In effort to live up to my expecations of getting some real life, everyday shots to put up on the wall, I decided to grab the camera this week when "my subject" least expected it.

When we moved into this house a few years ago, Pat and I were so excited to finally have our own Master Bathroom. It was our own private space for about the first year and a half.......
Now we have been forced to share it with our Bubble Lovin' Beauty.

Even though Sarah and Nick have their own bathroom, she insists on "swimming" in the big tub. She always requests extra soap so that when we turn on the jets, the bubbles will "get crazy and come up really high"

Our bathroom has a large double window that is right above the tub. These pictures were taken in the middle of the day when the sun was shining bright. I opened the blinds and let the natural light pour in. You actually couldn't ask for a better lighting situation. I even noticed that the water in the bathtub acted as a reflector bouncing the light back into her face and eyes.
When I downloaded these photos, I instantly fell in love with the simplistic yet classic feel, and the pure joy that is radiating from her happy little face! They were nothing special left in full color, but in my opinion, they came to life when converted to black and white.
Now that we have reached week 5, I am going to order the photos I have posted up to date and get them hung on the wall. I hope to have a little sneak peek for you guys in the next two weeks so that you can see the progress I am making!! My plan is to do a mix of different sizes and frames. I also want to throw in a few canvases, float wraps, and storyboards. I can't wait to see how it will look when it is all finished......but I still have a LONG way to go!!
Thanks for all the support and interest in Black and White all are making it really easy for me to keep this up and stick to my goal. Not to mention that I am having so much fun visiting all of your blogs to see your own black and white selections. I am truly inspired each and every week!
That is all I have for today! I am off to grab a big mug of hot chocolate so I can settle in for a cozy snow day with my family.
Mother nature will not let up on the Northeast.
Happy Black and White{and very snowy}Wednesday!!
Just a little note, last week Mister Linky disappeared for about an hour and then reappeared. I know a few of you had some issues trying to get your posts linked. I hope that he cooperates this week, but in the event he disappears again, just leave a comment to let me know you played along and I will see that you eventually get linked.

When we moved into this house a few years ago, Pat and I were so excited to finally have our own Master Bathroom. It was our own private space for about the first year and a half.......
Now we have been forced to share it with our Bubble Lovin' Beauty.

Even though Sarah and Nick have their own bathroom, she insists on "swimming" in the big tub. She always requests extra soap so that when we turn on the jets, the bubbles will "get crazy and come up really high"

Our bathroom has a large double window that is right above the tub. These pictures were taken in the middle of the day when the sun was shining bright. I opened the blinds and let the natural light pour in. You actually couldn't ask for a better lighting situation. I even noticed that the water in the bathtub acted as a reflector bouncing the light back into her face and eyes.
When I downloaded these photos, I instantly fell in love with the simplistic yet classic feel, and the pure joy that is radiating from her happy little face! They were nothing special left in full color, but in my opinion, they came to life when converted to black and white.
Now that we have reached week 5, I am going to order the photos I have posted up to date and get them hung on the wall. I hope to have a little sneak peek for you guys in the next two weeks so that you can see the progress I am making!! My plan is to do a mix of different sizes and frames. I also want to throw in a few canvases, float wraps, and storyboards. I can't wait to see how it will look when it is all finished......but I still have a LONG way to go!!
Thanks for all the support and interest in Black and White all are making it really easy for me to keep this up and stick to my goal. Not to mention that I am having so much fun visiting all of your blogs to see your own black and white selections. I am truly inspired each and every week!
That is all I have for today! I am off to grab a big mug of hot chocolate so I can settle in for a cozy snow day with my family.
Mother nature will not let up on the Northeast.
Happy Black and White{and very snowy}Wednesday!!
Just a little note, last week Mister Linky disappeared for about an hour and then reappeared. I know a few of you had some issues trying to get your posts linked. I hope that he cooperates this week, but in the event he disappears again, just leave a comment to let me know you played along and I will see that you eventually get linked.
Oh Lisa! I love these pictures. She is so precious! I just realized the other day that I really can't take pictures of Kaish in the tub any more! I think I need a new baby : ). Your Sarah is so sweet!
I know what you mean about this snow! It is crazy. My husband had to stay overnight at his job so he will be there in the morning. I am NOT looking forward to shoveling! Kaish is here too, but he helps for a minute before his friends entice him to sled!
I can't wait to see your wall!
Oh, and PS Kaishon stole our bathtub too! : )
i LLLLOOOVVVEEEE those photos!! i love the natural unexpected ones! she is such a doll!
What a radiant sweet girl ~ you truly captured her joy and pleasure of bubbles & bathtime!
I absolutely cannot wait to see your project as it unfolds and like you feel so inspired by your contributions each week and the many many others!
Thank you for letting us all play along!
You are right, the light is perfect! I love her expressions, so very classic, just like you said. That's the thing I love most about black & white makes everything seem classic and timeless. This is definitely the perfect series of photos for that. Great job on a beautiful subject :)
Again Lisa, these pictures have such a soft, ethereal quality to them - so beautiful! (And if Sarah gets any out world!)
I'm so excited about your wall. I love all the variety you've chosen for the framing etc. It should be spectacular.
Stay warm with all this crazy weather. For some reason we're not getting the snow you are.
Hope you enjoyed that hot chocolate!
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! This is beautiful.
Em is the same way... will only take a bath in our master bathroom. Our once elegant tub now has barbie toys strewn all over the place. lol.
Can't wait to see the sneak peak!!
Wow that's priceless! Beautiful pictures!
Wow, these photos are amazing! I love the natural lighting and how happy your daughter looks! Oh the joys of childhood!
BEAUTIFUL! - I love all of the JOY in her face... one happy little girl! : )
Oh Lisa, these are such sweet photos of Sarah enjoying her bubble time. So cute!! And the reflection in her eyes is amazing. These will look great on your wall! I can't wait to see a sneak peek of your wall-in-progress.
I'm so in awe of the pictures you take! just beautiful!
I love these pics Lisa and am so in love with Sarah's gorgeous and contagious smile! Have a great week!
Simply delightful! She is such a sweet and happy little girl. You have captured this in your series of bath time photos. Love them!!
Please make sure you share where you purchase your prints/canvases when they arrive. I usually print all of my photos from our printer, but was thinking possibly of doing what you're doing. Also, could you share how you size them, i.e., which software and maybe how? I know I'm probably asking for way too much.... :-)
Stay warm and dry. It actually is going to be cold here for Florida standards. Enjoy your day home with the kids!
These are absolutely beautiful. There is a joy in them that cannot be described. Her eyes are beaming!!
These are so stinkin' cute. Her joy and happiness jumps right out of the pictures!!
I will definitely add all of that info to my post next week! Thanks for asking.....
I just have to tell you girls that I love waking up on Wednesday mornings to see you early risers(or night owls) already linked up:) It always brings a big smile to my face!!
On the weather front, when they said blizzard conditions here, they were not kidding. I can't even see out my front windows the snow is coming down and blowing so hard! I pray that we do not lose power.
Hope everyone has a great day! For anyone in my neck of the woods....stay warm and don't go out unless you absolutely have to!
What fun! Looks like she's taken over your tub!!!
Thanks for the great blog hop. I linked up again!
Hi Lisa!
Super cute shots! You have totally inspired me to take some of my daughter. Loving all of the bubbles and natural light AND the joy!
Thanks for hosting B&W Wednesday! It is SO much fun!
Ya can't really blame the girl now, can ya? I mean, I would be in there every night too with the bubble jets!
Simply beautiful! You've really captured the moment.
Oh Lisa - you are so going to have to print these ones out and frame them for your bathroom! (trust me a bathroom is a great place to show off some of your art...I have some very interesting paintings and stain glass work in ours...) Anyway LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos ~ I think these are my favorite! The pure joy on SArah's face is saying it all....
Great Job My Friend :)
What a sweet smile ... you can almost hear her giggling with each picture. Great capture of good fun! Those pictures will be a cute addition to the wall.
I am super tired of shoveling the snow. I'm happy that the temperatures are above zero!
I will call you later today :)
Take care - Robin
Oh Lisa that smile is contagious!!! She is gorgeous!!!
Love and blessings, Kristy
These are beautiful Lisa! I love the smile on Sarah's face. She's definitely more adventurous than Magnolia. She specifically asks that I DON'T turn on the jets in our big tub, she's scared to death of them! :)
These are spectacular Lisa! I love her bright smile! She made my morning!
Love, love, love these pictures. The expression on her face is perfect. I can't wait to see how your wall is going to turn out.
What a fabulous photo ~ the look on here sweet face says it all! Who doesn't like to go swimming in a bubble pool? :)
Enjoy your snow day. I'll be doing the same ~ yea!
What great pics of Sarah. I must admit that I have stopped over to your blog every once in a while, but don't know if I have commented:) You have a beautiful family that I can't wait grows through another miracle of adoption!
Since we are completely snowed in up here in MD, I thought I would enter your B & W Wednesday - might be a new tradition!
Thanks and Blessings, Ashley
I have to say that I think this series might be some of my MOST favorite I've seen of your's Lisa. LOVE them very much! You truly captured all the fun she was having and joy in her expressions.
I agree with Shelly, you should frame them and put them in your bathroom.
Stay warm and stay inside on this snowy day!
Beautiful photos! So cute of your little Bubble Queen!
Hope some good weather heads your way soon!
Lisa what great shots! Your wall is definately coming along. What a great project.
Fabulous my friend! I love the look of pure joy on Sarah's face.
I don't know about you but I have had enough snow! I think what we had is on its way to you.....sorry....
I agree that Sarah does look so joyful and I know that joy that comes from a righteous bubble bath.
Where are the prune skin pictures after???? Ha ha...
Fun, fun post.
I love these pictures. Such joy on her pretty face!
I am using an old picture of Tahlia, since I am not feeling well enough to take any new ones. We hare having a ton of snow here as well. The kids are on their second snow day :-)
These are gorgeous.!!!!!! Her joy is so BIG and the light is incredible!!! We also have a big tub with a big window above it and I have been intending to do some shots like this with Kate.. I have don some but she has such bad eczema on her face...they were not good.
I am excited to see your wall. Be careful if you order the canvases fro The Canvas people (cute I ordered one and it had a big splotch on it, then the replacement had a bigger and worse defect. I am now talking to them about replacing it again!!! They had a great coupon or fee canvas and that is why I ordered from them but the quality os not something I would put on my walls. One os going to Dave's office and the other to the trash probably.
Let me know if you find a good place,
WOW... great series!!
I love all the natural light you have in the master bath. And the light reflecting in her eyes is fabulous. (That's the thing I struggle with most)
After seeing these, I may need to break down and let our guy use our bathroom for a couple of tubbies... at least that one has a window in it and I won't be resorting to the flash.
adorable Lisa!!!! She looks like she is having a blast!!! Love all the bubbles!!
Can't wait to see your wall : )
Aw, such delight on her face, and in her body language! Such beautiful shots. I've always been a fan of huge bubbles in the bath myself ... maybe someday we'll have a big tub so I can indulge!
Great shots, pure joy and fun, fun, fun! Love the work you are doing and can't wait to hear details about your wall. I have several walls that could use inspiration! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the compliment! I love your photos - I have a thing for bathtub pictures... I can't explain it, but there's something so pure and joyful about kids and water. Maybe it's the way their wet lashes stand out or their innocence, but I just love how naturally happy the pictures are. And yours are beautiful!
Gorgeous gorgeous photos! The light is amazing! Thanks for visiting my blog!! I just love this carnival!
I am soooo jealous of your lighting! She looks radiant.
I just realized I can use the laptop while on the treadmill and last week 85 minutes went by while I blog hopped! Now I look forward to my Wed morning workout so thanks!!
We lost our big bath to our girls a few years ago too ;)
That is too cute! I love the bubbles flying through the air in the second one. So joyful!
Ahhh a mid-day tub, that is one lucky girl! She is darling!
Fun!!! And I cannot wait to see your wall. I hoping you'll inspire me to get off my lazy butt and start printing! Woot!
OMG!! These are my faves so far, how cute and fun they all are. I can't wait to see that wall when you get it up and going, it's going to be fabulous!
these shots are so sweet, the lighting is so beautiful and soft.
The monkeys are big bubble bath girls too...
Can't wait to see your wall, it is going to be fantastic. ;)
these shots are so sweet, the lighting is so beautiful and soft.
The monkeys are big bubble bath girls too...
Can't wait to see your wall, it is going to be fantastic. ;)
Beautiful! Thanks for letting me play along!
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
She is just precious. Looks like she is having a fun time in the tub. We love bubble baths & tub time.
Like everyone else I am quite inspired.
Swimming in your tub must be such a privilege for your darling beauty.
~ Becki
Looking forward to the "Wall"
Your daughter is a cutie.
What beautiful pictures! She is sooo cute.
Love these Lisa, what joy she has on her face!!
These pics will be great to add to the collection for your wall!
Cant wait to see them hung!
Those pictures are so adorable! I really love your style. You almost make me want to get my camera out and start taking pictures again.......but just not yet. We are moving this weekend.
Maybe I should photograph THAT!
Your Sarah's teeth are stunning!
I LOVe your "everyday" pictures!! I am so glad that you are doing this - I am still not at "wall" material yet - but then again, I really don't have a "wall" in mind in the first place :)
this are super-fun photos-- i'm sure you love that genuine smile on her face. i also totally agree-- natural lighting is ALWAYS best.
take care.
Love it..
have a great evening..
Oh good grief, these are sooo cuuute!!! They just make me smile so big :) I love how happy she is in these pics. She also looks little bitty, like a little toddler again...sooo sweet! Love em'. Wish I could participate this week, but am sooo behind. I'll be sure to do it next week :)
She looks like she was having a ball!!!
Sweet, sweet! I love pictures of kiddos in the tub. Bubbles make it even more special.
She is such a cutie! Thanks for hosting every week. I've had so much fun linking up! I'm so glad I stumbled onto your blog!
I already commented on the post but now I am letting you know I linked. :-)
Can't wait to see you in April!
She looks so grown up!!!! Tell her if she ever puts her dollies in there with her, the microwave does wonders for drying them out! LOL. Hey, and watch with the extra soap...ant man made us do that once and the bubbles were over his head in minutes!!
We have our princess who commanders our master tub on a regular basis. But I know how wonderful that tub is... and I just cannot deprive a bathing beauty :)
Love the lighting in these photos of your delightful mermaid :)
Lisa, once again you have captured the PERFECT moment. Sarah is such a bathing beauty...actually, she's just such an EVERYTHING beauty. I love these shots.
I can't WAIT to see how the B&Ws that you have done since beginning the challenge are going to look on your wall. Boy, you are make a plan and you stick to it.
You're my HERO!
I am so enjoying the B&Ws!
Happy Shoveling, My Friend!
Oh Lisa!...this seriously has to be one of my favorites so far!! You captured her just much LIFE shining out from this photo...I can just feel her child-like energy, as though it were contageous!! :) Great job. Hopefully I will get back on board soon, and enter another photo. In the meantime, I sure am enjoying seeing all of yours, and can't WAIT to see the start of your B&W wall!!!
Stay warm... I think you all have more snow than we do here in MN!! CRAZY STUFF!!!
What a fun post!! She is so beautiful!! Looks like I would love that tub too;)
I'm doing the 'snow snow go away' dance for you... is it working yet?!?
Love the pics of your bubble beauty. So super cute!
I haven't put Miss Priss in a bubble bath in our master tub yet...I might have to try that! I bet she, too, will be hooked and I won't get it back! ;)
xo Les
Friend, I think the first one is one of my favorite pictures ever of Sarah! I have the tub, but not the big window. I desperately need to get busy taking pictures! Hope things are going well.
Jen :)
As usual, your photos are gorgeous!!! I guess it helps when the subject is so stinkin cute!! I just bought my first DSLR and am just learning how to use it. I hope to be able to participate in the B&W Wednesdays sometime soon!
Lovely, lovely, lovely! :)
Sweet, sweet! I would love some lessons but live too far away.
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