A few months ago, we were one of two families that were selected to be featured in a magazine article about adoption that would be printed in their November Issue.

(photo courtesy of Lehigh Valley Style Magazine)
We were pretty excited when we found out that we were chosen to share our story and the miraculous journey that we traveled to bring both Sarah and Reagan into our family. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to help spread the word about adoption and possibly educate and influence others to consider adoption.
The interview and photo shoot all took place this past summer and now the magazine has officially hit the streets.

I figured the easiest way to share the article, was to scan it in.

I have to say, I was anxious and nervous to see the article in print. I have never been interviewed for something like this before, so I was not really sure what to expect. I just answered the questions as I was asked and really did not hold back. I was not thinking about the words I was saying staring back at me as quotes in print. In fact, I did not think about what I said at all, I just spoke the truth and spoke it from the heart. The part that made me nervous was not knowing how she was going to take my answers and form them into a story.
We are happy with the outcome of the article and I think she did a really nice job with the piece. Of course there are a few things I wish I would have added or explained differently and in greater detail, but hindsight is always 20 20.
Ultimately, if this article pushes just one family or one person to consider adoption here in America or Internationally, we did what we set out to do.....spread the word and share how special and life changing adoption is for us as parents and for the children who are waiting to find families.

(photo courtesy of Lehigh Valley Style Magazine)
We were pretty excited when we found out that we were chosen to share our story and the miraculous journey that we traveled to bring both Sarah and Reagan into our family. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to help spread the word about adoption and possibly educate and influence others to consider adoption.
The interview and photo shoot all took place this past summer and now the magazine has officially hit the streets.

I figured the easiest way to share the article, was to scan it in.

I have to say, I was anxious and nervous to see the article in print. I have never been interviewed for something like this before, so I was not really sure what to expect. I just answered the questions as I was asked and really did not hold back. I was not thinking about the words I was saying staring back at me as quotes in print. In fact, I did not think about what I said at all, I just spoke the truth and spoke it from the heart. The part that made me nervous was not knowing how she was going to take my answers and form them into a story.
We are happy with the outcome of the article and I think she did a really nice job with the piece. Of course there are a few things I wish I would have added or explained differently and in greater detail, but hindsight is always 20 20.
Ultimately, if this article pushes just one family or one person to consider adoption here in America or Internationally, we did what we set out to do.....spread the word and share how special and life changing adoption is for us as parents and for the children who are waiting to find families.
Lisa, your beautiful photos and beautiful words bring me to tears as I read your post this morning. I think you said everything just "perfect". You said exactly how I and many, many, mother's of adoptive children feel. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family.
God Bless,
Great article! You do a wonderful job! So proud of you and your sweet family!
Oh Lisa, the author did a great job and the picture is just beautiful! You can never go wrong speaking from the heart. You are an awesome advocate for adoption.
What an amazing article Lisa!!! Proud of all of you!!!
A wonderful opportunity to share the miracle of adoption. Just beautiful...
(loved seeing Robin's gorgeous dresses on your oh, so beautiful daughters in a magazine too. heehee)
Lisa - this was wonderful! I love the photo of your family! That is such a keeper!!! Love you!
Beautifully done Lisa! Your words strike straight to the heart and I know many people will be given pause and consider adoption. What a feeling!!!
I know how you must have been feeling about how your answers would be interpreted. I did a newspaper article shortly after arriving back with Dahlia and I just spoke from my heart. It came out just fine and I have met people who saw the article and decided to adopt. Really great feeling.
Very proud of you my friend!!
What a gorgeous layout and photo of your family. Even more important is the message.
What a wonderful article. Your family came to you is such a special way. Simply amazing. Congrats on a nice article.
What a wonderful article about your journey not once but twice! I love the family photo also.
Great article Lisa! You did fabulous and I know many will open their hearts after reading it.
We love you guys - thanks for letting us know about this article. All 3 of your children are awesome, and we always look forward to seeing them.
Big hugs from our family to yours!
I never realized that Sarah was adopted too! I thought she looked just like you. Beautifully written article!
Great photo and story!
Beautiful job Lisa!
Beautiful article Lisa!
My heart aches for all those children in the orphanages around the world when families long to adopt them. I can't begin to understand why this happens.
You and I, we are SO blessed!!
What a great article. I love the great family photo, and the story is truly a fairytale come true. Except for getting a prince in the end, you got two lovely princesses!
awesome article...love that photo of your family in the magazine!
Beautiful. I am sure this will touch just the right people that are contemplating adoption. Loved this article...beautiful family.
It's a wonderful article! Congratulations :)
First, I would like to say...praise God that you are a cancer survivor!!! Truly...God had a plan for weaving your beautiful family together.
The photos are amazing and your story is heartwarming. Praying it touches hearts to help children who wait between the walls of an orphanage.
Love and blessings,
Lisa WE ARE "THAT FAMILY" that will be adopting this November 18th at our local courthouse. We are both honored and humbled to selected by God and "hand-picked" by her bio-parents to raise this precious child. Her story is unique and is truly authored by God. I would love to share it with you via email (it's much too long to share here. We are the proud parents of a 30, 26, 24, 22 and now a 4yr old. While most of our friends are relishing in traveling, empty nest and retirement on the horizon, we have opted for "traveling to kiddie amusement parks, finding empty bird nest and retiring to bed early after dealing w/a busy preschooler. We are loving EVERY MINUTE OF IT!! While every adoption has it's own unique story, ours is nothing short of amazing as well.
It still brings me to tears that this child have always loved and was completely enamored with "The Wizard of Oz" movie. She will watch this movie over and over and over. She can recite the lines of every character verbatim!!
If you or anyone that has ever watched the movie all too well know that the most famous line in the movie is that of the haracter "Dorothy"... "There is no place like home". I just love to here her say that! I always hug her and say to her "yes baby girl....there truly is none other".
I personally love the quote by "Dorothy" where she says... if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I shouldn't look any farther than my own back yard. Because if it isn't there, then I never really lost it to begin with.
That quote alone is so profound to me in so many ways!!
I will add ....On this special day (Nov 18th) I had a dress made for her. That dress is her very own "DOROTHY" dress made from fabric that has the scenes from the movie on it and her very own ruby red shoes. She is gonna be soooo excited!!
Thank you for inspiring me, thank you for your story.
The article was just beautiful!!
Happy National Adoption Month to all the beautiful families out there who has adopted or waiting on their beautiful babies.
Snekcip, I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! I would love to hear your story. On many occasions, you have left me such beautiful and heartwarming comments, but I have not way to reply to you. Your blogger profile is not linked to a blog nor does it list an email address. My email is listed here just above where you type your comment. Feel free to reach out. What an amazing story you have to tell. I could not be more thrilled for your family.
All my best to you~
This is wonderful! I love the article. You show how a family can grow through international and domestic adoption. Great piece to put out into the world.
How wonderful!!
Why thank you Lisa. I have thouroughly enjoyed your blog and your pictures of your beautiful familu. Lisa, I will email you prob on tomorrow. We are out the door in less than 20 mins for gymnastics!! It's NON-STOP here!! :) Stay tune..... :)
BTW..I didn't realize my profile was unavailable. I chg'd over to GOOGLE MAIL from YAHOO and I guess I was suppose to update my info! I will have to do that as well!!
Talk soon, SNEKCIP!!
Just beautiful!! thank you for sharing the article-- you told it in a way we all would-- Adoption is an AMAZING part of so many of our lifes. thank you Cathy in Illinois
Lisa, it is a wonderful article and you should be very proud of your gorgeous family!
Lisa, the article is fantastic. You spoke from your (very big) heart, and therefore it had to be good. I think your words will reach out to many people who may be thinking about, but undecided about, adoption. You and your family are an inspiration.
I came over to tell you some good news... I did a fundraiser today for Half the Sky, as a tribute to Reagan and a thank you for all the pleasure I get from visiting your family here. email on the way with full details!
WOW ... it turned out beautiful! Cannot wait to see how God uses your family's story to bring home another child to their forever family!
I couldn't have chosen a more perfect family for this article:) You have a beautiful heart my friend.
What a beautiful article and photo! Thanks for sharing your personal and touching story with so many people!
On a different note, saw this on another blog http://chewytubes.com/
not sure if Reagan's therapist recommends this or not.
Blessings, Wen
LISA!! ~ wow, what a neat opportunity to share your family's story and allow God to work through it to reach others who may be on the fence or have considered adoption for their own families. Or maybe even to 'plant that seed' into the heart of someone who is maybe just thinking about it for the first time now.
It really did come out great, despite your {very understandable} fears. I'm so glad you spoke from your heart and that really came through. Adoption is a beautiful thing, and I love how God had His fingerprints laced throughout both of your adoption journeys. Even in the midst of the storms, He is there, and oh-SO-faithful! Cancer led you to consider adoption, when carrying biological children was no longer an option. A car accident causing miscarriage and back surgery to follow, did the same for me. God opened doors in the midst of pain, and lit a beautiful new path to follow. I'm so glad He did, as I cannot imagine life without my Khloe, just as you cannot imagine life without your beautiful daughters!
Great Article! It's funny how adoptive families so often share the same "heart" :)
Beautiful written article and the photo is amazing, Lisa!!! I feel like you were speaking for so many families that have adopted. Hoping that at least one family will read this and take that leap of faith to adopt!!
INCREDIBLE Lisa- so happy to not only see you featured but that there are people out there doing this!!
What a beautiful article and totally gorgeous pictures!! I am sure your by sharing your story you will encourage at least one family to choose adoption for their family. Gabriella has blessed our family and filled a void we didn't even know was missing. I can't even begin to imagine how much we would have lost out on if we would have said "no" to God when he called us to adopt our sweet baby girl from China!
What a fabulous article! I am so glad your sweet family was chosen. I, too, have such a big heart for adoption. You are sooo blessed!
Congrats Lisa! What a lovely article and picture. :)
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