The Easter Bunny did not fill the girls' baskets with as much chocolate and candy this year, but he did include a few fun things for them to play with outside. They got those new colored bubbles, which were a hit with them, but not really for me who had to clean up the pink and purple all over the deck and on the outside of the house. I think we will be sticking with the traditional bubbles from here on out. After they made their way through the bubbles, they decided to check out the new 3D Sidewalk Chalk.

It kept them busy for a very long time.

They both love to draw and color and we did A LOT of that this winter indoors, so they were more than thrilled to take their art skills outside to the driveway last Saturday.

We had some issues with the 3 D Glasses. Reagan could not get them to stay on her face, but she found that wearing them upside down was the best solution:)

And Sarah, she preferred to not wear them at all! She is a very serious artist and the glasses seemed to get in her way.

For a while they were each making their own sidewalk art....

but in the end, their creativity came together and they created what Sarah called their "Flower Power Hopscotch Court". She asked me if she could pick the "flowers" growing in the yard and use them for their game. I told her she could pick every last one:)
It was a gorgeous day to be outside and I see many more days like that in our future.
The outdoor fun is just beginning and we are already counting the days until school is out and the careless days of summer are upon us.
These came out great Lisa. Love the ones of Reagan and the upside down glasses. :-) We can't wait until those carefree days too. Less than two months for us and then we are free and clear for the summer.
Our boys love those chalks too. :)
Sarah and Reagan look soooooo stink'in cute in these photo's!! And...those 3D glasses on Reagan...totally crack'in me up this morning:)LOVE the denim jackets on the girls!!
Hope your feeling better!
God Bless,
Very fun! Your pictures capture the moment perfectly as always! We like sidewalk chalk at our house too - I love it when Amelia is out drawing and the neighbor kids join her...reminds me of when I was little:)
We love sidewalk chalk too. Cute pictures!
Hope you are having a great week! As always, it's a zoo around here!
Bri loves sidewalk chalk too! So fun! Bri and I tried those colored bubbles last year and I immediately decided that I would never use them again. Yikes!
Pretty pictures as always!
Love the upside down glasses! It wasn't until a year ago that some glasses would finally stay on L's face and not slide right off : ). Oh yes, I cannot wait for summer...although at the end of it that will mean I have a 1rst grader and a 9th grader! EEK!
Love them as Always! Great perspective and angles. Oh and I also love the matilda jane.
So cute!! I love the top image with Reagan's glasses on and the dog in the background. I am amazed that the glasses stayed on while she was looking down. Too funny! Good to know about the colored bubbles. I bought those a long time ago and keep meaning to pull them out. I'll be sure that they keep in the grass!
Love Sarah's expression(concentrating hard) in the 2nd one, but of course they're all fabulous and you capture your girls so well!! Reagan in those glasses...what a funny girl!
I always love the perspectives you shoot from, Lisa.
We're looking forward to more days playing outside too...Summer can't come soon enough for us.
Have a great week.
These are so sweet Lisa. :)
looks like they had a great afternoon.
Great introduction to SPRING!! Love ALL these!! You capture your girls so eloquently. The "bubbles" must have been quite a fiasco, because the first thing I wondered after scrolling thru the pics was "Where are the pics of Sarah/Reagan BLOWING/CREATING BUBBLES??!!"
Then I quickly remembered not only your comments on the bubbles but recalled an article in some magazine about the "feedback" on the bubbles w/colors and most said they were quite a nuisance and big cleanup! I should be so lucky...I'm having quite a time just keeping her from STAMPING the dog and anything BREATHING with her NEW stamping kit she got for her birthday. The poor dog walked in the frontroom the other day with a HUGE RED BLOT on top of its head!! I immediately thought the poor dog had injured his head and upon closer inspection...it was a RED smudged princess face ontop of its head! According to her...that was the dog's "stamp" for being GOOD all day!! Uhhh....yeah the dog looked at me like "so you think this is funny right?"!!
The kid has gone STAMPING crazy! The hubby had stamps all on the back of his hands and upper arm as he slumbered while I was in the shower and SUPPOSE to have been keeping an eye on MS GRAND STAMPER!!! I'm starting to think "the bubbles with color may not be so bad after all"....at least the dog and hubby would agree!!!
Ooohhh....I am loving these series. And the chalk art your sweeties created. Good idea cutting back on the chocolate. We've overdosed here, I'm afraid.
The girls are as sweet as ever. Love them....and you! We so need a catch you Lisa!
Beautiful! Makes me laugh as we received those "colored" bubbles last year and they were a mess...old school bubbles for here also!
OMG, reading this adorable post & pics, while listening to the Taylor Swift "never grow up song", I started tearing up!!!!
So glad the girls enjoyed their Easter goodies!!
I know my girls would LOVE that chalk but I sure wouldn't let them play with it in those adorable outfits... LOL They girls are so cute!! XOXO
I've heard horror stories about the coloured bubbles so have steered clear of them.
The 3D chalk is fun!
Had to laugh at Reagan and the glasses. That's the same way Hannah prefers to wear them. Wonder if it has something to do with their tiny button noses?
So fun! 3D chalk, wow! Must. Have. O_O
Lovely pics of your super sweet girls, as usual. Thank you for sharing.
I am also counting down the days until school is out for us too! Love the pictures!!!
Hugs and blessings,
Beautiful shots. Kerry got 3D chalk, too..big hit! We got those colored bubbles once and they somehow got "misplaced" to the trash can..oops ;)
Gin =)
I know what you mean about the coloured bubbles. We got some last year and it was absolutely unbelievable the mess they made! Cool idea, but needs more work, I think. Love the pictures!
the feet are the cutest!
Yes, I have used 3-D chalk before. It is AMAZING!
Precious as can be.... moments that are the sweetest parts of life!
My girls find their glasses stay on better upside too. Love the pic of Reags struggling to get them to "stay". heehee So cute!
Oh that beautiful Sarah...
Your blog always makes me :)
Love and blessings,
So much fun Lisa- I love how they are so in to what they are creating. The glasses on Reagan crack me up.
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