This week Reagan started doing the most adorable thing and I wanted to document it:)

I think by now, most of you that read our blog know that both Pat and I have jobs that allow us to work from home a lot of the time. We both have days that we need to go into our corporate offices or go out on the road to see clients, but our main offices are here in our home.
As you can imagine, this definitely has it's perks..... as in we have a lot of flexibility in our schedules and ultimately, we get to spend more time with the kids.
We have settled into a routine that really works for us. I usually take Nick to school each morning while Pat stays at home and starts his workday while feeding the girls breakfast and getting them dressed and ready to start their day.
Reagan is our early riser, so she is usually up with first while Sarah(AKA: The night owl)is still sleeping.

Usually by the time Pat pours himself a cup of coffee and gets Reagan into her highchair to feed her breakfast, his phone is already "buzzing" and emails are pouring in, so he will bring his laptop to the kitchen table and begin to work simultaneously. I know, not exactly the way you want to enjoy breakfast, but it is all part of juggling a job that lets you work from home and being a Dad at the same time. Multi-tasking at it's best.

Well, last week after Reagan was done with her breakfast, Pat cleaned her up and off she went to play when all of a sudden he sees her walking towards him carrying Sarah's pink computer.
She came up to him and then put the computer on the table next to his, scooted the chair back and tried to climb up.

She stood there in the chair for about 20 minutes mimicking her Daddy's every move....... computer frustration and all. Gosh, this photo cracks me up!
I was not right there to witness when she first did this, but Pat said he was laughing so hard and couldn't believe that she went to Sarah's toy box to dig out the computer. She obviously knew what she wanted to do and where to go the get it.
As the week has progressed, she has continued to do it each day, so yesterday after breakfast, I took some pictures of her and the pink computer!
It looks like she wants to start working like Mommy and Daddy.
Next week will be 6 months that Reagan has been home and I plan to do an update to ahare everything that she is doing at this point. We have seen some real changes in her these last two weeks. Her speech is coming along slowly, but her receptive language is unbelievable. She understands everything we are saying to her which is really great. She has been mobile for awhile, but she is becoming incredibly agile and has started to dance(which is hysterical. I need to get it on vidoe) and climb......as you will see when I post the park pictures.....WEDNESDAY FOR SURE!
Happy Sunday to all.
I hope you are enjoying some Spring weather.
It looks like the rain has finally move out of here:)
To see more Sunday Snapshots or to join in with your own snapshots, click the button below!

That is so funny! She is a doll!! I'm glad the storms have passed for you too!
Oh my that is darling! So powerful is the love of a family. Gorgeous images as always!
Lisa I think my very favorite is the right one in the second set! Oh that smile!!! I feel like I know Regan from all the wonderful snapshots and stories you have shared! Hugs and have a great day!
Darling baby girl wants to be like her mommy and daddy!!! She is the cutest little peanut and her facial expressions are priceless! That last photo is great...like, "Yikes, I forgot to send that order!" :) Love her! Hope one of these days we'll be able to catch up. Miss you!
Look how much she's changed in these 6 months! She's really blossoming. I just love her sweet little smile and those piggy tails... oh my!
Way too adorable!
I can't believe it will be 6 months. Didn't that time just fly?
That is so adorable! She makes me want a third baby SO badly.
I can't wait for the May class :)
She is adorable - love her Matida Jane!
I love me a girl who knows what she wants to do and finds a way to do it.
she's so adorable =)
These are really too cute - I love them! :-)
She is such a smart little girl! Love her face in the last one too. :-) Liam recognized her MJ dress...he said "Hey she has the same dress like Natalie!".
Hope you're having a wonderful Palm Sunday too! We just got back from mass and will hopefully turn our palms into beautiful crosses. My mother learned how to do this from my grandfather many years ago.
so precious lisa!
love it!!!!
praying you are enjoying this glorious SONshine day we are finally having!!!! that rain was something else - we were about to build an ark! LOL!
hugs and love!
Oh my word! Could she be any cuter?! The last picture is my favorite and I can't believe how she knows what to do with the mouse! Love the pink computer too! I think the Easter Bunny needs to bring one for Kamree. What exactly does it do?!
So cute! She has the most animated expressions! Love that computer frustration one! Am sure she will be toting her own pink laptop around soon! Enjoy your Sunday!
LOL!! That's soooo adorable :D
Sooo adorable & so funny too!! Amazing what our little ones "catch" from us at the youngest of ages! Have a wonderful day & ENJOY this Spring weather!!
Right, question!!! How did you find a man that can multi-task anyway?? LOL!!
I'm going to post some video clips of Gracie later so that you can compare what our "girls" are up to...they are so at at the same stage...just right this minute Gracie is helping me type this!!! LOL Need to invest in one of tose pink lap-tops... Dx
Ps Wish Gracie had those piggies...
that is just hysterical!!!! she is one adorable/cute little chicka - even without the pink laptop!!!
Love it! My daughter would "write lesson plans" and "grade papers" with me when she was little. The best comment was when she was 4 and we had just mailed my portfolio AKA The Blue Box for National Board Certification. For several weeks prior to that point, she had many play dates and lots of time I told her she needed to play quietly and let me concentrate on getting that work done. When we got home from mailing the box she told me "Momma, you need to go do something quiet and let me work on my purple box. I need to concentrate!" I love seeing myself through my daughter's eyes!
That is adorable!!! They do really mimic us don't they?
This is a bit off topic but reminded me of once I heard a child specialist say..."Speak to your children EXACTLY as you want them to speak to you." When Harry pulls a tone with me, I look hard in the mirror and realize he probably hears me that way.
Anyway, I think this imitation is nothing but precious!!! May I Ask who makes that computer??? Kate would love that.
Happy SUnday!
She is so adorable! I love it and that photo with the computer frustration is priceless!
Her facial expressions are THE best, I laughed out loud seeing these! Our children really do take it all in and don't miss a beat.
Can't wait to read your 6 month update (amazing how fast it's gone...wow!). She really is maturing (I think) in her face.
When Grace was about Reagan's age now, I used to show her our computer and she learned how to use a mouse with help.
Hope your Sunday has been wonderful!
Love her pink laptop! She gets cuter by the day!
Sweet!! That is mimicking at it's very best! I can see how Regan brings you so much joy!!
She should be a Matilda Jane model. Man she is cute!
That pink laptop is pretty cute too. :)
This almost too cute and funny to handle! Thanks for sharing this. She is beyond adorable and what a great little mimic! I love the little faces she makes, too.
Gin =)
We have a few pics like that of Li'l Empress imitating her cyber-schooling big brothers. It's hilarious. They are such little mimics. LOVE these pics of your girl. Such a cutie. And I'm trying to get another get together in place for May. Maybe June. It's been crazy here so I'll have to see. Hugs to you - great pics this post :)
Those pink computer shots are so cute! I think you might need to get one of her own for Christmas?
She's a little doll!
At the last post, I couldn't help thinking of how she has changed, Lisa. That anxious, stressed little girl with 2 fingers has relaxed, come out of her shell, and now you're reaping the benefits of the heard time you had at the start.
Your love in your family has helped her shine, so bright!
What a fun way for her to communicate how important you both are in her life.
Love her facial expressions. The last one is priceless! So adorable.
How adorable! Looks like her scar is healing very nicely!
Oh my goodness, Lisa!! That is just the sweetest!! And how smart is that little cookie? So cute!
She's adorable and those photos are fantastic!
Look at that face! She's just too much!
Oh I just love this!! LOVE it!!
The copying is just so funny. We get it around her too. (And sometime it's shocking in detail.) And when Dahlia complains about little sis copying her (constantly) I remind her she did the same with me.
I love this post and little glimpse of the fun moments round your place. Reagan is so photogenic!! And adorable. Those cheeks are edible.
Have a great week!!!
That is hilarious. What a little mimicker she is!! That scrunched up angry face was priceless.
Great post Lisa!
great photos! precious! it is unnerving sometimes how careful we have to be with our words, attitudes and actions! btw: i was comforted knowing that i'm not the only one who gets frustrated with technology. :)
oh my goodness - that is so c.u.t.e.! I love the frustrated face lol!!
xo ellie
I can't believe I missed this post...it is hilarious!! And I just love when they start to copy like that...it's those little things I miss as they grow up. And that frustrating face...that just makes me giggle!
This is the sweetest thing ever!
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