I thought for a while about what I wanted to say today to mark the one year anniversary of this blog's existence.......and realized that I have spent a year talking about me, my family, my friends, my hobbies, my passions, and my life! I want this post to be a little different.....it is going to be about you......so I am going to try to keep this short and sweet.
To all of you that check in with us here at "The Long Road To China"
You are such an amazing community and group of people. You take time out of your busy days to leave thoughtful, heartfelt comments. You are kind, compassionate and are always here to offer support, share knowledge, encourage, and give great advice. Every comment that is left on this blog is appreciated......and every comment brings a big smile to my face.
I looked back at my very first blog post written one year ago today and remembered thinking as I hit that publish button.......no one is ever going to read this except for my family......
I am so glad that I was WRONG......because this blog has taken me places and connected me to people that I would have never imagined. In this past year I have met many wonderful women....Some of you have become "real life" friends that I have had the privelege of meeting face to face....and there are many others that I hope to meet someday soon.
You are all very special and so inspiring to me and I just wanted to take this time to say THANK YOU for all of your support and encouragement throughout this year.....I hope that I can continue to keep this blog going.....because one day soon......."The Long Road" is finally going to get us to CHINA and I hope you are all still around to see our dream come true!!
So.....Now that that I said everything I wanted to.....I bet you are all wondering who won the big giveaway....

Wait until you see......there is an unexpected surprise ending to this one.
Nick was my "not so willing" assistant....proof is in the picture:) He drew the grand prize winner out of Sarah's pink hat{he would not let me photograph him holding a girly hat}...and look who it is.......

JAN.....from A JOYFUL LIFE!!!
Congratulations Jan....hope you enjoy your new silver!! I know you are visiting the Big Mouse in Florida with your family, but when you return, you will have a big surprise waiting for you!!
There is a little more to this giveaway than expected, so don't leave just yet.
My friend and Si!pada rep saw how "ga ga" everyone went over the silver and she threw in another ring for a second winner!!
Since Nick drew the first winner, I picked the second one.....Guess who it was????

Simply T.....from JUST ADD ONE CHINESE SISTER.....If you get a chance, stop by and say hello to Simply T, because not only is she the lucky winner of a shiney new ring, but she and her family were just referred a beautiful baby girl from China....Emerson Grace....Congratulations to you and your family!!
I wish I had a piece of jewelry to give each and every one of you.....you are all winners to me.....you never know when there might be another opportunity so be on the lookout:)

I know I said that this post was not going to be about me or my life, but I had to quick add this on to the end. The other day I mentioned that Sarah got a new "do" and so far all the pics that I have posted have shown the cut from the front.....I wanted to show it to you from the back. I am so glad we took the plunge....her hair is so much more managable now....and I think it is so cute and sassy!!
I am signing off for a couple of days. Wishing you all a Happy Easter....We are packing up and heading to Cape Cod for the holiday weekend. This will be my last post until we return....and then I am off to Louisville, Kentucky on business....Did I mention that April is another busy month???
Have a great holiday....and eat LOTS of CHOCOLATE:)
Happy One Year!!! Wishing you many many more postings!!!
sandy toe
Love your blog and am looking forward to your long road finally getting to China. Your children are beautiful and your photos are incredible. Thanks for sharing with us.
Happy Easter!
Holy moly! I can't believe Jan won! Since we see each other every day at work, maybe we can take turns wearing the silver! HA HA!
I love the pictures of Sarah and her new "do" is just adorable! Please help me take the plunge with Kamree on April 22.
Happy Blogiversary! I am so glad our paths crossed in the Land of Blog. Simply put, I have to have my daily dose of garlic! How will we survive this weekend with dial up, anyway?
Looking forward to many more years of blogging with you! Hope you have a great Easter!
Yay for Jan and Simply T! Happy One Year Blogaversary! Have a great trip!
Oh, forgot to say LOVE the haircut!!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! I'm so glad that you decided to do a blog and that we have become friends. You really are a very special lady and I'm so happy to have gotten to "know" you!!!
Congrats to the winners!!!!
I love Sarah's new do! Very cute!!! Have a great time in Cape Cod!! Happy Easter! Lisa
Congratulations to the winners! And congratulations on your blog-iversary. We're lucky to get to share life and living with you and follow your family happenings. Have a great weekend trip!
Happy One Year Anniversary. Enjoy your holiday!
Okay, I got distracted by the mention of chocolate. Let me get back on track here... I am SOOOOOO happy I found your blog. Thank YOU for all that you post!
Happy 1 year blogiversary! Your blog and photography are lovely!! What a nice giveaway too!!!
Happy One Year!! So funny that Jan won...as I remember she had a feeling!!! Won't she be happy??? Love Sarah's new do!!!
Have a great Easter!
Happy 1 yr anniversary! I can't wait to see your beautiful girl from China on these pages.
When you come to Louisville, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know! I would LOVE to meet you if you have a free moment!
Have a great Easter!
Happy one year blogiversary!
I feel blessed to have met you in this journey and BTW you DO give us each a piece of jewerly every time you post a picture of your two adorable gems.
Congrats to both winners.
Happy Easter Lisa, enjoy your little get away.
....and mini's hair is perfect for her sweet lil face.
Happy one year!
Congrats winners. I'm jealous!
Love Sarah's haircut...very sassy!
Yeah for both winners! (Especially Jan, cuz I "know" her. Hee hee.) And I didn't realize that The Comment Queen had only been around the blogging world for one year - very impressed am I!
Happy one year! I've really enjoyed getting to know you.
Have a very Happy Easter at the Cape ~ safe travels.
Love Sarah's new look!
How wonderful that someone who was literally dreaming about the ring will get one:)
Love Sarah's new haircut. Amelia had a similar one for awhile and I LOVED it. She however wants long hair. I'm letting her grow it until her dance recital - then it's snip snip:)
Happy 1 Year Anniversary!!!! I am so happy I found you here as it is always a joy to read your posts! I am excited about watching your journey as you get closer to bringing your daughter home from China.
Congratulations to the lucky girls for winning the jewelry!!! I just ordered a catalog on line!:)
Have a great Easter!!!!
Beautiful Post! Happy One Year Blogiversary!!!!
PS - I left you something on my blog because you are the best blog commenter friend EVER!
Just wanted to wish you a Happy Easter. I so look forward to your posts and can't wait to follow you on this long road to China.
By the way, I am hoping to make a BIG announcement over at my blog either tomorrow or Friday, so if you get a chance come check it out.
Happy 1 year anniversary! I totally missed my 100th post and my 1 year anniversary.
I LOVE Sarah's hair - it looks great from the front, but totally awesome from the back.
Have a great Easter.
Happy 1 year! I love your blog and thanks for the fun giveaway!
Sarah's hair is super cute!
Sue : )
What a cute cut!! And congrats to Janet & T! I hope you have a wonderful Easter. Enjoy your little getaway!
Happy One Year! I love your blog!
Happy 1 Year!! I am so happy I delurked here!! Can't believe you're only blogging for a year!
And I will surely stick around to see your NEW family photo - can't wait to see her beautiful face!!
Have a WONDERFUL Easter!!
Happy 1 year my friend! I am so glad you hit that publish button one year ago! I have loved getting to know you and your whole family. Big hugs from GA!!!
Happy one year! I am so glad to be following along on your long road and can not wait to follow you all to China! Love your give away and just love the winners!! Enjoy your trip and the family time.
Happy, Happy, Happy blogiversary!
So glad I found you here in blogland hun! What a sweetie you are!
Love the pics. Miss Sarah's hair cut is so cute. Fun, sassy, spunky...perfect!
Nick is so handsome in his pic, too! Give them both high fives from us.
Have a great getaway for Easter break.
We'll chat when you get back!
xo Les
Welcome to Louisville!!!
Happy One Year my friend!!! Have a wonderful Easter : )
You know, I love your blog and you!I am looking forward to following along with you, on your "Long Road".... Happy 1 year, so glad I found ya :) I hope you have a wonderful Easter in Cape Cod.
Happy one year blogging!!
Have a great time away this week-end and Happy Easter to you and your family!!
Let me know when you get back and we can try to pick a date to meet at the park IF it ever gets warm around here. lol!
Happy one year Lisa! I'm so glad your blog sparked my interest and I so hope we get to meet one day, maybe on a shopping trip to the big apple!
I love Sarah's new do, she's going to be one stylish girlie like her mama! I love reading your posts and seeing your beautiful pics and look forward to many more!
Have a great weekend at the Cape and a Happy Easter!
Only a year! I felt we had blogged together longer somehow! Glad you are here, girl :).
thank you, for the fun. Happy Easter.
Happy One Year anniversary!
I'll be here when you get that precious referral and know that it's just around the corner.
Thank you for stopping by my blog!
Have a safe trip!
Scream! Your so much fun! Thank you for sharing your beautiful family through words and photographs. I could have never in my wildest dreams guessed how close the blog world would be in my heart. Your dream to China will come true...I promise. I never thought mine would, but here I am still blogging away after 3 years. I think it's in my soul.
Thank you for the beautiful piece of bling! I can't wait to stare at it on my finger instead of your blog. *snort* Smooches & happy one year in blogworld!
Happy One Year Blog-i-versary!!! This blog world is an amazing place, that's for sure!
Have a wonderful trip!
Happy Easter!
Happy 1 year anniversary. Thank you for giving us one of the most enjoyable blogs ever! Thank you for posting nearly every day and for including your fabulous pics of your beautiful family. I will definitely be following your journey to China. Falling in love with families during the long wait is one of my favourite things to do! The days referrals come bring me tears of joy....better than the ending to any movie ever made!
LOVE that top picture!!
And please draw just one more name? Please? CC. Just 2 little letters.
Yes...Happy One Year! It has been fun knowing you in blogland. Everytime you mention Cape Cod I wish I was going there. Sarah's hair looks so pretty and hip.
Congratulations on your one year!!! Your blog is one of my favorites and I am so thankful that we were able to 'get to know' each other is such a wonderful way.
Wishing you many many more years of posting and me many many more years of reading!!
PS I adore Sarah's new do!
Awww... what a sweet post. Your blog is one of my faves. I love your beautiful pics. And yes... thank gawd for my bloggy friends. I would never have survived this wait without them. I'll be sitting right here watching as you get your referral and bring your girl home. :)
Happy One Year Anniversary on your blog! I know that I came in on the tail end of your year and met you before I read your blog. What a wonderful and special blessing for me! She is wonderful people! I wish you lived in Atlanta too!!!!!!!!! We would be fast friends, but I think I think in a way we already are. Thank you for your precious soul. Can't wait to see through your blog and possibly an email or two what this year ahead holds for you. I pray it safe, healthy, beautiful, wonderful and amazing my friend!
You are a vibrant part of this amazing group of women. Congrats on one year!
Happy Anniversary, Lisa. I so love visiting you! You are an amazing inspirational person! And I can not wait for your road to end up in China and Back with your baby!
Happy blogiversary to you! And thank YOU for all the sweet and thoughtful comments you have left on my blog this past year.
I love visiting your blog. It is always so much fun to hear what you are up to and to see your lovely photos.
Look forward to following you on your Long Road To China!
I'm so glad you started your blog, it has been a joy to get to know you and your family. As to the winners, I'm thrilled to see some of the ones that I know win :)
Terrye in FL
Happy One Year Blogging Anniversary! And, Happy Easter!
Congrats to the winners!!!!!
Sarah's new hair is SO stinkin cute! Makes me want to go & get mine done :)
WHERE did you find her headband!?! I have lots bookmarked, but non quite like that, I Love it!
Have a great Easter Weekend at the Cape. Sigh. Who says that? I am going up the road :)
Happy Anniversary! I SO LOVE that first photo -- the sun shining on her hair -- it's just beautiful.
Happy Blogiversary! And congrats to Jan and T! I am so thrilled for both of them!!!!
Have a great weekend at the Cape. Happy Easter!
The hair cut is so cute!!!!
Yeah for your bloggaversary. I enjoy reading your blog and looking at your amazing photos.
I have been curious about your title. I think I need to read way back!
Happy Easter!!!
Congratulations on one year!! I love looking at your shots!!
I just wanted to pop over and wish you and you precious family a very Happy Easter!! I will be thinking of you! Hope you take lots of shots!!
Hi Lisa,
Your children are absolutely beautiful and so your photos! Thanks for the sweet comment. I'm really looking forward to meeting you and the other "Mamas". Have safe and fun travels, and Happy Easter!
Happy one year!!! What a wonderful give a away! Congrats to the winners. Love Sarah's new do!
Have a wonderful Easter!
I love that first picture!! Such vibrant colors!!
Congrats on one year!! I am so happy to be part of your blog community!!
Congrats to the winners too :)
Happy One Year! Thinking back to a few short months ago and calling each other that one afternoon...and now, I can't go a week without my Lisa fix :) I feel so fortunate to have found your blog, but more importantly, found a forever friend!
Happy Easter sweet friend and can't wait to see you in 6 days!!!
What a sweet and thoughtful way to celebrate it by your generous give away. Congrats to your winners!
Like I said, I'll have to call the "BLOG DETOX CENTER" since I won't have you to blog with for the week:))
Do you think I am a good candidate at least?
Well, have a marvelous time in Cape Cod and safe travels.
Happy Easter!
Oh my...her hair is absolutely adorable! I am so thankful I found your blog.....have a wonderful Easter weekend my new friend.
Happy one year and what a great give away!
I'm so excited to meet you! Have a great trip.
Hope you have a wonderful Easter my friend! Sarah's hair looks great and the photos are awesome. Congrats to the lucky winners and thank you for the wonderful contest. :)
Have safe travels and a fun time.
HAPPY 1 Year...
I am sooo GLAD to have found you in bloggerville..
You are an AMAZING lady and hope to meet you one day soon..
Congrats to the two ladies who won these AMAZING pieces of silver..
You already know I LOVE Sarah's hair.. it is darling..
LOVE ya girly..
Happy Easter..
Sara's hair looks wonderfully cute!!!
Happy blogversary...and many more!!!
Happy one year and a very Happy Easter, i pray the long road will somehow not feel to long when you can shareit with friends
Thank you so much!!! I am so excited to win your giveaway!! And I can't believe I won!! Just checking in quickly from Disney -- it's a FUN and BUSY and WARM place right now!! Your blog has always been one of my faves - just wished we all lived close enough to meet in person! Someday, I know we will! Hope you had a great Easter. Thanks again!
Happy 1 year!!! I started blogging not long ago and enjoy the wonderful people and sweet comments that follow. So here's to you and many more posts.
Hope you had a nice Easter : )
congrats janet!!
happy 1 year lisa
your blog is simply delightful
You are lucky to have such a great following!
I really like the jewelry but man is a lot of it expensive! Jewelry or baby? I think I'll take my baby girl from China!
The photo of your daughter is the greatest!
Hey you! Is is good to be back! Sorry that I missed your giveway....Happy Blogiversary. I love coming here to be encouraged, look at your beautiful pics and also to steal some yummy recipes. Thanks for always making me smile. We have to meet up soon...or we could wait until you return from China and make a weekend of it!!
I'm playing "catch up" and just saw this! How fun! 100 posts! Congrats! I'm coming up on mine too! And Sarah's stack is adorable. Both of our girls have sported this "do" before and you are right...it brings out the sassy in our girls!
Hi Lisa -
I remember coming across your blog about a year ago! My how time flies! It's been great getting to "know" you and your adorable family. I will continue along on your journey to your sweet girl waiting in China for you! I can't wait for that addition to your sweet family!Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations on your 1st Year!
Your blog is absolutely gorgeous...just like the woman behind it!
Looking forward to many more years to come!
Lisa, was just thinking and it hit me that days ago...I left a comment about "100 posts"...what a dork I am! Of couse I meant Happy Blogiversary! Someone else had posted about the "100 posts" and yours had said "200" a few days before and I had a brain cramp! And what's worse...I'm just sitting here and remembered it. Oh, I need a vacation. So, happy one year and 200 posts etc., etc.
Love ya~
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