Well, tomorrow is our last offical day of summer! Nick has his first day of school on Tuesday, and he seems a little excited. I know the excitement will not last, but at this point, I think he is bored and ready to get back into a routine and see all of his friends everyday:)
I am a total procrastinator with back to school each year, so as expected, I have spent the last week running around like a crazy person buying all the necessary items.
My gosh, I forgot how much they need before the school starts.....a gazillion supplies that were on the 6th grade list, uniforms to be purchased from the one and only uniform company/store in our area. We also needed to buy new shoes and sneakers......Nick's feet are growing like weeds. He is now officially wearing a mans size shoe....that just blows me away!! Also had to get the old hair cut and then run through the grocery store to pick out some things so we can pack lunches this week.

It has been a wonderful summer, but it is time to say farewell. Sleeping late and living the carefree life, is gone come Tuesday. We will have after school activities, meetings, dinners on the run, and {GASP}.....the dreaded HOMEWORK!!

As of 5pm tonight, we are officially ready for the first day!!
Wish Nick luck, as he is about to become a SIXTH GRADER!!
Happy Labor Day Everyone:)
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Good luck sweet boy!!! I know sixth grade will be your best one yet! Mom, these are some WONDERFUL pics of your handsome man. He needs to stop growing so quickly! Call me this week :)
Happy Labor Day!
Good Luck Nick.. You will have a great year..
LOVE the photos..
Happy Labor Day..
Have a great week
Here's to a great year ahead Nick!! Enjoy your first day back to school!
Have a wonderful school year Nick!
We are gearing up for the first day of school on Tuesday, the girls are so excited.
Great photos Lisa..
I taught sixth grade for nine years. So far it has been my absolute favorite grade to teach.
Best of Luck Nick! I am sure you are going to enjoy this year!! :o)
I can't believe your handsome boy is going to be in 6th grade already! Time flies when you are having fun! I hope he has a great year!
These pictures are sooo cute! He looks sooo grown up!
6th grade was my FAV!!! I was at the top of elementary school, got to do the 6th grade musical (sang a solo!), danced the May Pole and "graduated". Loved it.
Does he keep getting more handsome? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!? Great shots of your adorable 6th grader. Glad you got everything done and are ready come Tuesday!
Enjoy your Monday, Lisa!!
Handsome boy! 6th grade? Really?? 5th is about to push me over the edge :)
Nick is going to do GREAT!!!!!
I have missed 3 word Sundays!! Maybe I could make a come back :)
Sixth grade!!! That is a huge deal!! Good luck, sweet boy... rock it.
He looks SO much older these days... amazing. Such a handsome kid. I know what you mean about feet. I took Liam for new sneakers and cleats and his feet grew TWO sizes in a summer. haha!! How does THAT happen?
Good luck with the first week... it's a whirlwind.
Good Luck to Nick!!
Ahhhh...that is my favorite age to teach!!
Kiara's first day is Wednesday...we too are soooo ready for the first day!! ;)
He is so good to let you take his picture, I am wondering how you bribe him into posing for you, lol! The pictures are great! They are always beautiful. It really makes me want to got out and spend a gazillion dollars on a nice camera :).
Have a great Labor Day and I hope Nick has awonderful 6th grade year!
WOW! That boy of yours is so handsome! Hope he has a wonderful school year.
Nick is such a handsome boy! Wow! And getting so grown up. I wish him all the best of luck at school.
When I lived in Miami growing up, we always started school after Labor Day. Then when I moved to GA it started in early August and still does. I still think it is crazy! LOL!
(Unfortunately, we don't have any Notre Dame tickets this year. We are saving up for Disney in November!)
just gorgeous - and GOOD LUCK to our son!!!
Wow, these are so awesome! That color is gorgeous on him. Hope y'all have had a fun last weekend of summer.
Good luck in 6th grade, Nick!!!
Summer is officially over and I am so happy! Nick looks so handsome in his photo's, wow! He is going to do great in 6th grade! My kiddo's track back on Tuesday after being off for 3 weeks and I know that they are ready too. Bring on the fall...my favorite time of the year! Yippee!!! : )
Eek! I have a 6th grader too, and he too is now wearing a men's size 8-9 !!!!! AHHHHH!!!! How did this happen?! : )
So are you smarter than a sixth grader...that dreaded HOMEWORK! With my hubby gone who is really good and patient with the homework stuff I am praying I am smarter than a fourth grader!
Nick looks very handsome and I love all of the recent ones of Sarah...those shoes of hers rock! She looks like a little Cindy Lauper to me.
I am saving the meatball recipe for next week. There is that new movie...Cloudy with a chance of meatballs...I thought I would make your meatballs for dinner on the night we go to the movie.
Good luck with school tomorrow!
All the best to your big boy. (So handsome too.)
Isn't it shocking how much has to get done and purchased before they start? (And mine only started Grade 1.....more to come!)
I hope you have a great week and that NIck's 1st week back is smooth....we are still trying to settle in here, and this is the start of Week 4 :)
We just went through the same thing with my boys. They start on Wednesday but Ethan has 6th grade orientation tomorrow morning. My 4th grader wears uniforms and 6th is in Jr high and they get to wear normal clothes so we had to go buy all the fashionable things. This whole private school thing is a ton of money-- ouch!!! Ethan just turned 11 and he hit adult shoes a year or so ago. Currently he wears the same size as I do and I wear a 9 1/2 in womans so I think that is like an 8 or so in mens. He has a big foot and everything is more expensive now-- ugg!! Well, good luck with the first week.
Christy :)
Back to school already! wow how the summer flew by!
Nick is just so handsome, great photos Lisa. I love the colors on him. But those eyes just make me melt:))
Missed you this weekend, sure hope you had a great weekend.
Did I tell you I cooked an baked? Yep, me, what's going on LOL?
Enjoy your first day back at school Nick. It's always great to see your friends again.
Have a super Monday Lisa. I'll be home, give me a buzz when you can.
Good luck Nick! And you too Lisa! Wow -- a 6th grader -- that is so cool, but I'm sure the homework is harder in 6th grade than for my 2nd grader! Hope he has a great day!
Yay Nick - 6th grade already? I hope you have a great day.
Hope you are feeling better & THANK YOU so much for the pep talk yesterday! Hope Nick had a good first day!
Good luck Nick!! and truly what a good looking boy you are! Very very handsome.
I'm sure he will take 6th grade by storm, very handsome boy you have.
6th grade? Is this where the attitude starts? Or is that 5th, where WonderBoy now resides?
Nick is so strikingly handsome he really takes my breath away sometimes!
Welcome to another school year of juggling it all, Mom!
Good Luck, Nick!
Nick, enjoy 6th grade! Middle school, wow! Have a great year! We started school 3 weeks ago and have the first round of tests behind us (the week before Labor Day was tough). I have a Mr. Big Foot at home, too. Jarod is 9 and wears a size 7 adult.
Lisa, a lot has happened this summer. I'll have to sit down when I have a quiet moment and tell you about it. Take care, Michaela.
I felt the same way last week! I loved this summer. So schedule free : ) so wonderful! School was great last week. It is so hard to watch them grow up though. Sometimes I cry. A lot of times, really...
Good luck to Nick, it's going to be a big year for him! He is just gorgeous Lisa and you capture him so well in your pics!
What a beautiful boy! I hope he is having a great year so far!
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