Apparently she has spent a lot of time watching her Mommy in the kitchen.... or she has watched one too many episodes of Iron Chef America with us, because she knows exactly what to do with her retro play kitchen. She is very loud banging pots and pans around and her appliance of choice seems to be the pink mixer! One night she would not let go of that plastic stick of butter and actually fell asleep clutching it in her little hand! She was probably watching Paula Deen that day:)

It has been an extremely busy week for me and I didn't really think I was going to have time to post again before next week, but I took these photos last weekend and thought they were too cute to get buried in the archives on my computer. If I don't get them posted right away, I never get them up.
I have to admit, I am in LOVE with the PIGGIES..... as someone suggested, they might need to be her signature look!!
TGIF my friends! Looking forward to some serious down time with my family this weekend. Hope you all enjoy your weekend too.
Awesome piggies! And the most adorable iron chef I have ever seen!!!!!
OK - That last photo of her is PRECIOUS!!!!!!! Her smile has just evolved into Miss Personality!!!! She is too CUTE!!!!!! I am with you on the Piggies... If you have time jump to Pearl/Ruby to see Miss Emme and her pigtails! We got new pics last night!
What a blessing to see Reagan thriving Lisa!!!!! She is adorable!!
T.G.I.F. So glad you survived your crazy week!
Adorable pictures of your little chef! I, too, love her piggies!
Hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend!
So glad you had the time to share these pictures ^_^
Reagan is really beginning to shine - her smile in that last picture is electrifying!!!
Week-ends are the Best - Have a Great One!!
Way too much cuteness so early in the morning! How in the world do you get anything done in the house with this little one roaming around? I would just want to love up on her all day long. :-)
Hope you're able to relax and enjoy your family this weekend!
She gets cuter and cuter by the day!! Love her outfit and little kitchen :) I don't know too many little girls that don't love to play with a toy kitchen...I know I did when I was growing up!
Reagan's biggest fan (Olivia) says she is sooooo cute! :-) I LOVE the last photo. I agree with Diana -she has evolved into Miss Personality!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend my friend!
Love ya,
Absolutely adorable!
I am with you on the Friday thing!
And, I am with you on the piggies. absolutely precious.
Not to mention the cute little feet!
Have the BEST weekend Lisa!
That smile in the last pic is too cute for words...she's adorable!!!!
I agree those piggies are her 'look.' Love the bright color on her too...
Have a relaxing weekend with your family, Lisa! enjoy!!! :)
xoxo Gail
Eeeeeeek! I love that she can wear every color at once and totally rock them all. And yes, I'm a BIG fan of those piggies!!
Stunning, the last photo left me grinning ear to ear! Those piggies rock!!
Oh yeah, I am loving those piggies, too!! And I have no doubt she will be great in the kitchen - just look at her Mommy!!!
Love the bright colors in this collage. So cute!!
oh man Lisa, we need to come your way on vacation ... that's got to be the most hubbable, kissable little dumpling i've ever seen!
Such a little cutie-pie!!Love her piggies and these pictures!
Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend!
the last photo OH MY WORD! LOVE IT!
i can't wait to squeeze her in person!
have a blessed weekend lisa!
stinkin' cute! thanks for posting these they make me smile :) (and I love love love the bright colors with that precious happy face!)
tgif my friend - enjoy it!!!
xo ellie
Oh My Gosh!!! That last picture is the cutest thing ever!! I just want to hug her and squeeze her like crazy!!!
Enjoy your weekend!
I don't always comment but I check your blog almost daily!! These pictures are just precious~ so glad that you found the time to share these. I agree with what Diana said...you can just see how much she is evolving and radiating such true happiness in her family.
She is such a cutie pie!
Just plain darling!!! LOVE her piggy tails!!! I love putting them SJ's hair too. Each photo just beams with joy! So thankful you will have some down time this weekend!!!
Blessings and Joy!!!
I am in love with the piggies too! Just darling!
Miss Reagan is so stinkin cute. Emma LOVES her pink kitchen too. Pigtails are adorable!
So adorable! Especially love her smile in the last photo - she looks so happy and adjusted to be home!
Oh ...that last photo is "eat her up" cute!
Lovin the piggies!
I am in LOVE with the last picture! What a B.I.G. smile ... her eyes are even smiling ;)
TGIF my friend ... enjoy the weekend!!
xoxo - Robin
She is such a cutie and I, like the rest, love her piggy's. And that sweater is so fun and colorful!! Just makes her smile even brighter. My girls still love to cook on their kitchen ;)
And your Paula Deen comment just cracked me up!
Love the piggies, love the outfit, lover HER! :)
Have a GREAT weekend, lisa!!
Just look at that pure glee on her sweet face. I'm crazy about the piggies too. Fabulous look for her.
We got hooked on the Food Network over Christmas and it's now Dahlia's go to channel. I have no problem with that.
Have a wonderfully relaxing week-end my friend!
yes, those piggies are TOO cute to NOT be your baby girl's signature look :-)
DARLING Reagan - Happy Chef!!
Now that's what I call a "PAMPERED" Chef!!
Last photo is PRICELESS!!
Loving the new hair style...there is no way Gracie would have enough hair for that!!
Have a wonderful weekend...
Lisa, the piggies are deffo her look! She's getting more gorgeous every day. And I adore her sweater.
Brightened my evening to see your post, I didn't expect one on a Friday, but know what you mean re archives!
I'm unwinding with a glass of wine after an incredibly busy week too. But now it's mid-term, so TGIF!
Have a wonderful weekend, my dear friend!
Love these colorful pictures of your gorgeous girl. So funny the Paula Deen butter line......I'm still cracking up!
I am proud of you for getting these up......I have so many moments sitting on the archives of my computer but am determined to get them up!!
Happy for the long weekend!
Oh yes, she rocks the piggies like no other! She is beyond adorable and I love that smile. Kerry saw these photos and said "dat's Ying Ying" (her China nick-name) Ha ha!
Gin =)
Well, they have all said it already but I wanted to say thanks as well. I was smiling at the first pictures and the post about your girl banging her pots and pans and the not letting go of the butter stick (I can so imagine the noise... we don't have a kitchen for our girl yet, but she doesn't need one to make noise! and as for holding on to stuff, well, she knows all about it too); and then I reached the last picture and there you are, you have another comment! Thanks for brightening up our very grey weekend Lisa and Reagan!
LOVE this post! Reagan looks so happy!
What a bright way to start the day! :)
Very sweet pics, my 1 year old son has the Red Retro Kitchen and he LOVES it, and also somehow knows what to do with it! hehe Gotta love it!
Heather @ http://icthroughyou.blogspot.com
Yes, you need to post more pictures of her! So cute! We love pig-tails too!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Lordy, she's precious! Love the photos Lisa.Are you just having the time of your life? and fyi.....that young man of yours - way too handsome for his own good!
Hope you still read the additional comments...Three years ago we visited our son who had taught English for a year in China.
When we went back to the USA, we were seated in business class, surrounded by FIVE American couples with their just adopted child from China! They started whimpering at take-off, but they were very GOOD for the rest of the entire 15 hour trip!
As a grandmother of 6, I know that's a feat! Your little girl is a cutie!
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