I know I am his Mom and I see him everyday, but when I take his picture and download it to the computer....I look at the screen in disbelief!! How the heck did time move so quickly......he is no longer a little boy following me around wherever I go, he is turning into a handsome young man right before my eyes and truth be told......It scares me half to death.....I am not sure I am ready for the next phase.....
The other night Nick appeased me and let me try out some things with my camera using indoor lighting and reflectors. As you have heard me say before, he typically wants nothing to do with the camera, but this night was different. I think he secretly enjoyed it....we were having a great time, being silly and striking poses.....but our little party got crashed........

When Sarah realized that I was taking pictures of Nick, she was a tad jealous.......She obviously does not like sharing the spot light with her brother...lol!! She marched right over to him and said, "MOVE OVER.....Now Mommy is going to take my picture"

Nick trying to explain that we were in the middle of something.....and after we were done, she could have a turn. I don't think she is going to budge....do you?

"I have an idea....maybe Mom can take pictures of the two of us together....What do you think.....can we do this together"

Siblings at their best....The room was filled with giggles of laughter as they hammed it up for the camera!!

Still laughing......and a wave bye bye to end the series!!
It has been a long time since I have attempted to photograph the two of them at once......I don't think I have tried since the dreaded Christmas Card photoshoot. I thought these shots were so cute and so candid.....most of what came out of my camera that afternoon was blurry because we were all laughing and clowning around, but I wanted to share them anyway!!
Hope you all have a great weekend....We will be spending ours outdoors....Sarah is going to an Easter egg hunt on Saturday and Nick has his first Soccer game on Sunday!
What great photos! Nick and Sarah are so cute together. Lucky you!
Your children are absolutely beautiful!
Those pictures really capture the moment...I almost thought I could hear those sweet little giggles coming out of the pictures!! You are really getting good with your camera!
I wish my two would get along like yours do! Great post! : )
Oh, impromptu photo shoots are the best!! I love the third one, and YES, Nick is becoming quite the handsome man. Sigh. Don't remind me that it HAS to happen.
Awwwww, such sweet sibling photos! You really captured some great ones. It is almost impossible to capture my 3 together now! I have not tried since Christmas as well! I'm hoping to be able to get some at Easter.
I love the first one of Nick.....so handsome.
#4 and #5 are my favorites! Isn't it wonderful the relationship they have?
And yes, he is handsome!
Oh I LOVE these!!! Candid fun shots are the best.
It's almost Friday, yippee!!!
I LOVE these of your sweet babies!!! It's fun to pose kids and take their pics, but I think candids are becoming my fav and these definitely do not disappoint! I can see the love. Can't wait to see it in real life soon!!! Only three more weeks! YAY!
Great pics, my friend!
Great photos!! Your Nick is a handsome lad -- watch out -- the phone is going to be ringing -- if it's not already! He's so sweet with Sarah, isn't he!
Good luck to him at the soccer game and to Sarah at the Easter Egg hunt!
These are so cute, Lisa!! I love natural moments like this. :) You captured them wonderfully!
ps. Nick is definitely a heartbreaker in the making...
LOVE the last photo!
I am hoping that Eli and Sophia will get along well with each other. Zach and Tyler fought constantly :)
Tell Nick Good Luck in his soccer game and to have F.U.N.! I can't wait to see the fun weekend pics I know you'll take hun!
These shots of Nick by himself and then with sweet Sarah are just so sweet. They are just so sweet and cute. You can see the genuine love between the two of them! I think it's great to see siblings smiling so sweetly at one another!
Love ya, Les
Oh Lisa...the photos are beautiful! OMG - I can't even begin to imagine when Francesca is all grown up...I say to myself everyday..."Stay exactly as you are..." I know it is selfish but I just can't imaginenot seeing her and Annabelle being there every day....
WOW! Lisa - those pics are gorgeous! Well, so are your subjects! Amazing!
These pictures are soooo cute! We know who likes to be in the spotlight! She is sooo funny!
Nick is definitely a handsome young guy. You know how much I love brown eyes!
It sounds like we will both be taking pictures of Easter egg hunts this weekend! Hope you have a great time!
maybe that can be the christmas card for 09!!
they are such cuties
Oh my gosh - I love those pictures! They are so cute together. I keep thinking - oh, that's my favorite, but I really like so many of them.
I NEVER have my camera when my kids are actually getting along like that!
These are just darling pictures...you have become quite the photographer!!
Great post. Love the candid shots...you will cherish those!
Oh, these photos are simply fantastic!! I just love the handsome young man and its clear that he adores his baby sister! Sarah's eyes look so blue! You really know how to capture the moment.
This post is fabulous! I love it! Sarah is so funny and Nick seems so mature and patient with her.
I'm going to try your pepper recipe hopefully next week. I am always up to trying something different from my boring old meals!
Great shots Lisa! I love Sarah's smirks in the pictures. Nick is such a great big brother. Enjoy your weekend and being outdoors.
Adorable, adorable!! Seriously, Lisa, you are in for some serious cell phone bills when Nick hits high school. He is such a handsome young man. The girls will be calling, for sure.
I love those pictures! You can see how much they love each other! Just precious! Have a great weekend, it is going to turn cold here on Sunday :( It will still be great on Saturday for our Easter Egg hunt :) Hope the soccer game is fun!
What wonderful photos! I love sibling pics, but usually my kids cringe at the thought of (ewwwww) touching each other and getting close.
It looks like your beautiful children are developing a beautiful relationship as brother and sister. I hope you have great weather for your "outdoor" weekend!
Man! What sweet pictures... I wish my 3 would do that!!!!!! they want their OWN indiviual pic!;)
Oh Lisa...the cheek to cheek picture is beautiful and priceless...frame it!
They are forever darling!
These are absolutely adorable!!!! Love the last one. Sarah has a beautiful little smile. I know very well how hard it is to get great pics of 2 together. I think candid pics are my favorite and probably the best one's I have of my kids.
Nick is so handsome, I know I've said that several times but I'll say it again.
Have a great weekend!
Those pictures are absolutely stunning. Beautiful.
Great photos, you have two beautiful children!
The photo "next to the last" brought tears - so sweet!
Beautiful shots, I can see the love they share, nice job Lisa...
HI Lisa,
Where've ya been? I miss you!!!
AWh these are the best pics, simply siblings! Love all Sarah's expressions and Nick seems so mature. My fav's are the one of the two of them giggling of course.
Oh, you are such a good Mommy!
Hugs to you. Have a great weekend! I'm counting the days till Phila.
You're pictures are so fabulous!! I can't wait to start taking photos of Eriks with Emilija. Eriks is almost 5 1/2 and he has grown so much in that time. I feel the same sentiment that I look at his photo in awe how much he's changed in such little time.
What sweet children you have. The photos of the two of them are wonderful.
Thanks for sharing,
As I've said before, I don't know Nick personally, but one can just tell that he is a total sweetheart! I know he will grow up to be such a kind young man...you can just see it in his eyes! I love the photos of the two of them together.
I know how hard it is to get good ones of siblings tho! :)
Enjoy the sunshine!
Have a great weekend! We are doing an egg hunt too. These pictures are precious!
Ha that's one way to do it! lol
I love, love, LOVE, the next to last picture of the two of them, what a perfect shot of your beautiful children!!!
Okay, you seriously are so talented with that camera...and whatever it is that you do after you take these gorgeous photos....I wish you could teach my hubbie....he's in charge of "all things photo related" around here...Have a great weekend.
Lovely pictures!!
Have a great weekend.
Keep smilin!
I love the ones of them laughing! So funny that Sarah didn't want Nick getting all the attention. I know you're glad you got these :)
I think that first photo is amazing!
What great pictures! You'll have to tell me what you did with the reflector inside.....
Have a great weekend!
Hey, Lis, great time last night! Had really missed not seeing you guys. Love your latest blog pics. Nick is handsome as ever and your little peanut is blossoming soooooo fast. Ok, now enter me in your "drawing"! You're the best!
I love your pictures! Nick is so handsome! Hope Sarah found lots of eggs at her Easter egg hunt today and taht Nick has an awesome Soccer game tomorrow!!
Have a great weekend~
THese are so great!!It is so hard to get two to look and smile : )
Glad Annslee got to say hi to you today : )
Such cute pictures!!! I LOVE them!
sandy toe
Nick is so handsome!!!! They grow up way too fast : (
I love this post. They are so cute together and the love they have for each other really shines through in this post.
Oh, Lisa- no these are beautiful wonderfully expressive photos of your two kids together. Love them. The last two are absolutely priceless. Those smiles. Hugs- well at least it was jealousy turned to good!
Ha Ha! That is way cute! I hated the camera when I was a little girl! I have seen so many family photo's with everyone smiling from ear to ear then there I am with a frown that would make you think I just lost my best frien.
The pics turned out just beautiful. You have a true talent there girl.
Beautiful pictures of Nick and Sarah! Love the last one of the two of them.
Hope you had a great weekend. I can't believe it is over already!
Wow! You must be bursting with pride!! He seems like such a lovely young man!!! They look adorable together... I just LOVE those photos!!
And I agree... Sometimes I download photos of Liam and I'm not sure HOW he got to be this old.... where does time go??
Thus why he is a well documented child.... I'm trying to hold on to the moments.
Oh Lisa, I can't get over how stunningly gorgeous they both are and what amazing shots! You are inspiring me to get back in touch with my camera and flickr!
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