This weekend there was one thing that was at the very top of my priority list..... Getting all the Christmas decorations taken down and put away.
I can't believe I left the tree and all the decor up this long.... I usually never go past New Year's Day before taking everything down.
Saturday morning, I was up and at it by 6:30am...... so unlike me for a weekend, but I just wanted to get it all done so that I could enjoy the rest of the weekend with my family:)
I had promised the kids that we could go to the movies if I could get everything cleaned up and put away by lunchtime. Sarah has never been to the movies before so I thought that "A!vin and The Chipmunks" would be the perfect movie to break her in.
As you can see she was in heaven with her VERY LARGE white cherry slurpee:) Nick was totally embarrassed that I whipped my camera out in the movie theater......he should be use to it by now!! Sarah did very well and sat through the whole thing. She got a little tired at the end and climbed into my lap for the last 30 minutes, but no tears or meltdowns!!
After the movies we had to hit the grocery store for a few things....
Do you feel like you are always running for a few things? I always make trips midweek for the things I forget or the things that I did not plan for in advance. I am not good in the meal planning dept..... horrible actually!
While in one of my favorite local markets, we walked through the floral department on our way to check out. Everything looked beautiful and I was drawn to the color of these tulips....plus they were on sale!! I thought that these would bring a little cheer to my kitchen, so I added them to my cart!!
Okay....a little confession.
I did need to bring something into my house to brighten things up, but I also just finished reading a series of books by THIS photographer and I was inspired to try a very simplistic set up on my kitchen table. The only thing I needed was a piece of white foam board and some natural light coming in from my window.

I took this shot of the tulips on Sunday morning.

Same tulips Monday Morning.
I didn't plan on taking another photo this morning...... but as I sat here drinking my coffee, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful they looked.....and how much they had changed. It was amazing to me "the difference a day can make" in the life of a flower. Made me think a little about my own life........
Hope your week is off to a great start!!
Gorgeous Lisa! Love the tulips!!! Glad the littles had fun at the movies!!! Nothing like it, huh? Have a great week :)
I am so glad Sarah enjoyed the movie. My husband took Pearl to see it to. Chloe wanted to stay home with me.
I am amazed at the beauty of your tulip pictures. They are so gorgeous! If they are on Flickr, I will have to go look and favorite them. Wow.
Simply stunning and such a perfect analogy for our everyday lives.
You are always trying new things, Lisa, and that's what I love about you!
So glad Sarah enjoyed the movie so much...could she possibly get any more adorable?
Dita Darling
Lookin' forward to putting on a sushi feedbag with you on Friday!
HAHA. First off, Dita's comment about the sushi feedbag just made me laugh out loud. Why don't y'all make it a road trip and include me? It's warmed up here, ya know? ;)
OK, ahem, now on to my comment. Yay for Sarah's first movie and for a Slurpee that's as big as her head! Glad she had fun, my kids want to see that soon, too. And OMG, I love the tulips. So light and fresh with the perfect amount of texture! I may need one of those for my little bathroom makeover. How much do you charge? ;)
Sounds like a great weekend..
Love the tulip photos..
Have a great week.
Beautiful flowers...great photographer!
Oh Lisa - those tulips are just divine. They are in my favorite color and it's just making me yearn to see my own tulips popping up through the ground. (OK, reality check - in about 4 months.)
But the softness that you captured is really beautiful. I've been trying to use a white board too but it's hard to prop it up. Do you use an easil?
We saw the Alvin movie during Christmas break. Well....Dahlia and I did. I think I enjoyed it even more than Dahlia. We've been singing Beyonce's song ever since. "All the single ladies, all the single ladies.....". Such a cute first movie for Sarah to see.
Have a great week!
Lisa - i love the tulip pictures! They are gorgeous and so make me think of spring! It can't be here soon enough!
I am so impressed by your photography skills. As I'm working on my project 365 I have so few ideas of things to take pictures of and feel so many of my indoor photos are just awful.
have a great week!
ahhh those tulips are SO dreamy...thank you for the reminder of having fresh flowers in the house. they can do so much for the soul. your photographs of them are gorgeous and thanks for the tip on the books you read...i went straight to my library to put them on hold! i took mags to alvin too. we both enjoyed it and laughed at the part when the boys meet the girls at the locker...so cute! love that she got that big slurpy. mags is a salty girl so she had a big bag of french fries and fried cheese curds on her lap!
*thank you for your sweet message on my blog. we still haven't got our software yet but i think adobe is the way to go. i'm sure i'll have a few things to ask you once i get it. thank you for being so helpful, you are so sweet! have a great week Lisa!
oh visions of springtime. i love tulips. we had many many many tulips at our wedding. they are beautiful and remind me of spring.
love all of your photos, but the one of Sarah at the movie was my favorite.
What a cute picture of Sarah at her first movie! We plan to take Kamree soon and I can't wait to see how she does!
Your tulip pictures are fabulous! My boys brought me home red roses this weekend -- yep the ones from the grocery store! They aren't fancy or well put together but they cheered me up!
Every new day gets us one day closer to spring. Whooo hooo!!!
We went to see Alvin too -- fun movie! Your tulips are lovely. Still have some xmas decorations up here -- not too motivated lately!
Have a great week!
Beautiful flowers!
Doug took Bri to see Alvin and the Chipmunks the weekend before last. She kept singing "All the single ladies, all the single ladies." Good grief. :)
I think I live at the grocery store...
Ahhhhh....these tulips SHOUT SPRINGTIME!!! Beautiful photos!!
Glad you all enjoyed the movie...that photo of Sarah is just too cute!! I'm sure she would like "The PRincess & The Frog" too...although, that's best just for you two girls...I don't think it would be Nick's choice! ;)
Oh...and about the shopping...I, too, am a horrible meal planner & go to the grocery store every.single.morning. for that night's dinner...OK, so I live in Manhattan & it's right across the street...but still!! lol!!
Those tulips looked so real in the picture I wanted to reach out and touch one. Any sign of spring is better than all the snow here.
Tulips are my favorite flower. Beautiful pictures! Spring is just around the corner!
Addison and I saw that movie...she loved it LOL
I took pictures of tulips this morning too LOL I bought them yesterday to brighten my winter blue spirits LOL and I whipped out a reflector and my white board LOL
Gorgeous tulips. Cute movie, right? That slurpee is HUGE!!!! : )
We've been wanting to go see the Chipmunks movie too. Our days just seem to fly by and before you know it the movie will be available on Netflix! I haven't brought my little one to a movie yet. I bet he would do fine since he has adapted so well to watching t.v. (that's another goal for the new year... less tv!).
Love your photo of the tulips. The thoughts of spring are in the near future.
I feel like I should just set up a cot in my local grocery store. I never seem to get everything I need on the first try too!
I was talked into the Chipmunks movie too...Maggie loved it!
Love, love the tulip pics...have a great week Lisa~
The picture of Sarah makes me smile, so happy she loved the movie(it is very cute).
And the tulips are lovely, make me feel hopeful for Spring...now you've inspired me to take some flower pics...lol.
Have a great week!
Tulips are my favorite..love that soft pink. : )
Had to LOL about you whipping out the camera in the movie...I think all our kids think we are nuts with that obsession.
Sue : )
That slurpy looks so good to me..I just did 45 min of treadmill...maybe I am thirsty!
sandy toe
Glad Sarah's first movie was a success! The pictures are beautiful!
Glad Sarah enjoyed the movie! We still haven't made it to the theater to see it but will soon I'm sure.
Love the tulip pictures too. I like the texture on these. I tried adding texture once and it looked horrible. Maybe I should try again.
Now I think you and Miss Dita are having way too many lunches together. If you make it a road trip to TX as Marla suggested, stop by and pick me up! ;-)
Have a great day!
I love tulips! Your pictures are gorgeous! So glad you had a great experience at the movies! : )
I can remember (i believe it was you) that your neighbor had their decorations up til somthing like april last year.
It drives us crazy to keep ours up long also. Christmas too early or too late is considered a "violation" to our family, there should be laws about it ;)
I can see why it was hard to resist the flower photo...gorgeous :)
your website is still one of my favs. You have a special spot on the bottom of my sidebar so I can pop in and see what gorgeous pix you take and to keep tabs on your progress with the new baby to be :)
Gorgeous tulips!! O how I miss the color in the NW but I dont miss the rain which brings you the color! Funny how that works.
Have a great week too!
Sarah is entirely too sweet! Love that giant slurpee!!
The pictures are gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!! Oh my word girlfriend, absolutely breathtaking!
What a bright beautiful post for a new year! Thank you :)
I love it! Beautiful. Simple is beautiful.
The tulips are beautiful. You did a great job with those photos.
What great shots of the tulips. I love fresh flowers and it always feels like such an indulgence, since the beauty is so fleeting.
But that is what makes it special and good for you to treat yourself and photograph their presence so well.
These are such lovely photographs. Are you reading the Digital Photography books by Scott Kelby. I recently read the 3 set edition and wow, it is awesome. Great reference books as well.
I know what you mean! I feel like I LIVE in the grocery store. And it is such a hassle to take Kaishon and Shoshi in with me. I always end up with way more than we need! They sneak things into the cart!
We went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks a few weeks ago and Kaish said it was one of his favorite things we did over Christmas break!
PS I bought some of those same tulips last week. SO pretty. I love fresh flowers in the house!
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