I have really loved taking photos of the kids around the house these past few months.

Taking pictures of my own children is what forced me to get into photography in the first place.

The original goal was to learn enough so that I no longer had to take my children to a "Studio" for the typical shots with props and a backdrop.

But.... the more I learned, the more addicted I became.

It was a creative outlet for me and I came to look forward to putting that strap around my neck and heading out to a new place or area to see what I could capture.

All of a sudden the things I saw everyday began to look different to me.

I started to notice things like color and texture.

I began to see the beauty in just about everything and everyone around me and often would say.......

"Ooooooo, that would make be a GREAT picture"

It kind of became a joke in my family....and when I would say it, everyone would roll their eyes and say, "Here she goes again"

Between the winter weather and getting adjusted to life as a family of five, I have not had much time to "play" but I was able to get away for a few hours last weekend for the first time since returning home from China.

My Mom and I went to the local farmer's market early one Saturday morning and when we pulled into the parking lot I noticed this big red door with the bright yellow step.

As soon as I saw it, I knew it would make a very cool backdrop for photos....the pop of red and the lines on the door defintely called out to me!
Add a beautiful model like Alicia and I was like a kid in the candy shop!
Don't get me wrong... I LOVE LOVE LOVE taking photos of my own kids, but sometimes it is fun to change things up and get someone else in front of the camera...... someone that does not run away, roll their eyes, or stick their tongue out at me when I point the camera in their direction.
Alicia is my "go to" girl..... she likes to be in front of the camera as much as I like to be behind it. She has appeared on the blog numerous times.....and she is the daughter of my friend Trish, who happens to babysit Sarah and Reagan while Pat and I are at work.
We are very lucky to have this family watching over our girls when we can't be with them. We know that the girls are in GREAT hands and we never have to worry about the care they are receiving.
We are very grateful and it makes me feel good to be able to give Trish a little something extra...... like these photos of her Gorgeous girl.
I say this each time I post pictures of her, but can you believe she is 14 years old? MY WORD.... I hope Mom and Dad are ready....they are going to have boys lined up around the block!
And what a lot of fun you had Lisa. These shots are vintage Lisa all the way. Dreamy and creamy and oh-so-pretty. I know you must have had a big grin on your face the whole shoot. (And you deserved a little grinning after your last week-end.)
Still can't believe Alicia is only 14 years old. Goodness...what is happening to the girls these days? What a great family to be connected to.
Hope the rest of your week is smooth and peaceful sweetie.
oh wow the color in all of these photos is gorgeous. All of these images you captured are beautiful, love them all!
Fabulous shots Lisa!! I've been so uninspired to pick up my camera very much these last few weeks and wow! you just lifted me up and inspired me to get off my butt and find the energy again! Thank you!!
Those are some great shots! Love em!
Well, you surely haven't lost your touch being cooped up all winter in your house with your gorgeous lovelies!
These shots are fantastic. I believe Alicia must have grown 4 inches since I saw her in July! Those legs of hers go on forever!
I know the love AND addiction that photography can hold and I'm not afraid to say....Hi, My Name is Dita and I'm a Photoholic!....especially knowing you are right there beside me!
Checking in :). Jane is at my place in B&W. I think I'll add her! I have been drawing portraits in art. Like you, I see beauty everywhere. The faces I study in detail all are beautiful to me. I find myself looking at everyone and everything differently. Art is an amazing thing for our brains :).
I can't believe she is 14 year old! Beautiful photos, and yes, it is hard to make the time to get out away from our own children. Love your photography!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
This photo shoot is wonderful.
I am also glad Reagan is healing well. Take care. xxx
OK, I'm with you - my family says the same thing but I can't help it. I see everything differently :-D I LOVE that door and the yellow at the bottom.
Your shots of her are gorgeous - not hard to do with such a pretty model.
Hugs and much love!
I am totally with you. I am still learning primarily for my child. I can't believe how much my photos have improved and I have so many to treasure of my son.
When we first moved to Tampa, one struggle I had was how old and run down the city was. I just told some friends that what I originally despised I now cherish. I see the all of the old as a beautiful CANVAS.
Thanks for sharing. The photos are great. You can tell your subject enjoys being in front of the camera
Hello Lisa
I just wanted to say Hi. I have been here a couple of times and ooh and aah at your photos. I think what you said here in this post I too can relate.
LOVE the second photo!!! GReat eye!!!
Have a good one!!!
You did a fabulous job! Love the background and she looks beautiful in all the photos.
Your shots are flawless. The subject is beautiful, the color is outstanding and I love the raw location. Very, very nice!
Love these urban shots! She is such a beautiful girl and your photos show that! Hope you have a great Wednesday!
Read about the ER trip! How traumatizing, I know. My youngest daughter was trying to help her 2 year old brother and moved the bench closer to the table. It made him lose his balance and fall face first onto the edge of the table (which is rounded!!) HUGE gash next to his eye. My daughter still talks about this experience... ER trip, etc. Thank goodness daddy is an ER Dr.! Still scary, non-the less. (one perk - It wasn't too busy and I didn't have to wait!) Love the bonding and closeness your children seem to have. Makes me smile as mine are like that too. Thanks for hosting.
Alicia is such a stunning model...how can pictures go wrong with a beauty like her! Love this urban shoot! And I agree, sometimes you need to step outside the box to get some inspiration!
Your photos of people are so amazing, Lisa! I am not good at shooting people, so I learn so much through your pictures!
Alicia is such a great model! What a doll she is. Glad you could do a shoot : )
Oh my gosh....GORGEOUS!!! 14???!!!! Oh my! That door definitely screams "photo shoot". I started taking photos for the same reasons as you....I'm still a long way off from having your skill though.....
You just gave me the motivation I needed to get out and do another senior shoot with Amelia. I'm on the lookout for a wonderful place. :) Thanks!!!
Whew...glad I'm not the only one who hears "there she goes again"! While I'm still far off from your skills, our "ideas" are on the same level! I saw this old train station and it screamed "PERFECT SPOT" all over it!
Alicia is just gorgeous!! I think that young lady has a future in modeling!! I love the colors, and the urban feel of it !
these are wonderful natural shots, really lovely.
Those photos are absolutely gorgeous - every single shot. Wow!
Beautiful photos! I'm the same way. Always saying, That would be a great picture or looking for different textures. It's so much fun lol
Beautiful photographs. I love that backdrop. It really makes your model pop
Simply beautiful. SO glad you got to "Play". It is so important to our well being:)
I cannot believe she's 14! Yikes...she looks more like 18!!!
LOVE seeing all of these Lisa and I know how much it means to you to 'get back in the saddle' again so to speak. These are stunning...every single one. Her mom must be so pleased.
She's a beautiful girl. Love all the color and her outfit!
Happy Wednesday...
xoxo Gail
Gorgeous photos and a beautiful model! I can't believe she's only 14!! I really love your style!
These are wonderful photos!
We have the same eye rolling at my house when I spot another great photo location. ;-)
Absolutely beautiful photos! This is my first time participating in Black and White Wednesdays - I'm really excited to check other people's photos out!
Everything you described in this post could just as easily been about my own journey in photography. I get the same comments from the family & I definitely see everything differently now. It has been amazing so far & meeting other bloggers & photographers like you keep making it fun. Thanks for that!
A great location, a gorgeous subject and beautiful images!! So glad you were able to find time to just go and play!! These are beautiful, Lisa!
what a great backdrop. You have an amazing eye!
Beautiful pictures....I hope my photography journey ends up as fulfilling as your has. Have a wonderful day.
I am so glad that you were able to go out and play...and "feed the habit" as we like to joke with eachother! These are just gorgeous shots of Alicia...hope she will be one of our models this summer? Talk to you tomorrow maybe...I didn't have my whole session ready to post today, but I am going to post one I just edited~
oooooooh great location! The red and yellow are awesome and FUN! I'm glad you got some "playtime"?! and I'm sure Alicia's mom is glad too!
Alicia is gorgeous - I'm sure the boys are already lined up! She is such a natural model too!
xo ellie
oh, I am so glad you got to go & play!! And you are right, Alicia's parents are "in" for it!! She is a pretty girl AND confidence exudes from her! And what cute, sassy shoes!
Girl, these are just perfection!! I can only imagine how thrilled Trish is with each and every shot, she's going to need a bigger house to hang them all in!
14. Wowsa. Hope her daddy has a gun to clean when the boys come knocking. :)
You are so talented! I can't wait to get back outside and take pictures, I completly agree with you on that one.
Your pictures are Beautiful!! I love the colors, so sharp and crisp!
Gorgeous job Lisa and Alicia is cute as a button. Only 14? Oh my word, her daddy better buy a shotgun (lol). Love the color of these and the processing. I hear you about play time. I am so so sick of winter and snow and I want to recruit some fresh subjects to photograph when it warms up. Beautiful job as always Lisa. :)
I step away from the computer for a moment and look at all that has gone on with you!
I'm so glad Reagan is ok, and everyone is doing well.
It is always so nice to see things from your perspective, tangible beauty and love.
I'm counting the days until spring for you!
Love Valerie
Hmmmm....my family says the same things about me...because I say the same things! On our trip to Dayton this weekend...RAINING AND FREEZING COLD...I found this delightful old warehouse with a beautiful vine growing on the corner...I snapped a few photos of the building, but when we return in April, I have big plans to take some senior photos of my oldest daughter there! Can't WAIT!
Lisa it's so much fun to see the artist you have become! Great photos!
wow! the colours are beautiful! and the compositions are wonderful!
Okay, Lisa ~ I am SO wishing I had taken your classes already. Unfortunately, it just has not fit into the budget ~ but one day!!... :)
I have been asked to take photos of my nephew for his senior photos. I'm SO nervous about it, especially since I haven't taken any of your courses yet, and I have a very hard time getting out of the 'auto' zone... though I LONG to leave that zone asap!! Like you, I see back-drops, colors, textures and details everywhere, and my mind is often pondering how certain buildings, bridges, etc... would make a great backdrop.
I tried to steer them towards a studio, but it is because of funds that they asked me to take the photos. She is a single mom of 3 boys, so needless to say, finances for photos just don't quite fit the budget.
I have a Nikon DSLR camera with a couple of lenses. The biggest thing is that he needs to have one ready and turned into the school by Oct.19th if he is going to be in the yearbook... and he just HAS to be in his senior yearbook. So any tips to help me capture at least a few 'yearbook worthy' choices for him to pick from? Feel free to email me direct ~ any advise you have to offer would be greatly appreciated!! I have been perusing through your photos for the last hour looking for inspiration... and it's definitely there! I think I'll be getting out my videos tutorials that came with my camera again, to help me get out of auto and practice a few on Khloe and my big kids before I take them of my nephew next week. We are aiming for a more 'overcast' day to avoid glare, as there are some great outdoor places to shoot around here.
Thanks Lisa!
~Tanya Thom
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