Back to work only two days and I am feeling completely overwhelmed!! Sometimes it is just not worth taking time off because everything you missed, is waiting for you when you get back!
In addition to the gigantic workload this week, we just received a huge packet from our adoption agency telling us that our homestudy and USCIS are about to expire again. This will be the third time we are filling out this paperwork and I hope it will be the last!! We need to renew it now in order to stay grandfathered in under the old I-600. If we let it go, we have to file under the new I-800. Sorry, if you are not part of the adoption community, you have no idea what I am talking about. From what I have heard, you should do everything in your power to avoid the I-800. So now I am having anxiety about completing all of this in a timely manner.
Somehow, I always feel like things will slow down after the holidays and January will be a quiet month......that is never the case!! This is going to be a really busy month for us. Nick has midterms next week, so there is already panic in the air and some major studying going on around here.......he also has a Birthday coming up. Nick will be 11 years old on the 19th......It feels so strange to say that...I cannot believe he is going to be seems like yesterday he was a little baby and now....well, now he is towering over his old Mom. We have some fun things planned for him this will have to wait and see!!
Even though it is going to be a really crazy month for us.....there is something fun to look forward to as the month comes to a close.......
For my Christmas gift, Pat is sending me to a photography workshop given by an INCREDIBLY TALENTED lady, who has an enormous heart and is just amazing in my eyes. I cannot wait to meet her in person. Not only I am excited about meeting Debbie, I will also have the opportunity to meet another one of my favorite bloggers....She and I have had a few phone conversations and we are never at a loss for words...or laughs!! I know that this will be a great weekend filled with lots of learning....and lots of fun too!!

Another thing on my plate this week, is to get rid of the Christmasy blog and have a new one designed. I was trying to figure out what pictures to put in the header and realized that I had so many of Sarah and not enough of Nick, so I took him out to try to get a couple quick shots...I am thinking this one might be the winner....not sure yet!!
Okay, I have gone on and I better wrap this up. I still have not had the time to edit my Cape Cod winter beach photos, they will be posted by the weekend!!
So, am I the only one feeling a little overwhelmed even though the holidays are officially over??? It is a new year and I have a list of to do's more than a mile long!
In addition to the gigantic workload this week, we just received a huge packet from our adoption agency telling us that our homestudy and USCIS are about to expire again. This will be the third time we are filling out this paperwork and I hope it will be the last!! We need to renew it now in order to stay grandfathered in under the old I-600. If we let it go, we have to file under the new I-800. Sorry, if you are not part of the adoption community, you have no idea what I am talking about. From what I have heard, you should do everything in your power to avoid the I-800. So now I am having anxiety about completing all of this in a timely manner.
Somehow, I always feel like things will slow down after the holidays and January will be a quiet month......that is never the case!! This is going to be a really busy month for us. Nick has midterms next week, so there is already panic in the air and some major studying going on around here.......he also has a Birthday coming up. Nick will be 11 years old on the 19th......It feels so strange to say that...I cannot believe he is going to be seems like yesterday he was a little baby and now....well, now he is towering over his old Mom. We have some fun things planned for him this will have to wait and see!!
Even though it is going to be a really crazy month for us.....there is something fun to look forward to as the month comes to a close.......
For my Christmas gift, Pat is sending me to a photography workshop given by an INCREDIBLY TALENTED lady, who has an enormous heart and is just amazing in my eyes. I cannot wait to meet her in person. Not only I am excited about meeting Debbie, I will also have the opportunity to meet another one of my favorite bloggers....She and I have had a few phone conversations and we are never at a loss for words...or laughs!! I know that this will be a great weekend filled with lots of learning....and lots of fun too!!

Another thing on my plate this week, is to get rid of the Christmasy blog and have a new one designed. I was trying to figure out what pictures to put in the header and realized that I had so many of Sarah and not enough of Nick, so I took him out to try to get a couple quick shots...I am thinking this one might be the winner....not sure yet!!
Okay, I have gone on and I better wrap this up. I still have not had the time to edit my Cape Cod winter beach photos, they will be posted by the weekend!!
So, am I the only one feeling a little overwhelmed even though the holidays are officially over??? It is a new year and I have a list of to do's more than a mile long!
I know exactly how you feel about going on vacation..
I went back today and it was not worth being off..
But in another great way of looking at things.. I guess it also makes me look good when I go back and fix all the
The renewals aren't to bad.. just think you don't have to do that other stuff..You are going to have sooo much fun at the workshop..
Have a Great Month..
Yikes, you do have a lot on your plate! I know what you mean though, around here holiday busy-ness just gets replaced with other busy-ness, so it's never-ending. Love that pic of Nick, what a handsome fella!
I can't wait to hear about the workshop, I'm going in February and am so excited!!
Have you seen the live action version of the movie Madeline?Amelia was sitting on my lap when I was reading your blog, she looked up, saw the picture of Nick and said, "Who is that? He looks like Pepito." And in that photo, she does!
Good luck getting caught up with the paperwork. Even though I adopted in 2005 I missed having to renew my I-600 by a week! I do not envy your wait or the extra work- prayers.
Holy cow! You do have a busy month ahead of you. Hopefully, things will slow down in February. In the meantime, you have a fun workshop to look forward to! I wish I could go just to meet you and Missy!
I love this new picture of Nick. He is soooo handsome!
You have incredible organizational skills so I know you will get everything done. Hang in there!
Wow..I am so sorry to hear about filling out papers again..that must be frustrating and dishearting! Hang in there!
Midterms at 10 years old? what grade is he in? Wow!!! He is such a cutie and his smile is so sweet!!! Can't wait to hear his birthday plans!
Hoping your week gets better and things done!
-sandy toe
I always think Jan. will be an easy month because December is so wild and nooo that doesn't seem to work that way. You will get your i-600 renewal done, it's not that bad and I'm positive it will be your last one. So Nick will be 11, he is one handsome young man. fun to meet Missy. I'm going to Deb's workshop in May in Michigan. Looking forward to your new blog look Lisa!
I want to come with you and Missy!! Not so much for the workshop but for the good time I know you're going to have!
Nick is going to be a heartbreaker in a couple of years. He's so very handsome!
I'm also feeling a bit overwhelmed -- my house is a disaster from the basement project that NEVER seems to end! Maybe more coffee is needed?!!
That's a great photo of Nick. How exciting for you to go to the photog workshop and get to pal around with some other great bloggers! Can't wait to hear all about it.
You and Missy are going to have so much fun!! I'm signed up for the one in Michigan. Getting my tree and decorations down before this week really helped, but going back to work after the holidays is always tough. Besides the work that has piled up, it is just plain difficult to get back in the mindset of working. I hope by the end of the week, you'll have a lot of completed checkmarks on your "to do" list!
Love the picture of Nick. I too am feeling overwhelmed have you checked my blog. Haven't posted since mid-December. Working on that this week. Downloading pics as we speak. It will settle down, it just always takes time.
Good luck with updating the adoption paperwok. I know it can be daunting! Best wishes for it being the LAST time you need to do this!!
Right there with you in the "overwhelemed" department. There seems to always be sooooooo much to do!!!
It will all get done, it always does doesn't it!!!
First of all....I love the picture of Nick she is so cute....I mean handsome :-).
You are going to have a ball on your trip and how fun will it be to meet bloggy friends. I can't wait to see a post on that!
You will have so much fun at the photography workshop. I have been lucky enough to get to know Debbie in real life and she is GREAT! I am trying to find a way to go to the Austin one:) I hope things slow down for you. Love the photo of Nick.
Hey sister! Well, overwhelmed seems to be my middle name, too. You know I can SO relate!
I didn't know you got your adoption paperwork. Think of it this step closer to that sweet baby! It will be so worth it and knowing you, it'll be done in record time.
That Nick, well other than me wanting him to marry Paige, ...hee hee...I think he is just the cutest little man around. I hope he has a smashing bday and I can't wait to see all that is in store for him.
On countdown to Atlanta! Woot Woot!
Talk to ya later in the week : ) Report cards are DONE! YES!
Your Nick is stunning! Keep us posted on all the bloggers you meet. How fun!
You poor thing! I feel tired for you. I hope things get better..Especially with your paper work. I am looking forward to seeing your new blog. I love that picture of Nick, he is one handsome boy :)
Looking forward to Friday, for you :)
Love the picture of Nick!!! It's beautiful!!! I feel overwhelmed too. January has started off with a bang for us LOL
I am so excited for you and Missy to take that photography class together. You will have so much fun! I can't wait to hear all about your workshop.
So sorry that you are feeling so overwhelmed. How ironic that a vacation can do that to you!
Nick is such a handsome boy! He looks smashing in his corduroy jacket and scarf. Can't believe he has midterms at his age!
I think that your Christmas header is lovely. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.
Debbie is awesome and you'll love the workshop. I loved our photo session with her. That's a great picture of Nick. It's hard getting in the groove after being off for the holidays. Hang in there!
Oh.. I love that photo! He is such a handsome young man.. I smiled when I read that he towers over his mom... just the other day B-man comes walking up to me and says.. "look Mom..I'm almost as tall as you are!" ;) Our sweet little men are growing up too fast!!
Can't wait to see your new bloggy look! And, wow your coming to ATlanta. I wished I lived closer.. I would meet up with you guys!!
and remember.. (about the overwhemled part)
How do you eat an elephant??.. One bite at a time! LOL!
Have a Great Week!
I am sorry, but my kids are back to school today and I finally don't feel overwhelmed...that is until I think of all of the things I put off while they were!
I will be praying for you as you try to get everything done. Having only known you a short time, I know you can do it!
That is a wonderful gift and I can't wait to hear about all you learn and the fun times with girly friends~
I could have signed my name to your post. Same things going on with me. Work is jam packed with more things to take care of than I can comprehend at this moment. Richie has midterms also and a science project due the first week of Feb. His birthday is Monday and I'm having an anxiety attack just typing this trying to figure out how I am going to manage the next few weeks. I also have to attend every city meeting for our Early Intervention program, which at this point is about 19 meetings from now till the end of the month UUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
Hi Lisa,
You really have a lot going on! I think we ought to have a vacation after the vacation. It takes me a week alone to unpack!
Well, here's some fun news for you. I'm going to that Fab PHOTO workshop too, the one in April though I"m sooooooo excited. There hopefully won't be any glitches as I'm counting on hubby to be here (he may have to go to West Point for annual training) not sure of the dates.
And Kira turns 2 on the 20th, a day after handsome Nick. Yes time does fly by my friend. So slow down, take a deep breath, and yes, get the renewal paperwork done so you don't have to do the 1-800
I can't wait to see the Cape Cod pics.
Have a wonderful week.
Wow, you sure do have a lot going on but take a deep breath my friend, you can do it. Hopefully this will be the last time you will have to fill out all of the I-600 paperwork! It's been so long since I had to do all that, but I remember that it was a lot of work!
I love the picture of Nick, he is so handsome! How do you get your pictures so large on your blog? I've been meaning to ask you that for a while.
Lucky you that you will get to go to the photo workshop, how fun! I can't wait to hear all about it.
Love the picture of Nick, what a handsome little man!
I'm sure that you will get all the updated paperwork done....hopefully, this will be for the last time!!!!!!
Have a great time at the photo exciting, what a great Christmas present!!
I know what you mean-sometimes it just doesn't pay to take time off :-( Take a deep breath!
Our I-600 expires in April and our agency recommended we'll start the renewal process at the beginning of February. I, too, hope it will be the last time we have to renew it. I'm glad we don't have to worry about doing the I-800 paperwork!
I can't believe that you are doing a weekend of with the pixel fairy princess! I am so jealous!! I can't wait to see what you learn :) Have you shared before what editing program you use? You may have to after your class :)
I love the new picture of Nick!
January is a month required to exist so that one can recover from December. That is the sole reason it happens.
As to the photography workshop... that sounds wonderful! Especially since you will be able to meet Missy.
Nick is such a handsome guy!I love the photo.
I can't wait to hear all about your workshop, wish I lived closer, I would love to be in attendance!!
Sorry to hear your having to fill out paers again.
That is a darling picture of handsome...I can start to see a glimmer of the man he will be one day....and then you may have to lock him up to keep the ladies away!!! :-)
Sorry you are is funny how it seems like January will be a quiet is not shaping up as thus for us either.
Keep the faith sista...Friday is coming!!
Hi Lisa,
If I know anything about you, I'm sure you'll be organized and caught up in no time, hang in there!
Love the pic of Nick, he's growing up and looking more and more mature, what a cutie!
I'm feeling your anxiety though and agree that January is just a bunch of catching up from the holidays!
I sure we're not alone in the Jan whirlwind. I didn't even blog or read over the holiday so I'm feeling stressed about what great reads I've missed.I need a snow day!
Have fun at the workshop.Sounds awesome.I know what you mean about having a ton of photos of one child. My baby is the ham, too.
Lisa, bless your sweet heart! Take it easy on yourself! I can totally relate though! I hope Nick has a fantastic birthday month! I will pray for his exams! That pic of him is gorgeous! I have a cutie patootie 8 year old for him... in about 14 years! ha! And if you need anything while in ATL...please let me know. I'm so close to county over! So wish I could come. But you all will have a blast and learn so much! Hang in there with the adoption. I know how that immigration junk can be hard! Hold fast!
That photography workshop sounds like a lot of fun. You already take fabulous pictures, I can just imagine what other cool stuff you are going to learn. I forgot to mention in my last comment that I really admire you for adopting a child from another country. I wish I could do the same. Maybe in the future I will have that opportunity.
I am sorry to hear that you are so overwhelmed! I am a little overwhelmed myself with Briana's mood lately - LOL!
I hope our paths cross when you come into town!
Good luck getting back into the swing of things Lisa! It IS so hard after you've been away! Sounds like you have so much going on this month...I hope you do get some down time to rest after the holidays! Also, I am glad to know I am not the only one on a first-name basis with Ina! :)
I couldn't agree with you more about the lack of relaxation in January.
I'm in the throws of getting my Nick ready to go back to school ~ laundry, school supplies, food, and other goodies. I'm really going to miss him!
Somehow, it seems as though we have managed to schedule something for every weekend of January! What was I thinking? I'm tired at just the thought!
Good luck with all your paper work. I wish all the best for your family in the new year! Great picture of Nick!
What an amazing gift to receive from your hubby! I've met D and she's a sweetie. Looking forward to hearing about the fun that you have, seeing your pics!
Totally get the whole I600 drudgery! Your photography is great, I can't wait to see what happens after your will blow us out of the water.
Terrye in FL
I am so jealous! I would love a photography workshop AND I need to attend one too.
Nick is so handsome!!! I know you are so proud of him! My baby has a birthday on Friday! Where DOES the time go?
Your blog is breathe taking. It has a great appeal.
I like your blog……
Hoping your week gets better and things done!
So love your new blog look!!
How do you ever manage to do all you do!? You are amazing! The blog is beautiful and so is your family, work will work itself out! Don't you worry!! Everything you touch turns to gold!! are not alone my friend!! I had BIG plans for this week - getting the apartment back in order, organizing everything, etc., only to find myself sidelined with a sinus infection & NO ENERGY!! UGH!!
Have fun at the workshop!
And that Nick is one very handsome boy!
Good luck with the paperwork!
The pics of your kids are too cute!
Love the new blog look.
Sue : )
I think life is always busy. Never seems like ther is any down time.
Good luck filling out all of those papers!! I have friends who adopted a little baby boy from China this past summer. He is a doll. Again, Good luck!
I thought the next few months would be quiet too but it never seems to slow down!!!
Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for Nick. He looks so handsome in that picture. Your new blog look is great!
I am going to take the PFP philly workshop. I am super excited.
I am jealous you are meeting Missy. I am sure you two will have a blast!
Oh boy are you busy hun! I hope you can get through it and the overwhelming feeling just melts away!
I am loving the new blog! How pretty! The pics of the kiddos are so cute!
Pat sure does score big points for that Christmas pressie. A trip to learn all kinds of fun camera tricks? That rocks! And in 'Hotlanta'? What an awesome stomping ground to be headed to!
Stay warm. Hugs, Les
LOVE the new header / blog design. Such a nice picture of Nick.
I'm so sorry you have to go through more paperwork!! UGH! It's time for this process to hurry-up-already!! Families have been waiting too long. I'll be thinking of you... just think. It will be the last time!!
Love the new header! I hope by now you are getting more settled. It always takes so long to get your feet back on the ground after a vacation...not to mention after the holidays too!
What a bummer you're having to renew paperwork for the 3rd time! This year will be the year and what an amazing and beautiful thing it will be to see your daughter's face!!!
Take care, Lucy
I like the new look. And yes, sometimes angels come without wings :-).
Orlando, FL
I can't wait to hear about your son's birthday month! Gene turned 11 on Dec. 9th.. sniff sniff... BTW, I am way jealous that you get to meet Debbie and learn from the best! I'm working on going to one of her classes.
Love your new header!!!! I need to change mine. Maybe when I take down all the Christmas decorations.....
And re-doing the packet for the 3rd time!!!!!!! Acccccck!
I always say I need a vacation from my vacation, so when we went to California I made sure I had a couple of days off work before starting back. Loved it!
Sorry about the paper work, fortunatly we don't have anything that will expire with our files here in Canada. Hope it ends up being easier than you think.
Ps. I really like that picture of Nick. He is gonna be a heart breaker!.....or probably already is!
Do you do your own header's or hire them out to be done???
I'd love to know what you use.
Happy new Year!! I am back to work next week and I feel the same - over whelmed!! Will keep you in my prayers for a smooth, although hectic January. Great photo of Nick!! How exciting about the photography course!! Make sure you share the info you learn with me too see :-)
Love Jules
I took off the last two weeks of the year and came back to a mountain of work. It will all get done in time. I hope you don't stress too much.
I love your blog!!!
Gorgeous blog as always Lisa.
Love the two pictures in your header. You need to start designing your own blog. You have such an eye for things girl.
Also, I wish I could live in that house too. Beautiful photo's of your winter trip to Cape Cod.
I wish you were going to the Austin workshop. I am going to that one and get to meet one of my bloggy friends too.
Love the pics!
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