A lot can change in two years......

We have watched a personality emerge that at times seems larger than life.

Our girl shows us every day that she can be very independent and wants to do things for herself.

She has turned into quite the little lady and is definitely a girly girl.

The baby that was placed in my arms went from crawling, to walking, to running, to "I can barely keep up with this child" in no time at all.

All of that baby chub that I so dearly loved has fallen away.....

and a little girl has appeared.

In my opinion, God could not have created a more perfect blend of sugar and spice.

In all that has changed, there is one thing that has remained constant.....

and that is the love we have for this child and the way she touches the hearts of all of those around her.
Two years later and at times I feel like I still need to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming.
Our lives have been richly blessed by the miracle of adoption, not once, but twice!
Happy Forever Family Day Reagan.
If anyone wants to take a glimpse back at the special day in Changsha, China, click HERE.
I will not have time to post again tomorrow, but have provided a link below for Favorite Photo Friday.
This is a very special weekend..... My friend Marla and her husband Derek are meeting Pat and I in center city Philly.
Marla came to China with me two years ago and getting together in October is starting to become a tradition. In addition to "Reagan Day", their 21st wedding Anniversary is tomorrow and my 40th Birthday is on Saturday. Then on Sunday we will also meet up with my friend Dita and her Darlings, along with my parents, Nick, Sarah, and Reagan for a special brunch. Needless to say we are going to do some major celebrating! In China we celebrated our special days with Snickers bars and red wine that we drank in our hotel room from plastic mugs.
I think we are going to be doing it up in a more grand fashion this weekend:)
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.... I sure hope 40 is FABULOUS!!!
This post made me well up! Lovely words, and lovely photos as well! Thank you for linking back to the day you got her, as I wasn't a reader two years ago and I loved seeing those memories.
Happy celebration, have a great weekend! Reagan is such a sweet baby girl. <3
What a beautiful little girl and placed into such a wonderful family. Have a great weekend celebrating!
This images of Reagan just make my heart sing....I don't remember when you didn't have her...though I was in your life then...she has belonged to you since the day she was born and I am so amazed at how many milestones you have witnessed with her in these 2 short years. She is so beautiful...and your family and the love you all have for one another is so special to watch.
Can't wait to spend Sunday with you guys....I hope you're not too pooped out after this Wild "West" few days you guys have planned!
Happy 40th, Lisa....c'mon in...the water's FINE!
Love you,
Happy Forever Family Day to all of you. You have a gorgeous family and I love watching them grow up.
I know you will have a fun weekend!!
Happy 40! Your weekend plans sound fabulous, and I'm sure you will have a fantastic time! Happy Reagan day, too....lovely pictures to document your girl.
she is soo sweet! :)
And how she has grown Lisa! Your post is so endearing. They sure do blossom right before our eyes. Happy Reagan Day and whoa, have a marvelous Birthday!!! Yes you have lots to celebrate:))
This post touches my heart! We all got our girlies around the same time and I still remember sitting in the exact place you were, Changsha, a day that changed my life for the better!
So many things to celebrate! I agree with Dita... I too cannot remember your life before Reagan. :-)
Happy Birthday to you my friend! I hope you have a fabulous time celebrating. Send my love to everyone!
These pictures are so cool Lisa! I love them all! That setting is just fabulous, and Reagan is adorable as usual!
Enjoy your birthday weekend!
What a beatiful post and what a beautiful little Reagan you have. I love these photos and the fall colors:) Happy Family Day...they surely are gifts from above:)
Happy Birthday...you are going to rock 40 big time:)
Love Teri
She's so adorable! Happy Forever Family Day to Reagan and your family!
Now if this post doesn't start me off on the right foot, I don't know what will! Happy Reagan day. Enjoy your celebration, although snickers and red wine sound pretty celebratory! Enjoy your special weekend.
Amazing girl and amazing sweet family! Enjoy all the celebrating!!
Happy Family Day!!! She is a Treasure for sure! Hope you and Marla & families have a Great Weekend full of fun!
Happy Birthday!! 40 is the new 20;)
So many blessings!!! I'm so happy for you guys.... she is a precious one for sure! Have a wonderful weekend celebrating! xo
I can't believe that you are celebrating two years with your sweet girl already. Time sure flies when you are having fun! Enjoy every second of your celebration!
I can confirm that 40 is Fabulous!
Look at the joy and contentment your parenting has brought out in her face.
I love the pixie hair cut in the China photos. She has such a beautiful face.
Lisa this was so eloquently expressed. Love the combination of the FALL OUTFIT and LOCATION you chose for Reagan. Perfection!!
Your love for Reagan as well as Sarah and Nick is so evident. I can't believe that just two years ago, you brought this precious baby girl home. Happy FOREVER HOME Reagan!!!
Also, wishing you a wonderful GIRL WEEKEND, A BLESSED AND WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY on Saturday!! Mine is exactly a Month from yours (Nov 20)
What a great day to celebrate! My how time flies. PIctures are gorgeous as always.
Wishing you the best weekend all together yet!
And a happy birthday already...
Best wishes from Belgium,
Happy Reagan Day and of course, Happy 40th!!!!!!!!!1
Please post pics soon of all your fun?
Reagan is adorable :D And your pictures are stunning as always! You made the light look so pretty (even though I know you were disappointed with the greyness of the skies that day) and your precious R could light up any sky! SHE is sunshine itself ~ you can see she so full of sugar and spice ~ love that description :D
Have a wonderful weekend with all your friends and family! You deserve it more than anyone!
Happy Reagan Day! Oh my where does the tme go??!!! Two years already! Love the pictures!!
Have a fabulous weekend!!
Wishing you a very special Birthday!!
Forgot to mention ~ I absolutely LOVE her outfit!
Such a special day for Reagan and her special family. My how your baby girl is growing into a beautiful little lady:)Y'all are so blessed!! Have a wonderful weekend celebrating all these special occasions! Can't wait to see these moments caputured in your beautiful photo's!!
Have a Fabulous Weekend!!!
God Bless,
Beautiful post, and what a beautiful girl. I can not believe it's been two years already! Happy forever family day and happy birthday!!
Gin =)
Hi Lisa! It flies by, huh? This is the 3rd time for you and I am clearly getting the sense that each time it's the same sense of wonder and sadness. That "where in the heck did the time go?!" that my own parents always commented on (and still do!) ;) Reagan is a beautiful child that I only wish I could get to meet. I hope you have a FABULOUS weekend. Heather
She is absolutely beautiful!
Your photos are always so beautiful!! She is so pretty and I love her outfit too - I wish I had girls too. ;)
she is beautiful and your images are wonderful! congratulations~ and happy birthday-40 is the new 20, haven't you heard?? ;)
Beautiful post and pictures, Lisa! You are so great at putting into word what all adoptive moms feel.
Enjoy your special weekend! BTW, 40 looks great on you!
She sure is an angel Lisa!! I just love her, I can see her personality coming through with each & every picture as she gets older each day. Wow- what a list of things to celebrate all in one weekend. Congrats on your anniversary!!!! A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So many blessings to thank the Lord for. Hope it's one amazing weekend.
Simply beautiful...such a tribute to your sweet and spicy little angel! Hope your Reagan Day was joyous!! Thankful God allowed our paths to cross and I can be blessed by the joy that radiates from you both! Wishing you a special birthday celebration with family and friends and a year ahead full of memories and moments to be treasured. xoxo amy
Beautiful girl, beautiful photos, and beautiful words, what a happy day for you all!
Your words are so beautiful and flow so perfectly with your gorgeous photos of Raegan. She sure is a beauty, you are so blessed! Enjoy your weekend, it sounds like so much fun!! Happy Raegan day and happy 40th! I'm only a few months behind, let me know how it goes! ;)
Love these images of Reagan. She has grown so much and is so beautiful.
Have a wonderful time celebrating this weekend!!!!!
Okay...now you have me crying as I am sitting here writing this! I have come to LOVE this blog SO much and your family. STAY BLESSED!! Happy Birthday...many happy wishes sent your way.
Laurie @ pride in photo
Awww!!! I love it!!
Simply beautiful! Congratulations of having so much to celebrate this weekend!
I love, love her outfit. Such a great celebration. Congratulations!
Kimberly @ mypinterestreality.com
So beautiful, love her little hands holding the leaves
I don't know here to start with a comment. Beautiful setting, beautiful Reagan, I remember well the photos from that day in Changsa, but i went back for a refresh. How she has blossomed in the loving arms of your family! It's a lovely, happy story, and thanks once again for sharing it here.
Have a wonderful weekend of celebration Lisa! (and 40 IS fabulous!)
What a wonderful celebration of Reagan! This weekend was us being home 10 months.
LOVe this post. I still remember tracking your trip and waiting to read updates on this fabulous moment in your life. She's beautiful!
So much celebrating! Happy Reagan day and enjoy your 40th!! I know you will make it as fabulous as it is!!
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