For those of you that have been with me since I started this blog, you might recall my CHRISTMAS IN JULY post, when I first divulged just how humorous my husband can be.
Last year on Christmas morning he presented me with this very large, heavy box. As I opened the box with excitement, I was trying to figure out what was inside.....
Well I was certainly surprised....when this is what was inside the big box....

Yes, you are seeing correctly. Pat went to h@me depot and bought me a tool belt and filled it with cleaning supplies!! It was not what I expected to find in the box.....and the roars of laughter coming from my family could be heard for miles......It was the classic prank!!
It is a well known fact and a running joke with family and friends, that I take a close second to my Mom with her cleaning and OCD tendencies and Pat thought that this was the perfect opportunity to poke a little fun!!
So this Christmas came and went and I thought he might have another joke or gag gift up his sleeve, but nothing ever surfaced.
On New Year's Day, while visiting with Pat's family, my sister in law hands me a gift. I look at her very strangely because we were not supposed to be exchanging gifts.....the families are just way to big and we all really cut back this year. She looked at me with this funny face and said just open it.....
I unwrap it and find these pj bottoms.....

She thought they would look great with my toolbelt from last year!!
The joke was on me!!
Just when I thought I escaped Pat's gag gift this year, he passed the torch to his sister. Although, she was not with us on Christmas morning to see me open my toolbelt, she read the post last July and thought these pj's would be the perfect addition!! Pat thought that I should actually wear them for the picture....I said I could take a joke, but I was not going to go that far....
I am sure you are all visualizing me wearing these pj's with that that would be a picture.....
And just so this post is not all about me being the butt of family jokes....I thought I would add a litte cuteness for good measure....

Sarah was playing in my jewelry box and found a necklace she liked
Last year on Christmas morning he presented me with this very large, heavy box. As I opened the box with excitement, I was trying to figure out what was inside.....
Well I was certainly surprised....when this is what was inside the big box....

Yes, you are seeing correctly. Pat went to h@me depot and bought me a tool belt and filled it with cleaning supplies!! It was not what I expected to find in the box.....and the roars of laughter coming from my family could be heard for miles......It was the classic prank!!
It is a well known fact and a running joke with family and friends, that I take a close second to my Mom with her cleaning and OCD tendencies and Pat thought that this was the perfect opportunity to poke a little fun!!
So this Christmas came and went and I thought he might have another joke or gag gift up his sleeve, but nothing ever surfaced.
On New Year's Day, while visiting with Pat's family, my sister in law hands me a gift. I look at her very strangely because we were not supposed to be exchanging gifts.....the families are just way to big and we all really cut back this year. She looked at me with this funny face and said just open it.....
I unwrap it and find these pj bottoms.....

She thought they would look great with my toolbelt from last year!!
The joke was on me!!
Just when I thought I escaped Pat's gag gift this year, he passed the torch to his sister. Although, she was not with us on Christmas morning to see me open my toolbelt, she read the post last July and thought these pj's would be the perfect addition!! Pat thought that I should actually wear them for the picture....I said I could take a joke, but I was not going to go that far....
I am sure you are all visualizing me wearing these pj's with that that would be a picture.....
And just so this post is not all about me being the butt of family jokes....I thought I would add a litte cuteness for good measure....

Sarah was playing in my jewelry box and found a necklace she liked
Now those pants are hot!
Wow..that is funny..what a great and light hearted bunch of family! Love the let's see a picture of all of it together! Come on!
She picked a perfect necklace to match her!
-sandy toe
Love the pants! I too take after my mom and her OCD cleaning tendacies. Thanks for the laugh :0)
Love the pants Lisa! Paige and I are cracking up as she says I need a toolbelt like that to wear, too! You have such a fun family!
I LOVE these pics of sweet girl! I also really do love the skirt and jewels, daaahling!
Talk to you next week!
Love ya!
That little one of yours is adorable.
I must know. Do u clean in those jammie bottoms? LOL!
Isn't it fun being married to a comedian?! It puts a little spice in the marriage LOL. I think you should play a little joke on Pat and come out in those pj bottoms in place of your usual fact, you should pack them up and take them to the Bahamas with you! Sexyyyy.....
Oh THAT is hysterical!!! I love the toolbox story and the pjs are perfect. Now you can clean in your pjs too!! :)
And MJ always looks better with some accessories.
Your hubby sounds like good (and funny) people to me.;)
I love the PJs!
And when Sarah outgrows that darling outfit that she is wearing in the me. I'm hoping to shrink so that I can fit into it. ;)
She has the cutest clothes!
I hope that you have a great weekend too!
God Bless,
Haha, too funny! I really think we need a pic of the pants and belt together. Your family sounds like a lot of fun.
Sarah is adorable, as always!
That tool belt could come in handy as you're moving from room to room - lol!
They always say if you're the butt of jokes and picked on you must be well liked. So, at least you know your family loves you :)
OK, I, too, am coveting the Mr. CLean pants!! SEXY!!!!
I love the sweet pictures of miss Sarah! Is her skirt Matilda jane?? adorable!!!
I can't wait to see & hear about all you learn during your photoshop weekend! Write it all down!! Don't forget anything!!! :)
Have fun girly..
And the toolbelt..I have a problem
Love the picture of Sarah.. her little skirt is sooo cute..
I'm cracking up way down here in cold ATL!! That's hilarious. Maybe you should bring those pants to Debbie's! lol
Love the pics...sweet girl. You have a great eye!
What a hoot! I bet you are one hot mama cleaning in those pants! The tool belt looks bigger than you are!
I love the pictures of Sarah! That MJ skirt is the cutest!
Now Keith would find those PJ just way too hot! What a hoot!
You will look like one "hot" chick with those pants and the toolbelt to accessorize with!!!! Gotta love it! :0) (I am right with you with the cleaning OCD's!!)
Have fun at your photography workshop!
I definitely want to see a picture of you wearing those gifts!!! Come on, Lisa!
Those are adorable pictures of Sarah. You do such a great job, it's hard to believe you haven't had lessons.
I love it! I am also married to a prankster!!! Love Sarah's outfit! Looks like you have a girly girl! :)
I love the pants, what a riot! The tool belt is cute too :)
The pictures of Sarah are great! I hop eyou have fun learning lots of new tricks..then you can teach me :)
Have a GREAT weekend :)
Hahaha, that's awesome! I think your tool belt is adorable! Love the pics, she's so cute! Oh, and love your template, so pretty!
Love the panties and Sarah's MJ Clothing.
LOL oh come on I want to see a picture of you in those sexy PJ's with the tool belt....I have a visual already.
Okay, Lisa, now you KNOW you need to put that fancy schmancy belt with the pj pants and model that cleeean look:)
The pics of Sarah are gorgeous. Have a great time at the seminar. You can't go wrong with Debbie involved!
Happy Shooting (well, you know what I mean:)
Now you know you have to take a pic and show us all!
Love the jewelry pic! Is she wearing Matilda Jane?
Your hubby is too cute (and your SIL too!). I actually would probably love a tool belt for cleaning supplies.
Sarah is gorgeous, as always!
LOL....that is so funny...I think the pajamas are GREAT and the tool belt is not a bad idea :-)
Those pictures of Sarah are ADORABLE...I love her sweet little profile....just darling!
Ok - I want to see a picture of you in those pants and that tool belt. You hear me! LOL!
It was so good talking to you yesterday!
Love the pj's!!
Sarah has great taste, it looks like she picked out a necklace that matched her outfit!!!
sweet boxers!
So cute! But I really think you should have been wearing those pjs and the tool belt for the photo!!
Love your pictures of Sarah. Sounds like it's time to start sharing the jewelry -- she does have good taste, doesn't she! :)
Have a great weekend!
Oh that is so funny:) Do you actually use the tool belt or is it awkward? I am a cleaning freak too.
Those PJ bottoms are hysterical!
That's hilarious! I was actually telling Andy about the toolbelt thing because I think, wait a minute, I know I have OCD tendencies when it comes to cleaning and how it must be done, etc.
Great pics, love that necklace! Have fun!
Too funny! The pants are a hoot!
Keep smilin!
Love the cuteness and the toolbelt! The pjs are tooooo funny! Love a good family prank.
That is pretty funny.
I hope my husband never sees this or we'll have matching toolblets and pj's!
Sweet piccy's of sweet pea.
Can't wait to hear how your photo workshop goes!
May I borrow the toolbelt & the pants?... I think I could put them both to good use right now! ...Well, when I get to feeling better that is! lol!
Now that's funny. I really think we should have gotten a pic of you in your cleaning gear though! LOL!
I would totally wear pajamas like that on a second honeymoon... or Valentine's Day... or perhaps the husband's birthday. I'd want to let him know that yes, I do think bald is sexy.
Your pants and tool belt are too cute - I could use them both! Miss Sarah cute as always!! Hope you have a great weekend!
Love Sarah's little skirt - so cute...
I think you should have put them on and started singing "I'm too sexy" or "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me." I'd like to see THAT video on your blog:)
Your husband and mine would get along just fine, Superman is always pulling pranks on me, I am such an easy target what can I say!
Have fun at your workshop, I wish!! I could come too!
We all have The Clean Gene in this family (INCLUDING my brother!!)... but my oldest sister is the worst, she vacuums twice a day. I am SO going to have to find those PJ bottoms for her!!
Love the pants & I really need the tool belt. The older I get I am becoming OCD with my cleaning.
By the way have a wonderful weekend & I am looking forward to seeing new photos!!!
So what DO you clean in? I'm a little cleaning obsessed myself and sometimes HAVE to clean no matter what time of day and no matter what I am wearing. Boots, heels, skirts...I'm still there My mom made fun of me the other day saying I always clean the floors on rainy or snowy days..and for what?
Come on.....we'd love to see a picture of you with those pants on. Sounds like your sister-in-law would too!
Keep posting the wonderful photos. By the way, your little one has style. That necklace matched perfect with her outfit! You might just have a little Diva on your hands!
What a hoot! Where ever did she find those pants, one of a kind for sure!!! And I could seriously use that tool belt, I'm a terrible cleaner!
Love the necklace Sarah picked out, goes perfectly with her adorable outfit. Made me realize how much Magnolia would love my jewelry box too!!!
Have a GREAT weekend!
oh i like you husband! what a great sense of humor... and practical!!! i actually have thought of getting something to haul everything around with me when cleaning.... never thought of a tool belt....
Love the pj bottoms.
thanks for the cuteness in pictures!
Those gifts are a RIOT!
How funny they are!
Jason teases me about the cleaning, too. He always asks me which sink it's o.k. to wash his hands in b/c if I've just cleaned a certain one it drive me batty to get water spots in it. Crazy, hu?!? ;) Maybe a bit OCD here, too!!!
Miss Sarah looks so stinkin cute with your necklace on. I love, love, love her skirt.
Is it this weekend that you have the photo workshop?
Happy TGIF day to you sweetie~ Les
That is so funny about the tool belt. But you know, not a bad idea, at least you would have everything handy. I love the pics of Sara, you are a really good photographer.
Those pants rock!!!
Perhaps you could find some fabric and make a complete wardrobe line...LOl
That is hilarious!! Pat is a crack up. One year Brent bought me some ski pants (and I just CAN"T ski). He has never lived it down. Your tool belt beats that for sure! :)
I think that cleaning belt may not be such a bad thing ~ you can move from room to room hands free!
What type of accessory pieces does one wear with those pants? :)
Have a great weekend,
She looks so big with that outfit on and her necklace. She did a great job picking one out :)
OHMYOSH! Sounds like you have a very FUN family!!
Love the B&W of Sarah... know that we soooooo need a picture of you in the pj bottoms....those are hysterical....and the tool belt....what a hoot....
Hi Lisa,
You are too funny with this post.
I have to say your photos are beautiful and I wouldn't worry too much about the workshop. Hey, just have fun, you'll be a pro when you come back.
I'm the nervous one. I don't even know half the stuff on my camera.
Love the necklace Sara picked out. Good taste like her Mommy!
Toolbelt Hmmm, I should get one for my husband, seriously, how many shirts, belts does a guy need anyway:))
Good luck at the workshop. Looking forward to seeing the results. Oh how i'd love to come with there.
Thaks too funny! Sarah looks adorable in that cute skirt.
Love the PJ's! I remember that post from the summer.
Sarah looks beautiful in the pictures. The necklace is perfect with her outfit!
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