A Big Night for Nick

January 13, 2009

Saturday night, was a big night for Nick!! He experienced his first professional Hockey game.......and boy was he excited!!

The first week in December, someone graciously gave me two front row tickets to the Flyers game. My first thought was that it would be something fun for Pat to do with Nick....a great boy bonding night!! The timing could not have been more perfect....the game fell just one week before his birthday!!

As soon as I got the tickets that came complete with a parking pass and free concessions, I called Pat to see what he thought.....
Immediately, he said, he would love to take Nick, but he thought that we should give the tickets to Nick's Dad, so they could go together!! You see, Nick's Dad is a HUGE hockey fan and the two of them enjoy watching the Flyers games together on TV, so we knew he would be over the moon with excitement if he could take Nick to a live game!!!

We made the right choice, because when Nick and his Dad found out about the tickets, you would have thought they won the lottery......they were thrilled.

Game day comes and so does the snow.....we were a little concerned that they wouldn't make it, but luckily Philadelphia did not get hit as hard as we did....plus, Nick's Dad has a four wheel drive vehicle....definitely a plus when you have this kind of weather.

Before Nick left our house to go to his Dad's, he made sure he packed the old Kod@k digital so he could take some pictures while they were at the game.
Someone offered to take a picture of the two of them before the game started. Nick didn't have a flyers shirt to wear, so he decided the next best thing to show some Philadelphia love, was his Eagles sweatshirt.....given the recent turn of events in the football playoffs, I would say he made a GREAT choice!!!

Nick snapped this shot through the glass, while the game was in play!! According to Scott, they had more then a few players get shoved up against the glass wall. He said the first time it happened, Nick jumped out of his seat, he was so scared. Nick said he thought they were going to come right through the glass and land on his lap!!

Not only did they have some of the best seats in the house, they watched the flyers win, and they walked away with a puck that flew up in the air!!! I wish I could have been there to see that catch.....

It was a night they will always remember and I am so glad that Nick got to experience this with his Dad.....they were both so grateful and very excited to come home and tell us all that happened. The first thing Nick did was whip out the camera to show me all the pictures he took...... Then he asked me if I could put them on the blog..... I think I am starting to rub off on him....first the camera, now the blog....I better keep an eye on him with that new computer:)


a Tonggu Momma said...

How fun!!! And what a night for Nick and his dad. And how thoughtful of Pat.

Suzie said...

Sounds like a fun night for Nick and his Dad!!

CC said...

So awesome!!!!!! I love happy trips :)

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

It's great you have a hubby willing to share him!!!

Great pic's Nick!!!

Anonymous said...

Nick is dream of a guy! I am so happy for him and this fun event.

Kam said...

WooHoo! What a fun night! Making memories is the stuff of life and this looks like a great memory for the two of them! Nick, you rock with that camera!

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for awhile now and just love it. You have such a beautiful family and story. Sounds like Nick and his dad had a great time.

Aspiemom said...

That was such a thoughtful gift. I'm glad they had such a good time. Cool pics, Nick!

elliotts said...

Looks like it was a great night for Nick and his Dad! : ) How nice of your hubby to share that with them...

Hope you are having a good week!

OH MY #6 said...

How generous and thoughtful that you where so thoughtful for Nick and his Dad.


Missy said...

What a fun night!!! Wow, front row seats...can't get much better than that. I am glad Nick and his dad had such a special night.

Kid's got some serious photography skills...wanna bring him along to the workshop? : )

Such a cutie!

Gail said...

I love your posts about Nick, maybe because I have a Nick(who's 23 now!) What a great night for Nick and his Dad. We are big hockey fans here too and have been for many years.

Hope your week is going well. :)

Leslie said...

What a great night for Nick and his dad!!!!

Loved the pictures.

Kim said...

LOVE watching hockey.. It is sooo fun..
SOOO Glad Nick and his dad had a great time..
Nick is sounding like my kids..
"are you putting it on the blog~ WILL you put it on the blog"
Tooo funny..
Have a great Week..

Shari said...

How awesome is that! Very generous friend that gave them to you and very generous of Pat to share that with Nick's dad:)

jennifer said...

What a great night, and how sweet for your husband to give that up. It sounds perfect!!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Oh how fun...I am from MI...I went to many Red Wing games as a child..they are great fun!
-sandy toe

day by day said...

Hey Lisa!!

That sounds like a perfect father/son trip! And front row seats..how cool is that?!

Hope you are doing well, Lisa....let me know when you want to get together!

Michelle R Photography said...

What a perfect father/son night. I love that Nick and his dad were so excited. Yeah for you on getting the tickets and what a trememdous gesture on Pat's part.

I once was in second row seats at a Penguin game (my first hockey game) and I remember how scared I was when the puck hit the glass right in front of me. I totally know why Nick jumped. I did, too!

Jodee said...

Wow! What a perfect night for Nick and his Dad. It looks like they had a great time! I love the pictures Nick took. That was also so very nice of Pat to give up the tickets! Step Dads rock too!

Laura said...

What great memories for Nick and his Dad and how nice of Pat to suggest that Nick take his dad.



Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

That is so great!! What a fun thing for Nick to get to do with his dad. Pat was so generous to suggest it, too. :)

a little leprechaun said...

What great memories! And great pics!!

Marla said...

What a cool night! I love hockey too, but have never been front row!

LOL @ him wanting the pics on the blog. :)

Jboo said...

Wow -- what a fun night! Cool photos!! I think Nick has the touch with the camera -- he'll be starting his own blog next, won't he!

Have a great WEdnesday!


Sharon said...

Great shots as usual! Father son times are the best!!! I just love that. You all are such a neat family!!

Patricia said...

What a fabulous night for Nick & his Dad!! Great photos too! So sweet of Pat to give the ticket to Nick's dad too!

We are BIG Rangers fans in this household! ;)

Jennifer said...

So fun. I am so glad they were able to go together. You should bring Nick to the workshop and he and Ian could shoot together.

Jennifer said...

What a special time for Nick & his Dad. I love Nick's pictures...Glad the snow did not stop them :)


Kerry said...

What a very special gift for Nck to share with his dad. A night they will never forget.

I love that he wanted to take pics and have you blog them. Too cute.
Wonder if you are rubbing off on him!!!

Christy said...

My boys love hockey games!! The Ducks play close to our house-- 30 min and our firnds have season passes so we get to go to Duck games often-- the boys love it more than anything!! They got hockey sticks for Christmas so they play street and roller hockey everyday after school. They totally love it!!

Christy :)

Denise said...

What a wonderful night. I see through your posts what a great relationship you all have with Nick's Dad and I am impressed, because that is not the rule with divorced parents. How nice for Nick!

And BTW,I am 3 pounds down!!!

Briana's Mom said...

What a night! How fun does that look? Wow! They look like they had the best time!

Sherri said...

That is sooo cool. My boys were watching that game because they are Leaf fans! I would have watched it if I had of known there was a chance of seeing Nick on tv. Seeing he had front row seats I bet there was glimpses of him more than once. Bummer.
I'm glad he had fun. That was very generous of you and Pat to pass the tix along.

Tell Nick he took a great action shot!

Lucy said...

Great job with the pics Nick!!!
Looked like a lot of fun!

Ivy Shaffer said...

HI Lisa,
Well seems your Nick and I have something in common here. I LOVE HOCKEY, I AM A TOTALLY FANATIC ABOUT IT. Where I used to live I used to take my nephew to watch the Fly boys practice. I got so many signatures and pics with them. I even have a dog named M. Recchi and a cat named Zellapukin. Okay, so tell that to Nick, he'll laugh.

Miss those days, but more important things, like a baby girl beckons to me these days!



PS I think Nick has your photo abilities:))

Ivy Shaffer said...


The Golf Widow said...

Wow, That's great! How exciting to get a puck. What a special father son time. Wish all blended families shared your outlook.

Have a great day and Sent the snow south!

jenbusymom said...

That's so awesome!! How nice that they got to go together and how sweet of Pat to offer them to the two boys! Glad they had a great time, it certainly shows in their faces!

Anonymous said...

What a special night for Nick and his Dad. How thoughtful for Pat to think of giving the tickets to Nicks Dad! Looks like they had an awesome time!


Chasing Dreams Photography said...

What a fun night for Nick and his Dad!!! We are big Blackhawks fans and go to the games often. I only go when we get the suite LOL That was so generous of you to give the tickets to Nick's Dad..you are such a sweetie {{{{hug}}}

Christy said...

Hay Lisa,

In regards to your comment on my blog about mia being 6 months at referral-- she was NOT 6 months at referral, she had just 2 days prior turned 5 months old. We actually got her in our arms at 6 months. It was crazy how young she was. We never expected a baby baby-- we expected around a 1 year old but for some reason we got this tiny little baby!! Our file was skipped accidentally for one month so many speculate China kind of did a "were not going to admit fault on you being skipped but here is a kind of consulation prize". I know that sounds crass but that is the way China works--they wont admit fault but they will give you something special in return-- mia was not only barly 5 months at referral but also was in foster care since the day she was born so we got really lucky!!

Funny story!

Christy :)

Jeni said...

How fun for them and how thoughtful of your husband!

Becky said...

What fun!!

Shawnstribe said...

precious moments

Jennifer said...

What a great night for Nick and his Dad. I bet they had a blast. What a great guy Pat is.

Nick took great pic's too.


Kayce said...

So cool! Good times and good memories!

Ivy Shaffer said...

Are you going to watch the big game today?


Can't wait.
