We had a wonderful Christmas. The festivities are still going strong as we still have our family in town.....everyone is here until Sunday, so I don't have a lot of extra time to post, but I thought I would share some of my favorite moments from Christmas Eve at my Aunt's house and Christmas Day at our house.

Some of the girls Christmas Eve in my Aunt's kitchen.....
Standing in the back row from left to right, my Aunt Betty, me, Aunt Barbara, cousin lenore. Sitting in the front, my cousin, Nicole and my sister, Kristi.

My nephew Aidan guarded the tray of cookies all night....as you can see from the crumbs on his face, he also enjoyed a couple himself:)

Instead of playing with her pink girly gifts, she decided cousin Aidan's truck was more fun.......I think next year, my Mom will be buying Sarah one too!!

The look of surprise when Sarah saw all the gifts under the tree...I know the picture is a little over exposed, but the expression on her face was priceless:)

Sarah opening her new kitchen....she was all smiles when she saw what was under all that wrapping paper!!

Checking out her warming drawer!

Trying on my new apron...

Nick and his baby brother, Connor on Christmas morning. Nick spent Christmas Eve with his Dad, and Christmas Day with us....we alternate each year, so around lunch time Nick came home and we had a couple gifts to give his new brother.

Nick opening his gifts....he was thrilled with his laptop.....his first very own computer!

Eddie relaxing while listening to his new Ipod touch...with his puppy perched up on top of the couch! Sara conveniently placed her new baby doll right beside him just as I snapped the photo!!

Some of the girls Christmas Eve in my Aunt's kitchen.....
Standing in the back row from left to right, my Aunt Betty, me, Aunt Barbara, cousin lenore. Sitting in the front, my cousin, Nicole and my sister, Kristi.

My nephew Aidan guarded the tray of cookies all night....as you can see from the crumbs on his face, he also enjoyed a couple himself:)

Instead of playing with her pink girly gifts, she decided cousin Aidan's truck was more fun.......I think next year, my Mom will be buying Sarah one too!!

The look of surprise when Sarah saw all the gifts under the tree...I know the picture is a little over exposed, but the expression on her face was priceless:)

Sarah opening her new kitchen....she was all smiles when she saw what was under all that wrapping paper!!

Checking out her warming drawer!

Trying on my new apron...

Nick and his baby brother, Connor on Christmas morning. Nick spent Christmas Eve with his Dad, and Christmas Day with us....we alternate each year, so around lunch time Nick came home and we had a couple gifts to give his new brother.

Nick opening his gifts....he was thrilled with his laptop.....his first very own computer!

Eddie relaxing while listening to his new Ipod touch...with his puppy perched up on top of the couch! Sara conveniently placed her new baby doll right beside him just as I snapped the photo!!

I cooked and Pat carved. He was splashing turkey grease all over his new sweater, so I made him put an apron on....he refused to wear my pink one, so I found this tan colored one that he approved of.....love this shot of my hubs in the kitchen!
Hopefully you all enjoyed your holiday....we certainly did!! After our meal on Christmas day, we headed to my sister's house and took part in a Yankee Swap....more pictures to come.....it was a riot!! We all brought some very "unique" gifts....just wait until you see for yourself!!
Have a wonderful weekend.....I will be back on Monday!!
Oh, it was so fun to see your pictures from the last few days!
I have to tell you, I LOVE your kitchen! It looks like a paradise! (And your hubby looks very handsome in it!)
It looks like you had a fabulous Christmas! It also looks like the laptop and pink kitchen were both a big hit!
I think Pat looks pretty darn good in the kitchen! Maybe you need an assistant more often!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend with your family!
What a beautiful group of ladies in your family! It looks like you all had a festive time. Pat looks very comfortable in the kitchen. Maybe he could teach Chad a thing or two. ;) As always, Nick and Sarah are adorable. That pink kitchen and apron, TOO cute!
Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!!!!
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Thanks for sharing :)
Hope your weekend is good too!
The picture of Pat in the kitchen is priceless. It looks like you pulled it from a "Gorgeous man in the kitchen" calendar!
Your aunts look way too young to be your aunts. You are group of beautiful woman!
I'm glad the kids liked their gifts. They both have great big happy smiles.
Have fun with your family!
What great pictures, Lisa! Looks like everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
What a Merry Christmas it looks like you had - and the celebration continues!
Sarah's Christmas morning outfit is to die for! Love her new little apron too.
The smile on Nick's face opening his computer is priceless:)
Wow, it looks like you guys had a great time. Nick's little brother is adorablie. Pat sure looks great helping you out. :)
LOVE the pictures..
Looks like everyone had a WONDERFUL time..
Love Sarah's face..
Have a Great Time..
Love all the pics...not only are you a good looking family but you all have a lot of fun too. Look forward to your post on the Yankee Swap.
Hey Lisa,
I love all your Christams Pictures that you shared! Sarah is too sweet looking at her new stove ( that you put togeher) I had to add that because I am still giving you high fives for that one! Nick is such a handsome little boy! Good thing you had a tan apron in the kitchen HAHA you should go and get him a real manly one with shot guns on it or something HAHA
Thanks for the Merry Christams wishes
Beautiful pictures, Lisa!:)
It looks like you all had a great time. I love Sarah's face as she sees her kitchen. *Sigh*
I want a pink one like that too.;)
I hope that you and your family have a lovely holiday weekend!
God Bless,
What wonderful Christmas pictures...Look at all you hot mama's in the kitchen LOL Sarah was so excited to get her kitchen how cute!!!! I love the look on her face : ) The laptop looked like a big hit! My kids have their laptops glued to their hips LOL Livi even has a laptop (hers was her brothers old one). Laptops, iphones, ipods....man I was happy with a baby doll when I was little LOL
Merry Christmas my friend to you and to your beautiful family!!!
Ask Pat if he wants me to make him a manly apron (hee hee)
I love Sarah's new kitchen. And is that yours??? I am SO jealous!!!! :)
What great photos..I love your kitchen!!! Looks like it was fun had by all!!
What precious pictures of your day!! I love Miss Sarah's new kitchen & how cute is Aidan at the cookie table?? Thats where I would have been!!
Merry Christmas,
Love your pics! Your hubby looks very cute in his apron...heehee! Those cookies are delicious and one of the reasons I have 5 pounds to lose!!! Can't wait to see more pics~
Great Pictures Girl!
Can't wait to see the Yankee Swap pics! LOL!
Looks like a wonderful Christmas was had by all! How lucky to have your family so close to you ~ enjoy!
Great photos looks like you all enjoyed a fantastic Christmas!!
Love Jules, from a very chilly China xxxx
It looks like everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!!!
Happy New Year and Blessings,
What gorgeous pics!! And what a hot hubby in your beautiful kitchen. :)
Glad y'all had a great holiday!
Looks like you had a fabulous Christmas. Love all the pics.
Looks like a great holiday! And what a lot of beautiful women in your family :-)
What a lovely Christmas you all had!
All of the photos are great!
It was lovely to see you in a picture with no ornament this time hun ;) (I'm still cracking up over that post!!!)
Pat found his new calling~ your assitant chef! Did you sing 'Hey, good lookin', Whatcha got cookin'....' to him as he worked?!?
Can't wait to see round 2 of holiday pics!
xo, Les
LOVE all the GORGEOUS photos! I love the adorable expression on Sarah's face! So glad she loves her kitchen (Doug is assembling the kitchen my parents bought Briana as I type this!).
Your hubby looks so handsome carving that turkey! :)
What wonderful joys to have over the holidays when you can all get together.
Beautiful pictures!!!
I am just now getting around to getting online to catch your blog. A belated Merry Christmas to you!! Looks like you guys have been having such great fun! I love Sarah, Nick and Eddie's happy little faces in these pictures. Nick's baby brother is a cutie, too. And Pat, well what can I say, hot man that helps in the kitchen...HELLO!!! You've got a winner for sure : )
Hope to talk to you soon!
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!! I, too, love the picture of your husband in the kitchen. And what gorgeous women you have in your family, surrounded by lots of cute little kiddos. Glad you had a great Christmas!!
Your photos are fabulous! You have a very beautiful family!
What a fun Christmas!! Glad you had time to update the blog!! You girls are all so cute and young! And that Pat -- he's a cutie in that apron! The kids are adorable. Am sure Sarah has been busy with that kitchen! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Lisa, you have such a beautiful family. Loved your pictures of your a wonderful Christmas.
Sarah was so cute in her apron. Loved the look on her face...hee hee.
Beautiful shots of a perfect Christmas!! Gorgeous women folk too!!!! (Especially YOU)
I can tell you had a wonderful Christmas Lisa! Enjoy the week. :)
Great photos. What a beautiful set of women in that first photo.
I love the retro pink kitchen set and apron!
Looks like you all had a wonderful holiday... exactly as it should be!! LOVE the pic of Sarah first spying her gifts.
And she is so much like Em... loves a doll and a kitchen but would play with trucks any day. I always put match box cars in her stocking too! I think it is b/c they both have big brothers to mimic! :)
And I am NOT letting Liam see that Nick got a computer! I told him Santa ran out of them this year! HAHA!! Maybe next year! HA!!
Beautiful family. So glad it was a good one! Happy New Year!
what wonderful family pictures. you are so gorgeous
happy new year!
What fun pictures..I think all the women of your family shop at the same type of stores..how cute!
Love the apron your daughter received..how cute!
-sandy toe
What a wonderful Christmas.
The first photo is just beautiful.
Thank you for sharing your celebration with us..
Looks like you had a merry Christmas. Love that pink kitchen set.
I'm glad you and your's had a wonderful Christmas! The pictures certainly speak for themselves!
P.S.: We spent Saturday, 12/27 at Cocoa Beach-we were thinking of you :-)
Fabulous pictures, as always, Lisa!!! I LOVE Sarah's new kitchen (PB?) and apron! What fun!! That is a gorgeous kitchen. Trying not to be jealous. :)
What a wonderful Christmas you guys had! I so love the photo of Pat in the kitchen (you'll have to ask Keith "why" on that one lol!)
Talk to you soon!
Love Ya!
Seems like everyone was having a great time...
If I don't get the chance... Happy New Year and hope that 2009 is even better then the last... hugs to ya
What fun! All the ladies, including you, are so pretty! it's great to have photos of family at holidays all dressed up!
The photos of the children are precious as usual. And that kitchen set is toooooo cute. I love pink and wanted a pink Kitchenaid blender once but realized it would stand out like a flamingo.
What a pretty kitchen! What a delicious looking turkey!
Yummy, can I come next year:)) I'll bring the deserts
Wonderful memories.
If I caught my hubs in the kitchen being all domestic like I'd snap a shot too!
We have the same pink kitchen!
But where or where did you get that fantastic apron?
Hi Lisa!
So glad you had a nice xmas. Looks like all that hard work with assembling the kitchen for Sarah paid off! Maybe Nick will be blogging soon if he learns anything from his mom! Pat does look pretty good in the kitchen, although the pink apron would have been a great pic!
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