Good Monday Morning!
I thought we might be waking up to snow on the ground, but there is nothing out there....so off to school and work we go.
It has been a while since I downloaded my Instagram stream and shared here, which I like to do from time to time.
Really... if you are not on instagram, you might want to check it out.
It is so much fun and amazing what you can do with a phone camera.
Just a few snippets about the photos above.
At some point very early Saturday morning, Reagan snuck into Sarah's room and this is how I found them when I woke up.
Such a sweet sisterly moment....it totally melted my heart. And the morning light pouring into her room was quite beautiful.....as is the handmade artwork adorned on Sarah's door. Placed (with a lot of tape) by her so everyone would know it was her room:)
You will see various photos of landscape... was hoping that was the last of old man winter,
but it appears more of the white fluffy stuff could be on the way today.
We had Fajitas for dinner last night and the peppers looked so pretty in the sauté pan.
Last weekend we made a pitstop at our favorite Italian Bakery for a few incredible pastries...
you will see more of those later this week. Prepare to drool.
Everyone in the family got hair cuts. The girls and I got trims.... and Rudy made a trip to the groomers.
I snapped this shot of him under the bed in the dark(hence the grain) It took a little coaxing to get him out.... he thought he was going to the Vet, so he wasn't budging. Will have to share an after picture later this week. He does not even look like the same dog.
Okay, gotta get this show on the road and wake some sleepy heads.... but maybe we will all be coming home early?
Wouldn't that be great on Monday!!
Have a fabulous week friends~
Fun "life" photos! I really like the art work on the door....think one day I will really miss all that tape!
A great "week in the life" set Lisa.
The snow scene is beautiful, the 2 sisters melt my heart, and your dog Rudy is adorable!
Sooo cold here, but so far just a few flurries of snow, not sticking. Doesn't really matter, we're on Easter hols for the next 2 weeks, yay! Hope you did get to go home early!
These are great! I love seeing them on Instagram and the ones I haven't seen yet, are fun as well! Yum fajitas!
I love them all, Lisa!!!! The music was so soothing.
Love all the iphone shots. Your dog is so cute, what kind of dog is it?
Those peppers look so so yummy.
And what a sweet pic of your girlies!!! :)
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