Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, Halloween did not go exactly according to plan, but never fear, these two princesses definitely did not go without the sugary and chocolatey goodness that every child looks forward to.

They both definitely had their fill....and then some:)

This year they both picked out their own costumes.

We actually ordered them online and when they saw all of the matching accessories pop up, they had to have them.

We ended up with light up shoes and crowns for both of them. A wand for Rapunzel and some wings for Tink.

But as luck would have it.... Tink, was not a fan of her wings, crown, or her shoes.....she just wanted to wear her "pretty tutu".

Rapunzel decided that she did not need her crown complete with long braid.
Besides, who needs a long braid for climbing, when you already have a ladder:)
(truth be told, she loved the crown, but it was huge on her and not very comfortable so she opted for her very favorite shabby flower compliments of Sophia Jane Boutique)

After the girls were dressed up, we jumped in the car and went over to the new studio space above the 2 Hip Chics boutique. It as really the first time I have shot in there and can I just tell you.....

I am in heaven with the gorgeous light and all of the old charm that fills the third floor space...oldistressed hardwood floors, Little doors and crawl spaces, old radiators and lots and lots of windows.
This space will certainly come in handy this winter when it is too cold to shoot outside. It is pretty empty and bare right now, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I have been frequenting some antique dealers in my travels looking for some fun props that we could use up there...... so you might be seeing more of this light filled room and some of the antiques too:)
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! It sounds like we might get a bit of a warm up here in the northeast..... it has been bone-chilling cold. If all the stars align, I might even get my Christmas Card photos done this weekend. Fingers Crossed....toes too!
Sigh..... Gorgeousness!!!
Your studio looks so fabulous...just think of all the memories you will be creating for your family and others...how precious!
Sarah is absolutely gorgeous. A calm comes over me when I look at her photos. She is so beautiful.
Oh yummmm, these are just gorgeous. The one of them hugging with Reag's face all squished up is my fave, I need that one printed!!
Happy almost weekend!!!
Stunning as always ~ and I love your 'space' :D
Just Beautiful!!!!!
so. pretty.
xo ellie
Georgous, georgeous, GEORGEOUS!!
Those two girlies of yours are so cute and so sweet together. And that space....sigh..
Gin =)
the studio looks and sounds awesome! I think I'm going to get going on Christmas card photos this weekend too!
Oh my, oh my, oh my . . . and wow!
So pretty!! Lovely outfits!
Seriously Gorgeous Lisa!!!!
just LOVE these pictures... you are right, the background and light are perfect! and i love the subtle texture... oh, how you've opened a whole new door for me! :))
That is beyond precious!! Love the old ladder - ads such a great touch to their costumes!
Those two girls of yours just keep getting cuter and cuter by the minute! I LOVE the lighting in your studio. I bet you're going to camp out there at some point and make sure you know exactly when the right time of day/night is for the perfect light.
Wish I was able to see you while I'm up in your neck of the woods. I'm renting a car. Hoping it's not as bad as all the news reports are saying about the traffic and lack of fuel.
Have a fabulous weekend Lisa!
These little ladies are so super cute!
Hi Lisa! You found some VERY nice costumes. Where online? I'm so happy to hear you love your new studio space. Have a great time with it! I wish we lived close enough to be a customer. ;) About the temps, yeah, our highs have been in the 30's the past few days. We have about an inch of snow this morning. Emmalyne keeps saying, "Yay, it's winter!" Dana did say we're supposed to hit 50 this weekend so he'll be able to get some more work done on our new shed! May I just say, "I HATE THE TIME CHANGE!!" I wish we either just stayed on standard time, and therefore were gradually introduced to it being dark at 4 o'clock, or we (as a state) were moved to Atlantic Time/perpetual Daylight Time so it would NEVER be dark at 4 PM. :( OK, enough of my whining. :) If I haven't said this before (and I probably haven't because I've been terrible at e-mail lately), I'm so glad you were not terribly affected by the storm! Take care and keep in touch! <3 Heather
Love the light in your new space..enjoy and have a great weekend.
Love the costumes and the colors against the starkness of the studio backdrop. The light in there is just dreamy and it showcases the beauty of your two little princesses....so perfectly.
I love watching these two enjoying these special moments of childhood.
Great shots...and that one of Sarah at the window...wow, one of my all-time favorites!
WOW!!! These are amazing!!!
What a beautiful space! No wonder you love it. As always, you take gorgeous photos!
OMG what a beautiful place for pictures!! I was OOOOOHHH and AWWWING wondering WHY you never used this area of "your home". I then saw at the bottom of the post it was in your studio. The girls costumes are just adorable!! LOVE THEM!!!
These pictures absolutely stunning! Out of curiosity, where do you get your photos printed?? I'm just wondering where the best place might be.
Congrats on your studio space. It looks like a dream!!! Loving all these photos and your girls in their costumes are so precious!
Oh! I am loving this space so much! The lighting is absolutely perfect!! The girls, of course, are adorable in their costumes. So excited for the warmup this weekend! Just wishing it would stay for awhile! Enjoy your weekend.
Gorgeous photos of your precious girls!!!!!
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