The last 48 hours have been unbelievable here in the Northeast!
Sandy arrived with a vengeance Monday evening and we were glued to the television watching what was going on in NYC and all the cities in New Jersey along the coastline. By 8pm she made her way to PA and the wind gusts were something like we have never heard before. Around 10pm, we lost power and all forms of communication with the what was going on. Even our cell phones were not working..... I am guessing some of the towers were effected. The girls were pretty scared and to be honest, I was too, but I tried to keep it together for their sake. We had everyone sleep in our room that night just in case we had to make a quick escape.
Finally everyone fell asleep and when we woke up in the morning most of the winds had died down and the rain slowed down considerably. No one in the area had power and their were power lines down in the streets, trees on buildings and homes, and debri everywhere. Luckily our home did not suffer any damage..... we lost one tree in the front yard, but that is nothing comparison to what the families in NY and NJ have suffered. My heart is just breaking for these people.

As much as losing power is an inconvenience, I will admit is was nice to be at home as a family with no distractions from the outside world and no electronics. The girls spent a good part of the day coloring and playing together. They also declared it a PJ day and stayed in them ALL DAY LONG:)

And yes, Reags does not believe in PJ bottoms.... we put them on her, and she takes them off. She is stil into the "less is more" theory when it comes to clothes...... good grief I hope we can get her out of this stage soon:)

Sarah wanted to go up to her room to play with some of her stuffed animals, so Reags folllowed her up with a juice box in hand and a case of some serious bed-head!

They did a little "reading" in Sarah's favorite pink chair. It's a good thing those two fingers do not require power...... Yep, she is still at it!

Then the silliness broke out and they flipped the chair backwards on the ground and the sisterly love came out in full force.

Then it was a game of "Show Me Your Crazy Face".... and Sarah always gets Reags to let out some big belly laughs.

Once they were up on the bed, I knew where this was headed..... JUMPING!

And jump they did for about 20 minutes straight!
I figured it was a great way for them to burn off some energy and it worked like a charm.

An hour later and someone decided it was time for a nap:)
I was grateful to have yesterday with the family and it was sort of like old times following the girls around with the camera capturing them in their element or their every day moments. Now that they are both in school full time, I don't get to do this often and I totally miss it!
Around 5:30pm our power was restored.
I could not believe it as we were expecting to be without for at least a few days, but of course we were overjoyed.
There are still a lot of families around here without power and the schools are all still closed.
Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone still suffering from the repercussions of "Sandy".....especially those that have lost their homes.
Not too sure what kind of Halloween it will be around here and I doubt that Trick or Treat will take place tonight, but we are going to do our best to make it special for the girls. Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween and please be safe out there!
Sandy arrived with a vengeance Monday evening and we were glued to the television watching what was going on in NYC and all the cities in New Jersey along the coastline. By 8pm she made her way to PA and the wind gusts were something like we have never heard before. Around 10pm, we lost power and all forms of communication with the what was going on. Even our cell phones were not working..... I am guessing some of the towers were effected. The girls were pretty scared and to be honest, I was too, but I tried to keep it together for their sake. We had everyone sleep in our room that night just in case we had to make a quick escape.
Finally everyone fell asleep and when we woke up in the morning most of the winds had died down and the rain slowed down considerably. No one in the area had power and their were power lines down in the streets, trees on buildings and homes, and debri everywhere. Luckily our home did not suffer any damage..... we lost one tree in the front yard, but that is nothing comparison to what the families in NY and NJ have suffered. My heart is just breaking for these people.

As much as losing power is an inconvenience, I will admit is was nice to be at home as a family with no distractions from the outside world and no electronics. The girls spent a good part of the day coloring and playing together. They also declared it a PJ day and stayed in them ALL DAY LONG:)

And yes, Reags does not believe in PJ bottoms.... we put them on her, and she takes them off. She is stil into the "less is more" theory when it comes to clothes...... good grief I hope we can get her out of this stage soon:)

Sarah wanted to go up to her room to play with some of her stuffed animals, so Reags folllowed her up with a juice box in hand and a case of some serious bed-head!

They did a little "reading" in Sarah's favorite pink chair. It's a good thing those two fingers do not require power...... Yep, she is still at it!

Then the silliness broke out and they flipped the chair backwards on the ground and the sisterly love came out in full force.

Then it was a game of "Show Me Your Crazy Face".... and Sarah always gets Reags to let out some big belly laughs.

Once they were up on the bed, I knew where this was headed..... JUMPING!

And jump they did for about 20 minutes straight!
I figured it was a great way for them to burn off some energy and it worked like a charm.

An hour later and someone decided it was time for a nap:)
I was grateful to have yesterday with the family and it was sort of like old times following the girls around with the camera capturing them in their element or their every day moments. Now that they are both in school full time, I don't get to do this often and I totally miss it!
Around 5:30pm our power was restored.
I could not believe it as we were expecting to be without for at least a few days, but of course we were overjoyed.
There are still a lot of families around here without power and the schools are all still closed.
Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone still suffering from the repercussions of "Sandy".....especially those that have lost their homes.
Not too sure what kind of Halloween it will be around here and I doubt that Trick or Treat will take place tonight, but we are going to do our best to make it special for the girls. Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween and please be safe out there!