The suitcases are lined up in Reagan's room and the packing has officially started. Still wondering how I am going to fit it all, but I guess I have 12 days to practice and maybe even reconsider leaving a few items at home:)
Last week, we received a short update on Reagan, a new picture and her measurements, along with our basic itinerary for the trip.
Our girl is 27 inches long and weighs just about 18 lbs. I have mostly 6-12 month clothes for her, so I think we should be in good shape.
Here is a brief rundown of our trip:
Friday, October 15th
The journey begins as Pat and I head to New Jersey to pick up Marla and then we will be meeting Dita and her Darlings for a bon voyage dinner.
After dinner, Pat is going to take Marla and I to a hotel in close proximity to JFK Airport, so we can get a little rest and know that we are within a stones throw to the airport and won't have to fight traffic on Saturday morning.
Saturday, October 16th
Our flight leaves JFK Saturday morning and we will be heading to Hong Kong where we will have a short layover before heading to Changsha. Our first flight is 16 hours and the second flight is only an hour and half. Of course China is ahead by 12 houres, so I am sure our bodies will be thoroughly confused by the time we get off that plane.
Sunday, October 17th
We are due to land in Changsha at 6:15pm(China Time) where we will meet our first guide of the trip, Ceila. She will be taking us to the Huatian Hotel and will be with us the entire time we are in province.
Monday, October 18th
This is the day we are scheduled to meet Reagan.....they will be bring her to our hotel instead of us going to the civil affairs office. We were warned that there is a slight possibility that they might bring her Sunday night. If that is the case, she will probably be waiting for us when we arrive from the airport giving us no time to unpack and unwind. I was told to make sure I carry a diaper, change of clothes, bottle, and formula just in case.
Tuesday, October 19th
The official adoption/processing begins in Changsha
Wednesday, October 20th
We will be taking a trip by high speed bullet train to visit the Chenzhou Children's Welfare Institute. Marla and I plan to take a suitcase filled with goodies for the children and staff of Chenzhou. My agency said that the facilitator will tell us what the orphanage can use once we get to Changsha. We decided it would make more sense to hit Wal-Mart and buy what we need there so we don't have to pack and carry everything with us. Both Marla and I are super excited to be able to make this trip to see where Reagan has spent the last 10 months of her life.........and of course, we are anxious to see and spend time with all the other babies and children.
Thursday, October 21st through Sunday, October 24th
Will be spent in Changsha sight seeing, touring, and shopping while we wait out the rest of the in province portion of the adoption.
Monday, October 25th
We board the plane to Guangzhou where we will be met by our guide, Lucy. She will take us to the Victory to check in and then we will be heading out for Reagan's medical exam Monday afternoon.
Tuesday, October 26th
The US Consulate Apppointment
Wednesday, October 27th
The Oath taking ceremony at the Consulate
Thursday, October 28th
Reagan's Visa will be issued so we can leave the country
Friday, October 29th
We begin the long trek home. We will be flying from Guangzhou to Hong Kong and then from Hong Kong to JFK. We are due to land in the US around 9pm and I am sure that we will be greeted by our family and friends.
Anxious does not even begin to describe what I am feeling right now. I am so emotional and the thought of what is about to take place just gives me the chills and makes me teary eyed. It has definitely made me think about how far we have come since the start of this process.
These last few years have felt somewhat like a marathon. It has been a long, hard race and at times it felt as though we were not going to be able to finish and we would be forced to give up, or quit. We had come so far and although the finish line was in sight, it was out of reach.
Well.... we are almost there, we are so very close we can almost touch the ribbon with our fingertips.
We are in the final mile of the long journey and there is nothing that is going to keep us from crossing the finish line now.
Reagan is there waving us in.....
and we are just baby steps away from her.
Hang on baby girl..... it won't be long now.
We are on our way.
A special thanks to Diana for the adorable mud pie booties. I absolutely love them and already have them packed in Reagan's suitcase.
Wow, you have quite the journey ahead. Sounds unbelievably wonderful.
LOVE those booties. They are adorable.
Almost there...so very exciting!!!!
Such blessings to come,
Thanks for sharing this amazing time in your life with us. I'm so excited for you!! It's almost here!!!
Yay!!! You are just about there now! I cant' wait to see the first of many photos of you and that precious little girl. So excited for you Lisa. :-)
Your time has come!
I am SO excited for you (and Reagan).
Does a one person fan club in Hong Kong count as a reception?
Love & Blessings,
Hi Lisa..i have been following your story for the last few years (since we decided to pursue adoption ourselves) and had to let you know how thrilled i am for you and your family! We got our little girl, Gracie, when she was 11 weeks old and she is only a few days younger than Reagan..wanted to let you know that Gracie is just around the 20lb mark too..Reagan looks very much en par with her!!! Deborah from Scotland UK
My eyes are filled with tears of joy and I have a big smile on my face. So happy for your/our family!
Much love,
I am smiling through my tears because you'll begin your journey on the anniversary of the day Rosie journeyed to heaven. This year will feel much easier... I'll be able to focus on you holding your sweet Reagan in your arms.
Those booties are gorgeous!
Its so exciting to read your itinerary it brings back so many wonderful memories, it is an amazing experience.
I can only imagine what it must have been like for families like yours caught in this long, long wait (and for all the others still waiting) so happy for you that you made it through, it will have been worth every waiting moment!
I am so happy for you guys...I love the booties, they are just so stinkin' cute I can't stand it!! I honestly have chills for you guys right now knowing it is so, so close. Can't wait to follow yours and Marla's journey's. You definately have a ton of support and prayers on the home front. Wish I could be there to welcome you home...but I can't wait to see the pictures because you and Marla tell the best stories with using pictures! {{{HUGS}}}}
How exciting! I just got goosebumps reading this post. Blessings to you and your family during your travels.
So excited for you!! I can't wait to follow your journey!! So exciting!!
LOVE the booties!! So cute!!
I am so happy for you! I am hoping to get everything boxed up and shipped out to you tomorrow from SJB.
I am SOOOOOOO happy for you, Lisa. And the fact that you and Marla will be traveling together is such an amazing experience for the two of you. I cannot wait to follow along on your journey. And those booties could not be any more adorable. Oh wait - yes they can! When Reagan is wearing them!!!
So excited for you all! I can't wait to see the pictures!
lisa i can feel the excitement and anticipation in each post!!!!!
i am beyond thrilled for you!
i was just thinking what a spectacular holiday season ya'll will have :)
Praying for you every step and mile of the way!!! God has ordained this moment in your life and Reagan's! Can't wait to watch your journey!!!
You really are almost there Lisa, the end is in sight!
Those booties are ADORABLE! What a beautiful image. Love.
And keep on packing (or re-arranging of the packing). ;)
I am so happy for you. I wish I could fly over there and great you guys at the airport! How exciting the final mile is!
I, too, have goosebumps and tears in my eyes reading this.
It's here, Lisa...its REALLY here!
I can't wait to send you girls off and you better believe I'll be RIGHT there when you get off that plane....and every step in between. I can't wait!!
LOVE those booties...just adorable!
Dita Darling
So excited for you to finally get on the plane to your sweet baby girl! Let the repacking begin! I know I packed and repacked many times! :) Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you finish this marathon.
Holy smokes, we're leaving in 12 days!!!!!!!!! I have to admit that even though I know this schedule by heart already, it still gave me chills to read it and I STILL can't believe I get to share this with you!! OK, now I need to get off this computer and get to work, there is much to do in the next 11 days!
SO excited, my friend!!!!!
I can't believe that it is almost here! I am so excited for you :-)
I am so, so excited for you!!! You are on the home stretch! Can't wait to see precious Reagan in your arms.
(You'll have to tell me how many times you pack and repack your suitcase. ;D )
Oh Lisa I am so excited for all of you I cant wait to see EVERYTHING!!!!! And on a more personal note......oh girl it will be alot cooler over there than it was in July when we were there!!!!!!
Love and blessings, Kristy
I'm so so so excited and READY for you to meet your little Princess!! Enjoy every moment . . . I'm glad Marla will be with you to help share your journey with all of us.
Sweet photo :)
Hang in there you are so close to this long journey being complete. Best wishes!
Wow! You are in the home stretch now, for sure!!! Reading your itinerary gave me goosebumps & happy tears!! I'm so, so THRILLED for all of you!!
The jet lag hits hard after you land back home...no one prepared us for that & in retrospect I wish I knew! Make sure you get your rest & take Reagan out into the sunshine during the day to turn her internal clock around :)
Oh Lisa, I am just SOOOOO HAPPY for yoU!!!!
Whooo hoooo! I am soooo excited for you! As I said before, Reagan hit the jackpot to get you for her mom! I can't wait to follow your journey!
Happy packing!
Wow, is right. You're in the last stretch. I'm so very excited right now just thinking about all that will take place.
While in Changsha you'll be visiting the big Walmart. Just remember - it's in the mall called.....Wanda's Mall. (That's right - it's mine, well...the name anyway. I laughed when I saw the sign.)
Enjoy all the excitement of these last few steps to your journey to Reagan.
Hi Lisa!!!
I am so excited for you and Marla. What a blessing it will be to have your dear friend with you as you cross the finish line! The reward, your precious baby girl!!!
She is going to look so cute in those booties!!!!!! (Love the pic!!)
I wish I was close to JFK!!! That is one send off dinner I wish I could be at!!!!
I look forward to celebrating with you soon, and for seeing your amazing photos from CHINA!!!
You know I will be praying you thru this....every step!
Oh Lisa!
I love seeing your itinerary!!! You are finally there after the looong wait!!! To think you will have your sweet girl in your arms in two weeks - just brings a smile to my face!!! Good luck with your packing - I am a terrible over packer so that is always the hardest part for me! I am sure you will do well. Remember that you will proably bring home at least one more suitcase:) I can't wait to continue to follow your journey to Reagan!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!!!
xoxo -
ps - we got our TA!!! Just waiting for our Consulate appointment! Who knows I might still see you and your sweet girl in person:)
Will have to rush home to check on updates... so happy for you...
Get ready for the journey of a lifetime!
I can't wait to follow your journey and "meet" Reagan!
I so remember this time, the last few days before leaving, re-packing the cases a milion times. The long flight, the excitment. Looking forwards to following your journey. We stayed in Victory too.
Love Jules
Lisa, I have goosebumps on my skin and tears of happiness for you in my eyes.
As has already been said Reagan hit the jackpot getting you for her Mum, and your family for her family. She is such a lucky, lucky girl.
I am so enjoying sharing your story and your excitement, so thank you for sharing it. I can sense how your arms ache to hold her, but it won't be long now, and then you will be able to hold and kiss her forever and ever and ever...
I've actually gone back a few times over your posts to look again at her beautiful picture- the little darling.
Sending all the love in the world to you as you embark on this long-awaited expedition.
Sounds like you are almost there.. Love the booties..
Have a great week..
Love ya..
Thinking of the 16 hour flight...take baby Benadryl. I was nervous about using it with Amelia, but we actually saw the doctor at the White Swan twice because she had a bad ear infection. He told me to use it and how much, because he said she couldn't get better is she didn't sleep at night.
Just make sure you try it BEFORE the flight. Come to find out, Benadryl can make some people hyper (as it does Amelia now). Even with Benadryl she only slept about 2 hours on the flight home...
Good luck!
Wow Lisa, it is sooo real!
I love reading the detailed itinerary. We loved every minute of our trip to China, and reading about yours makes my heart ache to go back, really!
AND...cutest socks ever!!
Lisa...I am thrilled for you...you are almost there!
It's so exciting to see the details of your trip in writing. I will be following right along with you!
ps...love the photo, of course!
It's completely surreal that you are on the homestretch to your precious angel from the east!!! I cannot wait to see the first pics of you holding Reagan! I've got chills just thinking about it. I love her little booties...sooo sweet! Did my package make it to you yet? I hope you get it before you leave.
You are going to have the trip of a lifetime. So much fun to be going with Marla, too! :)
Yay!!! You are soooo close to having that beautiful girl in your arms! I know I've said it a dozen times already, but I'm so happy for you. And I remember how great it felt to get that travel itinerary from our agency and to start packing suitcases with itty-bitty outfits and shoes and bows and toddler snacks and toys....and some stuff for me and Doug, haha.
Gin =)
Hi Lisa, congratulations! I am a friend of Gail's (Aging with Grace) and wanted to stop by and say hello. Your daughter is beautiful, and I have so enjoyed your blog. We are leaving for China on October 20th, and I think we may overlap a few days in Guangzhou. Our daughter is 14 month old, and she is waiting in Zhengzhou City, Henan Provence.
Best wishes for a wonderful and blessed journey! We won't be far behind you!
Best, Ashley
Wow, wow , wow! You are SO close!
Wow!! I love the itinerary and the picture! Those booties are sooooo cute!! I can't wait to follow your and Marla's journeys. I, like Diana, wish I could be at that send off dinner! Sounds like a fabulous way to send you two off to get Miss Reagan!
What a long road it has been for you but the real journey is about to begin!!! I can't wait to follow along & see her wearing those gorgeous booties!
Your words were so touching! Best wishes & safe travels!
So glad I gotten to witness from afar this adoption taking place. I am so very excited for you!
Wow Lisa. What a wonderful story, and future plan paid out for you. I wish you luck and happiness in your trip to China and return trip home with Reagan.
Lisa, I am so excited for you. As I read the details of your upcoming journey, I feel another level of connection with you, another level of excitement for you, perhaps because I'm really starting to understand just how significant this journey has been for you. I wish you safe travels and a spirit of calm. you have all the love you need :)
Goodness!! It's coming SOON!! Many blessings for a safe and WONDERFUL trip to your new daughter :)
And as far as 'telling' Sarah, I think you're on the right track! I haven't read any of the other comments, but I'd get a book that discusses adoption and go from there. My opinion is that we should share with our kids before they're old enough to even remember being told... it should just be part of their story, like they have blue eyes, or black hair... they were also adopted.
I know you'll do a great job, clearly you adore Sarah, and now that Reagan is coming into the mix, I"m sure you'll have lots of opportunities to discuss adoption :)
So very happy and excited for you! Your daughter is beautiful and you will have the time of your life!
We meet our son in Changsha for the first time just alittle over 7 months ago. I also got to meet Diana Sienna's mommy there on that day.
Enjoy your trip! We will be following along and praying for you.
What adorable booties! Love them.
That's ironic that you wrote about possibly receiving Reagan at the hotel the night you get there. That exact same thing happened to us. Twenty minutes after we arrived in China they brought Sofia to us in the hallway at the hotel. They asked if we would like them to keep her for the night. I was thinking to myself "are you serious?" There is no way I am waiting another second for my sweet baby girl, I want her now. Good luck. :)
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