UPDATE: We have a busy day planned here in Guangzhou and I didn't have time to get another post up. Please link your black and white Wednesday here. We are heading to the Jade and Pearl Market and then to the famous red couch to take pictures of the princess in one of her new dresses. New post coming soon:) Happy Wednesday to you all!

We had to say goodbye to Changsha and our wonderful guide Susan at 8am this morning. By 9am we had landed in Guangzhou where we met our new guide Lucy. She informed us that we needed to head straight to the medical center so we could have Reagan's physical completed and we also needed to get her picture taken for her visa.

Inside waiting for the first doctor to see us.

Reagan helping Mommy with the paperwork.

We found out that someone is a little ticklish under the arms.

Checking out the doctor and giving him the hairy eyeball!

Trying to grab the thermometer from the nurse.

Looking super cute on the scale........ all 17.5 pounds of her.
I don't have a lot of time to write tonight as the effects of waking up at 4:30am to catch an 8am flight are catching up with me, but I wanted to quickly update you all and let you know that we made it to Guangzhou safe and sound.
It is so different here, it almost makes me forget I am in China. It is a more westernized city. A lot more people speak English and we are now running into other Americans in the hotel and walking around the city. There are cute little shops EVERYWHERE! Marla and I popped into a few late this afternoon and I bought Sarah and Reagan matching Chinese dresses and I also bought Reagan her first pair of Squeaky Shoes! They are so darn cute, but we are having trouble finding them in smaller sizes.
I really need to call it a night, but before I go, I have a few more pictures I wanted to share.
Just after we got back from lunch I put Reagan in her crib to play with some toys while Marla and I got the room organized. I quickly opened the curtains and grabbed my camera when I saw her in all her glory.

Can you believe this face?

I am utterly amazed at the diffence a week can make!

The last two days have been HUGE for us!
She gave us the first real smile on Saturday and then she started reaching out to me. Sunday she gave Marla and I lots of smiles and decided that maybe she would show us what she could really do.
The girl can crawl all the way across the hotel room.
It does not look as though she has been doing it very long. She is a little unstable and when she starts she rocks back and forth, but once she gets started she can MOVE!
In addition to all the smiles, she has started to babble/sing and we got the first true GIGGLE today.....it is the sweetest thing ever. I am bound and determined to get it on video so you can hear and see for yourselves.
I went back and looked at the photos that Marla took of her earlier this week and she does not look like the same child. She is showing us her personality and she is not afraid to let us know how she feels. We were not so sure she was truly a "Spicy Girl" but she has proven us WRONG. Miss Reagan seems to be about as Spicy as they come:)
We are heading to the consulate tomorrow to take the oath and then all we need to do is wait for her Visa to be processed so we can come home! Only a few more days to go.
so glad to hear she is showing you her "spice". she has such an infectious smile.
and wow, you made the physical exam look like a cake walk. it was so crowded when we were there we could barely move and it was utter and pure confusion. E wailed through it all (of course, they STARTED with the TB injection!)
I love all of her absolutely adorable facial expressions! I'm so glad the smiles and giggles are coming out, and the CRAWLING! Each day you will learn more and more about each other. Every single second is magical and special !
You can see the difference in her just in the photos. It really is amazing. She has such a beautiful smile. :)
Glad you've made it safely to GZ and the last leg of the trip. Remember all the good shopping tips for me. LOL!
Oh she is so super precious!!!! And praising Him with you for her precious smile that is emerging!!
You will find tons of squeaky shoes...trust me!!! I wish we would have bought more.
P.S. I love the look she is giving the doctor...lol
She has the most adorable smile! I knew the true Reagan was about to make her appearance. I'm so happy to hear you're doing so well.
I am so glad you made it Guangzhou safe and sound! Love love love the pictures! I am so glad to hear that Reagan is coming out of her shell and that she is crawling! Looking forward to the next update!
Love ya!
So sweet -- you're on the home stretch now! YAY!! And look at her -- what a change -- you're seeing her sweet personality come through!
I so love reading these AMAZING updates. God bless you. Safe travels home.
LOVE IT!!! I always love the GZ photos as they are usually completely different than the first photos in the province! :)
SOOO HAPPY for you that you are getting some BIG smiles & giggles!! She sure is a BEAUTY!!!!
You're almost HOME!!!!
HUGS to all of you!!
Yes, yes, yes... I was waiting on this post~ I knew she just needed time to process what had happened and she would look like a different child~ love is amazing!!!
Bless you all and enjoy!!!
The final steps until you're on a plane homeward bound! Wonderful to see that beautiful smile and I'm sure those giggles are just heart melting for you! Enjoy GZ...it's a whole different China!
I love all her different outfits...girls are just the funnest to dress!! Her smile is so great to see and I am so happy for you guys that the days are getting easier...have fun shopping!!
Oh Lisa,
My internet has been down so I've missed the last few posts. I had tears in my eyes as I read that Reagan reached through the crib for your hand, and you felt reassured that everything would be alright. And now look at your little Reagan... Adoption is not for the faint of heart :) I'm so so thankful that Reagan and your hearts are being comforted.
sending hugs and PRAYERS!!!
xo ellie
She has blossomed indeed!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Praise the Lord for your PRECIOUS Spicy Girl!!! Oh my gosh, that photo in the crib of her smile is truly what this is all about... It shows that she has slowly let herself fall in love with you!!!! I know what it feels like to see the petals on the rose unfold!!!!
YAY!! What a blessing to see these this am!!!
Glad to hear you all made it safe and sound!!! I get so excited to see your new posts!! The photo of Reagan in the crib is just priceless!! What a sweetheart she is! Enjoy these final days in China. I know it must have been emotional leaving her birth place..yes, Guangzhou is very different. It has been such a blessing following your journey Lisa, just so happy for you all!!
She is a different child. It's wonderful where your love and patience has brought her to.
Well done, it's going to be easier from now, even at difficult times, you'll know that she has it in her to pull through.
Oh, I'm so, so thrilled for you!
Cuteness overload... don't forget about the bakery I told you about near Judy's (it is on the corner down near the tennis courts - turn left and it is on the left hand side of the road on the corner)... just when you need a piece of cake that is 'close to home' and the bread is delicious if you need that Peanut Butter sandwich :)
She has the most beautiful smile! It's amazing how they pull through these difficult times!
(I also love her stink eye...adorable!)
love the photo on the scale in the med exam office! Reagan is truly amazing! fill up a suitcase with shoes for her! Wish I'd done so,only bought 12 pair, guess I was off my game!
thanks for sharing your experience and wonderful photos!
OK! I was still crying about the last post and the finger hold and now this one. I didn't realize you were posting every day! But really, how could you not!
I don't know what squeaky shoes are. OH NO! Will google at once.
SO very happy for you Lisa. So very, very happy!
You are right. She looks like a different baby. A totally different baby!
Sorry for not writing sooner, but I have been slammed with editing! I have loved getting caught up with everything and wow, the change in Reaganis amazing! Love the pictures you posted today!!!Each day it will get better. You are halfway through your trip and soon will fly your girl home to meet the rest of her family! Love and hugs~
amazing news! I love her smile and her eyes are so expressive. Lots of prayers in these last few days in China.
What a beautiful smile she has!!!!
So happy things have turned the corner, every day more layers will be peeled away.
Happy you arrived in Guangzhou safely...you'll be home very soon!
What a difference! Those last two pictures are priceless. I love that small. I'm so happy she's opening up - you'll be amazed at how much more you'll see each day!
Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Priceless photos! She is adorable! When she smiles, her whole face lights up...what a difference a week makes for sure!
Enjoy GZ, it's fabulous for sure!
Oh, I love that smile - so gorgeous!
A photo well worth waiting for! She is sooo cute!
Enjoy GZ-we got tons of squeaky shoes there and they def have smaller sizes.
Wow.....what a difference!!! She's got cute down pat and just wait for all the "spice". All good!!
This is the post I was waiting for. Reagan is sooooo cute and what a smile. Enjoy your last few days in China.
A smile is a truly BEAUTIFUL thing :) I know it must have made your heart sing, Lisa!!
So great to see her blooming before our eyes!!
Her smile just made me smile. Looks like you are making great strides! :D
LOVE LOVE LOVE reading this!! She is just amazingly beautiful Lisa...enjoy Guangzhou...my fave!!
Oh Oh! Now you are in trouble when you get home!! Crawling!! Gracie is just a week younger and she is in to everything! And how adorable are those "peggies"? She is gorgeous... I bet you cant wait to see your hubs and Nick and Sarah now..cant wait to see the reunion pics...Tahe care of each other. Debsx
YAY! Smiles!!! She's the cutest thing! I am so happy for you!
And with those Hunan girls the "spicyness" will continue!!!
So sweet and what a precious smile. All I can say while you are in Guangzhou is shop, shop, shop!!!!!! You won't regret it!!!
Lisa ~ these photos of her are priceless. It is so good to see her beautiful smile. It is amazing what a few days of love can do for a precious child. I'm so glad I got to meet Reagan on my missions trip and that I have been able to follow your adoption journey. Many blessings to you!! :)~Carissa
Glad to see you made it safely to Guangzhou. LOVE to see that smile, it is so neat to watch the transformation from week one to week two. Hope the rest of your trip goes well.
Wow look at that smile!! So happy for you and Reagan!
p.s I've decided I'm never traveling without you or Marla coming along as trip photographers!
I'm kinda a "lurker" but following your story. She is beautiful, and I am so happy you get her and she gets you. That is a very precious gift for you both.
I wanted so badly to walk through the screen and take one of the kids I saw from your orphanage post the other day. Her picture sort of haunts me. Thanks for the reminder of what we have to be thankful for.
Wow! It's amazing what a few days can do! So glad to see each day is getting better and better. I love the scale picture! She is such a little peanut! I can't wait to see what Sarah thinks of her!
Oh my goodness! She has the best smile EVER!!!! I love seeing it and hearing about her giggles! Keep that spice coming Reagan!!!!
I am sooooo happy for you my friend..
Her smile is BREATHTAKING..
can't get any better then that..
Love ya ..
Glad you guys made it to GZ okay. Isn't it like a whole other world there? I remember on our 1st trip how excited I was to be there and it was so different from being "in province". The province part was great, but GZ was more like home. I love the beautiful smiles Reagan is showing and looks like things are going awesome. Thanks for the update and please post more pics soon. I can't get enough!
I can't remember if I commented or not. I've been staying in touch on my iPhone. Her smiles are priceless! I am so glad she has warmed up so much in such a short time. It typically takes a few days and then you start seeing a different child. She is just precious!! Enjoy your Guangzhou shopping. I so wish Mia could still wear squeaky shoes. I LOVE squeaky shoes!
Will you look at that smile?! What a transformation! I'm so happy for you both.
THERE she is! I knew we would start to see Miss Reagan emerge and she is sooooo incredibly GORGEOUS! I can't stand it. I want to reach through my computer screen and hug and kiss those sweet cheeks. What an amazing journey you all have been on. It's just the beginning, my friend!!! I LOVE the shots of her in her crib...my FAV. so far! You also are gorgeous...I looked hideous in China. You go girl :)
Loving her smile. What a prescious little girl.
It is amazing how quickly she turned around. There is a sparkle in her eyes that wasn't there last week:)
Buy those dresses in every available size. I got just the plain simple straight ones in a variety of colors from toddler up and am so glad Amelia has them. She only wears them a couple times a year so I'm really glad I only paid $3 for them in China rather then $30 in the States.
We actually spent 14 days in Guangzhou at the White Swan so we didn't see much of China. Glad you are getting the full experience.
Love that smile!
She is so cute! I am glad things are going so well for you, and that soon you will be reunited with the rest of your family. I am sure they miss you like crazy and can't wait to meet Reagan.
What beautiful eyes & smile!
Have a safe trip home. can't wait to see the entire family together.
What a gorgeous smile! Love it!
jazzie is a spicy girl and I must say that it has served her well. Nothing wrong with a little spice ;-)
I love reading about your journey with reagan. Shes such a lucky little girl to have become a part of your family and Iam sure you feel just as blessed to have her. Enjoy and my best wishes to you!
Gorgeous smile . . . and so smart! My sister and her husband had been in the same town almost 8 years ago now, getting our little "Joy". What a blessing she will be to your family.
Aww, just look at that smile! SO precious.
Wishing you all the best on your coming home journey!
so good to see those gorgeous smiles! On both of you girls! I hope you enjoy your time in GZ - Happy Shopping!!!
And I even love the hairy eyeball - I am sure we will be seeing more of that once sweet Reagan realizes she has competition for tickles at home ;)
Wow..what a difference. Look at her gorgeous smile. I am just so tickled for you all!!
Enjoy GZ...the shopping is addicting and so fun!!
what a gorgeous girl - not long to go now till you are home!
Wonderful pictures, your baby looks so happy!
Yay! I am so happy for you! She is gorgeous! Love her smile.
Oh my gosh look at that lovely little smile :) Almost homeward bound!!!
Inspirational & Beautiful. This is what life is about! Compassion & Love and you seem to have it in abundance.
I'm sure you are busy... but if you can, delete #22. It was last weeks entry. Don't know why, but I seem to forget to put the NEW URL in the space available. Sorry! And again, your little bundle is just so adorable - but you already know that.
I'm so glad she's a smiling little girl for you now!!
Lisa I have tears in my eyes every time I read your posts. The pictures are stunning of China and Reagan is just beautiful. So happy for you and thank you for sharing this intensely personal journey!
She's adorable! Wow, my 2 month old weighs only 4lbs less than her. I must have a big girl lol
What a DOLL!!! I'm so happy for you!!! :D
She is such a doll! Nice to see her smiling :)
she is truly beautiful
I just L.O.V.E. the pictures of her on the red couch! She is giving you the sweetest little smiles & you can really tell that she is opening up! Thank you for taking us along on this beautiful ride with you!
xoxo - Robin
Lisa, you have no idea how much you and your family have touched my heart and soul...your daughter is absoultely beautiful on the red couch and I am so happy that you have had the opportunity to share this will all of us....Congrats to all of you and I can't wait to see more...have a safe trip back....
I've known about your story for a long time but I've started going back and reading the old posts learning more about your experience adopting from China. It's something I believe I would love to do but it seems so complex...
It's been on my mind...maybe one day...
Love your blog!
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