Just sharing some everyday randomness from my instagram stream today.
And we all know what that means, right?
The craziness of the workweek did not allow me to pick up my real camera,
so I had to snag some of my favorite iPhone photos to share today!
Things are starting to get wild. The holidays are quickly upon us, we are starting our "Fill Their Stockings" fundraiser again(if you missed the post this week, take a look, here), and we are preparing for two upcoming Birthdays. Sarah and Reagan have birthdays that fall just a few days apart and it always happens to be the week of or the week before Thanksgiving. In addition to all of this, still trying to plan my Christmas Card photoshoot. I feel like I am way behind this year. So needless to say, there is just a little bit going on around here:)
Enough of my complaining, let me take you through some for the randomness in the collage above.
The girls confiscated Pat's iPhone one night and we found them in the dark huddled on the couch playing a game together.
Their expressions were priceless!
Reagan decided to turn the hairdryer on her Sarah one Saturday morning and then did not like it when her sister got revenge.
The girls look forward to bath time and they are now into washing their own hair. One night they decided to play hair stylist and Sarah was not exactly thrilled with her new do compliments of Reags. I think that might be my fav photo in the collage:)
The trees took a long time to turn this season, but when they did they were GLORIOUS.
Now most of the leaves are down on the ground and the trees are bare. I am afraid winter is here:(
The girls had a successful trip to the dentist and both are cavity free.
Reagan enjoys going to the dentist and as soon as they get her in the chair, she smiles and opens her mouth!
The staff gets the biggest kick out of her.
Both the girls have the need for speed and we had a minor scooter collision in the driveway that resulted in some scrapes and cuts on little Reags, but she recovered quickly. Even while shopping at Target these two are little daredevils. The wheels of the cart were going mighty fast as we zoomed down the aisles:)
Last photo in the center was taken one morning before school.
It happened to be a Friday and they woke up raring to go and very giddy.
Love to see them snuggling together and getting those last sisterly moments in before they go their separate ways for the school day.
That is it for now, but I will be back this week.
Lots of exciting things going on here and I will be picking up my camera this weekend!
~Happy Friday Friends~
Busy, but good! :)
Happy Weekend my friend!
Beautiful beautiful Lisa!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I love the sisterly bond too! My girls are the best of friends and I love it! I never had a sister and was so overjoyed when I had two. They will always have a friend wherever they go!
I love your iPhone collage, I'm always too lazy to do any kind of collages of my iPhone pictures.
Have a great weekend!
I love how close Sarah and Reagan are it just melts my heart!
So much cuteness!! :)
Crazy how fast the days are flying. On top of Thanksgiving, we have visitors from Europe spending the week!!
Lovely to see them so happy together, what a blessing!
I know how you feel, Lisa. I'm way behind in every way, and finding it hard to know where to start!
love your iphone collage. after seeing this i think i don't need my camera anymore.
mona, you're so talented!
great work!
happy weekend~
Love these photo dumps! The pictures are real and life is looking great. :) This makes me want to get a phone that takes good photos as it sure looks easier to capture the everyday moments with one.
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