Black and White Wednesday - "Patiently Waiting"

May 26, 2010

Steps angle Final Color wm

Here is my girl chillin' out at the bottom of our staircase.....patiently waiting for me to finish up my work so we could head out to do some shopping for a baby shower that we were attending the next day.

On the steps2 Texture  VIntage HazeWM

Sarah was so excited to go to her first shower, but I don't think she fully understood what it was all about!!!

Steps angle texture vintage bw 2 wm

As we were walking the aisles of this baby superstore, we were both intrigued by all the cool gadgets and equipment.

Just as I grabbed a few things to put into our shopping cart, Sarah asked me if we were going to get to bring the baby home right after the "shower".....

On the steps2 Rich Vintage Capp Tint and Cream Haze2 wm

Ummmm.....I think I she was a little confused.

We have been talking to her about becoming a big sister.......

She thought if we attended a "Baby Shower", that we were going to "get the baby"

I definitely had some explaining to do......

and it seems as though Sarah is going to have to conitnue to "Patiently Wait"

the long road

Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday:)

A quick little update: Someone asked about Sarah's cute little rose bud clip!! You can purchase them, along with a WHOLE BUNCH of cute hair accessories and tutus, by visiting Kimberley's, SOPHIA JANE BOUTIQUE. Click HERE to check out all of her beautiful things:)


Leah said...

Very cute story and of course the pictures are beautiful!

Christy said...

Cute pictures! patiently waiting can be hard...for sure!

Ashli said...

She is just too too precious!

Anonymous said...

awww how cute. Little ones are so adorable when they dont really grasp the concept of things.

Love the photographs in both B&W and color.

Becky said...

She is so cute! I hope you are proud of me -- I got my post up already!

Love ya!

the meaklims said...

How sweet is she, thinking that! Melted my heart!

Beautiful girl.


Wanda said...

Lisa - that's too funny. How innocent and sweet.

Love these shots on the stairs. There's just something magical about Sarah's expression. So so pretty!

Happy Wednesday!

Mary Lou said...

Oh, bless her heart. she probably thought the baby would be really clean too..
Sweet, precious photos.
Thanks for hosting.

Mei Mei s and Mayhem said...

Poor pumpkin, this wait is so confusing!! I dont think my boys ever thought it was going to happen!!

I hope she took the explaining well! Great pics.

Kayce said...

What a cutie! She is going to be such an great big sister! I can not wait until you are walking the isles filling your basket for things to bring with you to China! SOOOOON!!

Kim said...

Oh that is so sweet. Great pictures and I love her hair clip. Where did you find it?

Killara girl said...

wow...waiting with a smile on her face!!! A beautiful photo. I'm joining you for the first time...i've always loved b&w's and am just starting to edit a few of my favs.

Unknown said...

Oh so cute! Pure sweetness that she actually thought she'd get to 'shop' for a baby at the shower. Awwww. Beautiful photos as always!

Regina said...

Amazing and adorable portraits.
Joining for the first time.
Cheers and regards all.

Annelie said...

She is so cute, your little Sarah!

Robin said...

Such sweet pictures and I know that waiting patiently is so hard sometimes!!

Hugs and blessings,

Happy Wednesday!

beingzaraandzidan said...

what a beautiful girl! Nice shots
I have joined in too
Plz do visit me

agnetha said...

Lovly Fotos!!!!
I show you my grandchild on my Blogg

Sarah Andrews said...

Awwww - what a super sweet story. Your girl is such a beauty and I love how she poses for you. My little one is posing a tiny bit for me and it just warms my heart. Love your images lady!

ellieshine said...

oh poor sweetie :( it is confusing isn't it?? Love the photos, she makes such cute little faces!

Jodee said...

What a sweet story! Sarah is going to have sooo much fun being a big sister! I hope you get to see little sister's sweet face soon!

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Adorable!!! :)

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

That is a cute story about bringing the baby home from the shower! :) Adorable pix as usual. Thanks for hosting.


Formerly known as Frau said...

She is so that she thought baby was coming home with you..sweet!

Marla said...

Hahaha! That is so cute!! Love these pics, she is just gorgeous. Love the new watermark too!!

Karli @ The Bonnie 5 said...

I'm in love with your blog, and it is one of my new favorites!! Your daughter is WAY too cute! :-)

a Tonggu Momma said...

Oh, poor little gal. I hope she transitioned easily to the new idea. This wait is often the most difficult on the children already in our homes.

Maddy said...

She is quite the little model! I wish I had a little girl to photograph! My newphews never, ever sit still for a picture! It's torture!

carolinagirl said...

That is so cute! Love those pics of Sarah!

Briana's Mom said...

I hope Miss Sarah doesn't have to wait too much longer. She so adorable as she waits though. :) Beautiful pictures!

Kim said...

Toooo CUTE..
Love it..
Have a great Wednesday..
love ya..

JinXiu said...

Georgous pictures

she is so stunning and has the best expressions.

love the story
shes going to be a great big sister

redmaryjanes said...

That was a confusing time for Eli as well. He did not understand exactly where his sister was or when she was going to be able to finally come home.
I just know that you all will do so well with your new little one. I cannot wait to see photos!
These photos are wonderful. The SJB blog is getting hits right and left from your site, so I had to come over and see what was happening.
Thank you so much for your continuous support of my little business. I truly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Cute story and cute photos!
I don't think I would be so "Patient." ;)

Shari said...

That is the cutest sweetest thing ever! Little Sarah is going to make a good big sister - although it will take some adjusting for her too:)

I immediately thought, "Where is that clip from?" so thanks for sharing that tidbit!

Donna said...

You always find the best backdrops for your photos! Sometimes, that's my biggest photography challenge.

Our Blog: Double Happiness!

Carolin said...

how sweet!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

That is so funny that she thought you were going to bring the baby home from the shower! lol...

My kids thought that babies came from the airport for a while and I hope that thought lasts for a couple more years ;)

Your pictures are beautiful and so is your Sarah!

Faith Hope Love Photography said...

As are we all patiently waiting for your family!! What a fun story to tell her when she gets older...and of course love the pictures to go along with it!

Unknown said...

That clip is just too cute. I wish I had a baby girl to get one for.

I think, for these pictures, I like the color versions better. I really like the color of the stairs behind her. Combined with her pink shirt, it makes the photos much warmer.

Valerie and Jeff said...

Beautiful photos of your sweetie! I love the way you handle the backgrounds to accent your subject. SO cool--sweet story too :-)


Jboo said...

So sweet! She's going to be the best big sister ever!


Kam said...

hey girly, these are beautiful as usual! and your little lady is getting way too grown up looking!

i was thinking of you today when i was loading dishes into the dishwasher...don't ask why, i don't have a clue. but i was thinking that i can't wait till you go get that sweet China baby! i'm praying for you and just can't wait. i'm afraid that when Kay Bratt speaks at our church in a couple of weeks...i'm gonna be dying to hop on a plane to China myself! :)

i'm so darn excited about this friday! can't wait. hope i can meet Grace while i'm there! wish you were coming...but look at you! you're already a pro!

love and hugs~

Colleen said...

I know this wait has been so tough for you all. It is so hard when you are little to comprehend it all. I remember how tough it was back when our boys were little waiting for Faith and the wait was much shorter back then. I can not WAIT to hear the exciting news when that day finally comes for you!
As always your photos are absolutely stunning. I can't get over how grown up Sarah looks in these!

Anonymous said...

I'm really really really excited for you and your family! I'm so glad I found your blog and so glad to call you a blogging friend and of editing teacher! =)

I show off your pictures all the time! Their fabulous!

Dita said...

The colors in these images are absolutely magical. The wood on the staircase, the pink in her shirt and the blue of her eyes. What a great expression you captured in every single one.

I do love the B&Ws too but something about the color here just takes my breath away.

Sarah is too cute...I can imagine if I were her I'd be thinking the baby was coming home after the shower too.

Won't be long now, my friend and I can't WAIT!


Virginia said...

She is so, so pretty! Great photos. Sounds like someone is getting as anxious as her Mama must be. See that little light up ahead? That's the end of the tunnel.

Gin =)

Our Complete Family said...

Sweetness. Pure sweetness!
Love ya, L

Love Letters To China said...

Such a little cutie pie you have on your hands! She is going to be such a great big sister. Her eyes just pop on those b&w's.

I'm so sad I didn't get to participate this week. As you know, I was a tad bit busy. Getting ready to go on the last leg of my journey. I'm kinda wishing I wasn't going because I really miss my family. I know once I'm there I'll feel the opposite way.

We'll have to touch base next week. So much to share!


Rachelle said...

when we had the shower for my youngest, my daughter (6 yrs then) said "I don't know how we're all going to fit in there with you... and won't you feel weird being naked?" Somehow I think the term baby shower needs an update.

Sandra Burns said...

I gave you an award on my blog.

check it out!

Cindi said...

Patiently waiting, and waiting, and waiting. And THEN - before you know it, your sweet girl will be gazing for the first time, at her sister's sweet referral photo. It IS going to happen!

JMCS said...

Gorgeous photos Lisa and Sarah is such a beauty. She looks like she was waiting patiently for you (lol). That's too cute about what Sarah said about the baby shower. Hopefully not too much longer. Have a wonderful weekend and holiday. :)


The Byrd's Nest said...

Awwww....that is the sweetest story. Makes perfect sense if you think about it:)

Briana's Mom said...

Hey Lisa! I'm holding a drawing for a free vintage style necklace on my blog. Thought you might like to take a peek! Hope you are doing well! Hugs!

Lisa said...

She is just precious! Don't you just wish it was that easy? She is too cute! : )

fleur de lis cottage said...

These are such sweet, sweet images of Sarah! I've got to get back into the B&W Wed. groove!!

Serline said...

Great originals, but I love the Black and White processed version even more...

Unknown said...

You have been patiently waiting for such a long time!
I am excited and hopeful that your baby will be home before you know it! : )

Missy said...

Personal favs for sure! Gorgeous girl and I swear in the second pic she is the spitting image of her mommy! Uncanny! Love her and you! Can't wait to catch up!!

faith ann raider said...

awwww. what a cutie pie!! She is so cute. And what a good big brother. LOVE the way you processed these.