Seriously, I need to stop watching the food network!
Everything that looks so good, is so NOT GOOD FOR ME!! Why can't I print out recipes that are low in fat, filled with fresh veggies, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. Cause that would be BORING.....right?
This delectable dessert truly lived up to it's name..... Cin-ful Peach Cobbler and trust me, it did not take long for us to work our way through the entire tray.
Since we are getting into apple picking season, I thought this might be a fun one to share. You could easily substitute apples for the peaches and turn it into a Cin-ful Apple Cobbler!
The best part of this dish is the crumble that gets sprinkled on the top before it goes into the oven. A combination of White and Brown Sugar, Flour, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Oatmeal, Almonds, Dried Cranberries, and {CRINGE} a WHOLE STICK OF BUTTER....YEAH, that is the part of the recipe that makes it near impossible to get the jeans up and over the hips the week after consumption:(
So, if a little butter {okay, A LOT of butter} doesn't scare you away, Click HERE for the recipe, compliments of one of my favorite food network stars!
Don't say I didn't warn you......
Yummy! Well it sounded delicious when you told me about it, now that I see it, I think I'm going to have to break my rules about cooking healthy and go for it!
Awesome photo, you should submit it with your resume to a food magazine LOL.
It was great seeing you Saturday, I had fun watching you shop. You're simply beautiful.
What has a little butter done to anyone????
oh yum!
sandy toe
That looks delicious!
Have a great week..
Uh, from the 22 inch waist I saw on you yesterday its hard to believe that YOU can't pull your jeans up....unless, of course, you accidently tried to put Sarah's on...you might wanna check the label.
Cin-ful? I think that's a perfect name!
Can't wait to try it.
oh...YUM!!!! I love some good comfort food recipes!!!
OMG that looks delicious!!
My taste buds thank you but my waistline is not speaking to you anymore.
Keep smilin!
Oh my -- that looks and sounds so yummy!! Am going to print that recipe and try it sometime. My jeans are tight too! :( Have a great Wednesday!
would you believe me if i told you butter was my fave food?
i'm guessing you would if you saw my waistline ha!!
have a super day friend
Mmmmmmm!!!! I am also hooked on the Food N*etwork these days...& you're not alone...my jeans are a bit tight too! ;)
Oh my!!! Oh my my my...
Looks positively evil(in a good way)...will be trying it with apples...yum!
Oh my word, you are NOT RIGHT!!! :) I may have to splurge and make this. YUMMO!!!
This looks delicious! I will print the recipe for Chef Daddy and Grandma Merina!
I am completely busting out of my fat clothes right now. I haven't even tried a pair of jeans on yet. I am sure they will not fit! It could be a long winter! I wish I didn't like food so much!
Yummy!! Looks delicious! : ) Thanks for sharing.
WOW, sounds delicious!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe but your right sooooo sinful & I know my jeans won't fit if I start cooking like this!!!! Gotta try it though!
Oh yeah! (Print and head to the kitchen.....see ya.)
Oh yum!!!! I love a recipe that taste like fall!
YIKES! I know danger when I see it!
My jeans are already feeling tight and all I did was look at the picture! I definitely will be trying this recipe! Thanks for sharing~
Looks delicious! I love watching Food Network also and get lots of recipes from there!
Sue : )
YUMMY! And what a beautiful pic...I love it with the brown plate.
Friday the Meatball movie comes out so I am making meatballs to eat before we go.
WOW! I should have waited to read your post on a full stomach! It looks great!
Um. YUM!! David just made a peach cobbler the other day and it was heavenly... can't wait for apple next!! I'll have to give him this recipe!!
Although I in NO way should be eating more cobbler!
Mmmmm, I would have to do apples though. He's one of my favs too, but Michael C is #1 on my list. Love. Him. Veggies can be yummy too ya know. We are a vegetarian family here ; ) Do you have a local Farmer's Market in your area? Oh the yummies you could get there, plus photos!
Oh my gosh Lisa! This looks TOO good to be true. I would like a piece right this second. Should I make it for dessert tonight? The boys would love it. But, I would eat too much I think! YUM! Food network is dangerous in our house too! Not that I can cook, but it makes us ravenously hungry!
Looks deliciously terrible for my diet!!
Oh yea, if it has white flour and white sugar it is soooo very good. Will have to try this one out this weekend. Thanks for sharing.
Oh that is just way too good! Ok - getting off this darn computer thing to get me something sweet to eat (but it won't be as good as what you were having lol)!!!! Hope you are having a great week - I LM w/you call me when you get a chance... :)
Look divine! Our apple tree is brimming with apples...I may have to try it! I, however, am in no shape to consume that much butter. Why does something so good have to be so bad. ;) Thanks for sharing!
Life is too short....eat dessert!
Oh Lisa I feel your pain....I need to stop watching too, The Neely's cooking kills me!!! And we won't even mention Paula!
I have to tell you that your children are gorgeous and your photographs are breathtaking!!
Love and blessings, Kristy
Looks absolutely delish!! I'm not huge on cooked peaches but I'd eat that!!
yummo! A whole stick of butter....it must be muy muy deliciouso!
Looks so YUMMY! I would make it right now but alas...m jeans are tight too! What is going on?
Mmmmm...you would think that something that included fruit would be good for you but yah...not so much! Might need to try this though! Thanks for sharing!!
Does it really taste as nice as it looks? Where on earth do you find the time? Love jules
Mmmmmmm.... your food always looks so good!!! I could definitely see you being the next P*ioneer Woman!! :)
Hope all is going well with your new job!
Looks yummy! I must say I love any type of cobbler! thanks for sharing! Hope you guys had a fun weekend!
Perfect!! Sounds yummy and so much easier than making a pie!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Wow Lisa!!! I am getting hungry today catching up on your blog. This looks amazing too.......
Your food pictures are always so amazing.
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