UPDATE: To those that helped us "Spread the Word" and were entered in the TinaSteinberg.com Gift Card Giveaway. We do have a winner.......Kathy H of "On My Front Porch Looking In" is the lucky recipient of that Gift Card. Way to go Kathy!!!
Wow, have we received some fabulous donations.
We feel so blessed by the number of people who have reached out to help us “Fill Their Stockings” this Christmas. Truly, we have been just blown away by each and every one of you that has reached out to help us with this effort… thank you all so much.
The best part? We are just days away from kicking off this event – a fundraiser that will make a difference in the lives of some very special children in China this Christmas.
And each of you has an opportunity to help us, help them.
Are you ready?
Here is just a sampling of some of the delicious items that will be featured…

Looks like fun, doesn’t it?
So, here are the details. Starting November 25th and running through December 23rd, each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we (Diana, Stefanie, and I) will feature a special product on each of our blogs. That means 3 items each giveaway day, for a total of 9 items every week. The gifts will range from $50-$500 in value – and all of them are fantastic.
How Do I Enter to WIN?
To win any of the featured items for this event we ask that you consider a minimum donation of $5 to the organization that we each represent: Stefanie for An Orphan's Wish, Diana for Pearl River Outreach and me for Half the Sky. But, it is also possible to enter without donating. To do that, leave a comment on the post that includes your name, email and mailing address so we can contact you if you win. Also all winners must have a shipping address in the United States or Canada.
So, you get a chance to win an exciting gift for yourself or someone special on your Christmas list and, at the same time, you can help to make a difference in the lives of orphans in China, halfway around the world.
Sounds fun, doesn’t it?
But right now, just days before kickoff, we need to spread the word about this special event. The more people who know about it, the more money will be raised for these very special children… and that’s a very good thing! If you’d like to help us in this effort and to keep in the spirit of “giving” this holiday season, read on – there just might be something special in it for you, too!
A “Spread the Word” giveaway…

Before we kick off the “Fill Their Stockings” event – to encourage y’all to spread the word – we will be giving away a $100 gift certificate to Tina Steinberg, maker of “unordinary personalized jewelry”. To enter, all you have to do is grab the “Fill Their Stockings” button below and post it on your sidebar, and then leave a comment on this post letting us know that you’ve done so. If you have not visited TinaSteinberg.com, you must. And be sure to check out her “Love Touch Collection” – sterling silver charms and pendants with your loved one’s fingerprint. Each design comes with a short inscription on the back. Truly one of a kind!
To double your chances to win the $100 Tina Steinberg gift card, just post on your blog about our “Fill Their Stockings” effort, with a link back to one of our posts detailing the upcoming event. Remember to leave a comment on this post to let us know what you did to help spread the word, and you’ll be entered. Please leave one comment for each entry… so if you posted a button and shared a post, leave two comments.
Entries for the $100 Tina Steinberg.com gift card will be allowed until 11:30pm Eastern Time, Sunday, November 27th. Winner will be chosen at random and announced soon afterward, so be sure to check back often to see if you’ve won!
And remember, the “Fill Their Stockings” event kicks off bright and early on Friday, November 25th!
We are going to have so much fun!
Wow, have we received some fabulous donations.
We feel so blessed by the number of people who have reached out to help us “Fill Their Stockings” this Christmas. Truly, we have been just blown away by each and every one of you that has reached out to help us with this effort… thank you all so much.
The best part? We are just days away from kicking off this event – a fundraiser that will make a difference in the lives of some very special children in China this Christmas.
And each of you has an opportunity to help us, help them.
Are you ready?
Here is just a sampling of some of the delicious items that will be featured…

Looks like fun, doesn’t it?
So, here are the details. Starting November 25th and running through December 23rd, each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we (Diana, Stefanie, and I) will feature a special product on each of our blogs. That means 3 items each giveaway day, for a total of 9 items every week. The gifts will range from $50-$500 in value – and all of them are fantastic.
How Do I Enter to WIN?
To win any of the featured items for this event we ask that you consider a minimum donation of $5 to the organization that we each represent: Stefanie for An Orphan's Wish, Diana for Pearl River Outreach and me for Half the Sky. But, it is also possible to enter without donating. To do that, leave a comment on the post that includes your name, email and mailing address so we can contact you if you win. Also all winners must have a shipping address in the United States or Canada.
So, you get a chance to win an exciting gift for yourself or someone special on your Christmas list and, at the same time, you can help to make a difference in the lives of orphans in China, halfway around the world.
Sounds fun, doesn’t it?
But right now, just days before kickoff, we need to spread the word about this special event. The more people who know about it, the more money will be raised for these very special children… and that’s a very good thing! If you’d like to help us in this effort and to keep in the spirit of “giving” this holiday season, read on – there just might be something special in it for you, too!
A “Spread the Word” giveaway…

Before we kick off the “Fill Their Stockings” event – to encourage y’all to spread the word – we will be giving away a $100 gift certificate to Tina Steinberg, maker of “unordinary personalized jewelry”. To enter, all you have to do is grab the “Fill Their Stockings” button below and post it on your sidebar, and then leave a comment on this post letting us know that you’ve done so. If you have not visited TinaSteinberg.com, you must. And be sure to check out her “Love Touch Collection” – sterling silver charms and pendants with your loved one’s fingerprint. Each design comes with a short inscription on the back. Truly one of a kind!
To double your chances to win the $100 Tina Steinberg gift card, just post on your blog about our “Fill Their Stockings” effort, with a link back to one of our posts detailing the upcoming event. Remember to leave a comment on this post to let us know what you did to help spread the word, and you’ll be entered. Please leave one comment for each entry… so if you posted a button and shared a post, leave two comments.
Entries for the $100 Tina Steinberg.com gift card will be allowed until 11:30pm Eastern Time, Sunday, November 27th. Winner will be chosen at random and announced soon afterward, so be sure to check back often to see if you’ve won!
And remember, the “Fill Their Stockings” event kicks off bright and early on Friday, November 25th!
We are going to have so much fun!
I'm so excited about this!! I posted on my blog about it! http://babybellylaughs.blogspot.com/2011/11/fill-their-stockings.html
I also pasted the button on my sidebar!! (I'm planning to post a link on my FB as well!)
Hi Lisa,
This is so wonderful. You, Diana and Stephanie are the BEST. Y'all amaze me! I had no idea you were going to ask for help in "spreading the word" and actually posted all y'all's button's on my post yesterday and plan to on every post until your benefit ends. Can't wait to participate:)
God Bless,
So excited! Posted the button. Hope it helps.
Now I see how it works! Brilliant idea, Lisa, from all three of you.
I've posted the button, hoping it works (i'm no techie!).
Will do a post on it later tonight....excited at the prospect of Friday!
Post done! Copied and pasted from here, with a little note from me added on, hope that's ok!
I grabbed the link! thank you, for the fun.
It looks fabulous Lisa. Can't wait.
did a short post!
I truly am amazed by all of this Lisa. I know you have so much going on in your life but you are still giving.
Please know that all your work does not go without being noticed.
What a great way to help Lisa. No problem, I'll post on FB. My blog needs more traffic lol.
Hope it is a huge success for these very special children, all close to our hearts!
Hey Lisa, I did a blog post to spread the word. Really looking for your kick off on Friday!!
Of course I posted it on my blog!!
Posted a button. What a great way to raise money for such a good cause!
I posted on my blog too!!
What a wonderful way to offer people and opportunity to share with others via these great charities?!
I've added the button to my sidebar. Hoping it helps!
LOVE what you doing! I have emailed lots of friends with the fundraiser details.
Praying that many blessings rain down upon the little ones who wait!
I have posted your button to my blog.
I have also posted on my blog. :)
And I posted on FB as well! :)
Thank you!!
Love and blessings,
Hey there,
I am not sure if I am eligible since I donated an item but I have linked up to you all. I put three stocking icons in my sidebar linking to each of you.
And I posted today with all your details.
How cute!!!! Patty Mears, s_mears40@yahoo.com, 14479 N. Wayland Rd., Meadville, PA 16335
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