Lately I have been talking about how much Reagan has changed since she has come home. Eventually I plan to do a post about some of the developmental and emotional progress we have made with her, but today I thought I would talk about Sarah.

I look at Sarah today and feel like she has grown up so much over these last few months. Becoming a big sister has definitely matured her. You may not be able to see it in her photos, but we can see it in her actions.

We really thought that she was going to have a difficult time giving up her role as the baby of this family. We hit a few bumps those first few weeks, we noticed she was trying to seek out some additional attention and I am sure you all remember the little TOY INCIDENT but she got over all of it rather quickly and really seemed to love that she was now officially the "Big Sister"

Sarah has really taken Reagan under her wing and has begun to show her the way. Even with a three year age gap, they play and get along so well. On a few occasions as I was getting Reagan ready for bed, Sarah asked me to let Reagan stay up so they could play a little longer and I thought it was a true indicator of how much Sarah really loved and adored her new sister.

The girls have not been separated since they have met.
They have been together almost every waking hour of every single day.
Pat and I thought long and hard about sending Sarah to preschool this year. We ultimately decided not to send her so that the girls would go to the babysitter together.
I am so THANKFUL we made the decision that we did because it has really allowed the girls to form an incredible bond. After having Reagan by her side these last few months, I think Sarah would seriously be lost without her and vice versa.
"A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life"
~Isadora James~
I tried to attach this video to FaceBook last night and for some reason I could not get it to upload, so I figured I would just include it in this post. You can only see Reagan in the video, but what I love about this little clip are the giggles that you hear from both of the girls. You have to listen closely to hear them because there is a lot of loud splish splashing going on!

Note: For those interested in the upcoming photography classes/workshops that will be part of the Half the Sky project, I will be posting the details Friday morning and enrollment will officially be open. Class space is limited and I will be filling on a first come, first serve basis. There is also going to be an exciting giveaway tied to this class offering so make sure you stop back to see what it is all about!
They are the cutest little things : ) I love that Sarah has stepped up to this role. I can totally and completely see a difference in her since the baby has come home : )
Love your beautiful pictures as always. Girls are so cute together. You are right, Sarah seem more mature lately. It is a blessing they get along so well.
Enjoy your beautiful family..
Oh...those squeals of joy. I'm so happy that Sarah and Reagan have such a great bond. Very good decision to have them together for this first year. Wow...together every hour.....wow!
Wonderful images capturing that joy and love they share. (Everything just sparkles in your house.) Put a big ol smile on my face tonight!
Your daughters are both precious. :)
Marla @ www.blueskiesphotoblog.com
First, I love every photo! Simply beautiful - not hard with such precious little girls.
Second, what an incredible gift to them both that will hopefully last a lifetime - their bond build on pure love. How beautiful to witness and help foster it to grow!
Enjoy the warmer weather coming!
Sarah is so, so prettym, and it sounds like she's become an amazing big sister. That little video clip is too precious!
Gin =)
Siblings are a gift to each other. They look very happy
I love the relationship between them and it will only go stronger and stronger! I often think that the age difference between Jacob and Jenny hinders their fun but it doesn't...the laughter that comes out of the play room sometimes just puts me in a puddle of tears!
Loved that video!! Laughter is so good for the soul!
Your daughters are so beautiful! So glad to hear that Sarah is filling her role as a big sister so well!
Glad that Sarah is enjoying being a big sister - the shots are just lovely.
Nothing sweeter than the sound of pure joy in the children's laughter. :)
Sarah is such a wonderful little "jie jie" (big sister) and it's so sweet to see. It's like love building on love in your family, Lisa!
Sorry about the second link... I didn't realize that some wonderful angel had already linked me up. :)
Those are so precious. Love them!
They are little darlings!! http://flowerphotography1.blogspot.com/
Precious pictures and priceless story.
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Beautiful post and photos!
They are so cute together and you are so lucky that haven't been any jealous issues:)
Wonderful! And the video clip is the icing on the cake!
Sarah has grown up, stepped up to her role, but it's because you've helped her and shown her the way,been sensitive to her needs and let her know that you love her no less for Reagan's arrival.
Did you ever make it to the Nutcracker?
My youngest two had 3 years + 3 days between them, and they had so much fun playing together in the same way!
Great photos and post! I always wanted a sister. Sarah and Reagan are lucky girls!!
Your shots are so beautiful and sweet...
What a precious post!!!
You truly can see Sarah's maturity from this side - she is learning the skills for being a great mommy someday ^_^
The bonding of sisters is for a lifetime!!!
Thank you for sharing.
Well, this post just makes me want a sister for Maggie! What a special bond your girls share and I am so proud of how Sarah and welcomed Reagan and taken her under her wing. Love and hugs to you~
these are wonderful wonderful shots, there is obviously a great bond going on.
What a wonderful site to see your two girls enjoying sisterhood. You & Pat made the right decision to keep them together for the first year. The bond they have made will last a lifetime. What an adorable video....loved hearing their squeals of joy!
I have to admit.... I have watched that video clip at least 30 times and it almost brings tears to my eyes.....especially if you leave the background music playing while you watch it. I keep thinking about that somber scared little baby we met in China and to see her full of joy and laughter now that she has adjusted to her new life just makes me SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY. We are so blessed.....all of us.
Mimi, no....unfortunately we did not go to the Nutcraker this year. I was not ready for all that was facing us when we returned from China....two birthdays, thanksgiving, and christmas....plus the return to work. Poor planning on my part....shame on me. Next year for sure:) You have such a great memory!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday....off to work I go~
What a sweeet big sister! It's an amazing gift you've given to each of them....something they'll have their entire lives!
Beautiful girls...nothing beats the bond of a sister! Borrowing your quote for my B&W post today is my sister birthday! Happy Wednesday!
Wonderful photos! Wishing AA could have had a sibling closer to her age.
What a great friendship and sisterly love that is developing.
Alyzabeth's Mommy
How sweet Sarah is being such a good big sister. I love the fact that she has grown from it too! That proves what a good little soul she is.
It sounds like Sarah is a great big sister! They are so lucky to have each other. Cute pictures!
That's what sisters are for! The fighting over toy...or clothes, shoes, etc...will happen from time to time. But the love is always there :) So happy Sarah is adjusting to her role as big sister so wonderfully!
Lisa ~ They are just beautiful, both of them! And I think Sarah really fits the big sister role - she looks like a doting, mature young lady interacting with her little sis!
First, I LOVE the colors you chose for the girls to wear. They look gorgeous together! Secondly, what a blessing to see Sarah embrace her role as big sister!!
I pray that she and Reagan will always be inseparable!
Have a great day!
soooo sweet Lisa! Bet it just melts your heart. I know when we adopted Rebecca we really thought there would be some turmoil between the two but it was amazing how they instantly took to one another.
Beautiful pics - as always!
two lovely little ladies, what a blessing!
Being the big sister has it's up and down days in our house. My kids are 3 and 5 and some days my 5 year old daughter embraces being the big sister and some days she wants to back track and be the baby :) Wonderful pics!
Adorable! My 11 yr old daughter loves to "check in" on your blog! :) She adores all the photos of the girls. Those tu tus are tutu cute!
ps she's gonna love that splashy video when she gets home from school today.
Love it..
Sarah is tooo cute..
glad things are going sooo well.
Hugz my friend..
I just love those flower clips the girls are wearing. They look adorable!
Can't wait for details about the classes.
Love those giggles and squeals...adorable video!!!!
There is something so wonderful about the sisterly bond, they're be best friends for life I'm sure. :)
Happy Wednesday, hope your week is a good one in all ways...
So colorful! Girls are just adorable!
Nothing truly more precious than the bond between sisters!! Beautiful bonding captured....indeed!
Gorgeous pictures of two gorgeous girls!
Beautiful post, they are so cute!
So beautiful!! I love all your photos...and those giggles...LOVE!!!
Definately something special about sisters, I love to watch it ;)
P.S. Can't wait until Friday!!
A D O R A B L E... You girls are just precious... lovely photos as always... :-)
awwwwwww...your girls are so cute....:) what a beautiful big sister!
I absolutely adore capturing my girls interacting with each other. It is one of the sweetest things I will want to look back on later in life.
You did a beautiful job with these.
WOW! all so wonderful to hear, your girls are just darling little precious gifts! you are truly blessed Mama!
the interaction in your photos is so thoroughly charming!
ACK!!! That first shot of Sarah is AWESOME!! Love love love!! And they look so cute in their little tutu skirts!
LOL @ their giggles, is there any sound in the world that could better? I think not!
What a precious post and beautiful images captured! Sarah has bloomed so beautifully and my EK has as well! She too has become more of a big sister than I thought she was capable of... isn't it wonderful to see them become so close and love each other so much!!! Our girls have been together the whole time too and it is absolutely wonderful!
Blessings and Joy!!!
Beautiful girls, beautiful pics my friend! Olivia LOVES them!
I can't wait until Friday! :-)
We are really bummed though -- we can't view the video!
What a beautiful post!!!! They are just so beautiful!!!!!
Love and blessings, Kristy
Love black and white photography! Posted one today myself. All before I saw this!!
I also really like Priscilla Ahn. Saw her live a while back.
Beautiful photos and beautiful girls.. you can see the joy in their faces. The Sepia ones are stunning!
Lisa....I love your video...it made me laugh too! Your girls must bring you so much joy. Dx
They are beautiful...inside and out!
I can't stop smiling when I look at these photos....to be privy to watching these two grow in their sisterhood...what a gift you have given us!
There is nothing like having a sister! Sarah and Reagan are adorable together. The love you have shown to Sarah is now the love she is giving to Reagan.
Thank you for your meme!
Jan Halvard
norwegian in La Paz, Bolivia
¡Buenos dias Bolivia!
It's been a long time since I participated in b/w wed although I check your blog all the time to see your sweet family. I'm so glad to hear Sarah is adjusting well in her role as a big sister. Reagan is such a doll! I have two girls and there is nothing sweeter than watching the two of them play together.
HEY LISA!! It's been a long time since I have joined you guys on B&W Wednesday & I've missed you!! Sarah is such a sweet big sister & looks like she is lovin' her new role! We need to chat & catch up very soon!!
Take care!
xoxo Robin
Yea, Sarah!! thanks for the photos and what a nice story. Glad they have this time together. Good for you and Pat
Yippee for Sarah and Reagan! My relationship with my sister has been so important to me. I can't imagine life without a little sister.
Love black and white Wednesdays!
This just warms my heart. I hope we experience something similar, even with an six-ish year gap.
I was just thinking of Sarah this week and was wondering how she was doing with being the "big sister". Pictures speak a thousand words. She looks as if she takes that job very seriously and loves that sweet baby of hers! SOOOO sweet! I just pray they remain to be the best of friends for a long time!!! Blessed, my friend!
That video is just too cute!!! And what a sweet relationship has blossomed between your two beauties!!
The pictures and video are precious! Both girls are adorable, and it is so nice to follow the wonderful relationship that is blossoming between them. I look forward to your next post abour Reagan's adjustment!
Stay warm up there in PA.
Gorgeous photos of your beautiful daughters. Where did you get those pretty flower hair clips? Thanks.
Oh the cuteness!!! Sarah looks SO proud of her baby sister in that one pic where she has her arm around her. So incredibly sweet!!
Lisa, no shame on you at all re Nutcracker. I'm sorry I mentioned it now, but was amazed that you might have been able to fit it inwith all you've had going on.
And, now I'm amazed and in awe of your organisation, talent and generosity re the photography classes. Only getting online at this late hour (23.49), but delighted they've sold out.
You are fantastic!
Love your blog!! Your family is beautiful and your photography is perfect!
Such a beautiful post Lisa. :)
It is so wonderful to see the big sister and little sister together in these beautiful and heartwarming photos! Our Anne has a big sister, too! Her name is Katie and they absolutely love each other - when they are not fighting, that is! LOL!!!!
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