We had a change in plans for Thanksgiving....we never made it to Cape Cod. Pat had some unfortunate luck at work on Wednesday which kept him there until almost 8pm. We were planning to leave Wednesday around 5pm but no big deal, we could leave early on Thursday morning and still make it in time for the Thanksgiving meal.
Well that didn't happen either......because of what went down at work on Wednesday, Pat had to be in the office first thing Friday morning. So at 8pm the night before Thanksgiving, I realize that I am going to have to cook a Thanksgiving meal for our family.....and I have nothing in the house because we are supposed to be in Massachusetts!!
I have to be honest and let you all know that I did not handle this well....you all know me, type A personality, total planner....and not to mention that I have had my heart set on this trip for a long time! My emotions got the best of me and I lost sight of what was important! We would still be together and maybe it wasn't going to be picture perfect, but we still had each other....and lots to be thankful for!!
So Thursday morning, I was up and dressed and on my way to Wegman's by 7:45am. I had visions of J@mie Lee Curt!s in Christmas with the Kr@nk's where she was fighting over the last canned ham....except I thought I would be fighting over the last fresh turkey!! To my disbelief, the meat department shelves were lined with them....and nice sized ones at that!! In a matter of one hour, I was through the store and home with all of the ingredients to make my family a proper Thanksgiving meal.
I made a Turkey with Lemon and Thyme(recipe from The B@refoot Contessa), Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potato Casserole, Cranberry Sauce, Green Beans Almondine, and Corn. The meal was one of the best ever....I guess when you are under pressure, you can do anything you set your mind too!!
We all enjoyed a really relaxing day at home and during our meal we talked about what we would do this weekend since we were at home! We decided to finish the Christmas decorating in and outside of the house, and also take a little trip to Longwood Gardens.
I had high hopes of getting some great photos at the gardens, but unfortunately everyone in their brother must have had the same idea.....the place was a MOBBED!! Sarah was so overwhelmed, she would not get out of her stroller.....I think I only got one picture of her. There was no time and no space....people were pushing to get through and everytime you turned around you bumped into someone. It was actually worse than the malls on Black Friday....people EVERYWHERE! I would like to go back during the day, during the week.....I am sure it would be a lot less crowded and much more enjoyable.
Here are a couple photos from our trip....

Just to prove my point...this was the only picture I got of the kids....Sarah is not even looking at the camera....Poor Nick was smiling away, trying to get his sis to look in my direction!! If it wouldn't be for that little piece of her dress sticking out and her red shoes, you wouldn't even see her....she blends right in!!
We did have the opportunity to meet the sugar plum fairy while there and I was super excited to have Sarah get her picture taken with her, so we got in line and as soon as we reached the front of the line Sarah burst into tears.....she cried when we tried to sit her in the beautiful ballerina's lap.....I could not believe it!! Anyone want to place a bet on whether or not she will sit on Santa's lap this year? I am guessing...NO!!
All things considered, we had a great weekend....a lot of quality time spent together as a family....We had a wonderful meal, took a nice little day trip, and got the tree up and decorated....I will post pictures this week!!
Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving Holiday!!
Well that didn't happen either......because of what went down at work on Wednesday, Pat had to be in the office first thing Friday morning. So at 8pm the night before Thanksgiving, I realize that I am going to have to cook a Thanksgiving meal for our family.....and I have nothing in the house because we are supposed to be in Massachusetts!!
I have to be honest and let you all know that I did not handle this well....you all know me, type A personality, total planner....and not to mention that I have had my heart set on this trip for a long time! My emotions got the best of me and I lost sight of what was important! We would still be together and maybe it wasn't going to be picture perfect, but we still had each other....and lots to be thankful for!!
So Thursday morning, I was up and dressed and on my way to Wegman's by 7:45am. I had visions of J@mie Lee Curt!s in Christmas with the Kr@nk's where she was fighting over the last canned ham....except I thought I would be fighting over the last fresh turkey!! To my disbelief, the meat department shelves were lined with them....and nice sized ones at that!! In a matter of one hour, I was through the store and home with all of the ingredients to make my family a proper Thanksgiving meal.
I made a Turkey with Lemon and Thyme(recipe from The B@refoot Contessa), Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potato Casserole, Cranberry Sauce, Green Beans Almondine, and Corn. The meal was one of the best ever....I guess when you are under pressure, you can do anything you set your mind too!!
We all enjoyed a really relaxing day at home and during our meal we talked about what we would do this weekend since we were at home! We decided to finish the Christmas decorating in and outside of the house, and also take a little trip to Longwood Gardens.
I had high hopes of getting some great photos at the gardens, but unfortunately everyone in their brother must have had the same idea.....the place was a MOBBED!! Sarah was so overwhelmed, she would not get out of her stroller.....I think I only got one picture of her. There was no time and no space....people were pushing to get through and everytime you turned around you bumped into someone. It was actually worse than the malls on Black Friday....people EVERYWHERE! I would like to go back during the day, during the week.....I am sure it would be a lot less crowded and much more enjoyable.
Here are a couple photos from our trip....

Just to prove my point...this was the only picture I got of the kids....Sarah is not even looking at the camera....Poor Nick was smiling away, trying to get his sis to look in my direction!! If it wouldn't be for that little piece of her dress sticking out and her red shoes, you wouldn't even see her....she blends right in!!
We did have the opportunity to meet the sugar plum fairy while there and I was super excited to have Sarah get her picture taken with her, so we got in line and as soon as we reached the front of the line Sarah burst into tears.....she cried when we tried to sit her in the beautiful ballerina's lap.....I could not believe it!! Anyone want to place a bet on whether or not she will sit on Santa's lap this year? I am guessing...NO!!
All things considered, we had a great weekend....a lot of quality time spent together as a family....We had a wonderful meal, took a nice little day trip, and got the tree up and decorated....I will post pictures this week!!
Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving Holiday!!
It sounds like you still had a wonderful Thanksgiving despite the last minute change of plans!!
Guess what? I'm still trying to get pictures, as well!! I have this thought that people will just be getting a card from us and no picture!! Why is this so difficult????!!!!
BTW, Dominic can sympathize with Sarah. He is 9 and I only have one picture of him with Santa and that is only because he was 4 months old and too young to know the difference! He wants NOTHING to do Santa, Easter Bunny, Mickey Mouse. I actually begged him the other day when we were at the mall to get his picture done with Santa. I lost that battle!!
Good luck with your pictures!
Sorry you didn't make it to Cape Cod.. but sounds like an AMAZING weekend..
Love the pictures..
That is a really pretty place...
Can't wait to see the picture of the house..
We are getting ready to decorate tree any minute now..
Will hopefully post tonight or tomorrow..
Hugs girly..
Have a Great Week...
FIrst of all...LOVE Christmas with the Kranks...loved the John Grisham book...and the movie...so great. We just watched it a few weeks ago!!
I just posted the last of my Longwood pictures a few minutes ago...great minds!! Yikes...I guess it was good we were there during daylight...still plenty to see!!
Sounds like you pulled off a fabulous Thanksgiving...but sorry it was so upsetting!!
Im so sorry the day did not go as you planned-- Im type A as well and would totally have been upset if that would have happened as well. It sounds like you made the best of it and it sounds like a yummy meal!! The pictures you took are beautiful!! The gardens were spectacular-- even with all the people!!
Christy :)
Hello sweet type A friend : )
I know things didn't turn out the way you had envisioned, but it sounds like great memories were had, nonetheless!
Longwood Gardens looks absolutely beautiful! Wow!
That Nick is such a gem...I can just tell!
Hugs girly! Talk to you soon : )
I'm so sorry you didn't get to make your trip to Cape Cod. I'm sure your dinner was fabulous though.
Your pictures are so beautiful. Nick looks so cute. He melts my heart so.
Hi Lisa,
From a fellow type A 'planner' person that I am...I can relate. You certainly made the best of it and what a yummy dinner you all had. Sometimes I think these kinds of holidays are the best.
Your pics are beautiful as always. Our daughter Grace who is 6 has never gone to see Santa or the Easter Bunny because she's still too afraid. And I think Mr. William will feel the same way. I'd just love 1 picture of them with Santa. Someday maybe. ;)
Take care friend.
Wow, I'm impressed! I'm a major planner too and cook Thanksgiving for an entire week, so the fact that you pulled it all together in a few hours is amazing!!!
Sorry about your trip, the pics are gorgeous though, and I'm glad you had a good weekend after all.
Lisa, I totally understand. I'm type A and sentimental...it's a determined combo ;) Sounds like plan B turned out just fine and you all had a nice Thanksgiving. Even with Sarah looking away it's a sweet, sweet photo.
I'm sorry your trip was cancelled, but I am so impressed that you made the whole Thanksgiving dinner! My family probably would have enjoyed fish sticks and french fries!! Glad you enjoyed your weekend.
You did a great job making lemonade out of lemons! I wouldn't have been able to pull that meal off if I had completely planned it!
Your Longwood pictures are beautiful! Of course, it put me straight into collage envy again!
I hope you have a great week!
Kind of had a re-do of the year Sarah joined your family! At least you know how to cook, it would have been Chinese food for me if I weren't able to spend the holidays with family.
OOOOH -- your photos are gorgeous -- the colors really pop! Sorry to hear that your Thanksgiving didn't go as planned, but you sound like an amazing cook, even at the last minute. Think I would been buying turkey pot pies!
Hope you have a great week! That long weekend went fast!
Oh, I'm so sorry about your trip. I would have been disappointed too.
It sounds like you had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving though.
I too, am impressed that you were able to pull off such a delicious dinner in such a short time. I am quite spoiled in that the only thing I have to do for Thanksgiving dinner is show up! (Well, I have to drive 6 and a half hours too :)
That place looks beautiful! I can see why everybody wanted to go there.
I'm sorry about your trip not working out, but it sounds like God blessed you in many other ways to make up for it.
The pictures are beautiful. And don't feel bad if Sarah doesn't care for Santa. She will not be the only one. When my Matthew was two his picture is of him sitting on Santa's lap...and Santa is sitting next to me.
But, it makes for a funny memory, amen?;)
Happy Holidays to you!
Lisa~ you pulled it off and had a fantastic holiday after all! That is so wonderful what you did for your family. I know Pat must have felt awful for you guys that the trip had to be cancelled. You are a supermomma to make it so special still. You for sure win the award for Thanksgiving amazingness! (yes I know, this so is not a word!)
Happy almost a new week hun!
I am delurking tonight, lol, to tell you 2 things...first, I made that whipped sweet potato/banana side dish you posted awhile back & it was FABULOUS!!! Everyone loved it, so THANK YOU!!
Second, I'm sorry you didn't get to go to the Cape, but it sounds like you had a pretty perfect Thanksgiving at home! Great photos too!!
Love your site! :)
I am sorry your plans got changed, but it sounds like you made the best of it. Delish!
Hee, hee - I have a feeling there won't be a good Santa photo with Bri this year either. She will either be crying in it or I will grace the photo with my presence. LOL!
I'm sorry that you didn't get to go to Cape Cod as you'd planned. I'm sure Pat felt terrible about the change.
It sounds like you arose to the occassion and whipped up a fantastic meal on short notice. That's amazing!
You got some beautiful pictures at Longwood. It's been YEARS since I've been there - my husband's family live in Kennett Square and we'd gone to Longwood for dinner one evening and the gardens one afternoon - about 22 yrs ago!
Well it sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving any way. Sorry you missed your trip to the Cape. I would have been upset too~we are only human. But, you made the best of it and a wonderful meal too!!!
Made the apple pie again today. Will post recipe this week ;)
It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! I am like you I plan for weeks and hate surprises LOL I love the pictures!! What a beautiful place!!! Happy it all turned out well. : )
Hi Lisa,
I'm so sorry to hear that work conflicted with your Cape plans. I am amazed you were able to pull off such a feast - especially with a frozen turkey! Even though I'm sure your weekend was tinged with a bit of disappointment, it sounds like you all made the most of it and enjoyed some quality time together. This place looks like a beautiful little day trip!
I hope you have a great week!
I am so sorry to hear about your change in plans Lisa...but it does sound like you all had a good Thanksgiving afterall! I cannot believe that you even had a grocery store open on Thanksgiving! We would have been in trouble with that one! I loved your pictures of Longwood Gardens too! I had already seen Kate's...looks like a gorgeous place! Hope you have a great week!
Is that a nursery??? It's absolutely beautiful and unfortunate you didn't get any great shots of the kids.
There is always next time.
Oh and 100 to 1 she probably won't sit on SANTA's lap.
I am so sorry that you had to postpone your trip. I am so similar to you, and I completely understand your frustration and reaction. I also agree that in the end, all that matters is that you are able to be together, happy & healthy!
So glad that you were able to make a great meal and celebrate Thanksgiving with your family.
The gardens look beautiful.
Wow...you can really throw a meal together...my family would have had pizza LOL
Sorry about all the drama but glad you got to spend it with your family : ) Maybe if you go back when it is less crowded she will do fine : )
Hi Lisa!
Sorry things did not go as planned, but sounds like you still had a nice family day! We have not been to Longwood Gardens yet, but would like to go. I guess with those kind of crowds, we will not go on a week-end...I do not like crowds!
What a great dinner you pulled together at the last minute!!!
Sounds like you are a lot like me and work very well under pressure!!! So glad your Thanksgiving turned out special despite the changes.
So sorry to hear that your Thanksgiving week didn't go as planned..I wouldn't handle that well either!
Beautiful pictures...wow!
-sandy toes
Oh Lisa,
I am so sorry that you did not get to make the trip. I know that even though you had a great weekend, it was still disappointing.
I can totally relate. I was thinking when you told me all of this happened this weekend how well you seemed to be handling it. But I would have handled it EXACTLY the same way you described here.
Longwood Gardens looks beautiful. You should definitely go back during the week if you can!
Sorry that you didn't go on your trip :( :( But the gardens look magical!
Oh Lisa, I'm so sorry you plans got fudged! But maybe there's a bigger reason...I can totally relate though. So glad you had a nice (sounds yummy) dinner with your family! And those gardens look beautiful! I can also relate to having a child NOT cooperate for a pic! We had our second attempt at Christmas cards lastnight. They are better than the first...but still not perfect. I love them though. My photographer friend came over and took our pic in front of tree/fireplace and I photoshopped a snow globe w/ Joel's face in it into our hands. It's pretty stinkin' sweet! Have a great Monday!
I can understand how you must have felt about the last minute change in plans. I would have had a hard time too. But it sounds like it was a wonderful meal and that you pulled it together beautifully! Isn't it so funny how quickly we (I) revert to the negative? I am such a glass-half-empty person. I have been trying to choose to be more positive. Sounds like I could learn some lessons from you Lisa! :)
Sorry to hear about your change in plans but you were still together and that's what really matters. Although, Cape Cod is the best. It will always be there. See you in a couple of weeks.
Sorry your trip got canceled, but it sounds like your Thanksgiving was great anyway. Your meal sounded delicious!
Have a great week~
i loved the way you share your heart, its so precious to see how even when things don't turn out, we can still pull out all the stops to make forever lasting memories.
Wow...what a woman! Good for you to pull off a whole week's worth of meal planning/prep in one day! Even though you weren't able to follow through with your plans, it sounds like you had a wonderful holiday anyway. Maybe it was meant to be that way all along....
Gotta love the Barefoot Contessa, she never fails
Terrye in FL
Wow.... YOU are incredible.
I would have totally been stressed out too! Glad you handled it so well and had such a great meal! I hear you on the picture thing, Caitlin is almost six and still won't sit on Santa, never mind take a picture! I LOVE the red shoes though!
I'm sorry your trip didn't work out, I would have felt the same way. How wonderful that you could pull everything together and it turn out wonderfully!! I'm sure it meant a lot to your family.
These pictures are beautiful!
ps Your Christmas look is beautiful!
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