We met with Reagan's Pediatrician this past week to discuss our concerns with her speech or lack there of. After spending a little time with him and answering all of his questions, he agreed that our concerns were valid. He had hoped that she might have progressed a little since our last vist, but she has not.
He did say that some children just choose not to speak and will only talk when they are ready, but it was best to move forward and contact Early Intervention through their Birth to Three program to get her evaluated.
In addition to the evaluation, we are taking her to the hospital to have a pediatric audiology test done to rule out any hearing issues. Based on what we have seen, we don't think this is something to worry about, but our doctor does want to cover all of his bases and be thorough, so we don't overlook something.
We made the initial call from the office to get her hearing test done and she is scheduled the morning of August 10th.
We also called the local office to open a case with Early Intervention that day and they have already called me back to set up an in home visit.
They will be coming out to our home the first week in September to conduct an evaluation. The therapist spent a little time on the phone explaining to me everything that will take place. Even though we only have a concern about her speech, they will still need to test her in all developmental areas(Speech, Cognitive, Fine Motor Skills, Etc). They will be sending a team of professionals to conduct the testing. Each professional is specific to one developmental area. I believe the testing method that is used is called "Battelle". After the test concludes, they will get us the results almost immediately and if she is more than 25% delayed in any area, that will constitute Early Intervention Care in our home once a week.
Even though we still do not have any concrete answers and are in a wait pattern to have all the tests and evalutions completed, I find comfort in knowing that we have started the process and before long we will know exactly what we have to do to help her speech emerge.
As the doctor mentioned, it could be nothing more than her not wanting to speak yet, and that is fine, but I would rather err on the side of caution, then sit back and wait to see if this is the root of something more.
As we get results and gather more information, I will update here on the blog. I have greatly appreciated all the words of advice and knowledge shared from those who have been down this path before.
Have a Wonderful Weekend.
I need to give a shout out to my very talented friend, Michelle R who took the special photo that appears in this post. I had the pleasure of meeting Michelle and her family, along with two more very special friends and their girls, as they were passing through our area while on summer vacation. It was so much fun to see all the girls(and Nick)running around together and great to finally meet Michelle in person. I cannot thank her enough for this BEAUTIFUL photo. Believe it or not, it is the very first photo that I have of me with all three of my children. Thanks again Michelle, this one will be framed for sure.