I am a little behind here on my posts, but couldn't let anymore time pass before I posted about a lunch I had with some special bloggy friends. YES.....I got to see the face behind that icon!!!
Pictured above is Ivy, Me, and Tonggu Momma:) If any of you visit Tonggu Momma's blog, you have already read most of the details of our get together and understand why her face is covered in all pictures.
I have to admit, it was kind of funny to have been blogging/emailing with her for the past year and not know her real name, or what she looked like, but when I pulled up to the restaurant it was not hard to spot her as she was running to the front door with her beauty of a daughter and they were both waiving at me.
We all had a great time breaking some bread at B@rtucci's. Tonggu Momma and family were everything I thought they would be and more.
Tonggu Momma is just as funny in person as she appears to be on her blog. She might try to tell you she is not, but she is:) Not only is she funny, but oh so smart....if you have hung out at her blog for any length of time, I think you have probably figured that out already. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her.
The Tongginator is a gorgeous little girl. She showered us all with sweetness that afternoon. Did I mention how smart she is.....She even spelled "Tongginator" for us. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I have a hard time spelling "Tongginator". I really wished Sarah would have been there to meet her, but I was working and met them on my lunch hour, so maybe next time!!!
Tonggu Daddy.....Well, what can I say. There are not too many men I know that would sit through a lunch with bloggy ladies.....but TD hung in there like a champ and was happy to listen to us chatter away. He even played photographer....and might I add a very good one. He was so gracious to take pictures with all of our cameras. If that wasn't enough, this mamarazzi(me) had to ask him for retakes. He didn't even flinch when I asked.
What more can I say....it was a real treat to meet this family. They are beautiful inside and out!!! I can't wait to see them again. It looks as though I am heading their direction in a couple weeks, so our next get together could be sooner rather than later.
I hope you are all up for a visit, because it will take more than a little girl that looks through the bathroom stall to scare me away!!(If you don't get that, go read her POST on our get together)
Ivy and Kira almost didn't make it to lunch that day, but I am so glad they did.....it would not have been the same without them. They are such special friends and I feel so fortunate to have them in such close proximity. Sarah and Kira get along so well...and Ivy, well, she is just about as sweet as they come. I really value our friendship and look forward to all of our get togethers.

Not only was I happy that Ivy and Kira made it.....I think the Tongginator was too. She had a great time playing big sister to Kira....in fact, she was the one who got her to eat. Take a look......The Tongginator wanted a big hug, but Kira had her eyes on the bread:) Oh so cute!!

Sorry for the marathon post, but my posts in draft are getting backed up and I decided to include this recipe that I have been promising. It is my Cape Cod inspired salad. I say inspired by, because of the cranberries in it.
If you have ever visited cape cod, I am sure you have seen the beautiful cranberry bogs. While visiting local restaurants, I noticed that they use cranberries in a lot of the dishes. I am in love with a turkey wrap that has cranberry sauce in it.....almost like thanksgiving to go:) They also use cranberries in salads, which is where I got the idea for this one!!
Here is what I use:
Romaine Lettuce and Sping Mix
Shredded Carrots
Cherry or Grape Tomatoes
Red Onion Sliced
Shredded Cheddar and Monteray Jack Cheese
Grilled Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Shredded or cubed
Mandarin Oranges
Dried Cranberries
Sliced Almonds
Crunchy Chow Mein Noodles
This is the dressing I use on almost everything, I even use it to marinate chicken
1-2 Cloves of Fresh Minced Garlic
1 tsp of Dijon Mustard
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of black pepper
3 shakes of Italian Seasoning
6 TBSP of White Wine Vinegar
1 cup of extra virgin olive oil
Whisk all the ingredients together. It will keep for a day or two on your counter, do not refrigerate.
My friends and family love this salad. I have served it as a meal and taken it to a picnic as a side dish. My favorite way to eat it is with a big piece of crusty bread and nice glass of wine:)
Tomorrow it is back to work for me....Hope you have a great week!!
Ivy and Kira almost didn't make it to lunch that day, but I am so glad they did.....it would not have been the same without them. They are such special friends and I feel so fortunate to have them in such close proximity. Sarah and Kira get along so well...and Ivy, well, she is just about as sweet as they come. I really value our friendship and look forward to all of our get togethers.

Not only was I happy that Ivy and Kira made it.....I think the Tongginator was too. She had a great time playing big sister to Kira....in fact, she was the one who got her to eat. Take a look......The Tongginator wanted a big hug, but Kira had her eyes on the bread:) Oh so cute!!

Sorry for the marathon post, but my posts in draft are getting backed up and I decided to include this recipe that I have been promising. It is my Cape Cod inspired salad. I say inspired by, because of the cranberries in it.
If you have ever visited cape cod, I am sure you have seen the beautiful cranberry bogs. While visiting local restaurants, I noticed that they use cranberries in a lot of the dishes. I am in love with a turkey wrap that has cranberry sauce in it.....almost like thanksgiving to go:) They also use cranberries in salads, which is where I got the idea for this one!!
Here is what I use:
Romaine Lettuce and Sping Mix
Shredded Carrots
Cherry or Grape Tomatoes
Red Onion Sliced
Shredded Cheddar and Monteray Jack Cheese
Grilled Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Shredded or cubed
Mandarin Oranges
Dried Cranberries
Sliced Almonds
Crunchy Chow Mein Noodles
This is the dressing I use on almost everything, I even use it to marinate chicken
1-2 Cloves of Fresh Minced Garlic
1 tsp of Dijon Mustard
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of black pepper
3 shakes of Italian Seasoning
6 TBSP of White Wine Vinegar
1 cup of extra virgin olive oil
Whisk all the ingredients together. It will keep for a day or two on your counter, do not refrigerate.
My friends and family love this salad. I have served it as a meal and taken it to a picnic as a side dish. My favorite way to eat it is with a big piece of crusty bread and nice glass of wine:)
Tomorrow it is back to work for me....Hope you have a great week!!
Looks like you all had a great time..
LOVE the photos..
As for the salad.. YUMMY..
I LOVE salad and always willing to try a new kind..
Have a great week..
I'm so bookmarking this recipe. The marinade looks so versatile!
And btw, I'm (roughly!)1/2 Irish, 1/2 Italian too! My hubby is German and Irish and our Chinese daughter thinks she's French :) She puts Le in front of all her words right now: "Le Mama," and so on. We're so chic and multi-cultural :()
Lucky you ~ getting to meet TM and the Tongginator!!! I love her blog. Sounds like you had a fun time.
Sounds like you guys had so much fun! Getting together with bloggy friends is the best.
I was just starting to put together next weeks meal plan and needed some inspiration for what to add to the list and low and behold you gave it to me! I'm adding that salad to my list. YUM!
Fun times with great friends! Love TongguMomma :)
What a fun lunch with Bloggy Friends. I am so lucky to have met Jodee right here in my hometown. Hopefully the two of you can meet in real life soon.
Your salad looks amazing. I love cranberries on or in anything.
Have a great week!
Yummy looking salad Lisa, definitely will be making it.
I'm a bit envious you got to get together with Ivy and TM...maybe someday for me.
Hope your week goes well...we'll talk soon!
What a wonderful time! Especially meeting TM!
Happy 3WS!
Alyzabeth's Mommy for Eleven Months!
I just think it is so amazing how this blogging world brings people together. How wonderful that you and Ivy were able to meet TM, TD and The T!! Such wonderful people all together. I love it!
p.s. That salad looks YUMMY!!
Meeting bloggy friends is sooo much fun (even though I have only met one so far)! It looks like you had a blast!
That salad looks delicious too!
Hope you have a great week!
What a fun time -- I am so jealous that you all got to meet!
The salad looks great!
Have a good week!
Lisa how fun that you got to spend time with Ivy and TM!!! Both such special ladies.
I loved talking to you today...I missed you when you were gone...I am thinking of you and will talk to you soon {{{hug}}}}
Thanks for the recipes!!!!!
Snort! Love that first picture! LOL! Glad you had such a fun time meeting TM and the infamous Tongginator. :)
That salad looks amazing!!!
Very cool that you got to meet!
Smart? Heh. Yeah, right. I loved meeting y'all and look forward to seeing you in a few weeks, if you can swing it.
I love the fact that you got to meet a blogger friend. I got to meet one a few weeks ago myself and she is fabulous!
I just found your blog via Tonggu Momma, and I love it!! I just became a follower. That recipe looks delicious...I can't wait to try it!
Oh what an amazing time it must have been! I bet you all had a lot to talk about! Can't wait to catch up! We'll be home most of the week. Hope all is well & Miss Ya!
Let me know when you are going to be down in our area - we MUST hook up!!!!
Great times, I just love meeting bloggy buddies!
She is hilarious! I love her wit and yes she is very smart;)
I love to meet blog friends.....and it looks like you had a great time. How blessed blog friends are to have each other;)
P.S. I have to admit..I was a little disappointed...I want to see her face!
I was thinking about you guys...knew you were near the Coast with the storm Bill out there somewhere.
Hope you had an easy day back to work.
Looks like you are having a fab time!! I need to read your friends blog! She sounds hysterical. A good time for all.
And I can't cook to save my life, but your recipe's look / sound SO good. I should copy them for David. Would that be wrong? haha!
You guys look GREAT, hmmm, 'cept for Tonggu Mama's face. Don't tell her but it looks like she was hit by a Sesame Street Truck...all those letters!
I wish I was there too...I'm green with envy!
That salad is making my mouth water and I am making that dressing for dinner tonight!
Darn you for not inviting me to this gathering!! ;) And for not making me this salad either.
How fun that you got to get together with some blogging friends! That is such a great thing. And I have to record that recipe for dressing...it sounds so yummy for a salad with some great bread and wine. Perfect! Hope you're having a good week! :)
Fun! I would love to meet TM one day. I would love to meet you too! Isn't it the best to meet up with bloggy friends!
Hi Lisa,
I am so far behind blogging it's ridiculous! Yikes that photo of me is frightening, but hey it was a great day with the Tonggo's! Plus I haven't seen you in ages either! So good thing you dragged me out of the house...we had a great time!
How funny seeing Kira with the Tongginator! Yes she was funny feeding her bread, reminded me of two little birds. What a sweetie!
Oh can you go and photoshop my face off or something LOL, just put a big old ink spot over me, I'll be happy.
Love ya!
So cool that you got to meet some more bloggy friends!
Do they live near us too? I might have been to her blog one or two times before. I can't recall exactly though : ) Or maybe she is someone that I went to and she never wrote back. I feel like if they don't write back at least once after let's say 25 comments they might not be worth sticking around for : ) That has just been my system in the past. But, I will definitely click over today. And I love Ivy. She seems so sweet.
Oh I wish I was at this lunch!!!!! I can't believe I was in Hershey! Figures!!!!
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