Although I am starting to get the feel and see the ease of use when it comes to the MAC world, I am seeing a huge discrepancy between my photos on the new MAC and the old Dell. Things appear to be brighter and warmer on the new computer and when I view them on my old one, they look cold. I am second guessing every last photo.....which is why I deleted my Father's Day post.

So I am not sure what you are seeing and if it looks horribly off, but I figured I would share anyway. Cold or Warm, they are still kinda cute:)
I am in the process of getting this color thing all fixed up. Calibration software to the rescue.....it should arrive tomorrow, so I will be back in business by Thursday!!!
Hope everyone had a terrific Father's Day!!
That's weird...I just left a comment and it disappeared. (I'll recap). Calibration is a pain but makes all the difference. These images do look a little colder than your usual.
I had similar problems until I calibrated. Hang in there.
Wow...my comment sounded a little cold. My first one that disappeared was much warmer...lol. These are still adorable. Love their sweet little outfits.
Well, your photos look consistent and warm on my screen. I'm sure that helps a ton, right? lol
Cute shots!
Yep, the calibration will get you where you need to be. Mac's do tend to be cooler out of the box and they're much brighter than norma, too! I keep my brightness turned almost all the way down on my desktop Mac.
Love these shots though, I think Reags is ready for her own iPhone! :)
Happy Tuesday, Chica!!
Not sure about the "cool" thing, but your pictures of your girls always WARMS my heart anyway!! Happy Tuesday Lisa!!
Lisa you will get it just like you like! These are very cute of the girls!!
I see pastel pink and turquoise...is that what you were going for? I am most curious about calibrating my computer. Wondering which program for PC is best, how much $$ I should invest??? These and many more questions. LOL
Warm or cold they are adorable!
I know what you mean, I've been Mac for 2 years and when I use Steve's PC everything looks warmish and very light.
I think you'll love your Mac once you're used to it. Just the ease of being able to drag anything anywhere you want it is a huge advantage.
Love all the shots...beautiful as always, sweet as always! Hope the color calibration works for you. I have it on my computer and do not use it (changed how Windows color was calibrated the only time I saw "true" color was in PS or Lightroom) Love to know which one you choose and how it works for you! Thanks for the inspiration always love to visit.
I've always been a mac girl so I don't have a comparison. I think your photos look beautiful though! The skin tones seem just right to me.
I've never calibrated, but probably should. What are you using to calibrate? Just curious ;)
I always just figured photos would appear differently on different computers so as long as I like what I see on mine I never worried about it. I rarely get photos printed though and I'm certainly not charging anyone for them, so never gave it a lot of thought. Now I'm wondering about calibration:)
I LOVE that first shot of them "hugging" oh sister love;)
I always just figured photos would appear differently on different computers so as long as I like what I see on mine I never worried about it. I rarely get photos printed though and I'm certainly not charging anyone for them, so never gave it a lot of thought. Now I'm wondering about calibration:)
I LOVE that first shot of them "hugging" oh sister love;)
Cute pictures! They look fabulous to me!
Will you let me know what software that is... Did you get my email about this.. I have the same issue, but I have never done anything about it.. but, when I print with WHCC they look just like I want them too??
I know you can calibrate(even without software), I just have no clue how to do that!!!
I am still happy you have made the switch.. Down the road I think you will be happy!!!!
Oh my goodness, I know you have a better eye for photography than this untrained eye, but your pictures are beautiful. I'm always excited to see what you have up next!
Cara (Chenzhou Mommy)
These are darling- I'm fairly certain that you can't produce a bad shot, even if you tried really hard. Hoping the calibration software gives you back your edge. I know it's a terrible thing to question what you are posting. Just know that we all love you no matter the post or the images. (but it certainly is nice to see those sweet faces)
Lisa, you have NEVER been able to know or to control how people view your pictures on their own computers. Nothing has really changed, to my mind (though as I've told you before I know NOTHING about photography). Sometimes I'm on my Mac, sometimes our little Acer netbook, and sometimes my iPod touch. No, I don't have the trained eye to see subtle differences which are probably paramount to you, but You have Never known what we, your audience, have seen with our machines and our eyes. :) Just make yourself happy.
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