I am so excited.......after about a week of tossing words, phrases, and names around........I finally settled on a name for the new little business venture!!!
Thanks to all that took the time and sent me emails or left comments with ideas. This name came from a phrase that was given to me by my friend JODEE. She knows someone who does this sort of thing for a living, so she sent her an email asking her for help. This woman graciously responded with a list of key words and phrases. She also researched and let me know what business names were already in use. The phrase that jumped out to me was "Visions of Life" I took that phrase and ran it past a couple of friends and it morphed into what it is now. The idea behind it is that I wanted a name that would not lock me into one type of photography. At this point I only see myself taking pictures of children and families, but you never know what the future might hold!!
While we are on the topic of photography, a few of you have left comments or emailed me about which programs I am using to edit my pictures. I am using two of Adobe's programs.....Lightroom 2 and Photoshop.
I have been using both since January, butI still have A LOT to learn about post processing. Both of these programs do more than I could ever imagine and I still do not know how to use half the tools that are included in theses programs.
That being said, Debbie, AKA The Pixel Fairy Princess, has recently started online Photoshop classes. It is run like a webinar and everyone can interact, talk and listen as she is showing us what to do on the computer screen. If you want to learn, you need to check out her class offerings. For those of you attending one of her many weekend workshops....She will give you a basic overview of these programs, but the online course is photoshop 101......you will walk away knowing this program inside and out!! I cannot tell you how valuable these classes are for me. In addition to the class, she gives you an hour of one on one time each week. This week, Debbie helped me design my logo and use it as a watermark on all of my photos!! Go check out her website by clicking HERE......classes are filling up!!
I better get moving here....I need to get to work!! One last thing though.....I almost forgot to update you all........
Guess what finally came down this past weekend??????? My neighbor finally tore down the Christmas Decorations.....it only took him til May to do so!!!
Have a wonderful weekend.....and a Happy Mother's Day....I probably won't post again until Sunday night!
I better get moving here....I need to get to work!! One last thing though.....I almost forgot to update you all........
Guess what finally came down this past weekend??????? My neighbor finally tore down the Christmas Decorations.....it only took him til May to do so!!!
Have a wonderful weekend.....and a Happy Mother's Day....I probably won't post again until Sunday night!
Congrats on your new business venture! I am soooo excited for you! The name is perfect too!
Cute pictures of Sarah!
Congratulations!! I love the name and your model is just stunning :o)
Some day I'm going to invest in a good camera, sign up for some of those PFP classes and hope I take photos half as good as yours!!!
Oh Lisa...I love it! The name is very fitting too ;) to you and Jodee! I can't wait to hear more! By the time you head to China, you photos will be ~ OMG ~ I don't even have the words lol!!!!! Hope you have a great weekend and if I don't get a chance...Happy Mother's Day!
How VERY VERY exciting...I can't wait to see where you go with this new adventure!
He just took the lights down????Oh my gracious!!!!
sandy toe
Love the name, and those pics of Mini are adorable!
Glad to hear your neighbors finally executed their Christmas decorations LOL.
Happy Momma's day to you too!!!
Happy Mother's Day Lisa.
I wish you all the best on your venture. The name sounds lovely, very zen like!
What a great name for your new business!! Perfect!!
I can't believe it took your neighbors until May. Wow!
This is so exciting~ I have no doubt that it will be hugely successful!!!
Love the photos of your beautiful Sarah. Simply beautiful!
Oh and can I go ahead a sign up to be one of your first clients? isn't South FL calling out to you yet?!?!?
Great name!! Congrats! Only wish I lived closer so that Hannah and I could book in for a session later this year. Have fun with your new adventure!
What a oerfect name! And lovely pics as always~
I like it...very unique and catchy. Good luck!!!!
I love the name and what great pictures as always!
Congrats! I love the name! I'm so excited for you!
Good to hear that your neighbor FINALLY took down his Christmas decorations! ha!
Happy Mothers Day! Hopefully next Mother's day you will have all three with you! : )
Congratulations!! Wishing you loads of success in your new business venture!!
congrats! such beautiful photos!!!
I saw Debbie's class and I might sign up for one.
happy mother's day Lisa. xo
Congratulations on the new business..
Love it..
Have a great week..
The name is perfect!
Glad those decorations came down - LOL!
Happy Mother's Day to you my friend!
Love it! Great job, I'd hire you! Thanks for the tips and have a wonderful Mother's day!
Congrats on the photography biz! Love that name and only wish you lived a lot closer!!
Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day to you!
Love the name!!!! Perfect!
Congrats & GOOD luck with your new Biz!! I know you will do an AWESOME job! ;)
Have a Great Weekend!
I wish I had even a tiny tiny tiny percentage of your talent!
I love the name...its just perfect.
These photos of Sarah are stunning!
I know you are going to be wildly successful!
I love the name! Best wishes to you on your new venture!
Yeah for the Christmas lights coming down!
Congratulations Lisa! You will be a huge success! Wish you lived closer to CA! THe name is perfect!!
I love Sarah's dress by the way...the Amy Butler fabric is one of my faves!!
That's a really good name, Lisa. I love the play on words. Best of luck as you begin this new venture.
Soooo exciting, Lisa!!Congratulations on your new business venture!! LOVE the name!!
So excited for you!! Its going to be great!
Oh, Congratulations! I LOVE the name. It's perfect.
And I wish you all the best. You deserve it - you're massively talented.
Wanda (At Last...)
WooHoo! Sooo happy for you! LOVE the name! It suits you perfectly! I really need to do one of her classes!...You rock, girly!
Lisa it is PERFECT. And I love the logo - CONGRATULATIONS on taking the next step.
Very exciting! Congratulations and best of luck with your venture. I love the name.
After my workshop with PFP (1 1/2 weeks from now) I may do some online photoshop courses.
Congrats on your new adventure!!
I love the name, so exciting, you have such a wonderful eye so I know this is such a good venture for you.
Lisa, I'm so darn excited for you! What a perfect name!
Miss Sarah is precious in her pics!
xo Les
What fun ~ congratulations! This is just perfect for your amazing talent.
Best of luck,
I am sure you will have much success with your new business venture...how exciting!
Sue : )
That's awesome Lisa, I love the name. And that's funny about your neighbor...better late than never I guess!
Love the name...
You are such a talented photographer, can't wait to hear and see more.
I love it! I am SOO excited for you ! Now when are you coming here to take pictures of the boys :)
Happy Mothers Day, my friend!
All this wonderful news and I can only concentrate on ONE thing...
It took your neighbor until MAY to take down Christmas decorations??
Ok. Trying to wrap my head around that one....
Congrats on the new business!! I love it!! And I know you will be wildly successful. Thanks for the information on the photoshop courses too!!
These last few weeks I have been thinking of you sitting in your office, looking out your window, and looking at those Christmas decorations!! It has been driving me crazy, so can only imagine how crazy it has driven YOU!!!
So glad to hear that they are G-O-N-E.
Congratulations on the business!! Great logo!!
Came by for a little eye candy. Knew I could count of you!
Love the name and the logo. Very Nice! Congrats!
Oh, and the neighbor...Naughty!
Congratulations - what a fabulous name and what gorgeous pictures of Miss Sarah!!!!!
Happy Mother's Day!
These are incredible images of Sarah! I don't think the child can take a bad photo even if she tried! I am so proud of you as you go about your newest adventure. You will do great!!! Your logo is beautiful! Happy Mother's Day!
Hey Lisa,
You're going to rock N. PA there! You're one talented photographer and I'm so glad to have watched your journey. The photos get better and better and you've come to develop your own unique style. Can't wait to see more!
I guess I know what you're going to get for Mommy's Day LOL?
Lovely photos of your precious girl too. Have fun this weekend. Miss you!
I love your new logo and name. I am so excited for you as you start this new venture in your life. I love your pictures and I LOVE your style. Your post processing is so amazing. I would really like to partake in a class by the Pixel Fairy Princess. I need help!
Congratulations, thats so exciting!! Your photo's are beautiful, I know your new venture is going to be a wonderful success.
Gin =)
Just stopping by to say...
Happy Mother's Day!
Love Ya and talk to you later...
LOL...everyone has a neighbor like that I think!
I love the name and your photography is always amazing! You will do very well I think.
Happy Mother's Day!
I love your new photography name! It fits just perfect and looks fantastic on your photos.
Hells to tha YEAH that your neighbors FINALLY took down their Christmas decorations. I laughed sooo hard when you posted that.
Thanks for the links for photo help. I love the effects on your beautiful pictures and I'm really looking forward to geting a few programs to use and see how my pictures turn out. Have a great night!
I'm so excited about your new business venture!! I know you will be HUGELY SUCCESSFUL!! If we lived closer I would definitely be setting up an appointment for Lilli! I'm very serious! I love your perspective!
I'm also giggling about your neighbor's Christmas decorations!! I swear that could have easily been US!! LOL!! DH and I were reliving a very stubborn episode of "I Love Raymond"! Neither one of us would budge on the Christmas decor so it stayed up until... MAY!!! ALL OF IT! Inside and out!! It was horrible and still up at Easter!! (It's finally down!) So we're the crazy neighbors in our subdivision! I should send you a picture of our festively decorated door!! Please don't block me from your BLOG! LOL!
June & Lilli
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