Happy Holidays my friends!!!
Does anyone else feel like they are spinning out of control right now?? I cannot believe we are a week away from Chrismtas.......
I still have so much to do.... I am not done shopping yet, have not even begun to wrap, need to make out my menu for Chrismtas Day and go to the grocery store to stock up on all the necessary food and beverage items. I was also hoping to crank out 10-12 dozen italian cookies.
I guess it wouldn't be that bad if I didn't have to work during the week, but I do......and I am working right up until Christmas, so I am going to be pulling some late nights for sure!
Even though I am feeling a tad overwhelmed, I am still trying to enjoy the season and all the little things that come with it.
Last night we went to Nick's 6th grade Christmas play, it was really cute and was a great reminder as to what the holidays are really about. Sorry, no pictures....... I have been slacking with the camera lately and Nick said he would be mortified if I came up to the front to take a picture or two......or ten:)
Speaking of pictures...... one of the highlights each day has been the walk to the mailbox!!! It is funny how such a small gesture can bring so much joy.....and I know I am not alone, because I have talked to many friends and read on other blogs that you all feel the same way!!
It is so much fun opening those envelopes filled with holiday cheer. Warm holiday wishes from friends near and far....... So many adorable faces smiling up at you!! It definitely brightens my day:)
I look forward to Christmas Cards every year, but this year has been extra special..... I actually received a few cards from some of the families I photographed!!! It was and is, so cool to see how they take the photos and design the layout for the holiday cards.
Typically, I don't share the photos I take for other people, but I did get permission to share a few from one of the sessions this holiday season:)
For starters, let me introduce the little guy up there at the top of this post. That is my nephew Ashton. Is he not one of the cutest little boys you have ever seen?? I did a last minute, quicky session for my sister and I loved his little expression......had to post it!!
The week after Thanksgiving I did a session for a fellow blogger and sweet friend!! Some of you are sure to recognize this precious pair..........

Emily and Hannah were such a joy to photograph.......I enjoyed every second of my time with their entire family and feel extremely lucky to have been given the opportunity to photograph these lovely ladies. If any of you follow their blog, you know that Heather is one of the most kind and compassionate people you could ever meet. I am so happy to call her friend and look forward to seeing her again after the holidays:)
I photographed a few more families this holiday season, but not all the families were comfortable with their pictures being posted on the blog, so unfortunately, I won't get to share those.
At this point, we have collected a nice stack of beautiful Christmas Cards as I am sure many of you have too. I need to figure out how to display them in my house. They are too pretty to keep hidden away in a card basket or sleigh. I have a couple of stands or card holders, but they don't hold enough cards.
How do you display your Christmas Cards in your home??? I would love to hear your ideas:)
Hope that everyone has a great weekend. If I am lucky, I will get in at least one more post before Christmas.
Hope you're able to slow down a bit and enjoy the end of the season. Love your photos! I hope I'm able to photograph as well as you one day.
I chuckled when you mentioned baking Italian cookies. I too am Italian and just baked with my mom her favorite cookie from my grandma's collection of recipes. It was so much fun reminiscing with her about her childhood. Good times... Merry Christmas to you and your family!
p.s. I too love opening the mail and seeing everyone's Christmas photos. Unfortunately I end up placing mine in a basket. Would love to hear what others suggest.
That picture of your nephew at the top is just ADORABLE!!!! I love it!
Yes, it is hard to believe that next week is Christmas! Hope you have a great one!
I hope you are feeling better SOON!!! Emily and Hannah are so adorable and you are right their Mommy is a doll!
I found this tape..it looks like ribbon but it is sticky on both sides. I put it around my door frames and stick my cards to it.
Also spinning way out of control here and so far behind and then the ceiling started to leak in the master bedroom!!! More fun indeed!
Oh my -- your nephew is so adorable and Emily and Hannah -- wow -- those two get more beautiful by the day, if that is even possible.
Let's each have a glass of wine tonight and a virtual toast! :)
Sure do recognize those two sweeties and yes, their Mama is one very special lady!!!
I also love to go out to the mailbox this time of year! How fun is it to get Christmas cards when our box is usually filled with bills? : )
Merry Christmas, Lisa!!!
I just love that picture of the 2 girls with the nutcracker in the foreground! I wish I lived closer so you could photograph my kiddos! Wanna visit Montreal? Lol!
I display my cards on the mantel over my fireplace!
Girl...you are NOT the only one!! lol! Check out my latest post! ;)
LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos!!!! You were always a great photographer, but these, I don't know...you've taken it to a new level!! BEAUTIFUL!!! You've got a great eye!
Well....it seems to be universal - too much going on this season. I kjust lost 3 days with Dahlia home sick as well as the baby so I'm scrambling now too. Still trying to enjoy it all though.
Your Christmas photos are gorgeous. Love the Nutcracker one and your nephew - well.....words are not needed. The photo is breathtaking.
I display my cards on a long, narrow table in the hallway. They fall over too much though - I should find something else.
I'll raise a toast to you tonight too, my friend!
Well you already know probably one of my favorite things about this season is receiving Christmas cards. I'm confident that Heather was extremely pleased...how could she not be, the pics of her girls are truly stunning, Lisa!
I display my cards in this wire hanger(it's flat) and hangs on a cupboard in my kitchen. I got it at Pottery Barn several years ago and it's shaped like a snowflake. It never holds all my cards though.
And I'm sure everything will come together nicely Lisa. Just take some time for yourself now and then...
Adorable pictures! You are doing such a fabulous job with your photography! The little ladies are getting soooo big!
I, too, love to head to the mailbox this time of year. For years, Cory and I fought over who was going to open the cards. We finally figured out a system – I open the ones from my friends and family and he opens the ones from his friends and family! I display our cards on a ribbon with clothes pins.
Hope you have a great weekend!
What great pictures, love the one of your nephew.
Every year I tape the cards we get to the inside of the front door of our home. The whole door usually gets filled!! You can see it from the living room or coming up from downstairs and the foyer is the hub of our home. It is easy for all the kids to see and read!! As I head out for the day it always brings a smile to my face to see all those cards and pictures as Im walking out the door!!
Ours are in a bog silver bowl. I sit down to look at them several times and keep them out almost all year:) I do like the ide in the comment above about the inside of the door too.
Hope you can slow down and enjoy:)
love your settings for the photographs. beautiful!
i usually hang three strands of ribbons from the wide dining room window and then attach Christmas cards there. this year i've taken so many shortcuts that i didn't do it and was not planning on hanging cards at all. however, i just couldn't stand not looking at the photocards so i did get some painters tape and hang them around the door casings of my dining room and front door. it does look nice and i am so happy to look at the cards now.
Love your photos! I can't wait to see how your Christmas card turned out!!
I also love to open the Christmas cards..I hang all of ours around a doorway in our foyer that is close to our front door. I love how they look!
Hope you can accomplish all that you want to and then can slow down and enjoy next week!
Lisa, your photos are stunning, the clarity you achieve is amazing. I too wish I loived nearer to you, but Ireland is a long way away.
I have big ribbon bows to which I attach cards with special little "clothes pegs", and I hang them either side of double doors between our sitting rooms. I bought them at lakeland.co.uk some years ago, I think they usually have some solutions.
Hope you get to slow down some soon, I'm the same, just too busy and it all comes on top of me at the last minute. I won't bake till after Christmas Day,by then we'll be ready for nice cookies!
Love the photos :) As far as the cards, I hang a garland by our back french doors (sliding doors) and I got these cute tiny clothes pins at Michaels to attach them...I always run out of the pins, so I use some tape and actually tape them together going vertically down - it looks sooo pretty!
Great shots Lisa. I too feel like I've got so much to do and time is running out.
In terms of the cards, you could always buy a small Christmas tree and attach the cards with cool ribbon as you receive them. Might be something fun for Sarah and Nick to participate in!
First of all, gorgeous images lady! How do you do it all and work outside the home as well??? You are SUPERwoman in my book. :)
Hope Nick's play was wonderful and it sounds like a fun time was had by all. That's too ironic you asked about the card holders because I was just thinking about the same thing the other day. A majority of the cards we receive are photo cards and it is so hard to keep them on the mantel without falling. If I find something good I will let you know. Take care sweetie. :)
OK... as for organized.. this is crazy.. I think there is something in the air.. I can not get anything done.. haven't started shopping .. don't have all the cards out yet.. didn't do the cards like we normally do..
Oh well.. another day.. as long as we have family it is all good..
As for displaying cards.. well I put mine on one wall.. but I so would love to have a card holder...
have a great week..
thank you for the card... it is beautiful...
I'm spinning with you and won't slow down until Christmas Eve ~ ugh! At which time my family from Michigan will arrive and I'll shift from teacher mode to hostess.
Our Christmas cards are in the foyer placed on a silver tray ~ easy to see and read all the holiday cheer.
I'll toast to you when I find a few minutes to sit down and enjoy!
Your photography is amazing! The litle guy is precious and I love the first picture of the girls!
I hope you get some more crossed off your list. I am a little behind but I am hoping for it to all fall into place soon!
Have a great weekend!
Beautiful shots of your nephew and of Emily & Hannah!! I loved getting my beautiful card from Heather in the mail. What lovely girls, captured beautifully by you!! I wish I had a good way to display them... I don't... but I do go back and look at the cards several times before finally putting them away to store.
Have a great weekend, Lisa!
Hi Lisa,
You're not alone-I'm in the same boat this year. I'm thinking instead of taking time off after Christmas I should take a couple of days before instead.
Enjoy your weekend!
Hugs, Michaela, Orlando, FL
LID: 05/24/06
I hope you are resting well when you get the chance! I'm sure your meal and cookies will be divine and those presents will surely get wrapped! These photos are beautiful as always and I'm certain these families are blessed to have had you photograph their children! Enjoy this week! Love ya~
Lovely Pictures!
We have a large mirror over our fire place and I tape the cards to the mirror with masking tape.
My step dad punches a hole in the corner of their cards and strings them along the soffit in their foyer.
Well, we have had this conversation far too often! I am NOT in my normal Christmas mode, still cannot put my finger on the dragging heels, but certain the Lord is using this time, productive or non-productive to do something great! Your nephew is ADORABLE!!! And those girls they are gorgeous - are they really as pretty in person as you captured them??? (wink!)
We so thoroughly enjoyed you and they have asked when they can pose for Miss Lisa again! I would have to agree that being as talented as you are puts you in the triple threat category, great mom, great worker, great talent! It is such a blessing knowing you.
Maybe, just maybe you have inspired me to update the blog today ;) We shall see!
Love you, girl!
Great pics! I think you've seen how we display cards on our wall in my blog post. Yours is going up tonight. When dh first saw it, he was like "WOW!". Quite impressed by your awesome photo card.
Oh Lisa! Those pictures are amazing!!!! You are one talented lady. I absolutely love the first one!
I got your Christmas card and it was beautiful! I have been loving getting all my cards this year. I actually have my cards hung all over my dining room door frames this year and I use a teeny tiny piece of tape for each card. I never have a problem with paint coming off or anything thank goodness. I just love looking at them hanging up.
Briana had her Christmas program yesterday. It was so cute! It's up on my blog of course! :)
Oh I just love these sweet little girls and their Momma!
Praying that your holidays slow down sweet girl and you can just enjoy your family and what Christmas is really about......Merry Christmas.
As always....LOVE the photos! You truly have the eye for taking some amazing pictures!
How did your shopping go last night? Find anything exciting? Did you have to go for a drink afterwards (b/c I would had lol)! Can't wait to hear all that you got!
Call me...
Oh I've missed your photos. They are so amazing and YES I am totally spinning out of control. Merry Christmas.
Love your photos, as always!
I too so enjoy getting all the Christmas cards. I just do it the "old fashioned" way and tape them to the fridge. Not the prettiest but that's where they get seen the most and I can enjoy them.
Hope you get some downtime to get some stuff done and take a break.
Sue : )
Oh how I wish you lived close enough to do our family photo's and Christmas card! You are so talented! Those pictures you took are AMAZING!!
I have a door in my kitchen that I tape only the photo cards onto. My kids love watching it fill up with photo's every year. It so much fun! I may have to do a post on that next week.
Happy Holiday's! Enjoy! : )
How wonderfully you capture the mood of the season, Lisa.
You bring out the best in ALL children...not just those two cuties that call you MOM!
Thanks for getting me in the spirit!
YES, why does it seem SO much crazier this year?! My goodness, it is sheer craziness! I sure hope you get a moment of peace...
The Christmas cards are a real treat around here too. I rip open the envelopes like a little kid on Christmas morning. This year I started to tape them to our door in our kitchen that goes to our garage...a door we mainly use. It is filled and I love it! I think I'll leave them all up for a while, they just cheer me up so much!
I think the snow might have forced you to slow down this weekend... am I right? Or did y'all not get the same amount that we did? It was close to 20 inches down here. Merry Christmas, friend.
I too love going to my mailbox during the holiday season! Such joy pours out of it!!
Hope your weekend has been fab!
I love the pictures you take. Really love them. I am glad you can capture these special moments for so many! Lovely!
I am so excited you asked this question and am going to go back thru your comments to find out how to display the cards. I have no idea. I usually try to put them on our fridge but we got so many this year. It would cover the fridge : ) and then some!
OK I am going to do ribbon and clothespins next year. There were some great tips up there.
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