Some more favorites from Saturday

Ready to pick up where I left off the other night?
As I mentioned, Saturday we spent most of the day and night outside taking pictures. By 10pm we were loading up our gear and heading home. We were all anxious to download a days worth of pictures and see what we captured.
The next day of the workshop was dedicated to learning what you do with the images once they are downloaded onto your computer or post processing. It was a crash course in Lightroom and Ph@toshop for me, some of the other girls were much more experienced in this area, but I took some great notes and tried to learn as much as I could in one afternoon.
Debbie introduced us all to some new programs and ways to enhance our photos. It was incredible to watch our images come to life as we tweaked them here and there. Which brings me to an interesting topic......
A couple of you emailed and asked how much different did the edited picture look compared to the picture straight out of the camera.....so I thought I would show you an example.

Here is the image just as I downloaded it to my computer.....the only thing I did was change the size so it would fit here on my blog.

The same image with a little enhancement and changed it to Black and White.
As we learned this weekend.....even though Ph@toshop is capable of doing a lot to a picture, you still want to capture the best picture possible!
Sunday afternoon flew by and before we knew it, it was 3 o'clock and the workshop had come to an end. My Aunt and Uncle happen to live about 45 minutes outside of Atlanta, so I went to their house for the night....enjoyed a wonderful dinner of swordfish that my Uncle Tony prepared, watched the superbowl and just enjoyed their company....it was so nice to spend some quality time with them and unwind from the busy weekend. By Monday afternoon, I was heading back home.
It was a great couple of days and I really was able to make the most of my time there. I handled some business, met some amazing new friends, got to visit with my family, and have just enough information about photography to be armed and dangerous.
Now the real fun begins.....as I will be putting my new skills to the test.
It was such a treat having models that you could pose or that at least stood still for more than 10 seconds......so that being said....I ventured out with Sarah to give it a try. It was a little difficult because Sarah could not or should I say, would not hold a reflector, but I made do with the light and just tried to position her the best that I could.
Here are my first non model pictures using what Debbie taught me......

Although they are not perfect....I see a big difference when comparing these to my preworkshop pictures of Sarah. It is exciting to say the least!!
Okay...thanks for letting me go on and on about all the photography stuff.....I will be back to business as usual by my next post, but I will still be sneaking pictures in from this weekend and from my future photography workshop assignments.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend....I will be back on Sunday night....I have some more recipes up my sleeve:)
Your pictures are so beautiful!! Great work! Have a wonderful weekend.
Lisa, those are awesome!! Thank you for posting the sooc shot, I was one of the ones who asked that. :)
Sarah's pictures are just incredible, great job!!
Beautiful...how fun! So exciting that you now know how to use photoshop..when I use my pictures are GREEN!
-sandy toe
Fun!! I love to see the pictures come to life...really excites me!! These pictures of Sarah are wowza!!! It really is exciting!!!
Thanks for the e-mail...no decisions yet...I am such a wack-a-doodle!!!
Have a good weekend!
Gosh, Lisa. I am so happy for you and so jealous. Amazing pictures and I need a weekend to learn everything you did.
Wow Lisa! These are great! I LOVE the last one of Sarah. Looks like you learned alot!
OMGosh! You did it! They DO look like hers! I'm so proud of you! I've already emailed Debbie about the 2nd ATL workshop. Hopefully it won't be the 21-22nd of March! That's my only full weekend. But she did say that she thought it'd be in March...plenty of time to practice before Thailand! AH! You rock!
Miss you too~
So fun to hear all about it!! YOur photos are amazing! Love those two of your sweet girl!
Have a fun weekend.
wow!!! Your pics look amazing...looks like the workshop was totally worth it. I really want to invest in a new camera, but then will have to take a class to learn how to use it :)
These pictures rock! Your pictures were great before but now they're outstanding. I think I see a workshop in my future :)
Sounds like the workshop was sooooo worth it...
LOVE the photos..
You did a wonderful job before but now you will be doing even better..
Have a great weekend..
Holy cow! These pictures are fabulous! Of course, I think your model is adorable! I can't wait to see more!
Thanks again for calling tonight. It was so much fun catching up!
Hope you have a great weekend!
WOW! You certainly did learn some new tricks. I didn't think you could possibly make Sarah any more beautiful - and you did:)
Sarah is just adorable. Great shots.
I never get tried of seeing photos!
Photoshop would be tons of fun!
You are doing so great!! I so would love to take that class. I know nothing about photoshop and dont even edit my pics-- the most I do is crop-- Your stuff loooks amazing!!
OMG.....I could just live here at your blog. Your photos are amazing!!!
It's so fun to read about your trip. Your pictures are amazing - I never get tired of seeing them!
I love the pictures of Sarah! They are great....I also really enjoy hearing all of your tips! What a fun experience....
I think you are starting to get very busy again :) Have a great weekend!!!!
Awesome Lisa!! I showed my hubby your work and he was in awe! I can't wait to show him part 2.
You leave me speechless (and you know that is almost impossible to do : ) The photos of the models are incredible. The photos of Sarah are MY FAVORITES EVER!!! I am sooo not worthy!!! Rock on, sista! Loved our chat this afternoon...call ya next week. Mwah!
PS-Word verification for this comment: saten (uh oh! : )
Oh goody, goody... Part II!! Seriously, don't think you need to stop here, Lisa. These are just gorgeous shots. I say bring on Parts III and IV!
I am so excited about attending Deb's workshop, but must wait until May. It would not be any fun shooting outside in MI right now. lol Did you say that are post-workshop assignments?
Beautiful!!! I see a difference and I am so excited for my workshop. I think I recognize that little dress : )
It was so nice to talk to you today...to finally hear your voice.
Sarah is just stunning in the pictures that you took...she is such a beautiful little girl.
Is envy a sin?? I am so jealous... I have to take a workshop one of these days!! SOOO beautiful. And I think Sarah made a wonderful model... lovely photographs!
The new pics look awesome, great job!! And please feel free to talk about photography as much as you want -- one of my fave topics. :-)
Great pictures! What photoshop do you use to edit?
I always love pictures of sweet Sarah...but those are breath taking!
Lisa, these pics are incredible. You are making me want to attend one of those workshops. I am so glad you had a wonderful time at the workshop and that you brought home lots of new skills.
Have fun and great job, my friend!
Awesome, amazing, great job!
Oh Lisa...the photos are just beautiful! I so love the photos of Sarah. I can really tell a difference. The angel, the lighting, the shadows...GREAT JOB! Can't wait to catch up!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
they are great.....what photoshop did you use? I have no clue how to do all that stuff???
I love the awesome pictures, especially the ones of Sarah. I feel inspired to actually try out Photoshop but it seems a little overwhelming to me. I love the effect of the blurry background behind Sarah.
Thank you so much for sharing all of this!!!
Wow, it looks like you learned a lot! Good for you!! Beautiful picture of Sarah! Have a great weekend my friend! : )
Your pictures are fabulous, and I especially love the ones of Sarah! Which software program do you use, and since taking the class, is there one you would/could recommend to me? Thanks so much!!!
Lisa- Wow- they look great and what fun. And I do se how great those pictures of Sarah look (although Sarah is so darling- hard to look past the Sarah part!)
OK- how are you resizing your pictures for your blog. I am not sure if I am having a problem with my HTML or the way I am trying to resize. Thanks in advance.
Hugs and Can't wait to see and hear more.
Just beautiful...I want to be you when I grow up!! Really, these pictures are stunning...I long to know how to do things like that with my camera.
Have a great weekend...started taking down cabinet doors today...ugh!
Awwww! Great job!
It's sounds like you had a great workshop. I am looking forward to taking it in Philly.
Love the pictures of Sarah!
You are amazing! The photos are beautiful and just seem to come to life without the enhancement.
Glad you had a great time and learned so much!
I am now addicted to your site:))
What a fun workshop. The pictures of Sarah look beautiful. I can really see a difference in the results.
You were a wonderful photographer before the workshop! Hard to believe you could be better:) It is fun to hear you gush about capturing the moment...a real passion. Enjoy all the new tricks and tips you received. I know we will.
Happy that you had some super productive days...always fun.
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