Reagan likes to come into my office with me when I am working and one of her favorite things to do is "organize" the books on the shelves.

After she is done "organizing", she picks a book and sits down to "read".
Day after day, week after week, she chooses the same book... "Confessions of a Shopaholic". We all laugh and wonder if this is a sign of years to come. I am not sure what it is.....maybe it is the pink cover, but for some reason she is drawn to this book.
I am cheating today because I don't have a BW Photo ready..... Reagan is not the only one that has been hitting the books..... I have been hitting them hard the last two weeks and have spent many hours in my office behind closed doors.
My photography classes started last week and they are off to a FANTASTIC start. Everyone has been wonderful and is so excited to learn and grasp all the concepts that I am teaching.
I am spending lots of extra time tending to everyone's questions and often doing some extra research to prepare class outlines, diagrams, and assignments. If you know me, you know I don't do anything halfway.... In a nutshell, I have put my heart and soul into this project and I want it to be very successful and I want everyone to walk away feeling as though they learned a lot.
In addition to conducting the actual classes twice a week, I started a private FB Group for everyone participating in the class so that we can share our photos and have a place to have discussions and post questions and answers for all to see. It is all really working out so well and we continue to learn all week long:)
Even though I am the one teaching others, they are essentially pushing me to learn more myself. Funny how that happens.... but I guess that is how we all continue to grow!
Sorry I have been totally MIA again, there are just not enough hours in the day to do everything....Superwoman, I am NOT! Unfortunately, blogging has kind of been put on the back burner these last few weeks. Things will calm down here shortly and I hope to be back to blog visiting. I miss checking in on everyone and I miss the photo inspiration. I'll be around soon..... I promise.
Have a great Wednesday!
What a hoot!!! Yes, visions of your future are sitting right there on your office floor.
So glad your workshops are going so well. I would expect nothing less. Just remember to take care of yourself.
Love you (and loved our chat today.)
A girl after my own heart!! I love, love the photo of her little toes touching. So sweet!!
Glad the classes are going well!!!
Uh oh! That is too funny how she's so drawn to "Confessions of a Shopaholic"! =)
So happy for you that your classes are going very well!
So adorable. Love her hair, it is getting so long.
So funny! She would have a hoot of a time with my older daughter who also likes this book. lol
Gorgeous photos as per usual. Take care. xxx
She will be a great shopper! Wait until she points out shoe stores! Hopefully she will learn her math soon too to be able to calculate sale prices!
Glad you are having a great response to your photography classes!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
In all her cuteness ... she is destined to be a shopper!
Love it. And so wish I was a student in your class! Maybe someday we when are state side!
Love & Blessings from HOng KOng,
She is lovely your girl. I think she´s going to shop a lot:D
you have to admit, she's picked a great book to carry around! :)
That is so funny! So glad your classes are going so well. I agree with Wanda...you better take care of yourself! :-)
What a great read - very cute!!
he he he! that is beyond precious!
love it!
congrats on how well the class is going! i knew you would do GREAT!
xoxo havea great class tomorrow night :-D
Superwoman you are not? PLEASE! Superwoman you ARE! I am glad you are having fun! : )
Lisa, she's just adorable, and getting more cute by the day!
i love how her little feet are in the 2nd photo!
Glad the classes are going well, and delighted to meet another (non) Superwoman!!
So glad you posted these!
How adorable. My daughter likes to get on her tippy toes and grab moms books too. Very cute.
oh my gosh Lisa, I love Reagan's little feet!
Not sure how you do all you do with three kids, working and your photography classes. Take care of you.
Like Mother....Like Daughter :)
Hi Lisa!
Your little one looks too cute!!!!
could you remove my linky entry no. 32, I uploaded a color picture by accident!
So cute! I LOVE the Shopaholic books, they're such a fun read :D
That's my kinda girl!!! She is getting so big! So glad to hear that the workshop is going well, can't wait until July!
What a little cutie-pie! Oh my goodness -- you are such a busy lady! Glad to hear the classes are going well! Take it easy and enjoy some down time too when you get a minute! :)
She is so cute! Love her little feet in that second shot. So happy that your classes are going well.
Erika B
Too cute!!!
That little sweetie is going to follow right in her mommy's fashionable footsteps. That is priceless! I could eat that baby UP...I think I need a Baby Reagan fix!
I know exactly how hard you are working on your workshop and the material you've put together coupled with the instruction is second to none. I am so thrilled that you put this little venture together and I know that your students are all being bitten by the "bug" every minute of your classes.
Keep it up but make sure you don't forget us little people (LOL) when you hit the BIG TIME!
Maybe it's just the pretty colors of the book. Yeah, right! lol!
I'm so glad your classes are going so well. Of course, I knew they would.
Adorable shots of your beauty!
Sounds like your class is going swimmingly fantastic!! I'm dying to take it someday soon!! :)
Can you blame her?! Her mom always dresses her up in the cutest outfits! Actually, I wish I had a little more of the fashionista gene in me :)
So glad the classes are going well! But again, I'm not surprised! You're an excellent teacher! I learned so much from your Photoshop class and photography workshop :)
She is so stinking cute. I just love her expressions. I'd hide the credit cards now :)
I'm so excited to join in Black and White Wed!
Awww, she's such a beauty Lisa. Look at her sweet little face and twinkling eyes, she's a keeper for sure :o)
Oh my word! These pictures are sooo funny! I think you definitely have a future shopper on your hands! She is just precious! I love her little feet too!
So glad your classes are going well! I think we could all use a few more hours in the day! I feel like I am sinking here and spring has barely arrived!
That is too funny!! I remember when Taya used to do that...although I love the title of the book Reagan picked ;)
So glad your classes are doing well, I would love to take another one. I learned so much from the last one.
Happy Wednesday....Reagan is growing up so fast I love she is drawn to the same book! Haven't read it must be something.
I often think it would be nice to have a little more time for everything, and then, I realize that if there was more time....I'd most likely fill it up and want more :)
beautiful pictures
That is the cutest picture!
I had NO doubt that your classes would be a huge success and be going so well! I know you're thrilled that some of the money is going to HTS, which is so important. :)
And Miss Reagan...what can I say other than... I want to give her a big hug. Those little feet and toes (sigh).
Hope you're well, I'll be emailing later today when I get the time. We got in late Monday night so I'm a little behind with things.
xoxo Gail :)
She is sooo adorable! Can't wait to hear/see more of your photo classes and looking forward to the advanced classes! Do you know when will you have live classes? Thanks!
I am so glad your class is going so well! That must feel so awesome!
I'm excited to be part of this link up for the first time, but I can't find your button! I added a text link to my post, but please send me the link so I can properly link back to you.
she is so cute! i love her little toes in the second photo :)
xo ellie
Hi Lisa. I am entering a photo in your challenge for the first time. I love B&W photos, so your site is great!
I think your girls are absolutely beautiful and you will be so happy to have so many lovely photos of them as they grow up.
So sunny about that book!!!! Will used to carry about a pocket French dictionary and a few weeks ago he went to Paris...so maybe it is a sign of things to come. Great ob with the classes. I for one, think you ARE superwoman and I have no doubt your class is awesome. I would love an intermediate one:)
Have a great weekend.
Oops...I meant funny not sunny.
I dont think it matters if it's not in BW - anything with Reagan in it = adorable!!
Hahaha, that's pretty funny and yes, I'd definitely say it's a sign. She's such a cutie, let's Skype this week, Auntie Marla needs a Reagan fix!!
So glad the classes are rocking, I knew they would!
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