Tuesday afternoon, Nick received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
It was a hectic day and we were rushing to get him to school by 4pm, but I managed to get a quick shot of him with the girls just before he walked in to meet his classmates.

I was hoping to get a good seat in church where I would be able to take pictures easily with no obstructions, but we were not that lucky. The church was so very crowded, and in the end, I guess I should be thankful that we actually had a pace to sit. Many were left in the back, standing room only.

The mass was absolutely beautiful. After the kids answered all of their confirmation questions, the Bishop delivered a fantastic message to the congregation about the sacrament of confirmation and what it means to our children. At the conclusion, each confirmand stepped forward with their sponsor and the Bishop anointed them with chrism(an aromatic oil that has been consecrated by the bishop) accompanied by the words "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit".

Two and a half hours after entering the church, the mass concluded and we could finally wrap our arms around Nick to congratulate him. We were all so very proud.
This photo totally melts my heart!
After we left the church, we headed out with my parents for a celebratory dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. It was the perfect end to a very special day for our family.
It has been super busy around here. After missing an entire week of work due to illness last week, I had a lot of catching up to do. Hoping to post more in the upcoming week. I have a great recipe in draft that I can't wait to share.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Congratulations Nick on the Sacrament of Confirmation! Wow, what an amazing ceremony and celebration. I know how much you make your family so very proud:)
May Peace Be With You In Everything You Do!
God Bless You and Your Beautiful Family.
Congratulations Nick! That is wonderful!!! Love the beautiful pictures.
I wasn't confirmed until I was an adult about to marry Doug. Doug is my sponsor. :D
oh my such a special day for a handsome boy and his family!
I didn't see any girls in the mix. Does Nick go to all all boy school
The pictures your took are beautiful both in the church and outside.
Glad to hear your feeling a little better.
No, it is not an all boys school. They just separated the boys and girl in the church. Boys were on one side, girls were on the other side of the aisle. You can't see them in my photos because the church is so big and I was trying to get Nick in the frame. If you look closely at the photo of Nick with the Bishop, you can see the line of girls next to the line of boys.
Congratulations to Nick, such a special important day. My son makes his confirmation in June. Lovely shots as always. Have a great weekend.
Congratulations Nick!
Such Sweet pics! And, what a special day;)
Congratulations to Nick on his Confirmation. The pictures you got are so beautiful!
...and that last photo? Totally melted me.
What a beautiful day for your beautiful family!!! Blessings and love! XO
What a special moment for your entire family.
Beautiful Lisa, congratulations to Nick!! LOVE that last photo...precious!:)
Know that was a special day for your family. OH MY...that last photo just says it all. Love the look in both of their eyes...love and joy is abounds!!! You are blessed. Have a wonderful weekend :) xoxo
Congratulations to Nick. So awesome! Love their outfits as always!
Yes, that picture of Reagan and Nick is scrumptious! What an incredibly special day :)
Congratulations, Nick!
It is exciting when are children are confirmed! I have always felt so much pride when each one of mine received. Good for you!!!!! and your hubby! Congratulations to Nick!!
A HUGE congrats to him. That is a big milestone for sure! I still remember that time in my life so well.
Hi Lisa,
The picture of Nick holding Reagan is my favorite picture you've ever taken. You've got to frame that one and put it in Nick's room! She adores him!
Congratulations to Nick, Pat, and your whole family. I'm so happy for all of you. I love the pictures inside the church with the light coming in the stained glass windows; beautiful!
He looks happy and proud; you must be so too! Congrats!
Love the girls outfits... where are they from? Adorable and so springy...
Hope you're able to catch up soon with all that's going on and that your weekend is relaxing and fun!
Best to you,
Hi Lisa! Congratulations to Nick. I LOVE these photos..all of them. They capture the occasion and the love so beautifully. SO many people are good photographers these days but you are truly GREAT. You have a gift.
Here the kids do not get confirmed until 10th grade. They begin confirmation classes at the beginning of 9th grade and get confirmed Spring 10th grade. It is a LONG process. When I was a kid growing up in PA, we were confirmed in 6th grade. here they do it on 10th to try to keep the high schoolers involved and going to church.
Nick is such a handsome young man!!! Love that last photo!!!!
Congratulations Lisa. Can't believe how Nick has become such a man...scary.
These are beautiful. Cherished memory for a lifetime.
I love that last picture of Nick and Reagan! Congrautlations!
Congrats Nick, you're a fine young man!
Lisa, these are gorgeous photos, the stained glass windows in the church reflect the light beautifully, and add solemnity to the occasion. The ones of Nick with his sisters, and of him and Reagan are treasures!
Hope you've a relaxing weekend! Look fwd to your recipe, I could do with inspiration.
I love the red robes, we don't wear those at our parish, but I wish we did! The thing I most love about confirmation is that as Catholics, we believe that at this sacrament and at the sacrament of baptism, God makes an indelible mark on the souls of our children. God bless your beautiful family and congratulations!
Congrats to your handsome young man!! Love those red robes and those gorgeous stained glass windows. And yes, that last pic is to die for, SOOOOO cute.
Hope y'all have a great (healthy) weekend!!!
Sounds like a great day. Nice pics!
I love these photos. So much to be proud of at confirmation!
Congratulations to Nick!! Such a handsome young man.
*sent you an email*
I remember my confirmation. I was so nervous, beautiful captures.
that's awesome! congrats, nick!
your photos are beyond beautiful and always worth the look!
wishing a wonderful weekend!
AWESOME shots....love them all....especially Pat and Nick...it brought a tear to my eye....and REAGS and her big BRO....oh, I adore it!
Congratulations NICK!
Dita and the Darlings
What a gorgeous post Lisa~ isn't hard when we want perfect shots but dang those obstructions! Love the lighting in the church and all that bokeh stained glass. That last one of Nick and Reagan is just precious! Congrats Nick.
Congratulations Nick! Lisa, I just can't imagine how proud you are of your special young man! Love that photo of him and Reagan-she loves her brother!
beautiful post...I love that sibling love photo at the end too. Such a sweet sweet photo!
What a proud momma you must be. Congratulations to Nick!
And that photo of him with Reagan... wow. That should be on a canvas hanging on a wall in your house. Such a great shot.
Congratulations! I am sure you are very proud; especially with all the distractions the world has to offer.
Congratulations to Nick and really to your entire family! What an important day for you all! That last photo made me teary. What a sweet big brother with his baby sister!
Have had a busy week but will catch up soon Lisa. Lots going on here as you can imagine.
That last shot is absolutely adorable and beautiful. I love the pure love you captured! Thank you for sharing and for hosting this link up!
Lisa those are fancy confirmation robes! I was actually looking for something in the basement last week and found my confirmation stole; my mom cross stitched it for me. While I'm no longer a practicing Catholic; I certainly understand how important Confirmation is for Nick and your family-Obviously it was special for me since I've saved the stole since 6th grade and I don't save anything!
Very nice that the Bishop was able to make it...that doesn't always happen in our DIocese.
With you as a role model I'm certain Nick will continue on a wonderful journey of faith.
Congrats to Nick (and his Mama). These shots of your three blessings are simply BEAUTIFUL!
Congratulations Nick! What a wonderful time in your life! I still carry those spiritual feelings from my confirmation and pray that you always have the peace that this day brings.
Congratulations to you all!
Congratulations to Nick! What a wonderful story to tell and your photos are so perfect (as always).
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Seriously.. That picture of "R" with her big brother is absolutely precious.. He needs that framed forever!!!!
Congratulations on confirmation!!!!!
Congratulations Nick!
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