Isn't it funny how you see your children everyday and you don't realize how much they are changing until you take a look at old photos??
Over the past few weeks, I have been going through all of my photos, trying to get somewhat organized..... I might be good about getting things out of my camera and up on the blog, but that is where the buck stops.
Unfortunately, all of my photos live on my computer and not on the walls in our home or in photo albums. To be perfectly honest.....I haven't done anything with my photos since I started this blog.....UGH...do I have some work ahead of me!!
So anyway, as I was organizing, it was so blatantly obvious how grown up and mature Sarah has become these last few months. I just cannot believe how much she has changed.....when I browsed through I realized that the "Baby" look is gone and now I see a little girl......

A little girl who is much more independent, secure, and confident......

A little girl whose personality is in full bloom......

A little girl who surprises us daily with the things she does and says.....
I look at her each day and even though she is growing up, I do not see the little girl she has become, I still see the baby that she was when she was so lovingly placed in our arms for the first time.
Don't even get me started on Nick.......we are quickly approaching the teenage years.....Oh my word.....when did that happen?? More to come on Nick....he has been away with his Dad on a little beach vacation and just returned home on Monday!! We sure missed him while he was gone!!
Teenage years....we started our 'family' with a 17 year old Norwegian that just turned 18 the other week...teenagers....(sigh) It can be rough at times, that's for sure...I think that's why we start with babies to soften the blow!
LOVE the pictures!
I think I am going to cry....I have tears in my eyes because I am going through the exact same thing with BOTH the kids!
Thank you for another road sign in my life to slow down and savor every single day with these precious children of ours...sometimes I forget!
These images of Sarah really do show how she's changing. Her eyes are just so incredible. I want to dive right in!
Thanks for the reminder, my friend!
Great photos! You are so right -- little Miss Sarah has really changed and looks like such a big confident, sweet girl! And that Nick -- he just gets more handsome every year, doesn't he! Take care.
Your photos are amazing as always! I'm going through the same thing right now. Brea is almost 3 1/2 and it kills my heart to look back at old pictures and see how fast the time has gone.
What a cutie!
I'm in the same situation with the photos ~ it's a project that just never seems to get accomplished.
I noticed a huge change when Nick came home over fall break. Little does he know he'll always be my sweet little boy!
Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up? I still can't believe Rudy is 8!!! You are doing such an amazing job as a mom and are raising such great kids!
Did you know that you could turn your blog into a book? That's what I do. If you have any questions, just let me know!
I look forward to hear how Nicks beach vacation went. I'm sure you are so happy to get him back!
Oh how I know that feeling! I remember crying when my niece went to Kindergarten and here I am only a year away from sending my own baby! It all goes too fast.
I love you post. I know I don't have to tell you not to blink. The time goes by way too fast.
I feel the same way...about all of it. Thinking about organizing my photos stresses me out! I need to get it all done before we have baby #2!!!
Jen :)
Sigh...so bittersweet, isn't it? Baby or little girl, your precious Sarah is beautiful at any age!
I'm going through a very similar mindset these days as this is Kiara's last summer before Kindergarten...In fact, I just posted a "baby" pic of her at 2 1/2
And p.s. WILL this rain EVER stop??!! lol!!!
Love all the beautiful photos in this post. I am good about getting the pictures onto the computer but after that, I am so far behind!
I can sooo relate to this post! I don't know where the years go! Our girls are growing up soooo fast! I can definitely wait for the teenage years!
Most of my pictures are on my computer too. I am the most unorganized person in the world! I don't even know where to start to organize them!
I love these pictures of Sarah too!
Boy can I relate too...need to get some of our pics on walls. Sarah is growing up, the time goes so fast doesn't it? Love this series with her in the pretty blue sweater, it brings out the blue in her eyes. :)
I know exactly what you mean. Sigh...
Sarah is getting more beautiful each day. :)
Oh she is growing up. Sweet Sarah, such a cutie as a baby and now as a little girl!
She is soooo BEAUTIFUL..
And it IS truly AMAZING how fast they grow up..
I sooo believe it now.. and when my little boy goes to bootcamp it will really come over me..
Have a great week..
Love ya..
Yeah, it's funny how quickly they change. I've been doing the same thing with W. I can't quit staring at him and snapping his photo because he suddenly looks older to me. We just entered the teenage years....ugh....
Lisa- You have such a beautiful little girl, very photogenic. I am in the same boat with picures, I rarely print them. If I could take one like yours they would be posted everywhere, they are gorgeous!
Oh, it's so true. It's so bittersweet. Caught between wanting the baby forever and marvelling at the little people they are becoming.
I have 4 books filled with the early photos and a box of one year old photos not in books and the rest on my computer. Suppose I'll get anything done about it before China? Hmmm...
Sarah is so lovely - dreamy eyes. Your photos are simply gorgeous!
You are right! We blink and they have grown before our eyes!
Isn't it the truth? Sarah looks so pretty and yes, a bit more grown up. It's tough.
It's all about turning 5 for Alexa now and she has 8 months to go...what's the rush?!
Sue : )
I'm always amazed at the physical change children make at two and three. And the cognitive changes that occur around the fifth birthday just stop my heart. Ack! They ARE growing up.
I remember when I first had Mark and everyone telling me to treasure every minute because they grow up too fast and I didn't quite believe it. Well, now I give the exact same advice! Mark will be 12 and that totally blows my mind!!
Wow.. she has changed! Beautiful!
My photos are living in my computer too, so don't feel bad! ;)
Oh Lisa,
She is just beautiful! I know only too well how fast they are growing as my little Maddie comes out with new stuff everyday and my Caitie just finished Kindergarden! You wanna talk about disorganized, I am sooooo behind on my blogging, I just haven't had time lately, I will try and do some catching up shortly! Gorgeous pics btw!
You have so many great pictures. It just goes so quickly.
That is so funny bcuase I was just thinking that about mia as well. I think they are almost exactly the same age- within a month or two apart- and she is looking so much older as well. Baby seems to be long gone and now she is just a little girl. Sarah is adorable and any of those pictures could be used in an advertising campaign-- amazing!
Christy :)
I love these pictures of beautiful Sarah! She is growing into a little girl and not such a baby anymore (but, she will ALWAYS be your baby!) I know what you mean about pics living on computers...arggghhh! I need to work on that, too.
Hope you are enjoying having your sweet boy home. Love ya! Missy
She sure does have that little girl look going on...but it's still little! I love that little vest she has on.
Love watching through your images both of them grow up lovely! Goodness your images have become truly breathtaking!
Love the photos Lisa, you work is GOOD!!
I love the way you get her eyes to sparkle.
Love Jules
I love these pictures of Sarah. What a beautiful post : )
The teenage years can be fun...different but fun!!!! I liked mine as teenagers..they kept me on my toes.
You are so right. At least you are capturing these moments, these pictures, these words. you can make an album, print pictures, whatever, when you aren't LIVING it. Right now, you are doing what's right - focusing on LIFE!!!!
Gorgeous pictures os a precious LITTLE girl!!
It just happens so quickly, doesn't it? She is a beauty! I am glad you have such wonderful children! : )
so very sweet~
What beautiful eyes she has....does she look great in blue or what??!!!
sandy toe
Oh Yeah I see it now that you say that. Her little baby cheeks are gone! She is such a little beauty, blooming right along.
Enjoy your trip to Cape Cod, looking forward to some fun new shots on your blog when you come back.
Many blessings,
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