Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.
~Marc Brown~

It has been a long time since I have done an update on Nick, so I thought I would take a minute to fill you in on what is going on in his world.
7th Grade is whole new ball game, but he seems to be adjusting very well.
It is the first year that they are changing classes for every subject. He is getting a little taste of what High School will be like in two years.
He attends a Catholic school that is K-8 and it seems like yesterday we were just enrolling him to start. The years have really flown by and our very shy little boy who cried and clung to me when I dropped him off each morning has morphed into a VERY SOCIAL young man.
Nick is the kind of kid that is friends with everybody. His teachers always tell me that he is such a thoughtful and compassionate boy and that he goes out of his way to help other classmates. Hearing that is like music to my ears.
In my opinion, going to school is not just about getting good grades, it is about real life and he is going to be put into situations where he will need to use his judgement and not cave to the pressure of others. So far he has made us very proud and we hope that he continues to make good decisions.
We are just around the corner from the big "13"...... life is changing fast and furiously. All of a sudden Nick is noticing girls and they are noticing him. As a parent it is hard to think about your child approaching that age..... but it is part of life.....and whether we are ready for it or not, we have to deal with it.
The social agenda each weekend has become more of a priority to Nick, but in between the time he spends with his friends and his guitar lessons{which he is still loving btw}he makes time to play with Sarah.
They still do their fair share of arguing and bickering, but they can go outside and ride bikes or scooters, kick a ball back and forth, or play a game of hide and go seek for hours at a time.
When asked how he feels about having a new sister, Nick usually smiles and says, "now I am going to have two little sisters trying to tag along and mimic everything I do"
Little does he know the kind of attention he is going to get when he is seen with not one, but two cute little sisters.
Something tells me he won't be complaining about having them tag along.