I feel like it has been forever since I have had some alone time with Nick.....it is difficult becuase of the back and forth to his Dad's and usually the weekends he is with us, we have lots of things already planned as a family. We try to plan the fun things when he is with us so that he does not feel left out, but I realize, in his eyes, even some of the little things are a big deal........
Last week when he returned home from his Dad's he saw the cupcakes that Sarah and I made......most kids would be thrilled to dig in and be happy just to consume them, but Nick was disappointed..........he was disappointed that he was not here to make them. When I saw the look on his face, I knew that this weekend he and I needed to spend some quality time together.
We ran some errands on Saturday and went for a little hike....just the two of us. Do you know that park where I always drag the kids for pictures? Well, the last time I was there I found a path you could follow and it took you through some really cool places, but I knew it was not the kind of path Sarah could walk, so I promised Nick we would come back when it was just the two of us to check it out......

Nick's favorite place was under this big old stone covered bridge.....It was gorgeous!! We could have stayed there all day. {we were in direct sunlight and there was major glare....not the best for picture taking, hence the Vintage look on the pictures.....they were a little too blown out looking, but I wanted you to see how cool this place was} There was a mini waterfall and a big huge tree that had fallen into the creek. Nick was quick to spot that and couldn't wait to go down and check it out. We spent about an hour under the bridge and it was so peaceful and relaxing. Nick did not want to leave, but we had to go as we had other things to do. I did promise him as soon as the weather breaks that we will go back and spend more time exploring....he is such a nature boy:)

After our little hike, Nick and I went home and headed straight to the kitchen for tag team baking. We made another batch of chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese icing.....this time we made the icing light green, in honor of St Patrick's Day:)
Nick loves to be in the kitchen almost as much as I do.....and he had so much fun piping the icing on all the cupcakes with our new handy dandy icing press!! We really had a great day together and at the same time Sarah got some one on one with Daddy!!
Since I already posted pictures and the recipe for the cupcakes last week, I didn't want to post them again, but I thought I would share some of the other food items that were on our menu this weekend......
Shrimp Scampi on Couscous

This was a spin on the classic Shrimp Scampi served over linguini.....it was really good and did not take long to make. Click HERE for the recipe.
Panzanella Salad

This was the perfect side for the Shrimp Scampi.....My Mom makes this during the summer months and it is always a winner. Who doesn't love bread in a salad....and the vinaigrette dressing is to die for........YUMMM. Click HERE for the recipe.
It seems I have been posting recipes almost weekly.....Am I boring you all with this?? I try to keep this blog as a mix of family, friends, fun, food, and photography. What started out as a scrapbook of the kids lives has turned into so much more.
I am approaching my 200th post followed by my one year blogiversay. I never imagined I would have so much to say, and often wonder how much longer I can keep going without running out of things to talk about.......
Not sure what I am going to do for the 200th post......If you have a topic suggestion or idea, leave me a comment.......for now, I will keep doing what I have been doing:)
Hope you all had a great weekend.....it is going to be a busy week for us!!
Lisa ~ Best advice I ever received... let your blog be YOU and don't worry about anything else. People will come and people will go, but you will always be here, so you might as well make yourself happy. :)
I LOVe that you & Nick got to spend some time together. I was just wondering today when (if) that would ever happen for me; sadly, if I even wanted it to??? I am tired right now though!!! The place looks just like a place my sons would enjoy :)
Nick sure does look happy!!! The recipes look youmm-o...especially so since I haven't yet eaten dinner...could you send some my way please??
Got your e-mail last from last week...no worries...didn't even register as we had a whirlwind few days preparing to leave.
Hope you enjoy your week even if it is busy!!!
I have those moments when I know that one of my kids just needs quality time alone with me. Some more than others...what a wonderful day with your son and baking in the kitchen!
Those dinners..shrimp something...look delicious...wow...my family would love a change from our casserole weekly routine :(!
Have a great week...Sandy toe
What a wonderful way to spend your day! Your pictures are stunning!
How wonderful that you got a day to spend alone with Nick. I love those rare days/moments when I can steal alone time with one of my boys. The rarity of it makes me sad, but I know it is so special, as it is for you.
Love the pictures of Nick..
Sounds like a great day with your son..
Have a great week..
I love the recipes and everything else that you blog about..
That is what our blogs are for.. to journal our lives on our way to our beautiful daughters..
Hugs girly.
Have a great week..
Your one preceptive Momma.
Sounds like "Quality Time" is Nick's love language. I am 3/4 way threw a book by Gary Chapman called "The Five Love Languages" and this is one of the five.
And really now???can one take too many pictures of cupcakes? I think not! But your other food ones still made me hungry....and the ones of Nick made me want my baby even more so I can have quality time.
Bless your week mon aime.
You are so talented with your photography. Wow! Those pictures are absolutely gorgeous.
I love the recipes idea. Gives me fresh ideas for my time in the kitchen.
Looking forward to your 200th post. Doesn't take long to get there, huh? Keep it up because we all enjoy your posts.
Wow -- what a fun time you had with Nick! Looks like a really cool place!
I LOVE to see you photos, read about what's going on with you and the fam and see your recipes!
Hope you have a fun week! Aren't you off on a little trip soon??
Ahhh, I got my Sunday evening Lisa fix : ) Ha Ha! I love these pics of Nick. He looks so peaceful and happy. I am glad that you two could spend some quality time together.
The food looks delicious! My mom makes a similar salad. I am going to print off the recipe for her and see if she might want to tweak a bit.
As for your 200th post, well, you know I love all you have to say. I think Tonggu Momma has good advice!
Have a great week!!
I am glad you have so much to say! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend.
I have put that recipe in my fav's to try.
Your pictures are just beautiful.
WOW, Lisa!! Your photos are just amazing. Nick is such a handsome little guy and that park makes the perfect backdrop. I'm glad to hear you got some special one-on-one time.
Your food always looks amazing. You have a real gift there as well. I say keep sharing those recipes!!
It looks like you and Nick had a great time on your nature walk. What a perfect place to get some good pictures too. I think spending one-on-one time is so important!
Thanks for posting the salad recipe. We will have to make it soon!
Have fun getting ready for your trip!
That sad look on his face when he saw he missed the baking fun was sweet though. Those are some really good pics. I enjoy your blog and love the recipes too!
I never tire of having a glimpse on your life through your pictures, your thoughts, your recipes and your heart.
Don't you dare change a THING! Your blog is one of my absolute favorites and I love everything about it.
Nick is so handsome and your love for him is always so present whenever you speak his name.
I don't know how you do it, girl...you manage the impossible...to make everyone feel special!
You never bore me sweetie. : ) I adore your blog : ) I love the recipes, picures of the kids and your beautiful pictures.
I'm happy you and Nick got to spend some time alone. I try to spend time alone with the boys as often as I can. It gets harder once they leave for college but I still try.
I love your blog and wouldn't have you change a thing!
I think those vintage pictures from your and Nick's hike are really neat. Especially that first one!
What a sweetie ~ it just shows that he really cares and feels so contected to his family. However, I'm sure it's hard for you to see the look on his face. I love alone time with my Nick. I am so enjoying this "stage" with him ~ he is 18 and has his own thoughts on various topics and while I may not always agree, I love the fact that he has put time and thought into his feelings and is able to support them.
I do have a Canon, it's a Rebel xsi ~ at least I know what I have ~ that's a step in the right direction, right? :) I think you have a natural talent for this!
Have a great(and busy)week!
Not boring at all!! Love the mix of pics, recipes, and stories -- it's real life, right? :-)
I love your blog and all your posts! Don't change a thing~ it's great because it's real the way it is!
I am so glad you had some one on one time with Nick. I know you must miss him when he's away. I love having special one on one time with Bryce, too! They grow up so quickly, don't they?
Your recipes...YUMMY! I wonder if I could get B to try something like that. Hmmm, I might have to try!
Happy week ahead hun! xo Les
Sounds like a perfect day with Nick!! The pictures are just adorable. All of your baked goodies sound delicious! Thanks for sharing your recipes - I always love getting new ones!
Hope you have a great wek ahead of you!
Love those pics - he sure does look content:)
I think 200 pics for your 200th post - think you could do that?
You can tell that Nick is enjoying being in the company of his Mommy, he is so happy in the photos. Glad you both got to do what you like this weekend.
Also, Lisa you are one terrific cook there! Dinner and desert! I had to bang on my neighbors door tonight for dinner LOL. Really, we did that! So don't give me your address!
I think you have a wonderful blog, a nice blend of everything that makes you happy. Keep it up and just celebrate your 200th post Lisas' way!
You go girl, have an awesome, not too busy week.
What a special day for the two of you. And what a find in that location under the bridge. That place was made for photos! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of your weekend...
Lisa, these are awesome! I think you'll have plenty to choose from for your upcoming makeover! I love the vintage look!!! Nick looks so grown up!
And can I say-you should have cooked for us in Atl! Everything looks delicious. I'm so glad ya'll were able to spend some quality time together this weekend!
What a great day with your special guy! Looks like a really neat place :) It really is fun to have one on one with each of your kids. Very important, but hard to do sometimes.
I LOVE your recipes(you know that)...keep them coming! As far as #200, do what YOU do best! I love your blog, just the way you are :)
*BTW, Thanks so much for your sweet message on my blog last week!
That looks soooo yummy I can hardly stand it. I am for surew looking at that one-- love couscous!!
What nice time alone with nick. That is great you do that. I totally need to do that with my boys but just never find the time. I need to make the time.
That is so funny about my misunderstanding about Sarah. I have not read the story yet but plan to tonight. Too funny!!
Christy :)
What a good mom you are!
Those dishes look delicious!
Oh Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Gorgeous photos of your son! BEAU-TI-FUL!!!! He'll thank you one day for all those, and his wife and family will treasure them. As for your yummy dinner, and time together, WAY TO GO! So important! Isn't life just way too busy?! Anyway, it's 6:30 in the morning and I just got home from my torcherous work-out, and now I want some of your leftovers! haha!
Have a great day!
Lisa~ what a special day with Nick! I just love the pictures! He is quite the handsome little guy!
Have a great week!
Looks like you and Nick had a great weekend together! Thank you for sharing all your recipes, they always look delicious! Your marinara is now one of our family favorites!
Have a great week and stay warm!
What beautiful pictures in a beautiful setting. So glad you got some mom and son time!
Please keep your blog just the way it is...a reflection of you and what you love. As for 200th post, isn't it amazing how fast you can get there?
The pics of Nick are amazing, it looks much warmer where you live than where we are. Maybe you could send some of that warmth our way. ;) I can't wait to get my kids outside.
And I always love your recipes Lisa. Have a great week!
Even sick...(Still) I am so coming over your house to eat!
What a great time away with just you & Nick! Even though I have our Annabelle home...I do miss the one on one time with Francesca. (it is just so hard being with the kiddos all wekk long by myself that by the time the weekend comes, I want to spend that time being a family.)
Girl, I've come to count on seeing two things when I visit your blog...great pictures of your kids and great pictures of your FOOD!! I love the recipes, so keep 'em coming!
So glad you had some time with Nick, I'm sure that's just what he needed. Have a great week!
Looks like a great place for quality time with Nick. I'm sure he enjoyed EVERY minute of it and is looking forward to some "spring-like" weather. Have a great week!
My friend I have missed you! I've been so sick and busy taking care of my sick family and am so happy to be back at work so I can catch up! lol!
These pics are amazing. I know I say it all the time but Nick is so darn handsome! And I can see he just has the biggest heart. I'm so glad you were able to steal away with him. What a blessing!
The photos of Nick are just gorgeous! I love them! The food photos are also very good. You are really becoming a great photographer.
No reading about Lightroom yet! :) Started the third book in the Twilight series today. Love them!
Oh my goodnes these are beautiful pictures.. I know how important one on one time is with each child. I am so glad you were able to do this with him.
Gorgeous photos of Nick, I especially like the second one, it's a great composition with all the background elements. I for one am loving the recipes and your food photos are really wonderful!
Sounds like a nice day with Nick. My son loves baking and especialy icing! That park looks like fun!!
I ♥love♥ coming here and visiting your blog! I ♥love♥ the pictures and the recipes and the stories you tell! Don't change a thing!!
The pics of Nick...well, I swear you stole them from a magazine!
Thanks for the recipes I'll put them to use for sure. I love all the pics with your son. That area looks gorgeous. What kind of camera do you have? I'm shopping for a good one so I can get serious about photography. Should I start with something really simple? What would you recommend? Looks like a nice weekend.
Sounds like some great Mom and Son time!
I love the recipe posts!! Keep them coming!
Sounds like a wonderful day together.
Handsome young man ")
I have never made couscous... must try!
I recently found your blog and I just love it. Your Nick is such a handsome young man. He has a nice, kind look too. He probably wouldn't want to hear this being a boy, but he has a sweetness to him. Your little girl is a doll. I think you should keep your blog just as it is. It's great.
What a wonderful park path and sweet way to share your time together.
For your 200th post, it's all about your family, so a family photo? That combines what we love about your blog, your beautiful family and your photography. Have fun!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Sweet post about your son and so excited to make your salad... i love new recipes and I have always wanted to try this so I will use yours! thanks I'm sure I will love it!
have a great tuesday,
Quality time with our children is so important. He looks well loved : ). I can't wait to see your entry for this weeks I heart faces. It is black and white! Hope your week is wonderful!
How wonderful that you got to have some quality time with Nick. I totally know how you feel, I'm getting some good quality time with Rudy since he is off track. I'm slowly coming back to the blogging world. I just made my 3rd blog book and that has motivated me to get off fb and start blogging again. I miss you all!
Cute pictures. Have you tried Israeli couscous? Much different than the regular, it is worth trying.
Lisa, I am always amazed at your photography and sweet words. I'm glad that you were able to spend time with Nick.
I have to try this again. My computer went dead when I tried before.
Lisa, this is my same dilemma! Do I write of mothering, just whatever comes to mind, post pictures, crafts...I, for 1, LOVE your blog! And I am NOT alone :)
Love the pics...your son is so handsome...glad you got to spend some one on one time with him...
Only 200 posts in a year? girl, you need to talk MORE!! I'm just over my bloggiversary, and I feel like I am finally finding my place.
Love the pics and that he wants to spend good time with mom!
Lisa...you and I are in such similar emotional spaces with our boys. Finding the quality time is hard, I can't imagine what it will be like for us when we have a little one home. Jacob and I also love to spend time together in the kitchen but making bread instead of cup cakes. The time we spend with our boys is precious, you do a wonderful job of it!
Love the recipes...gonna be trying those!
Once again, love your photographs, they are beautiful. I'm starting to see how the balance is going to change with having two kids and trying to find that one on one with each of them. Sounds like you and Nick had a great time together.
I love your blog because you vary it so much, always love the recipes and photography. I also love it because you always seem to speak from the heart and you're so down to earth and incredibly sweet. Keep up the good work. I will look forward to your 200th post, yeah!!! Lucy
I'm glad that i read www.blogger.com again
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