I thought for a while about what I wanted to say today to mark the one year anniversary of this blog's existence.......and realized that I have spent a year talking about me, my family, my friends, my hobbies, my passions, and my life! I want this post to be a little different.....it is going to be about you......so I am going to try to keep this short and sweet.
To all of you that check in with us here at "The Long Road To China"
You are such an amazing community and group of people. You take time out of your busy days to leave thoughtful, heartfelt comments. You are kind, compassionate and are always here to offer support, share knowledge, encourage, and give great advice. Every comment that is left on this blog is appreciated......and every comment brings a big smile to my face.
I looked back at my very first blog post written one year ago today and remembered thinking as I hit that publish button.......no one is ever going to read this except for my family......
I am so glad that I was WRONG......because this blog has taken me places and connected me to people that I would have never imagined. In this past year I have met many wonderful women....Some of you have become "real life" friends that I have had the privelege of meeting face to face....and there are many others that I hope to meet someday soon.
You are all very special and so inspiring to me and I just wanted to take this time to say
THANK YOU for all of your support and encouragement throughout this year.....I hope that I can continue to keep this blog going.....because one day soon......."
The Long Road" is finally going to get us to
CHINA and I hope you are all still around to see our dream come true!!
So.....Now that that I said everything I wanted to.....I bet you are all wondering who won the big giveaway....

Wait until you see......there is an unexpected surprise ending to this one.
Nick was my "not so willing" assistant....proof is in the picture:) He drew the grand prize winner out of Sarah's pink hat{
he would not let me photograph him holding a girly hat}...and look who it is.......
Congratulations Jan....hope you enjoy your new silver!! I know you are visiting the Big Mouse in Florida with your family, but when you return, you will have a big surprise waiting for you!!
There is a little more to this giveaway than expected, so don't leave just yet.
My friend and Si!pada rep saw how "ga ga" everyone went over the silver and she threw in another ring for a second winner!!
Since Nick drew the first winner, I picked the second one.....Guess who it was????
Simply T.....from
JUST ADD ONE CHINESE SISTER.....If you get a chance, stop by and say hello to Simply T, because not only is she the lucky winner of a shiney new ring, but she and her family were just referred a beautiful baby girl from China....Emerson Grace....Congratulations to you and your family!!
I wish I had a piece of jewelry to give each and every one of you.....you are all winners to me.....you never know when there might be another opportunity so be on the lookout:)

I know I said that this post was not going to be about me or my life, but I had to quick add this on to the end. The other day I mentioned that Sarah got a new "do" and so far all the pics that I have posted have shown the cut from the front.....I wanted to show it to you from the back. I am so glad we took the plunge....her hair is so much more managable now....and I think it is so cute and sassy!!
I am signing off for a couple of days. Wishing you all a Happy Easter....We are packing up and heading to Cape Cod for the holiday weekend. This will be my last post until we return....and then I am off to Louisville, Kentucky on business....Did I mention that April is another busy month???
Have a great holiday....and eat LOTS of CHOCOLATE:)