I can't believe the weekend is over.....it went by so fast, but they always do, don't they?
Saturday we were up and out early as we had my grandfather's funeral to attend. It was very sad to say goodbye, but it was a lovely service and luncheon that brought a lot of our family and close friends together. It was so good to catch up with those that we haven't seen in awhile, I just wish it had been for a more joyous occasion.
After everything concluded, we headed home......the weather was unbelievably warm.....giving us hope that spring is almost here!! We wanted to take advantage of the nice day and even though it was going on 4:30pm, we headed to the park for our first visit of the season.
Sarah was full force the entire time.....she still has NO fear and climbed to the tippy top as if she was Queen of the Jungle{Gym} Things have changed a bit in these last few weeks with her.....she has gone from running away from the camera, to telling me to take her picture every second. It was really funny.....She was on the swings and I was pushing her and she kept saying, "Mommy, you take my picture...please" Well the girl does not need to beg, I had the camera out in a flash and Nick stepped in to push her so she could go "High to the sky" as she says:)
SO, I have converted Sarah and now I have a little ham on my hands who wants to have her picture taken all the time, but Nick on the other hand, is not budging one bit....he said that he would go to the park but under one condition......NO pictures......he just wanted to play....and that he did!!
I did manage to steal a few shots of him this past week.....

This was taken one day after school up in our spare bedroom.....I told him I needed a face shot because I needed a new picture for my next blog makeover....not sure about you, but right now it pains me to see snowflakes in my header......I have had enough of old man winter!! Anyway, he gave me about 10 minutes and this is what I got........it is the only shot that turned out and I think you will be seeing it very soon in my new bloggy look:)

Well, little Miss Sarah might have been Queen of the Jungle Gym, but on Friday night, Nick was King of the Corn Field!! We went out at Sunset and I let him climb through the fields to make his way to a creek that runs close to our property.....He loves nature and would have skipped rocks across the water all night long if I let him.
Okay....better get moving....that lost hour is killing me and it isn't even Monday yet! Have a great week......it will be another busy one for us.....this time next week, we are BAHAMABOUND:)
Lisa as always the love for your family just shines through!!!
i'm sure you can't wait for your hols.
May His peace just overwhelm you as you get all your preparations done Girl, and have an amazing time!!!!
I love the black and white picture of Nick! And your Queen of the Jungle is just adorable!
Lucky you heading to some warm sunshine!!! How fun! Happy packing!!!!
Oh..I bet you are gearing up for the Bahamas...I hope you have a wonderful time in the sun and sand!
Wonderful pictures of your son...I love them!
sandy toe
Bahamas???!!! Wow...enjoy every moment.
Your Nick is SO handsome...and Sarah looks so cute in leopard!!
you son is one handsome boy! Oh my goodness.
Are yo buying new clothes for your trip?
Sarah's print top is certainly perfect for being in the jungle!
Don't forget to pack those sexy sleep pants for next week!
Look at your jungle queen. So cute, as always. I love the shots you captured of Nick, too. Amazing photos of amazingly cute and handsome kiddos!
I am sad about your Grandpa, but am glad that so many folks came to be with your family to make it a true celebration of his life!
Oooh, Bahama bound one...pack me in your suitcase for this trip!!!
xo, Les
Great photos..
Looks like the couple of shots you got of Nick are winners..
Have a great week..
You lucky duck.. going to the Bahama's..
YEA.. I bet you get some AMAZING photos there..
Hugs girly..
Hey girlfriend!! Hope all is well with you. Isn't it funny how the weekends fly by and the week just seems to drag~ the positive only 5 more days till it's the weekend again.
Your photos are stunning~ any chance I can talk you into a trip to sunny FL so you can teach me some things???? I am sersious!!!
Have a wonderful week~
PS I have a fantastic chicken recipe I must share with you~ not sure if I will have time to post it to the blog. If I don't I will at least email it to you~ it is GOOD!
With love,
So funny that Sarah was dressed in theme clothing for Queen of the Jungle {Gym}!!! I am glad Saturday brought you some closure and good visiting...and that you got to enjoy the weather as well...
Hope you have a good week!!
The pictures are so beautiful!!!! I love the new picture of Nick. He is so handsome : )
I love leopard print. It is so sassy! I also love your Queen of the Jungle :-)
Beautiful pics of Miss Queen of the Jungle and King of the Cornfield.
Enjoy your time on Paradise Island :)
I love the pictures of Nick - both of them are so striking. Your queen of hte jungle gym is, of course, adorable!
Happy packing!
So glad your grandfather's service was nice.
As always beautiful pictures! Amelia and I made our first trek to the park Friday on our way home from work - thank goodness too because it's been raining all weekend - oh well, better than snow!
Even though funerals are so sad, it is good to reconnect family and friends -- so glad you were able to do that.
Sounds like our perfect weather from Thursday was your weekend weather! Great photos. Sarah is such a cutie and that Nick -- such a good looking guy!
Hating the time change too. Have a good week!
Growl! Lovin' the little jungle queen. And you know I love those pics of Nick.
Glad your family was all together to celebrate your Poppop, I'm sure he was smiling down on all of you.
Have a great week girl, and WAHOO for the Bahamas, I can't wait to see pics from that trip!
Hey girly! I love these pics of Sarah and Nick!!! They are growing up too quickly...waaahh!
I have been thinking about you guys so much. I know this week has been very difficult for you. You guys were never far from my thoughts.
Life for the Lemleys has been CRAZY busy! I am available every afternoon this week to chat, except for Tuesday. Do you have an afternoon for some laughs?
I just love that wild shirt Sarah has on. Gosh you make taking pics of boys look easy. I need to try that.
Wish I was going back to the Bahamas with you. I can't wait for you to see it...it's a dream!
Will you still share that meatball recipe with us before you leave?
I am so glad that you got to spend some time with friends and family at your Grandfather's funeral. It's always so hard saying goodbye.
I love the queen of the jungle gym pictures! It definitely looks like you have a dare devil on your hands!
Love the pictures of Nick too. He is sooo handsome!
Hope you have a great week!
I am so sorry your weekend started with a funeral, but am glad you got to visit with family and share nice memories.
Your little Queen of the Jungle looks adorable, as always. And Nick... he is such a heartbreaker. The photo you took in the guest bedroom is perfect for your new springy blogover.
Have a great week!!
Well if those aren't the cutest pictures! Glad you enjoyed some warm weather - we are hoping for spring to come soon! Lucky you get the Bahamas in the mean time:) I'm glad that you got through Saturday. Hope you have a great week ahead of you!
The pictures on this post are great! LOVE the ones of Nick.
Feeling the lost hour too. Have fun packing! What a great time you will have!
Beautiful pictures...once again!
I agree...Snowflakes have to go...it is time for some sun :)
I'm glad things went okay for you with your grandfather's funeral. I know your trip is coming at a good time, you need and deserve it!
Stunning photos AGAIN. You have to take some bad pics here... make me feel better! HAHA!!
LOVE the ones of Nick. He's just like Liam... hates his picture taken but is a cutie when you manage to get one.
And I love the first pic of Sarah. Her hair just glows... beautiful.
Today was 85 here... hoping spring is here to stay!
We've been enjoying the warmer weather here in Ga, too. You got some great pictures of the kids while you were out.
I love the pictures of Nick. He is such a good looking boy!! Sounds like Mia and Sarah would stop a few hearts if they were watched on the playground. Mia is the same way! She is absolutly fearless and it freaks me out! I think Sarah and Mia would be fast friends.
Have a wonderful week!
Christy :)
Hope you take that camera with you when you are BAHAMA Bound!!! :)
Terrye in FL
So glad I found your blog. Your children are just beautiful!!!!!!
Sorry about your grandpa, but glad the funeral went so well.
Prayers for you during this time. I know the difficulties of loss. Your pictures are beautiful (as usual). You capture such sweet moments so well. Beautiful!
The picture of Nick in the spare room is breathtaking! Your little jungle gym gal is too cute!
Wow, your photos are just getting awesome! I'm sure you love the begging TO take photos instead of NOT taking photos. Have an awesome vacation!! :D
Oh I love seeing these faces. Happy and gentle smiles. Love this. What handsome and pretty children you have my friend.
The Bahamas...., now that sounds completely restful.
Oh Lisa...what truly amazing photos and I can't wait to see your new blog design! As for your upcoming trip (you lucky dog lol) you'll have to fill me in on how you like it? Keith & I still need to plan our getaway for our 10th anniversary (was thinking Italy...where I really want to go) but that is out, seeing how we need at least two weeks there and I won't leave the kiddos for that long). Talk to you soon...Miss Ya!
Well little Miss Leopard looks quite at home on the jungle {gym}. Love your play on words. :)
Can't wait to see your pics from the Bahamas. And I really love the black and white of your handsome young man Nick.
Wow, fantastic pics of Sarah & Nick!! I'm glad Sarah likes the camera now... I can't imagine if her Mama(razzi) had to chase her around for the next 5 years!!! :) Can't wait to see your pictures from the Bahamas. I know they will be incredible!!
Lisa, I'm so grateful that you had a beautiful service. Still, so sorry for your loss but am glad that it was a time with family that you will remember it as such.
The photos of your kids are stunning. The b/w one of Nick should be up for an award of some kind! Wow. You are in trouble my friend! He is so handsome.
Hope your week is off to a great start! Love ya~
Love the pictures...of course!
The two pics of Nick are awesome Lisa. Sorry I will need to see more in order to choose just one for the header LOL.
As for the Queen of the Jungle, she's so cute and getting more animated with each post.
Yep, I'm tired of this weather too. Time for flowers and spring!
Great photos Lisa, wow sounds like a great holiday!!
Lots of Love
Your royal family is darling!
I too love the black and white picture of Nick...I know you must have been so glad to be outside and taking picture of your sweet girl!
Still praying for healing of everyone's heart as I know this type of loss is so hard.
I just love these photos. I can hear Sarah telling you to take those pictures....that little hambone is going to haunt you now...but she's got it so she might as well flaunt it!
Nick reminds me so much of my son...same tape plays on repeat over here about the camera and how he is going to hide it.
How do you find time to wrangle these two beauties and get outside AND capture perfect light? You are amazing.
Bahamas? Hmmmmmmmmm I see some sun and fun in your future. How exciting that its almost here.
Gosh, girl!... I am just completely amazed at your photographs. They are soo good!
Can't wait to see your new bloggy look!
Have a great Week!
Hi Lisa,
Great shots, I'm so happy the warm weather is coming too! I'm so jealous of your upcoming trip, I'm sure it will do you a world of good! If I don't talk to you before, ENJOY!
Wonderful photo of your son and the Jungle Queen/Princess.
I am sorry for your family's loss.
Good grief your kids are gorgeous Lisa! I love the photos and the Queen of the Jungle (Gym) with the leopard print shirt! Too cute! I am glad to hear that your grandfather's funeral was cathartic, even though it was sad, of course. A good way to say goodbye. Have a great week! :)
As always, the pictures are beautiful! I love the b/w of Nick! You are going to be fighting the girls off of him in a few years! He is such a cutie.
I hope that you have a wonderful vacation! Enjoy the sun and some QT alone with Pat!
they are lovely shots...I love the second one of Sarah...and Nick is so handsome....can't wait to see the new bloggy look! ;)
Hasn't the weather been divine? I will so miss it this weekend! Again, your photos are so good. I do love the B&W of Nick too!!! Hard to get back into the blogging routine after reading that series and then taking a trip. I am trying though! Hope your week has gotten off to a great start!
so sorry to hear about your Grandfather.
I pray that you will be comforted during this sad time following the loss of your grandfather.
Your pix are wonderful as usual. You kids cherubs ")
I have always loved your headers--I look forward to seeing what you do next! Great pic of Nick!
Glad to hear the service for your Poppop brought you together with many loved ones, hopefully next time you see them it will be a happy celebration.
Love the pics, the one of Nick in the cornfield is handsome.
Love Sarah's top, so sweet on her.
Do tell... what did you bribe him with to get the shots?
I know when my nana died... as sad as it was to lose her and never be able to see her again or play with that flappy part under her arms :) I really wasn't that upset when she died.. well, I was but you know what I mean... I had the chance to know her right up to when I was about 30 years old and so 30 great years with my nana... when she died, I knew she was going to be with my dad (her son) and her husband... it was a beautiful funeral and one she would have loved... still, it is painful... hugs to you all...
did i leave a comment here? i cant tell. sooo many comments many congrats! lovely pictures as always but... lovely subject!
Beautiful phtos....so sorry to hear about your grandfather. cherry
How are you doing today? Just checking to see if you had any more lovely photos up.
Thank you so much for calling yesterday, I needed a friend to chat with and you called:))
Oh happy me, I learned one thing on PS today! Yey, I won't throw it out the back door yet. I think I'll download lightroom anyway. Seems as if it's more user friendly and my new lens will come soon. It better be easier to use than PS LOL.
Looking forward to it.
Have a great trip! If you want to shake off some stress, try the 5 story slide! It's wild and crazy!
precious pictures girl!
so sorry about your granddaddy.
so excited about your bahama trip & the pictures we'll see!!
Friend, these are amazing! I love the ones of Nick! Ok, I hate that it pains you to see snowflakes in your header :) I still haven't heard from that designer if you want to be looking for another kit. I'll email her again. I'm leaving for TX today and I'll be back next week. I know you leave on Sunday. Let me know if you find another kit you like and send any specifics and maybe you'll come home to a new look :) I hope ya'll have a fabulous trip! Miss talking to you! It's been crazy-I hope things will slow down soon :)
so awesome!!!!! That 1st pic of Nick is my favorite. Awesome.
Wow! Your photography is amazing!!! Those were great photo's! Nick is so darn handsome!!
You lucky duck! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hear all about your trip! : )
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