Was anyone just a tiny bit curious to find out what kept Reagan so occupied that she decided not to join her big sister in her liberating jump on the bed?
(if you missed Friday's post, you can read it HERE)
I was pretty surprised myself when I reached the doorway and only saw one of them up there. Usually, it is a case of "monkey see, monkey do" around here.

Reags had no interest in climbing up on that bed because she was literally up to her eyeballs in lip gloss. Once I entered the room, I found her sitting in the chair with a dress up box in front of her. That box included some of Sarah's princess makeup and it obviously caught Reagan's eye.
What can I say.... I believe we have another girly girl on our hands!
She certainly loved that lip gloss and did not look to be getting bored with it anytime soon.
I tried to step in and explain to her that old lesson my Mom tried to teach me during my teeanage years.... "A little goes a long way and when it comes to make-up, Less Really is More".
Ummm... I don't really think this lesson went over all that well....

Apparently, it is going to take a little more convincing to get my message across....
but that is okay because time is on our side. She won't be wearing make up for anything other than dress up anytime soon.
~Happy Sunday~
To see more Sunday Snapshots, head on over to my friend Stefanie's blog by clicking the button below

Great photos and precious memories! The capture where there is a bead of lipgloss dripping is amazing!!
loved the jumping on the bed pix--but these close ups are amazing!! your girls are so adorable! Love the beads and lip gloss!
Sooo sweet. I love that last shot and I love your new blog look.
agreed! this little one is way to cute for makeup! I have a feeling this will be true for many years!
that face is really something cute!
LOL, she's so stinking cute. Pearls and lip gloss...what else does a girl need? :)
Love the new look of the blog - and that second to last shot is PERFECTION!
So cute! Chloe just eats lip gloss, I think she needs a sister to show her how to use it :)
She's a lady ;)
Adorable!! What a cutie!! Love your new bloggy look too. Is spring in the air? :)
Oh Lisa, you "had me" at that first photo!!! I couldnt stop laughing.....as my little Gracie is the exact same :-) She is ALWAYS in my make-up bag, and even though I have had to resort to hiding it, she can find it no prob!!! I recognise Reagan's squished, pursed lips, while putting on the gloss.
I love that our girls are doing the same funny wee things at exactly the same time :-)
That is just too cute Lisa! I love me some Reagan. XOXO
SO stinkin' CUTE!
Oh my word! She is sooo cute! Love her little lips all puckered up!
P.S. How could she possibly live in your house and not be a girly girl?! HA HA! Girly girls are the best!
Too cute. While I am sitting here reading this my daughter has confiscated my chapstick and hasn't quite learned how to just put it on her lips. It ends up pretty much anywhere on her face BUT her lips. lol
(hee hee) She is too precious:)
These might be my favorite shots of your adorable girl yet. You are so good at catching these memorable moments...and what fun you'll have looking back on them later.
Gin =)
Yes, Lisa, I did wonder why Reags wasn't on the bed! and now here's the answer why!
The last 2 photos of her are amazing; she's trying to get the max amount on before it gets taken from her, and that little pout would melt any heart.
You do capture many magic moments with those girls of yours!
Why do I tear up every time I see a new post from you? Love you guys and soooo glad Reagan is in your lives. She is a doll!
She is so adorable! Love these shots and love her sweet face! I have a feeling Raelle and her would get along well...two little monkeys getting into makeup bags. :o) Also love the shots of Sarah jumping on her bed too! You capture moments beautifully, Lisa!
her hair is getting so long!
I have no idea where I saw the name of your blog, but I did. Then I lost it. But, I remembered the name...so I Googled it. And...I'm hooked. :) Lovely blog and family and wonderful photography! We dream and pray of adopting one day and our hearts have recently felt a tug towards China. My heart skipping a beat when the window opened and I saw your header. Blessings to you and your family and nice to "meet" you, Cat (www.catdmoore.com)
lol...that last one...killer shot. the focus is in the perfect spot and love all that bokeh...(i'm a bokeh junkie) she's such a doll this one.
beautiful pictures, over and over again
I don't know why I still try to think of something original to say in my comments, your family is too pretty for words, and your pictures are so perfect, what could I add that you didn't already know?? we don't have any make up in this house, but yes, the chap stick was eaten this weekend by our little 2 and a half miss...
oh, I just noticed I can't comment as myself anymore, so : greetings from jade in Belgium (using chrisje as google alias)
lol....so cute! my girls adore dress-up...and jewelry...and the lip gloss. :)
So cute! Such kissable lips!
So adorable and cute! Love it!
OMGOSH!! Entirely too cute! I was getting ready to take a little series of pics with TT with a colored lipstick (she's addicted). I see that the clear lip gloss is a little more classy - LOL! Maybe I should change my plan of action .... :-) Adorable photos!! Have a wonderful week!
She just gets cuter with each post! I love the pursed lips! Keep her clear of red (lipstick and nailpolish) those marks are still on my walls and rugs lol. Gotta love these moments!
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