We had a WONDERFUL day in New York City!
Pat and I arrived just before noon and the minute we exited the port authority we saw Marla and Derek standing across the street waiving their arms in the air!
We were so excited to see Marla again and to finally meet Derek. Even though it has only been a few months since I saw Marla, it feels like it has been so much longer. My only regret is that she did not get to see Reagan this trip, but there is always next time:)
The weather was just beautiful and we stood on the street talking and catching up for about twenty minutes and then decided we should find a place to get some lunch.
There are probably a dozen restaurants within each city block and it can be overwhelming trying to pick one. We assumed the first thing we should do was choose a cuisine and then go from there. Sushi seemed to work for the four of us, so we were on the hunt for a good Japanese restaurant.
We ended up in cute little place in Hell's Kitchen where we had Bento Boxes and a few celebratory cocktails.
After our lunch we walked through times square and started to head towards a very crowded central park.

As we were walking through the park we got the call from Dita and JR that they were on their way to pick us up so we could head down to SOHO where we had dinner reservations.

We were a little early for dinner so we went into a trendy tavern that had open doors and windows. It was the perfect place for the 6 of us to sit back, relax, and enjoy each others company. Many funny stories were told and before we knew it, it was time to move the party to the next restaurant.

Dinner was INCREDIBLE......thanks to Dita who knows the city inside and out, she knew all the perfect spots to take her "foodie" friends! We ate at this great Italian restaurtant called I Tre Merli. By the time we left, I think we came close to collectively sampling the entire menu. There were so many things to rave about, but I think the one thing we are all still talking about was the Nutella Pizza that we shared for dessert!
The day could not have been more perfect(except for the race to make our bus back home) All six of us got along so well and have so much in common. My only complaint was that the day seemed to go by way too quickly. I felt as though we had just gotten there and we were alreedy having to say goodbye to our good friends.
I didn't get to take as many pictures as I had anticipated, but in this instnace, it is a good thing...... it means I left the camera in my bag and just had PLAIN OLD FUN with my husband and friends! Something that this trip made me realize we need to do more often.
We have not done much of anything since returning from China and that is something that we need to change. As important as it is to be there for our children, we also need to make time for each other.
We had such a fun day with four fabulous friends and hope that we will all be reunited again sooner rather than later. Whether we are in New Jersey, Philly, SOHO, NOHO, or Fort Worth...we can't wait to see you all again!
It's great to see you guys together :)!
Ahhhhh......sounds divine. Would loved to have been there of course but I'm so glad you all got to spend some really fun time together.
You're so right - we need to make more time for times like that.
And despite the pictures you didn't take - I adore the ones you did. (Sigh........)
Love moments like that! Good friends, good times and great memories made! :) The pictures you did take are fabulous!
How fun and wonderful!
Great photos!
Happy spring.
Yes, definitely, we need time with our partners and with own grown-up friends... and what a better place to do that than in NYC? Good company and good food --totally make for a wonderful day.
Glad you had a great time with the girls!
What a great way to spend a Saturday, Lisa! Have visited New York a couple of times and I just love it...my hubby, not so much! (He DOES like NY too, but dreads the copious shopping I do there!) The last day of our previous visit, we did what you did...just stopped at a few bars (Irish ones of course!) and tried a couple of restaurants...it was a lot of fun..
I'm sure you will have felt the benefit of spending time with your good friends. Dx
Did my eyes deceive me....or did I see the letters necessary to spell the words Ft. Worth???!!!! That is within spitting distance as they say in Texas.
I would love to welcome some of you people from the Northeast to the South Central US.
Looks like a grand time in NYC too!
Looks like great times...beautiful shots!
What a great day to be able to relax and reconnect with friends! We do not have any (much) time away without AA; she's isn't keen on being left without us. Has been a struggle, a few issues that remain.
Your day looks so wonderful, we are envious of the time, location, food, fun and friends!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Looks like you must have had a wonderful time together. I agree with the need for time alone with hubby and friends. Definitely need to do the same.
I am so glad you could spend one glorious day alone with your husband : ) Well, not really alone, but sans children. I know that anything done with Dita is 100% fun. That girl simply oozes sensational times : )
Hope you can have another wonderful outing soon Lisa! Love, Becky
PS How did you like waking up to snow on the ground this morning? CRAZY!
ha! we probably walked past each other several times :-D i was right there on saturday too! great shots of your friends. so glad you had a wonderful time and the weather was perfect!
xoxo jill
sounds like a fantastic day! i am having a love affair with NYC right now and cant wait for our little getaway this weekend. Have a great day :)
What fun! Of course sushi, cocktails, and great friends pretty much guarantee it!
Your pictures are beautiful! Glad to hear you had a wonderful weekend.
Sounds like the perfect day with dear friends, Lisa! Happy you and Pat got some time away together!
Your pics are incredible...love the architecture.
Hope you're having a good week!
You all are so cute! Looks and sounds like such a great time together!
Hope you're have a good week!
Sounds like a FABULOUS time!! And yep...you hit all the PERFECT spots (another "foodie" here!)...love that photo of Central Park at the top...
So sorry we missed you!! We wound up driving out to Tar@get (a very rare treat for us city folk)& then out to L.I. to go to the Cheesecake Factory.
Maybe next time!! Hope so!!!!
So nice to have days like that! Beautiful shots!
Your pictures are so stunning and the one of Dita and Marla...they are so beautiful! Glad you had a great mini getaway.
Beautiful pictures of such great friends! Nothing like a day of laughter!
What fun!!
That Dita is something else, I can only imagine the awesome time y'all had together :)
Just looking at the pictures of our WARM, SUNNY weekend altogether makes me want to push the rewind button.
JR and I had the BEST time with you, Pat, Marla and Derek. I can't imagine a better way to spend the weekend than with such special friends all in one place.
Until the next time, my friend......
Great pictures!! Looks like fun..!
NYC seems to be a really special place to visit!! Love your photographs...
Sounds like a really great time you had - wonderful! And those photos are fantastic!
Gosh! What beauty~ both buildings and people!!! )
Oh man, it looks like you guys had a GREAT time!! I love that you guys had "good old fun" that is the BEST kind of fun :) looks like the weather was great & the drinks were yummy!
You will have to forgive my post not actually being posted today. I had to post it Monday or I would have forgotten all about it!
xoxo - Robin
Girl, what a blast that day was, I certainly won't be forgetting it any time soon. It was SO GOOD to see y'all and I am already itching for us to plan to get together again. Thank you so much for coming all that way to be with us. And thanks for not posting a picture of my big ole butt like Dita did!! HAHA!!!
Love you girl!
NY is so fun! Glad you enjoyed yourself!
That looks like one fun day!
Dita and Marla look great, and ready for anything!
So glad you got that day away, you're lucky to have your parents to mind the kids, so do make sure that you do it again, though I don't think you need me to tell you that! Even tho' I know you wanted to be there every minute for Reagan at the start, now you know what you've been missing, you'll do it again!
Those pics make me want to visit NYC- nearest I've ever been is Newark airport!
Fun ALONE with the hubby and adults! It is VERY important. It is fun to remember the guy we chose is still fun to be around! :)
We had a great time and I agree it wasn't nearly long enough. We will all have to get together again very soon!
Gorgeous photos! Wish I had one to share...too busy this week.
Sounds like a great day. Black and White is perfect for NYC. No better way to look at the city.
I'm glad you sat back and enjoyed the day, sometimes it's good to LIVE the moment:)
Whew, just in the nick of time (well, in my time zone anyway), my post is up.
Looks like a great time! I love NYC!
sandy toe
The composition of that first shot is just stunning!
Yay!! How fun to have had the chance to spend the day with friends in the city. You are right...it is super important for us to take some "me" time. Well deserved "me time". Glad you had a great time!! Nice pictures!!
It looks like you had loads of fun in NYC. I love the pictures that you did take! The restaurants sound fabulous too!
I only took 300 pictures in MX, which means I was too busy enjoying myself too!
Can't wait to catch up with you this week. I missed you!
What an amazing reunion! And where better but NYC? I am glad the weather was fabulous and everyone enjoyed each others company!
Glad you got to have such an amazing day with such great friends.
What an amazing day trip! Between you and Jodee I am having a mini vacation reading your blogs!
Beautiful photos and I love reading up on your little girl. Glad she's talking!
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