Spring decided to make an early appearance around here and it was welcomed with open arms.
Last week, we were experiencing temps in the high 60's and 70's, so before I rolled out of town Monday morning, I promised the girls a fun filled weekend with lots of outdoor activities.
Going to the park to play and a trip to Rita's Italian Ice was at the top of their list.

Rita's had opened a few days prior and Sarah was craving her favorite "Swedish Fish" flavored ice.
Unfortunately, it was not one of the featured flavors, so she settled for vanilla custard with rainbow sprinkles instead.

And Reagan decided to get the same!!

They did not waste any time and dug right in to the good stuff.

Reagan in her independent fashion, which I sometimes like to refer to as stubborn.... would not accept any help with her big dish.

She carefully spooned it into her mouth, trying not to miss a drop......

although she tried very hard, she did have a few runaway dribbles and sprinkles alike.
{Check out the shots that show her cute knee socks.... there is a red sprinkle stuck to them. I thought about removing it in photoshop, but decided it was best to keep it real. I like that runaway sprinkle right where it is!}

The place was hopping.... I think the line at the window was at least 15 deep the entire time we were there. Rita's is really wildly popular in our neck of the woods, so if you are passing through this area between March and October, be sure to stop by one of the many locations and give it a try!

These two attracted quite a bit of attention as they vigorously made their way to the bottom of their dishes.

As you can see, they just "ate it up" and continued to put on a show for those that were making a fuss over them!
We had so much fun...... and as soon as we got back in the car, Sarah said, "Mommy, this was the best day ever!" It's always the simple things that mean the most to them, isn't it?
Once we arrived home she told me she wanted to get out the slip n slide and put on her bathing suit. I had to explain that we were in the season of Spring, not Summer, and she had a few more months to wait before we would be bringing out the slip n slide or the baby pool. For now, we are going to enjoy all the beautiful things Spring has to offer.
With the burst of gorgeous weather, everything has started to bloom. On my way back home today, I swung through the park that always has the field of bluebells in April...... and when I pulled in and looked up, I found they were already blooming! I don't think I ever remember them coming up this early, but they don't stick around long, so we will be out there this weekend for sure.... just like trips to Rita's and the park, visiting the field of bluebells is tradition for us!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Your phrase "about how the simple things in life matter the most" is soooo true. Sometimes I have to remind myself to keep it simple. My kids do enjoy the simple things in life - a parent reading them a book, playing in the park, coloring together, etc.
Great post! It made me reflect on life with my kids. Thanks!
Your girls are adorable, and now I want some ice cream! Yum!
These make me want a vanilla custard with sprinkles and I don't even really like sprinkles. Hope more sunny weather is in your weekend.
My girl wants some pink shoes like your girls'...lovely photos. Don't you just love this weather!!?? Yeah for spring! My favorite!
Your girls LOOK like spring in those shots! What a wonderful way to spend a few hours, making precious memories.
Marvelous spring colors! What a happy looking children and outstandingly captured pics! Gotta Love these :)
That looks like a really yummy snack for the girls..love them in their spring colors.
Oh, you took awesome photos of your girls TOGETHER!! It's so difficult for me to make my girls stay still long enough to take decent pics. :))
LOVE the socks and sneekers! Awesome photo's:) I so appreciate you sharing your traditions. We had never been to Rita's until you posted last year about your Rita's tradition. As luck would have it, there is a Rita's 2 blocks from the girl's school. We have visited once a week since school started, however, when the girls had to decide what they were going to scarifice for Lent that really meant something special to them, they decided on Rita's. They are so CRAVING Rita's "big time" and can't wait until Easter comes so they can get their Rita's "fix", LOL! Everyday when I pick them up from school and as we by pass Rita's, they say "how many more days"?? Enjoy your weekend!
God Bless,
Sweet tradition! Love it and the wonderful photos of those two sweeties!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Oh man, I sure wish we had Rita's down here!! I adore these shots of the girls in their cute bright colors, and yes, Reags and those knee socks are just too much. The rogue sprinkle adds the perfect touch!
Happy weekend girly! Hope it's fabulous!!
Oh I SO remember Reagans FIRST trip to Rita's.
Stunning girlies. I imagine they attract attention a lot!
Happy friday and weekend!
Jill xox
First I LOVE Rita's. It is so sentimental to me because it was started right near where I grew up AND my grandmother's name was Rita (and my confirmation name is Rita). AND I LOVE their custard. There is one here but it is at the beach an hour away so we do not get there often enough. So, this post has me cariving Rita's.
The girls look so cute and so happy here. LOVE these shots and I am thrilled that you left the sprinkle. When you look back you will be so glad it is there.
I so agree about the little things in life...they really are the BIG things. Kate says this is the best day ever almost every single day and it is always because of some very small joy!
Hope y'all have a beautiful weekend.
What a fun day Lisa. I love these! I love taking the kids to do things like that. It is those moments that I remember most about my childhood & I hope that the ones I create with my kids will stay with them too. BTW- I love the sprinkles & dribbles on Reagan- so real- so cute!
We have Rita's around here and love it!! This post inspired me to bring the boys so with the 80 degree weather today we will be going tonight after dinner!!! :) I love these pictures of your girls...precious! :)
those are cute little legs! All four of them!
We do have many Rita's in our area, but what we also have is the Lighthouse. The original is at the beach in Long Branch, NJ and I've been going there since I was a kid. I love root beer Italian Ice!
These are adorable shots!! You style your girlies SO cute!! ;) This almost has a slight 50's feel to it though, with all the bright colors. Enjoy the weather today!!
What a fun way to welcome spring! We are enjoying our spring weather too!
I am so jealous of Rita's because our ice cream store hasn't opened yet! Boo hoo!
Hope you have a great weekend!
It is SO true that they love the little things & that is usually the BEST time for everyone! With the pictures & the music on the blog ... I can almost hear the giggles! I love the picture of little Reagan looking at Sarah. They both are getting SO big :(
Happy Spring!!
They look like a show on their own, only better! Enjoy the new weekend: I'm already looking forward to your bluebells field pictures, but yes, I'm trying to enjoy the "here and now"moments too - thanks for reminding us.
It's so precious to hear little ones tells "It's the best day ever!" It makes you look at the day differently.
It looks like a great day filled with amazing moments! Thank you for sharing and for hosting this link up!
love traditions! fun fresh spring colors and pictures!
I can't believe I never thought to join your linky party! I've had a quick tour of your blog and I like what I see :) If it's okay, I might stay a while and journey with you through your lovely photos.
LOVE these pictures, Lisa! They are so FUN!!
Happy SPRING :) :) :)
Lisa, these are simply gorgeous! they seem to be having so much fun, and as you say, it's the simple things they love!
Can't believe how big Reagan is getting, wow!
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