - Now I need to go check out the wedding photo! _ I'm playing! : )
Lisa, I just love this so much. I love that your grammy's name was Rose, I love how you put the roses in a Barilla jar, I love how you added the color. This is such a creative and beautiful post. I miss my grandmas more and more everyday so I can really relate. Yours sounded like a wonderfully sweet woman, she would be SO proud of you!
Happy Wednesday and thanks again for inspiring this, I'm having so much fun!
It shows that your grandmother is a very special and wonderful person. I enjoyed reading.
i'll link back to your blog when i post my black and white wed,
very best wishes
Love ria
What a super sweet tribute to your beautiful grandmother! I lost my grandmother just two years ago & I have been pleasantly surprised at how sweet memories will come back with just the smell or sight of something that she loved. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post!
What can I say that hasn't been said. When I first saw this image, I cried at the significance. I really did. My grandmother, Anna, was so much like your Rose. She was my very best friend and to this day I think of her every day. She passed only a month after your grandmother...I didn't realize that until now.
I too, spent hours in the kitchen with my Nana trying to figure out what a pinch of this and a scoop of that translated to in real measurement. She used to tell me you have to "go by eye". I can still hear her laughing and see her sweet face. I know you have the same memories of your beautiful Rose.
I think this is just such an amazing image for your wall and I can't wait to see it hanging there amongst your most precious family.
PS....my grandmother would have KILLED me if she knew I, too, sometimes cheat with Barilla (which is my favorite cheating brand when I just can't find the time to put a sauce together from scratch...yep, confession from a working mom)
Beautiful tribue and such a beautiful picture...
Loving Black and White Wednesday!
What a beautiful post Lisa! I'm so glad that you have so many wonderful memories and cherish your Grandma so. What an amazing way to honour her, love the picture!
What a beautiful post Lisa. The picture is gorgeous and what memories you have of your grandmother.
Grandma's are so special. This was just a wonderful post...I could just see you sitting there with her in her kitchen.
Beautiful picture. So sorry about your Grandmother. I miss mine everyday too.
What a lovely tribute to your grandmother! I wish I could see more of my grandmother. She lives so far away.
Beautiful picture of the roses! You truly brought them to life with your photography!
Beautiful and peaceful and I love your memories....My Godmother(and Great Aunt) was also named Rose and I have such fond memories of her too.
And due to playing nurse...I am stick home and am actually able to participate this week...although it is an old (and not my best) photo.
Lisa, another beautiful post, another lovely photo.
I love the way Italians are so steadfast in their love of good food, and haven't swayed to any of the fads that come and go, so their time-honoured recipes and appreciation of good, fresh ingredients can be handed down from one generation to the next.
I'm glad that you are the beneficiary of that great tradition.
This post reminds me so much of my Mum- never served a bad meal, loved to cook, showed me the family secrets, loved to shop, loved jewellery and shoes.
What makes me sad is the same thing that makes you sad- not enough photos of her, and she died too young (only 65, heart attack).
Lol at the "jarred sauce"- I can identify with the pressures of a working Mum!
Amazing photo... you have me inspired to play more with selective color!
The memories give me such warm thoughts of my grandmother... how amazingly sweet.
[I'm so happy to have discovered this challenge!]
Beautiful post and picture! I found via another bloggers site. Black and White Wendesdays is wonderful!
Mine's up :-)
Just want you to know that I LOVE this challenge.
What a beautiful post in memory of your Grandmother! It amazes me how after someone is gone a simple item can remind us so much of them.
What a beautiful tribute to your grandmother! Sounds like she was one very, very special lady...treasure those memories!!
(Beautiful photo, too!)
And I'm sure you are passing those wonderful memories down to your children.
Thank you, too, for your sympathy & prayers...I truly appreciate it.
I can't decide which I like better - the photo or the story. I'm from a large Italian family, and I miss my grandma every day. I'll have to do a photo in her honor one day.
Oh girl, I LOVE this post and I LOVE the picture. What a precious tribute to her. I'm sure she'll forgive you for the jar. :)
This is my first time to join...thank you for doing this...I have really wanted to practice b&w more because I think it is so beautiful!
Those photo is wonderful...I love the story with it also.
Oh Lisa! What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful woman! I am so glad you had someone who was such a treasure in your life. Such a blessing! I love the picture. And I love the words. Perfection.
Wow, you were blessed to have a grandma like that!
What a sweet and tender post...makes me weepy. Your Grandma Rose sounds like she was full of love and life and I see you take after her! What a lovely tribute. I know she is proud of you, Lisa!
Maybe I can get a pic in before the night's over. I want to participate, I am just so busy and Wednesday rolls around so quickly :)
What a sweet story and memories of your grandmother. Your photo is lovely!
SO happy you began this, I'm really enjoying it ~ thank you!
how stinkin funny.
let this be a testament to my state of mind.
also, that i spent a hour commenting on last weeks photos.
the twins, i always blame my twins . . . .
Oh my gosh - I loved hearing about your Grandmother! I loved hearing about the women who shaped this generation - Rose sounds like she was an amazing influence on your life! I love the picture & the meaning it has to you!
That is a beautiful picture. And a beautiful tribute as well.
I continue to be amazed by your gift for photography. This photo is amazing; with your story attached I felt like I could see your Grandmother in the Rose.
Thank you for sharing.
Lisa, you've already gotten 68 comments on this post so anything I could tell you has already been said...but this was so beautiful. Bless you for such a sweet tribute. My dad always says that life isn't about money or stuff or jobs but about making memories with the people you love. You've certainly got some wonderful ones with your grandmother. Love ya friend~
What a touching story about your lovely grandmother. She sounds like such a neat lady and incredibly influential in your life. Thanks for sharing her with us.
Look at how your black and white are taking off with all of those links!
And to think...I knew you when :)
I am always excited to see the photos you have! This black and white wednesday is such a great idea!
This is a lovely, lovely post!
That is so great that you had such a special relationship with your grandma! Love the picture!! : )
I love your memories of your Grandma Lisa....I share such fond memories of mine too! I had to laugh at the Barilla pasta jar.....knowing what your Italian Grandma would be thinking! Hope you have a great weekend!
Love this post...it has got to be one of my favorites. The picture is simply beautiful!! And the story behind it is even more precious.
This is a beautiful tribute to your grandmother and a beautiful picture. I lost my grandmother a little over a year ago and miss her dearly. She is so special and I will miss her everyday for the rest of my life.
Thank you for a wonderful tribute to grandmothers everywhere.
I love it here. Great blog!!!
Love, love, love this session with Miss S! You are so right, you can see that beautiful light reflection on her face and in her eyes.
I am loving all of those bubbles! Our "tub" has become our children's "pool" as well. I cannot remember the last time I actually used it!
Wonderful again!
Thanks for sharing!
Your picture is fabulous! I love roses. My moms middle name is Rose and it would be a beautiful name for a daughter! I am new this week and found you from And Emma Makes 5. Great idea! Thanks for inspiring me.
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