Today marks exactly four years that we have been waiting......
Our dossier arrived and was logged into Chin@'s system on May 12, 2006.
At that time we were a small family of three..... Pat, Nick, and me!!
We dreamed of the day our new daughter would be placed in our arms......but quickly realized that our dream was going to take a little longer than anticipated.
We tried to go on living our life and stop worrying about "when she was going to arrive"
Six months later we received a WONDERFUL surprise........
Our lives were forever changed the day she was born.
We felt extremely blessed to have been given such a gift.
Many asked us if we were going to stop our China adoption because of completing a domestic adoption. From the day we found out about Sarah, we said that we were not going to give up on China.......we felt that Sarah was a sign that we were meant to have three children, not two.
Even though a lot has changed in four years.......the love we have in our hearts certainly has not and never once have we given up on our dream of that little girl waiting for us halfway across the world.

I took this photo last year as our summer vacation on Cape Cod came to an end. It is one of my favorite photos of the two of them together. I remember thinking that it would be the last summer I had just two children to photograph on the beach....I thought for sure that by this year, I would have three little ones that I would be chasing after.......
It seems as though we will be going to Cape Cod one more summer without our "China Baby"........but we have high hopes that our long wait will come to an end and she will make her appearance this fall!!
So maybe it won't be the beaches of Cape Cod, but I will be chasing three kids with the camera sometime very soon..... Maybe around the pumkin patch:)
Even though this is a picture from the summer archives, I had a lot of fun processing it using some of the very talented, Shana Rae's Florabella Textures and Actions. In this photo I used her Black and White "Rain" Action and her "Champagne" texture. She just realeased a new line of Spring Actions.
Please take a minute to hop over to her blog and check them out!!
Trust will not be disappointed!!
Her actions and textures are second to none......
Click here to visit Florabella Collection.

Our dossier arrived and was logged into Chin@'s system on May 12, 2006.
At that time we were a small family of three..... Pat, Nick, and me!!
We dreamed of the day our new daughter would be placed in our arms......but quickly realized that our dream was going to take a little longer than anticipated.
We tried to go on living our life and stop worrying about "when she was going to arrive"
Six months later we received a WONDERFUL surprise........
Our lives were forever changed the day she was born.
We felt extremely blessed to have been given such a gift.
Many asked us if we were going to stop our China adoption because of completing a domestic adoption. From the day we found out about Sarah, we said that we were not going to give up on China.......we felt that Sarah was a sign that we were meant to have three children, not two.
Even though a lot has changed in four years.......the love we have in our hearts certainly has not and never once have we given up on our dream of that little girl waiting for us halfway across the world.

I took this photo last year as our summer vacation on Cape Cod came to an end. It is one of my favorite photos of the two of them together. I remember thinking that it would be the last summer I had just two children to photograph on the beach....I thought for sure that by this year, I would have three little ones that I would be chasing after.......
It seems as though we will be going to Cape Cod one more summer without our "China Baby"........but we have high hopes that our long wait will come to an end and she will make her appearance this fall!!
So maybe it won't be the beaches of Cape Cod, but I will be chasing three kids with the camera sometime very soon..... Maybe around the pumkin patch:)
Even though this is a picture from the summer archives, I had a lot of fun processing it using some of the very talented, Shana Rae's Florabella Textures and Actions. In this photo I used her Black and White "Rain" Action and her "Champagne" texture. She just realeased a new line of Spring Actions.
Please take a minute to hop over to her blog and check them out!!
Trust will not be disappointed!!
Her actions and textures are second to none......
Click here to visit Florabella Collection.

Love Shana's Florabella collection.
My cousin just received her referral today for a 15 month baby ... 4 years and 22 days waiting.
You are in the homestretch now.
Love the picture, BTW.
I am waiting to buy her collection until I decide whether or not to buy the full PS.
4 years. Wow. I just saw a referral for a nine month old chunky monkey - for a family that had been waiting almost 4 years too.
She was SO worth the wait. Just a doll!
I can't wait to see your fall pictures THIS year!
Oh Lisa, I remember thinking the same thing each Christmas, Mother's Day and many event. Will this be the last one where Milana won't be with us?
I'm smiling (because it is getting so very close now for you) and yet have tears because it's agonizing -in four years so much has happened - it's torturously long.
But I'm thrilled that you're feeling optimistic and I can hardly wait to see the pictures of your 3 kiddies running around the pumpkin patch - or maybe crawling!!
I love this shot of your two sweeties. So soft and tender. Just beautiful.
Hugs, my friend!!!
Your optimism is what will get you through to that pumpkin patch...hold tight to that and keep the faith. Your dreams of summer on the cape will become a reality and it will be so fulfilling! Enjoy this summer making plans for the next and watching your blessings help you plan. Hugs Lisa...China is almost here!
Love that picture and the textures...I really, really need to figure all that out and see what kind of magic I can do!
Love this photo and the textures, too! The kiddos are beautiful :)
I'm so excited about seeing a third very loved child through the lens of your camera! Three is a good number! ;)
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Such a beautiful image of Nick & Sarah. I love the added texture! I know it cannot come soon enough and the journey has been so long, but Fall will be here before you know it, and I can't wait to see all three of your babies together!!
I love this shot of your two sweeties.
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I love your technique in B&W.
I know those feelings oh so well. (As I'm typing these words, I hear the pitter patter of my sweet little boys feet coming towards me.) Your day will definitely be coming oh so soon. You'll be experiencing the joy of having a little one in your home before you know it. I can't wait to see all those amazing photos you'll have with your three children at the pumpkin patch too!
That is a beautiful, amazing shot. We have some friends that will hit the four year mark in two hard to believe.
So beautiful! You will be chasing three before you know it! You have amazing strength to be waiting 4 years. Hopefully it will just be a few more months now! Hugs!
Your family is beautiful! Love looking through your blog.
I just linked up (hope I did it right)
Lovely picture!
I cannot believe you have been waiting for four years. Hopefully it will not be much longer now.
such a long wait!
beautiful photo of your sweeties
WOW, can't believe the wait is that long now....soon the wait will be over and your little one will be in your arms.
Beautiful children and photography love all the textures.
Your pictures are so beautiful. I just know you will hear something soon! I am so sorry you have had to wait so long, but cannot wait to see who God has in store for your family.
First of all I am hoping you have your baby by fall! I have another friend with 5/06 lid and praying for her too!
On another note... when using the actions and textures,
are you using them within PS and
can they be used with PSE8 and
do you apply them to image SOOC?
4 years and the poor baby still doesn't have a name!! HAHAHA, totally kidding girl, but you know I'm ready for you to make that decision soon. :)
Love this shot of your cuties, and yes, it won't be long until there are 3 gorgeous kids on this blog. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Love those Florabella actions too, I can't wait to play with them more.
Ooooh, Lisa!!! You really are in the homestretch now!! Hang in there, girl!! I cannot WAIT to see your NEW family photo by year's end! ;)
Beautiful photo of Nick & Sarah!!
hmmm..for some reason my comments are sticking! ack!
4 years and I hope not much longer! Your sentiments were beautiful as are your kiddos!
opps...meant were *not* sticking...but its working now...yipee~ :)
we just came back from Capr cod. It was a bit cold but we had a great time. Emilee loves the beach.
$ years seems like such a long time but once you have your child in your arms you wont remember a thing. It took me almost 5 years to get Emilee. I was the Murphys law of adoption. i am single so finding a spot was a bit of a challenge. i added my name to all the singles lists and after about 6 months i found an agency that would take me and started the process. i orgionally went with one agency that offered me a spot, took my money and paper work and literly did nothing with it. They were actually on 20/20. they kept sending my updates telling me there were problems with the ccaa. i didnt know much about the process so i believed them. they gave me a log in date but kept telling me it kept changing due to the fact i was single. after 18 months and still no step closer i turned on 20/20 one night to find out they had an issue with a child they placed from russia and that the agency closed down with my money and all my paperwork.
i had to start all over again with the single lists. i had given up all the spots that came after i accepted this agency. I tried vietnam switched over the paperwork, and waited. about another year later i recived a picture of a baby girl only to find out Vietnam was closed 2 days agter that. Again put my name on all the waiting lists and finally about a year after that recived a spot only to get caught up in the slow dowm. 5 years ( less one month) to the date of my first home study Emilee was placed in my arms. The moment I held her i finally understood why i had to wait to long. She was and is my perfect child. She is so much like me and everything I could have ever wanted. Your children are georgous. Enjoy the time with them and soon your new addition will bless your home as much as they do. Good luck. I love your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your pictures, thoughts and beautiful words.
Love the little smirk on Sarah's face, so cute!
I love that photo at C.C. too!!! It is darling, and Nick's eyes are breathtaking.
I am anxiously awaiting more news on China Baby! :)
I hope your dream of baby #3 comes true soon! Don't give up hope!
you have such a talent for taking photographs. I wish you all the best on becoming a mom to 3
It's a beautiful photo, Lisa.
4 years is such a long time to wait for a baby, but then, I suppose, you haven't been just sitting around waiting, have you?
I do hope it's not much longer, but I also believe that when the time is right, and the right child for you has arrived in this world, you'll get your call.
And in the meantime, you've two fabulous children to keep you busy!
You are almost there, Lisa! I just know y'all will be home by Christmas... now... if only we will be, too. *sigh*
I cant wait to see all three of your kids together in pictures! At least now you can count down the months instead of the years! How exciting!
Hoping and praying your China baby makes her sweet appearance soon! I am soooo excited for you! I wish you would get busy and name her so I could start my Etsy shopping! HA HA!
Adorable black and white picture of Nick and Sarah! You are one blessed mama!
I know precious "China" is waiting for you and will be with you soon.
Those two you have are pretty precious.
I love your photos and Florabella. I use her too.
Can't believe it's been four years! I am so ready to see her sweet little face appear on the blog! She will be very loved, by many!!! This is one of my all time fav. pics of the kiddos!
Happy 4 years my friend..
And you will have 3 very soon..
you know how much I care about you ..
Have a great weekend..
Love ya.
I really love this photo of your two and I am so looking forward to photos of your three!
Having adopted 3 times I well know that waiting feeling and thinking that "this will be it" and then having it not be it. But God's timing isn't ours (agony but true) and when you get the referral you'll see why it took so long!
i am praying that you are indeed chasing after three & chasing after them even sooner than you think.
you are such a fantastic mom
& it shows in each of your posts. your little china baby girl will be blessed indeed the moment she's placed in your arms. so glad i get to witness as your dreams unfold
I love your story . . . it will be exciting to follow as the next chapters are written.
This is a gorgeous photo. You are amazing at editing - If you ever have any interest in a LR class let me know, I am in! (unless of course you do most of your editing in PS then I guess I will have to purchase it!)
What a beautiful image of your kiddos!!!
Wow, 4 years!! That is just so crazy. Cant wait to see that referral pic, she will fit in perfectly!!
You are almost there sweetie!!!! We waited 3 for KAte and it was SO SO SO hard. I can feel the pain still sometimes. Praying it is only a matter of weeks now.
Hang in there girlfriend...almost most there!
Hope you have a great weekend and as ALWAYS ~ LOVE the B&W!!!!
Lovely children. I hope your China adoption will bear fruit soon. God bless!
I am so late to the party this week and didn't post on B&W for the very first time.
As you know its just that my schedule is upside down lately with the job but never too busy to come by and see what amazing thing you have for us on your beautiful blog.
This photo is just shows the essence of the love between these two and the love from the lady behind the lens as well.
I am elated that in very short order, my dear, your littlest angel will make her debut. I can hardly wait and will have the tissue box ready because I am just going to be a sniveling mess when that day arrives.
Before you know it......
Many thanks for all that you do for me and so are an amazing woman.
Dita Darling
4 years right behind ya. Who would've ever thought it'd take this long? But everything happens for a reason. Sarah is yours. :)
I think of you often and pray that your journey will come to a sweet conclusion and a new beginning for you and your family.
Love your beautiful photos as always :)
Okay, I'm so following you. What an inspiring blog you have here!
I'm hoping you will be blessed with another angel this year and can't wait to see her, I have no doubt that you will be a very busy photo mommy x3!
I look forward to seeing the wonderful pics you take of your three children. LOVE your pics!
I pop over every now and then to see how the wait is going. I guess it is just go to know that you have not been pregnant for four years! In June, we will celebrate our 5th anniversary of family day with our beautiful "China baby"! It was so worth the wait!
God Bless!
:o) Almost there! Long road, indeed... Your kids look ready to share some of their sweet love! Any kiddo would be lucky to be part of that!
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