It is not often that you will catch Reagan sitting still.

She is always on the move.....

Running, climbing, and dancing about.

She is a very mischievous little one.....and I found out the hard way what happens if I take my eyes off of her for just one minute.

I turned around and saw that my family room was one big cloud of baby powder.
It was EVERYWHERE! Reags decided that she needed to change her baby's diaper and she knows that I keep all of the diaper changing supplies in the storage compartment of our ottoman. So she helped herself:) I am just thankful that the baby did not have diaper rash....... the desitin was right next to the baby powder. The mess could have been a whole lot worse!
Sarah woke up on Friday morning with a high fever, so Reagan was flying solo and was totally missing her partner in crime. I worked from home and sort of had my hands full. I was juggling work and both of the girls, which is why this happened.
After a little cleaning, the family room is back to normal, no baby powder in sight, but it sure does smell good in there:)
Needless to say, I was ready for a big glass of wine by the time Pat got home from work. When he did arrive that night, Reagan told him "I made mess, me naughty". We tried hard not to laugh at her. Even when she is being bad, she is SO CUTE and she gives you that big smiley face that causes her little nose to scrunch up. She even turns her head to the side and puts her arms behind her back all so sweet and innocent. Gosh, at two she already knows exactly what to do!
Two was a "fun" age with both Nick and Sarah...... but I don't remember either one of them being quite as active as Reagan. Maybe it is just a sign that I am getting old?

To see more Sunday Snapshots, head on over to my friend Stefanie's blog

What an adorable mess! Sweet girl. I'm sure it was a hard to clean some of that up! But man, is she ever cute? Syd rubbed Vaseline all over everything in her room when she was 2 and we thought she was napping. She was NOT napping as it turned out. We had Vaseline on the walls, doors, furniture, bedding and the CARPET!!!
You gotta laugh about it now. :) Hope you and yours are well. I read here all the time...just on the move myself and don't comment as often as I should. Your kids are growing too fast but are gorgeous as ever!
Much love, friend~
What a little stinker. Thankfully she stopped at the powder, the desitin would have been much worse. Hopefully you have gotten to relax a little this weekend.
Oh my word! That is hilarious! At least it was a good smelling mess! I love the smell of baby powder. Cute pictures!
Hope Sarah is feeling better and hope you had a great weekend!
oh my, she is such sweetheart though
LOL! Sorry to laugh - but it is pretty funny. :D She's lucky she is so cute!
I can sympathize with the active two year old. You KNOW how busy Briana was and still is to this day. I'm exhausted all the time!!!
(hee hee) I love this child!!! She is just like Lottie and they are both like Curious George:) lol
Oh Lisa....you have to laugh dont you? They are so adorable/funny/naughty/giggly and a thousand more words I cant think of!
Gracie calls talcum "magic powder" and we have had to hide it for fear of the very same thing happening here. Do you have "Peppa Pig" in the US? Its Gracies fav cartoon at the moment and you can buy Peppa Pig Squirty spray soap. It too has to be hidden! Gracie says it smells like stawberry, but then everything smells like strawberry to her at the minute :)
I so agree with you, it sure is tiring to have a 2 year old but the "old mum" wouldnt have it any other way.
Ps At least Gracie doesnt think Im old ...she says Im 3 and she is 2...hehe!
I love these photos of Miss R...she is changing quite a bit - like G she is getting very girly girl...love :)
She's so cute! And at least she was trying to do something productive... evn if she hasn't quite grasped that *her* baby doesn't need the baby powder! :)
this girl is adorable even when she is naughty!
Lisa, I love her jumper. Where ever did you get it?
Oh yes she is active and I remember those days all too well. Amelia wasn't too much older when I came downstairs to find that she had taken all of the keys off of her laptop (my old one) trying to fix it.
I couldn't take my eyes off her for a minute.
I realized yesterday that it was Amelia's 1/2 birthday...7 1/2...I really don't know where the time has gone - it's a blur as you know it goes too fast, so enjoy every minute:)
And WHERE did you get that jumper??
Lea and Sharie, that is the new MJ line, Serendipity!!! This line is one of my favorites that they have released. The fabrics are gorgeous~
How can you stand all that cuteness? I love what she said when Pat got home-hilarious! I hope sweet Sarah is feeling better soon!
ADORABLE - at least she tried to clean it up right?
Oh my -- what a cutie!! What a good little Mommy she is taking care of her baby!! :)
Two is a fun and crazy-busy age!
Happy Sunday!
SO cute! 2 is awesome!
She is absolutely adorable! I have the same problem with my little one. He knows exactly when to flash his pearly whites and show those dimples. ;-) He melts my heart every single time.
I can so relate to this post. I have my3 grandsons visiting from Dallas. They are ages 3,2 and1(not kidding). Add to tht a 4yr old Bre. The 2 yr old found a new can of Febreeze tht he had to climb and get and sprayed the bedspread, the floor, mirror, himself plus his hair too!! He was s'pose to he napping *so I thght*!! He will wreak of cranberries/frost for at least a week. Esp his hair! I'm still in shock he did not spray it in his eyes! Gotta say as well "my upstairs smell REALLY good"!! Its been quite a busy wknd!!
Ha ha! I can totally relate having a 2 yr old myself. As adorable as they are they certainly know how to get into mischief. I know when she is grown and gone though I will certainly miss these days.
Oh Lisa, I had such a laugh at this, though I wouldn't like to have had the mess to clean up!
She is so cute, and getting more grown-up all the time, and obviously speech therapy is going well too?
Hope Sarah is feeling better; I'm sure Reagan missed her play with Sarah, who is such a great big sis.
goodness... that picture of her footprints in the baby powder is priceless!
love these photos, Lisa! your baby girl is beginning to look like a big girl!
oh my... what fun! I'm glad you were able to stop and "enjoy" the moment (sort of I'm sure). Good for you for noticing the cuteness in it and grabbing your camera. I love the shot of the footprints! Those are the days you'll long for when she's off in college!
Adorable Lisa! Hope you are enjoying your weekend and that Sarah is feeling better!
Oh, I think Kendall and Reagan would get along great:)
I couldn't find your email...so I wanted to pop over and thanks for suggesting the Florabella hazes. I am now addicted. Thankyouverymuch.
What a difference. Thanks again!
What a cute little mess maker!
Truly, do they teach the art of destruction to 2yo's when we aren't looking?
Quickly followed by 'How to flash the grin your parents can't get upset at!'
Okay- my mouth dropped when I saw what she did- but I'm completely cracking up at what she said.
Sorry to hear Sarah wasn't feeling well- hope everyone is feeling 100% now.
toooo cute! my daughter did this once, too... well, no brushes, but baby powdered living room.
oh my, what a cute little monkey she is! she reminds me of raelle so much sometimes - the two would be trouble together. :o)
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