Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend.
Ours was fun, but busy and then yesterday, was the first day of school for Nick.
He is at the age where he is less than thrilled by the camera, but he did appease me for first day of school because.....well, it was the first day of school and he is a big man on campus this year.
(It was pouring rain and dark and ugly, so we snapped just a few on our front porch)
Nick is in 8th grade and it is his last year at this school.
We love this school and have made some incredible friends because of the tight knit community there. Nick has been in this school since first grade and next year, we are making the change from Catholic to public school. I can barely say these words let alone type them, but he will be in HIGH SCHOOL next year. I am not really sure how this all happened so quickly. It is difficult to think of him as a high schooler, but I guess I still have another year to get use to the idea.....right?

I look at him and just cannot get over how he has matured and changed over the last year. He is looking more and more like a young man and less and less like a little boy.....it's somewhat bittersweet.
You all have seen what a fantastic big brother he is to both Sarah and Reagan and he really has a good head on his shoulders. So far he has made good decisions and does not necessarily follow the crowd. I love that about him and hope that he continues down that path.
We are very proud of Nick and can't wait to see what 8th Grade has in store for him.
He does not get that much blog glory these days, he is happy to let the little ones have the spotlight, but I do try to sneak him in whenever I can:))
Now, I guess I need to explain the title of this post?
I am sad to say that this will be the last Black and White Wednesday.
It has been a lot of fun and I am thrilled that we were able to keep it going for almost two years, but I think it is time to change things up a bit.
In the beginning I really looked forward to Wednesdays and it was thrilling to see everyone else jump in on this link fest....... but it is starting to become a little overwhelming and well..... I hate to use these words, but stale and boring??
Anyone else up for a change?
I have thought a little bit about this and I wanted to come up with something catchy, yet something that everyone could take part in....even if you are not a photographer. I don't want anyone to feel left out or as though they cannot participate.
So here is what I am thinking......
Favorite Photo Friday
It is really very simple.
Just post your favorite photo or photos from the week on Friday and link back to me.
It can be a color photo or a black and white. Whatever you prefer, as long as there is a photo in your post, you can join in the fun.
You with me?
I am looking for some new inspiration and hope that this might be exactly what I need.
Change is good..... and I think it is time for some change around here.
This Friday I plan to put up the first official "Favorite Photo Friday" post.
Happy Final Black and White Wednesday.
Thank you to all of you that have played along.
It has been a pleasure getting to know you and I have thoroughly enjoyed all the black and white goodness.
I hope to see many familiar faces this Friday..... hint hint!!
Feel free to grab my new button, compliments of my ever so talented friend, Marla.
~Thanks girl, I love what you created~
Such a bittersweet blog post, Lisa! First and foremost, can't believe your first baby is now an
8th grader! WOW! Time flies by so quickly. He looks so handsome. I hope he has a great year.
Secondly, no more Black and White Wednesday??? I just decided to jump in this week :)
I understand, change IS good!!! I hope you have a successful venture with your new Fav. Photo Friday! Hope I can play along some.
Hugs to you and the fam!
Say it isn't so!!! Yes, change can be good but sometimes it stinks too.(lol) I will really miss this little party and I thank you Lisa for starting it in the first place. I truly have fallen in love with black and white photography because of it and you. Though they are my fav colours I never really got it till I started posting and playing around with them. And I won't stop.
However, your Friday party sounds like a refreshing way to start off a new school year and I'll be joining, of course. The new button is ever so cute.
So....farewell Black and White Wednesday. Adieu....adieu....sigh
Oh....and I still love you Lisa.
Nicky........where have you gone? I see the ever suave, ever cool, ever charming NICK in these shots. I can't believe how much Nick has grown this summer. I truly see a man emerging and it brings goosebumps...he is so darned HANDSOME!! Whew...the girls in 8th grade are already writing his last name next to theirs in their notebooks....that's for SURE!
As for BW Wednesdays? Has it REALLY been 2 years?? You amaze me, Lisa....you've never missed even when you were in China meeting Reagan. I have so enjoyed the BW's and meeting everyone but leave it to you to start a NEW trend....you Trail Blazer, you!
I'm looking forward with excitement to Fridays!
Thank you for BW Wednesdays!
Oh goodness this is so bittersweet! Like others I am excited for the change but will miss our Wednesdays!! I can't believe it's been two years! WOW! Thank you Lisa for hosting such an amazing journey for all of us.
Enjoy this year with Nick...it will be over before you know it and next you'll be planning what colleges to tour like we are now. Your son is an amazing young man and I know he will have a great year and will flourish once he moves on to high school next year. Enjoy each moment that comes along this year!!
Lots of love and hugs to all of you! Looking forward to Fridays!
Thank you for Black and White Wednesday and au revoir. This meme has been so inspiring. Met talented people along the way.
Looking forward to Fridays.
See you soon. xxx
Thanks for hosting BW Wednesday! It was nice to be part of it. And I will also enjoy to come back on Friday for the new challenge :)
I'll be missing black and white but the new linky for friday is something which I will try out. You have a really handsome boy..
8th grade is a big year and I am certain that he will shine. He is so handsome.
I like Favorite Photo Friday, I think it's a fun way to end the week. Gives everyone something to look forward to :)
Love the shots of him Lisa! It is hard to believe how much they change through middle school. He is very handsome. Saying a prayer for this year for all of yoU!
Much love!
Oh Lisa, he looks so handsome, 8th grade, that is so hard to believe. Following the blogs I see everyone's children growing up before my eyes..
Have a wonderful year Nick!
Oh Lisa, what handsome young man Nick is becoming! Such a bittersweet post, indeed. I am sure Nick will have a wonderful year in 8th grade!
As far as "Fun Photo Friday" woo hoo! Count me In! I loved B&W Wed. but not being a photographer, never jumped in. This I can do! Lol!
Have a great day despite the dreary weather!
I love the idea of favorite photo friday :)
Nick is a sweet young man I love seeing the pictures with his little sisters. Though I haven't alway participated its been so nice seeing all the B&W's and this meme grow....but I agree change is good.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Awesome photos. I am going to miss black and white wednesday. So very sad. :(
Nick has really grown up so much in the past year. Where does time go? Dmitry is also in the 8th grade and it kills me to think of how mature he is getting.
I'll miss reading each Wednesday but look forward to Friday :)
lisa my heart feels your pain as you talk about highschool!! I can not imagine Hoot being there. It sure seems like the days are fleeting and they're all headed that way!!! He is such a great kid and you can tell hes gonna be fine and you will too! ill be praying!
I would miss the Wednesday challenge, but the Friday would be fun, too!
Sorry I accidentally uploaded a color pictures...but I do have a B&W on my post. *blush*
I agree with Dita, although I know he'll always be Nicky to you and the girls, he's looking a lot more like Mr. Nick these days. I hope he has an awesome year of being big man on campus. Let's don't talk about high school yet, Jakob will be right behind him and I can't even fathom that.
I am SO excited for the new venture with Fave Photo Friday, I can't wait to play along. BWW has been amazing, but I'm with you, time to change it up!
Hope Reags' eval is going well, call me when they leave!! I'm sure she's charming the pants off of the lucky person they sent out to meet her. :)
Nick is so very handsome. I know how proud of him you have to be. Viv just turned 7 and it was also bittersweet (emphasis on the bitter!).. I love the beautiful, sweetheart she continues to be and am proud of her growth, but my heart still needs her to be my baby. Heck, they will always be our babies won't they?? They can't outgrow that! Hope all is well. Loved the pics of Reagan at the vineyard too.
Hmmmm, Nick is the same age as my Samie.....may have to get these two together! :)
I am in the same place you are, high school next year. Say it isn't so, my baby can not be going to high school soon. I rejoice and cry at the same time.
I have to say I felt so sad reading the title, but was relieved to see you came up with something else. I'm in! But did you ever complete the wall of Black and Whites? Our boys are in 8th grade now! EEK! Nick is as handsome as ever.
That will be FUN Lisa- I certainly understand the feeling for the need for change! See you Friday!
Well... many things have been changing, many endings and beginnings. It is only my second time participating in this meme, but I will change my list, remove this one and add Favorite Friday! I can go with the flow!
Congrats on raising such a wonderfully level-headed young man. Great job mama!
Love your new idea, but sorry to see the b&w meme go.
Thanks for hosting ;)
Definitely bittersweet with your handsome young man growing up. You've done a fabulous job as a mom, Lisa...he's a wonderful person!! I'm confident he'll go on to great things.
I'm a little sad about no more black and white Wednesdays, I've looked forward to it each week. But as I always say...change IS good!!! for us all. It'll be a fun meme.
hugs to you...
I'm excited for the new change, but sad at the same time..bittersweet indeed!
I love the new idea. I have been picking my camera up again this summer. Finally ready to make some new memories too :).
Nick has grown up sooo much. And he's handsome as ever! More importantly he's making great choices for life. Hope eighth grade is a blast for him and you guys!
Sounds great Lisa! I think change is a good thing. Hard but good!
~ and Nick ~ man! is he big! Why do our kids get so big so fast and we didn't? How could they be growing up and changing so much be we stay the same. :) Great post!
xoxo, see you Friday.
So sorry it's the end of Black and White Wednesday. . . but Favorite Photo Friday is a good alternative. Gives me more photos to choose from and more time during the week to "get ready".
Hopping by!!
I have to say I'm sad about the change. I love Black and White Wednesdays. It makes me look at my photos a little differently, thinking about what would be nice converted. Some photos that I converted have become my all time favorites.
Please post a link if another blogger takes up Black and White Wednesday so I can still participate. :)
Amazing how fast time flies and soon you're boy will be in High School! Crazy!
I'll miss linking up to B&W Wednesday but I'll probably still post them because it has become such habit now! I'll join you on Fridays! :-)
Bittersweet indeed, Lisa. I've only joined in recently, but it was in order to participate in B&W Wed that I learned how to convert photos.
I'm delighted that B&W will be replaced with something, I thought maybe life was just too busy and you were taking a break, and would understand if that were the case.
Onto Nick.. he is GORGEOUS! I tell you, the girls must go crazy for him. And I know from reading and seeing here that he is as nice on the inside too, and so good to his sisters. You've done a good job there, Lisa. My first thought on seeing his photo was "he looks like a man, not a boy", sorry:( , but time marches on, and he is growing into a fine boy/man.
I love B&W wednesday because I never "knew" how to take this kind of picture, you showed me that they can be beautiful.
I think that a good end for this would be to post a photo of your B&W wall since that was the reason to begin this anyway... also I think many people here are courious to see it.
LOVE your photos of Nick. Such a handsome guy you have.
I know so many of you are sad to see BW Wednesday go..... I have been tossing it around for a while. It is getting harder and harder for me to get my post up by Tuesday night at midnight, I just need a change. You can still post black and whites on Friday if you choose.... there really are NO RULES!! You just pick your favorite photo or photos from the week.
As for the wall.... well maybe now that I am done hosting, I will finally COMPLETE MY PROJECT! I have a few up there already, but not that many..... This is on my winter project list. Last winter I was busy being a new mommy to Reagan. I promise..... whenever it is finally complete, I will share it here with everyone to see!
such a lovely photo! the b&w conversion is so striking as well
I look forward to participating in the new friday hop! :)
Lisa, Have loved loved loved being apart of Black and White Wednesdays! Even though change is hard I think that Favorite Photo Friday is brilliant! What an adorable picture of your little angel! Cant wait to be apart of it! Keep the inspiration coming! (Wow, your son is growing up to be such a handsome young man!)
Nick looks so grown up! OMG is he really only a year away from high school? He is so handsome... I bet you're already starting to chase the girls away. ;-)
I can't believe almost two years have already past. Time certainly goes by quite quickly when you're having so much fun. I will miss B&W Wednesday, but will look forward to the change. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve. I'm sure coming from you it has to be good.
Nick is so handsome and I can't believe he is an 8th grader this year already! It's crazy how time flies isn't it? Such beautiful pics Lisa and I love the new idea. I am going to try to do it. hopefully things will slow down soon since the girls started Kindergarten this year. Hugs! XOXOXO
Great pictures! I especially love the black and white. Nick is such a handsome guy!
Hope you are having a great week. It's a zoo around here!
Love the photos of your handsome Nick and so excited about the new theme!!! Yay!!! XOXO
I'm glad I made it to the last one!! I love the idea of favorite shot friday too!! Great post..I feel you..my oldest just started her senior year. I cannot even really think about what next year brings (tho it's hard not to!!). She definitely did NOT want to pose for pix for me on her first day, so you're lucky!
What great shots of Nick. He is so handsome. And I fully understand those bittersweet feelings as my first baby is also in 8th grade this year. How did that happen?
I LOVE the idea of favourite photo friday!! Sometimes Iwant to post but they just don;t look the same converted to B&W. Oh, I'm so excited!
Nick, as always...looks so handsome. You have an incredible young man.
Beautiful black and white of your son! I will miss Black and White Wednesday and this will only be my second white. I will miss having a reason to stretch my black and white skills. Thank you for sharing your photos and for hosting this weekly party!
oh man, the last b&w wednesday & I missed it! wednesdays are typically harder days for me to post, so looking forward to fridays instead :)
Boy is that boy going to have all the girls after him!! Hope he has a great year.
I am excited for the change up...I loved B&W Wednesday but I will be happy to make a point to take of my girls for favorite foto Friday!
Hi Lisa ~ I can't believe I missed the last BW Wednesday! I just wrote my post for THIS week and hopped over to link up, but alas...no linky ~ then I saw this post and nearly cried :-(
I get your reasons, after all our lives are spaces we inhabit with even more value than our blogs! But all the same I just LOVE sharing my BW's each week. I will link up to your Friday party (although I always find it way too hard to choose just one favourite picture), but would you mind VERY much if I took your mantle and carried on BW Wednesday over on my blog? I know it's your baby ~ I don't want to steal her, but it seems there might be a good few BW loving people who'd like to link up SOMEWHERE.
Oh ~ And your young man is stunningly good looking!!
Great idea, I understand what you are thinking. I was thinking the same thing. I can't come in with you since I don't have any black and white photos.
Can't wait to see all of the "Favorite Photo Fridays!"
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